
"Huoxue holy medicine" how to raise the dragon blood tree? Hydroponic culture method and maintenance of dragon blood tree

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Dragon blood tree, also known as blood-activating medicine, bleeding tree, plant birthday. Friends who don't know it must have heard of the famous drug "Qili San", and Dragon Blood Tree is the main ingredient of the drug.

Dragon blood tree, also known as blood-activating medicine, bleeding tree, plant birthday. Friends who do not know it must have heard of the famous drug "Qili San", and Dragon Blood Tree is the main ingredient of the drug. And the dragon blood tree has been recorded by Li Shizhen in the Compendium of Materia Medica as a "holy medicine for promoting blood circulation", which has a good effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and converging hemostasis. Below, the editor of Huinong Network will tell you about the hydroponic culture method and maintenance guide of Dragon Blood Tree.

1. Hydroponic culture method

Choose a long tube glass container with a planting cup to cut off the dragon blood tree, keep only the top leaves, dry for a few days, and after the wound is dry, soak the stem cuttings 1x3 into water and change the water once every 3-5 days. Add a small amount of carbendazim aqueous solution for antiseptic disinfection, put it in a place with sufficient scattered light, and shade it with black plastic film.

After the water grows and takes root, the foliage nutrient solution with the prescribed concentration of 1 beat 2 is added appropriately, and clean water is added once every 7-10 days. If the new nutrient solution is replaced in about 20 days in the hot summer, and once in 30-60 days in winter, the initial liquid level of the nutrient solution can immerse the root system 1ax 3-1 beat 2.

2. Maintenance guidelines

(1) temperature and light

The suitable temperature for the growth of dragon blood tree is 20-28 ℃. If it is higher than 32 ℃ in summer or less than 15 ℃ in winter, it will enter dormancy state. Dragon blood trees like the sun, but also resistant to shade, but long-term growth in the dark environment will make the leaves fade, summer avoid direct sunlight.

(2) changing water

The dragon blood tree changes the water once in the early 2-3 days, and after it grows and takes root, it can be changed once in 10-15 days.

(3) fertilization

The hydroponic dragon blood tree is added with nutrient solution while changing water. The summer weather is dry and hot, in order to keep the leaves clean and moist, you can often spray water to the leaves.

(4) Disease and pest control

Red spider is a pest that invades the blood tree of Shuipeilong. When it is found, it is mainly captured artificially and its eggs are removed to avoid recurrence.

How to raise the sword leaf dragon blood tree? can it be hydroponically cultured?

The sword leaf dragon blood tree has a beautiful shape and is very suitable as a potted tree species to decorate the home environment. However, flower friends are very concerned about how to raise the sword leaf dragon blood tree. Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated? Can you plug it in? Let's take a look at it in detail.

How to raise the dragon blood tree with sword leaves:

1. Temperature: the most suitable growth temperature of sword leaf dragon blood tree is 20-28 ℃, and the lowest growth environment in winter should be more than 8 ℃, otherwise it is very likely to stop growing or get frostbite.

2. Soil: the swordleaf dragon blood tree likes the soil which is loose, well drained and rich in humus. If the basin soil is too hard and too dry, it should be loosened in time to maintain air permeability.

3. Watering: the pot plant of Sword Leaf Dragon Blood Tree should not be watered too much, it can be watered once a week in the peak growing season, and less in the dormant period. at the same time, it can often spray water to the leaves to maintain high humidity.

4. Fertilization: raising sword leaf dragon blood tree needs more thin fertilizer, and it is more appropriate to apply fertilizer every 2-3 months. Solid compound fertilizer or farm manure can be selected for fertilization.

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be hydroponically cultivated?

Generally speaking, hydroponic culture of sword leaf dragon blood tree can also be tried, but its survival rate may not be as high as that of other hydroponic plants. Sword leaf dragon blood tree growth rate is relatively slow, rooting is also relatively slow, in the process of hydroponic culture, if there are problems in maintenance, it can not grow new roots.

To change the soil culture of the sword leaf dragon blood tree into hydroponic culture, the root system needs to be washed and pruned properly, and then put into clean water to give it a period of time to adapt and grow new roots. Change the water once a day before rooting, and once a week after rooting, that is, pour out half of the water and then increase half of the water to maintain the balance of water quality. If it is found that the sword leaf dragon blood tree has not taken root for a long time, you can also add some rooting powder to the water to stimulate it to grow roots quickly.

Can the sword leaf dragon blood tree be inserted alive?

1. Intercept the stem. Use a sharp knife to intercept a section of the stem of the sword leaf dragon blood tree, it is best to leave buds, easy to survive.

2. Dry the stem. Put the intercepted stem in a dry and ventilated place to dry slightly to avoid incision infection.

3. Prepare potted soil. Prepare new potted soil, apply enough base fertilizer, or buy special soil for flowers and put it in a flowerpot of the right size.

4. Replant. Intercept the blood stem of the stegosaurus into the soil, be careful not to insert it too deep, and keep the soil next to it soft to avoid squeezing.

5. Late nursing care. After planting, the stem needs careful care, no watering in the first 2-3 days, and then a small amount of watering every 3-4 days. When it is found to rejuvenate (such as sprouting new lateral buds), nursing measures such as fertilization are restored.

Tip: generally, after 1 month of cutting, the swordleaf dragon blood tree cuttings begin to sprout and take root.

A complete Collection of hydroponic Culture steps and maintenance methods of Dragon Blood Tree

Hydroponic step

The main results are as follows: 1. The dragon blood tree with correct plant type and thick green leaves is selected to wash the roots and trim some of the old roots.

2. Choose a double-layer higher education glass container and wash it for use.

3. Match the dragon blood tree with washed roots with a fixed planting basket, and fill the planting basket with Maifan stone or blue stone or pebbles.

4. Add water to the tall glass container, let the root system of the dragon blood tree with the planting basket come into contact with the water, and put the dragon blood tree with the planting basket into a plastic bucket or box with clear water to promote the root.

5. Add 3-5 drops of nutrient solution to the tall glass container, add water and add one or two goldfish to watch, and put the dragon blood tree with new roots into the glass container, so that part of the roots can be extended into the water.

6. In the glass vase, the top is green, the bottom is the white root system soaked in the water, and there are fresh small fish swimming around in the water, so that the beautiful fish that match each other and enjoy the dragon blood tree are made.

Daily nursing

1. It is best to raise fish in spring and autumn, but not in summer and winter.

2. Change the nutrient solution to clear water in summer, and change the water frequently.

3. Choose fish that are heat-resistant and cold-resistant, such as Chinese Douyu, Red Sword, mosquito-eating fish, zebrafish and so on.

4. Because fish are raised in the water, the times of changing water should be increased. If dead fish, rotten roots of flowers or turbid water are found, the water should be changed immediately.

5. Generally, fish feed is fed on the first day of water change, and the amount of feed is the same as that of fish fed alone.

6. it is best to put some shells, colored stones or aquatic plants in the container, which can create a habitat for fish, absorb magazines in water, improve the clarity of the container, and can be used for decoration.