
How to cultivate bonsai of dragon blood tree? Cultivation skills of Bonsai of Dragon Blood Tree

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is well known that Dragon Blood Tree is a very good potted greening plant. It not only looks but also plays a certain role in greening. It is a very good indoor foliage plant. Here are the cultivation techniques of Dragon Blood Bonsai. Those who like flowers and plants should not miss it.

It is well known that dragon blood tree is a very good potted greening plant, it not only looks but also has a certain greening effect, is a very good indoor foliage plant, the following is the dragon blood bonsai cultivation skills, like flowers and plants relatives do not miss yo.

Dragon blood leaves set branch top, leaves with beautiful stripes inlaid, generally planted in each pot with 3 plants, high, medium and short combination, beautiful color, is a famous indoor foliage plant.

Cuttings or striping methods are commonly used in the propagation of dragon blood trees. Cuttings can be carried out from March to September. Knowing the greenhouse conditions, it is possible to keep the indoor temperature of 15-20 ℃ in winter. June to August is the most suitable, because it is the plum rain season, the air humidity and temperature are higher, which can promote rooting and germination. Cuttings are generally intercepted on large naked plants and can be cut into stems of different lengths according to ornamental requirements. Then insert it into a basin or breeding bed that has been filled with culture soil. Cutting soil is made from the mixture of peat soil and sand. After the cuttage is finished, put the plant in a cool and ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight, and it is also necessary to keep the basin soil moist, and the stem is often sprayed to maintain a certain humidity, so that it takes root one after another after 20-30 days, and the hidden buds on the stem neck and side also sprout and release leaves, becoming a beautiful plant with high ornamental value.

The dry propagation of dragon blood tree can make use of the old, leafless plant stem, cut it into 10-20 cm segments, bury it flat in the breeding bed, keep the culture soil moist, spray water or spray on the buried stem 5-6 times a day, and take root and send leaves for 20-30 days.

Dragon blood tree is a second-class rare plant, which not only has good greening function, but also has very good economic value. It is worth cultivating. The above are detailed cultivation methods. I hope it will be helpful to those who like dragon blood tree.

The maintenance skills of Dragon Blood Tree and the matters needing attention in the cultivation of Dragon Blood Tree

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As we all know, nature is a very mysterious place, where there are countless strange flowers and plants, these plants may have high ornamental value, may have high medicinal value, and dragon blood tree is a kind of plant with high medicinal value and good ornamental value. Dragon blood tree is a plant of the genus Dragon Blood, which is a second-class rare and endangered plant in China. So how should this dragon blood tree be raised, and what are the conservation skills of the dragon blood tree? Next, let's take a look at the maintenance skills and breeding precautions of Dragon Blood Tree.

A brief introduction to the Dragon Blood Tree

Dragon blood tree, known as Dracaena angustifolia, also known as narrow-leaf dragon blood tree or untalented tree, is an evergreen shrub or tree of the family tequila. Because when the plant is damaged, the plant will shed dark red mucus like human plasma, so this plant is called Dragon Blood Tree, and because it has high medicinal value for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain and astringent hemostasis, it is also known as the holy medicine of promoting blood circulation or the life star of plants, which is as famous as Yunnan Baiyao and is deeply loved by people. At the same time, the plant also has a very good ornamental value, is a very famous ornamental plant, cultivated in many places.

Maintenance skills of Euphorbia humilis

1. Temperature: in general, dragon blood trees are distributed in limestone areas with high altitude, and plants like high temperature and humid environment, so the problem of temperature and moisture is an important issue to maintain their growth. On the opposite side of the temperature, the most suitable temperature for growth is between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the summer temperature is more than 32 degrees Celsius or the winter temperature is less than 15 degrees Celsius, the dragon blood tree will go into dormancy or semi-dormancy.

2. Watering: in terms of watering, dragon blood trees like to be moist, and the soil needs to be watered every 3 to 5 days. High temperatures in summer can be watered twice a day, once in the morning and evening, and spray spray on the leaves at the same time. Winter overwintering, can be watered every half a month or so.

3. Lighting: Dragon blood trees love light very much, and the demand for light is relatively large. In terms of light, plant growth needs sufficient light, too long in a hidden environment, plant leaves may fade, while the summer light is strong, or burn leaves, so it should be properly shaded at noon. The illuminance is 40-50%. When breeding indoors, be sure to put it in a place with plenty of light. If you encounter a lack of light, you can use auxiliary lights, the light of a 40-watt bulb.

4. Soil: in terms of soil, Dragon Blood Tree likes loose, permeable and well-drained soil, so it can be cultivated and managed by soilless cultivation.

Matters needing attention in the Culture of Dragon Blood Tree

1. Matters needing attention in the selection of culture season

At present, there are still many methods for people to cultivate dragon blood trees, and the commonly used methods are mainly strip propagation and cutting propagation. However, in view of the growth habits of the dragon blood tree, striping propagation and cutting propagation are selected in the hot and humid season, that is, from May to July of each year, so that the dragon blood tree is more likely to survive.

2. Matters needing attention in daily breeding

① temperature management

At the same time, in the process of breeding, because the dragon blood tree is a kind of hot and humid plant, we should pay special attention to the temperature, light and water of the plant. In addition, the dragon blood tree is not hardy, so we must be careful when raising it in winter. When the temperature is too low, the plant may not be able to survive the winter. The lowest temperature is 5 to 10 degrees Celsius.

② Lighting Management

Dragon blood trees love sufficient light, so they must maintain sufficient sunlight in the breeding process, but the strong summer sun may hurt the leaves and need proper shade, while the winter light is weak, and auxiliary lights can be added to keep the light adequate for a long time.

③ water management

Dragon blood tree growth water demand is relatively large, in the case of moist soil, plant growth is better, so in daily life should pay attention to maintain sufficient water, but watering at the same time can not cause stagnant water, to avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

Conclusion: the dragon blood tree is one of the very rare plants in our country, so people should not be too careless when raising it. Only with careful care and care can the dragon blood tree grow very strong.

The price and culture method of dragon blood tree

With the development of society and the deepening of urbanization, while urbanization brings about development, there are also deficiencies that they cannot make up for. For example, in terms of greening, there are more buildings in cities, and greening naturally cannot be compared with rural areas. therefore, almost every household in the city will plant green plants to make the home look more comfortable and improve the air at home to a certain extent. Dragon Blood Tree is one of them. The following is to introduce all kinds of information about dragon blood tree and its price. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Dragon blood tree

Dragon blood tree, also known as: bleeding tree, blood-activating holy medicine, plant birthday. It is a valuable Yunnan red medicine-Draconis Draconis, also known as Qilin Draconis, which is on a par with Yunnan Baiyao, and it is also the main ingredient of the famous drug "Qili San". Li Shizhen is known as "promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis" in the Compendium of Materia Medica, which has the good effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and converging to stop bleeding.

The Culture method of Dragon Blood Tree

1. Soil: Dragon blood tree has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil, but the slightly acidic soil with loose, fertile and good drainage is the best. It can be cultivated with loam with high humus content and river sand under pine and cypress forest. it can also be cultivated with rotten leaf soil and river sand. In the process of cultivation, the dragon blood tree needs to apply ferrous sulfate about once a month to ensure that the PH value of the soil is suitable, slightly acidic and suitable for its normal growth.

2. Fertilizer and water treatment: Dragon blood tree likes the substrate with fat pine and good permeability, so it can be cultivated and treated by soilless cultivation. The matrix can be fully mixed with vermiculite, perlite and peat soil. This kind of matrix is permeable, clean, sterile and tasteless. Dragon blood tree and this substrate cultivated in high-grade containers, can not turn the basin for several years, do not change the soil, the plant root system is developed, the growth is robust. The fertilizer and water treatment of soilless cultivation is mainly the topdressing of nutrient solution. If the number of cultivation is small, you can not specially prepare nutrient solution.

3, temperature and light: Dragon blood tree not only likes the warm, humid and sunny environment, but also can withstand shade. However, indoor cultivation, if placed in too shady environment for a long time, will also cause the leaves to fade. So it is best to put the flowerpot on the southeast windowsill to make it fully exposed to the sun. If the fat dragon blood tree is cultivated on the balcony, when the summer sun is too strong, the flowerpot should be moved indoors, especially at noon, to properly shade, the general illuminance is 40-50%, so as not to burn the leaves in the scorching sun. The dragon blood tree likes to be warm and can not stand the cold.

4. Propagation: the family usually uses cutting propagation combined with pruning, which can be carried out every year from April to August, and can be carried out indoors all year round, but the temperature should be kept between 20-30 ℃ in order to grow new roots. It is best to break off the pile by hand, remove the lower 1x2-2pinch 3 leaves, and pour water directly into the clean river sand to avoid the strong light for a while; the whole plant should first remove the leaves after being cut short, and then cut and watered in the clean river sand, and then keep the air humidity at about 70%, and grow new roots in a month to become a new plant.

The dragon blood tree likes high temperature and humidity, likes light, has sufficient light, and has bright leaves. It is not resistant to cold, the winter temperature is about 15 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 5: 10 ℃. The temperature is too low, because the root system does not absorb enough water, the leaf tip and leaf edge will appear yellowish brown patches. Dragon blood trees like loose, well-drained soil with rich humus nutrients.

Dragon blood tree price

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To sum up, Dragon Blood Tree is a kind of plant that will flow out red juice when cut. It likes temperature and humidity, and needs sufficient light. The breeding of Dragon Blood Tree needs a good environment, so as to ensure its healthy growth. We should fully understand the dragon blood tree and the dragon blood tree price information before buying, so that it is easier to choose their own dragon blood tree, to ensure that the dragon blood tree can grow healthily. It is said that choosing what is suitable for you can improve the happiness of yourself and your family. Green plant is an important thing to improve the happiness of your family. The above is for you to share all kinds of information about dragon blood tree and the price of dragon blood tree.