
Old florist flower farming tricks: skillfully use pills to let flowers rub up!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to make flowers grow better, many flower friends have come up with their own tricks. Today, the editor is also here to share a piece of flower-growing tricks told me by presbyopia farmers.

With the improvement of people's living standards, many families like to raise some flowers and green plants. On the one hand, it is beautiful and generous and plays a decorative role; on the other hand, it can purify the air, which is good for the human body. Third, to see their own flowers from seedling to flowering, is a very fulfilling thing. At the same time, in order to make flowers grow better, many flower friends have come up with their own tricks. Today, the editor also came to share a flower-growing trick that the presbyopia farmer told me.

1. Vitamin C tablets

Vitamin C is very common in life, but many people do not know that using it to grow flowers is also very good. Especially for gardenia, jasmine and so on, the effect is very good. Because vitamin C will show weak acidity if it is dissolved in water, and if you use vitamin C solution to water flowers, it will make alkaline soil show weak acidity, so that flowers that like acidic soil can be watered with it after alkaline soil. It can make flowers grow better.

2. Ferrous sulfate tablets to grow flowers

Ferrous sulfate tablet is a common tablet in daily life, which is usually thrown away if it expires, but many people do not know that it can also be used to grow flowers and has a good effect on regulating the potted soil of flowers and plants. It can adjust the acidity and basicity of the soil. When growing flowers at ordinary times, if you put the ferrous sulfate tablets in the spray can and spray them on the leaves of the flowers, you can make the leaves of the flowers more shiny.

Therefore, if the flowers at home do not grow well, or if the leaves appear yellow leaves, you can use ferrous sulfate tablets to try to grow flowers to ensure that flowers can grow vigorously.

3. Metronitrate file tablets

Metronitrate file tablets may not be very common in some people, it can treat toothache. In fact, it is also a very good flower-growing tablets, it has a good role in sterilization and disinfection. When changing the pot, the rotten flowers are soaked in the Metronitrite file solution, which can not only sterilize the rotten roots, but also improve the survival rate of the flowers, make the flowers grow more exuberantly and the leaves more green.

4. Aspirin tablets

Aspirin tablets are available at home, but if they are kept for a long time, they will be useless if they are out of date. It is a perfect time to grow flowers. Because aspirin contains salicylic acid for Cuijin plants to take root, if you put an aspirin pill during cutting, it can make the cutting plant take root faster. And aspirin tablets can not only promote the rooting of flowers and plants, but also have the effect of sterilization and disinfection. In short, growing flowers with aspirin has a strong effect on flowers.

The above are Huinong net Xiaobian finishing about flower breeding tips, you have learned it? As long as the method is proper, you can use small tablets to make the flower leaves thick and green.

Home potted flowers burst pot treatment tricks (suggested collection! )

With the economic development, almost every household is planting potted plants, because it can purify the air and cultivate oneself, but many farmers grow flowers badly. Why? In fact, the reason is very simple, either improper management of water and fertilizer, or soil consolidation, so how to deal with it? The following editor will tell you in detail.

I. criteria for judging the consolidation of basin soil

1. Use your eyes to see whether the surface of the soil in the flowerpot is white, whether there are dry cracks, and some are hardened.

2. Grasp with your hands: grasp the soil in a flowerpot and hold it loosely in your hand. It is a lump of soil.

If your home flowerpot soil has the above two phenomena, then it shows that soil consolidation has occurred, should be timely soil change or soil consolidation treatment.

Second, why does the soil of flowerpots harden?

1. The problem of soil use

Flowers should be planted with relatively soft and breathable soil, if it is easy to consolidate yellow clay soil or heavy clayey soil, then the hardening problem will be inevitable.

2. Watering problem

It can be said that the hardening of most of the flowerpot soil is directly related to watering. First, the amount of water each time is too large and too urgent, otherwise it is easy to cause soil hardening and hardening; on the other hand, tap water is directly used for a long time or irrigated with water with harder water quality, which contains a large amount of irritating chlorine and is easy to hurt roots. long-term use will accumulate in the soil, which is easy to cause soil consolidation.

3. The problem of fertilizer use

On the one hand, long-term single use of chemical fertilizer is prone to hardening, and some soils are rich in calcium, such as ammonium sulfate fertilizer; in addition, people who grow flowers at home like to open small stoves for flowers, and some people often water flowers with protein materials. such as milk, soybean milk, egg white, etc., if you use too many flowers roots can not be absorbed, it will cause soil hardening.

Third, how to effectively prevent the problem of soil consolidation in flowerpots?

1. Change the soil in flowerpots

The most direct and effective way to solve the soil consolidation is to change the soil, you can buy special flower soil, change the soil in the flowerpot, it is best to change the soil in the season when flowers are growing vigorously.

2. Rational fertilization

The amount of fertilizer used for flowers is relatively small, there is no need for excessive fertilization, fertilization should avoid long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, on the one hand, we can change the covering soil to dry fertilization, sprinkling the fertilizer directly on the soil surface, and then watering it, so that the decomposed nutrients can also be washed into the soil by water; on the other hand, apply more rotten bio-organic fertilizer or use some microbial military prostitutes to increase the organic matter, humus and beneficial bacteria in the soil in the basin, and on the other hand, it is suggested that chemical fertilizers should not be used as far as possible.

In addition, the leftover peanut shell, melon seed shell, chestnut shell, egg shell, walnut shell, rotten vegetable leaves and other things eaten at home can be collected in a plastic bucket and added to the soil for ripening and fermentation.

3. Loosen the soil often

On the one hand, you can use soil modifiers to dilute and irrigate the consolidated soil (for example, add 1 kilogram of water with 1 gram of loose soil essence, etc.), on the other hand, you should often loosen the soil, and on the other hand, you can also put a few earthworms in the flowerpot to help. Earthworms can dig in the field by themselves, or they can buy them at a fishing gear store for 1-2 yuan.

4. Rational watering

First of all, the way of pouring heavy water and urgent water should be corrected, either slowly along the edge of the basin, or alternately between normal irrigation and immersion watering (immersion basin watering method: sit the flowerpot in a trailer filled with water, let the water slowly absorb and soak up along the basin); with tap water, fresh tap water should be dried for 1-2 days before use. In addition, watering with river water, Rain Water and other price comparison, home cooking leftover Amoy rice water is a very good water for watering flowers!

Third, what are the flowers suitable for beginners to plant in autumn?

We recommend 30 kinds of ornamental flowers potted plants suitable for planting in autumn.

Herbaceous flowers: Catharanthus roseus, sunflower, pansy, pansy, petunia, million Xiaoling, etc.

Woody flowers: rose, rhododendron, camellia, etc.

Ball flowers: longevity flowers, orchids, clematis, gentleman orchids, daffodils, daffodils, tulips, irises, saffron, hyacinth, grape hyacinth and so on.

Hydrangea, chrysanthemum, marguerite, geranium, dahlia, Xiaoli, honeysuckle, hairpin, orchid, fern, ivy and so on are also very good.

Planting flowers in daily life can make people feel happy, because in addition to beautiful scenery, it can also purify the air, but you must pay attention to the method when planting, otherwise it will lead to the death or poor growth of flowers. The above is a wonderful way to control the explosion of potted flowers at home, which you can use for reference.

What is good for indoor flower farming? what are the flowers suitable for indoor cultivation?

[click on the picture to learn more about flowers]

Flowers suitable for indoor culture: aloe, orchid and tiger tail orchid

Aloe, hanging orchid and tiger tail orchid can remove formaldehyde (especially hanging orchid, put a pot in the room, within 24 hours, its leaves will "eat" harmful gases such as carbon monoxide in the indoor air, and its effect is even better than the air filter).

Flowers suitable for indoor culture: ivy, aloe and evergreen

These flowers can effectively remove trichloroethylene, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, phenol, hydrogen fluoride and ether in the room.

[click on the picture to learn more about flowers]

Flowers that are not suitable for indoor farming: rose, rhododendron, tulip, lily

Although rose can absorb a large amount of harmful gases, its rich fragrance can cause depression, discomfort, suffocation, and even difficulty breathing; azaleas, tulips, lilies and other flowers can also absorb volatile chemicals, but rhododendron flowers contain a toxin, which is poisoned by accidental ingestion and shock; tulip flowers contain a toxic alkali, which can accelerate hair loss if exposed for too long

[click on the picture to learn more about flowers]

The fragrance of lilies can excite the center for a long time and cause insomnia; too much contact with bauhinia pollen can induce asthma or aggravate cough; mimosine in mimosa is a highly toxic organic. too much contact with the human body can cause hair loss.