
Study on Cuttage Seedling technique of Taxus cuspidata

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Recent studies at home and abroad show that cutting propagation is an effective way to raise a large number of seedlings of Taxus cuspidata. Cutting propagation materials are sufficient, cutting seedlings generally grow fast, cutting propagation maintains all genotypes of the original plant, and can overcome the genetic differentiation of seed propagation.

Recent studies at home and abroad show that cutting propagation is an effective way to raise a large number of seedlings of Taxus cuspidata. Cutting propagation materials are sufficient, cutting seedlings generally grow fast, cutting propagation maintains all the genotypes of the original plant, and can overcome the genetic differentiation of seed propagation. In this study, based on the effects of different cutting types and different cutting media on the survival rate of Taxus cuspidata, the cutting propagation techniques of Taxus cuspidata were studied in order to establish a complete set of cutting techniques of Taxus cuspidata. It provides an important basis for resource protection and production promotion of Taxus cuspidata.

1 general situation of the experimental site

The test site is located in the experimental forest farm of Liaoning Forest Management Research Institute, which is located in Caohekou Town, Benxi County, eastern forest region of Liaoning Province. the main soil is mountain brown forest soil, the relative temperature is 74%, and the frost-free period is about 150 days.

2 materials and methods

2.1 Test materials

2.1.1 cuttings

The branches used in the experiment were taken from 10-year-old Taxus mairei in the nursery of Liaoning Forest experience Institute. In the upper part of the crown of each tree, the top and side branches were selected, the age of the tip was 1 and 2 years old, and the age of the side branches was 1, 2 and 3 years old. 750 cuttings of each ear age were cut.

2.1.2 slotting machine and matrix

The selected substrates were the mixture of river sand, whole forest soil, river sand and forest soil (1 ∶ 1), river sand and forest soil (1 ∶ 2), and river sand and forest soil (2 ∶ 1). Each substrate was sterilized with 3G / L potassium permanganate solution, and the inserting beds with 10 m growth, 0.5 m width and high 20cm were laid respectively.

2.2 Experimental design

The cuttings were uniformly cut into 15cm length, and the lower end of the cuttings was horseshoe shaped and soaked in ABT6 rooting powder for 2 hours. Randomized block design, 3 repeats, a total of 75 cells. The plot area is 0.25m2, with 50 cuttings per plot. After cutting, build an arch shed on the bed, moisturize with a thin film arch cover, and spray water twice a day. Spray water once a day after two weeks. Use a sunscreen to shade the sun.

2.3 data processing

The original data are sorted, calculated and plotted with EXCEL2007 software. SPSS18.0 software single factor Duncan pairwise comparison method was used for analysis of variance.

3 results and analysis

3.1 Analysis of differences among cuttings types

In the same substrate (taking the mixture of river sand and forest soil (1 ∶ 1) as an example), the survival rates of five cuttings were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan multiple comparison (see tables 1 and 2).

Table 1 Variance analysis of survival rate of different cuttings

Table 2 multiple comparison of survival rates of different cuttings

Table 1 showed that there were significant differences in survival rate among different types of cuttings. As can be seen from Table 2, the survival rate of 2-year-old, 3-year-old and 2-year-old cuttings of lateral branches was significantly higher than that of 1-year-old cuttings of treetops and 1-year-old cuttings of lateral branches. Different types of cuttings have different tree shape after survival. The top cuttings have vertical trunk, lateral branches are whorled and the tree shape is beautiful. While the seedlings formed by lateral branches cuttings, the main branches do not grow vertically, but grow laterally, and the plants are flat. It shows that after the differentiation and finalization of Taxus mairei, it is difficult to change the original state, and when the source of cuttings is sufficient, 2-year-old cuttings at the top of trees should be selected as far as possible.

3.2 Analysis of differences among different substrates

The survival rates of cuttings of the same panicle age (taking 2-year-old cuttings at the top of the tree as an example) in different substrates were analyzed by analysis of variance and multiple comparison by Duncan method (see tables 3 and 4).

Table 3 Variance analysis of survival rate of different cutting media

Table 4 multiple comparison of survival rates of different cutting substrates

Table 3 showed that there were significant differences in survival rate among different substrates. It can be seen from Table 4 that the survival rate of Taxus cuspidata in the mixed substrate is significantly higher than that of the whole river sand and the whole forest soil. The cutting survival rate of the substrate with the ratio of river sandy soil to forest soil 2 ∶ 1 was the highest, which was 86.01%, which was higher than the lowest survival rate of 58.3%.

4 conclusion and discussion

The main results were as follows: (1) there were significant differences in cuttage survival rate between lateral branch and main branch and different branch age, and the cuttage survival rate of 2-year-old cuttage of lateral branch and tip was the highest. The cuttings of lateral branches still grow laterally after growing into seedlings, so the cuttage effect of 2-year-old branches from the top of the tree is the best.

(2) the survival rate of the mixed substrate with the ratio of river sand to forest soil of 2 ∶ 1 was higher than that of other substrates, and the change rule was as follows: the mixture of river sand and forest soil (2 ∶ 1) > the mixture of river sand and forest soil (1 ∶ 1) > the mixture of river sand and forest soil (1 ∶ 2) > the whole forest soil > the whole river sand.

(3) based on the above experimental results, it can be concluded that in the breeding process of Taxus cuspidata, the mixed medium with 2-year-old cuttings of tree tip and 2 ∶ 1 ratio of river sand to forest soil is worth popularizing because of high survival rate and high seedling quality.

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Cutting Seedling of Taxus cuspidata

Northeast yew (Taxus cuspiclatd, alias yew, red cypress pine. The national first-class protected plant, which belongs to the evergreen coniferous plant of Taxus mairei, is a rare and endangered species left over from the Quaternary glacier. The wood is solid and beautiful, without resin channel and resin cell, so it is an excellent timber tree species. The tree is graceful, green all the year round, unique red fruit and green leaves reflect each other, simple and elegant, strong ornamental. It can release all kinds of alkaloid gases, can sterilize and purify the air, and has a certain role in health care. It has broad prospects in landscaping, bonsai production and green living room. Bark, needles and branches contain paclitaxel (taxol), which is recognized as a broad-spectrum and most active anticancer drug in the world, especially for uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer. It is also effective for lung cancer, head and neck tumors, malignant melanoma and lymphoma. However, due to the very low content of taxol in the yew and the lack of resources of the yew, paclitaxel is expensive, up to US $1000 per gram, and its price increases dozens of times if it is made into an injection. Therefore, the red bean shirt is known as "plant gold". In addition, leaves and branches have the function of menstruation and diuresis, and have the effect of inhibiting diabetes and treating heart disease.

Taxus is a shade-tolerant tree species, natural scattered distribution, no pure forest. But it can also withstand strong light and has a strong ability to adapt.

The author began to carry out the experiment of cuttage seedling cultivation of Taxus cuspidata in 2003, and cultivated the seedlings of Taxus cuspidata.

First, the characteristics of stem cutting seedlings.

There are two methods of seedling raising of Taxus cuspidata: useful seed seedling and cuttage seedling. The production cycle of raising seedlings with seeds is too long, so the method of cutting seedlings is often used. Cutting seedlings have the following characteristics.

(1) blossom and bear fruit early

Because cuttings are taken from big trees, they have big tree genes, and the seedlings cultivated have the same components as big trees, and they blossom and bear fruit early. Some of the seedlings blossom and bear fruit in the fifth year after cuttings, and the value of medicine, afforestation and bonsai is high.

(2) get out of the nursery quickly

When the cuttage length is 15cm, the height of seedlings can reach 10cm in the same year after survival, the highest plant growth can reach 15cm in 2-4 years, and the highest plant growth can reach 37cm in the fifth year. So get out of the nursery quickly.

(3) various tree types

The cuttings have various tree shapes and can meet different needs. The fan shape is the majority of the tree type, which is the symbol tree shape. Cluster shape, natural happy type, odd shape are in the minority.

1. Fan type: the lateral branch spreads out in a flat face in two directions on the main branch, which is like a fan.

2. Clump type: there are no main branches, and several branches are sent out from the root.

3. Natural happy type: the lateral branches spread out in all directions on the main branch.

4. Strange type: the lateral branches spread in 1 direction, and the tree type is Qiying.

2. Cutting methods

(1) inside the nutrition box

The plastic nutrition box of 12cm × 12cm was used, and the substrate was humus soil mixed with 1 × 2 river sand, and the growing square nutrient box seedling bed was placed according to 10 boxes and 1 row.

(2) in flowerpots

A flowerpot with a caliber of 16cm was used, and the substrate was humus soil mixed with 1 stroke and 2 river sand, and the growing square flowerpot seedbed was arranged according to 6 Mel, 8 pots and 1 row.

(3) Open ground

Choose a place rich in humus, good drainage and convenient management as a seedbed. The soil was turned deep into 20cm, sorted out sundries, ploughed fine, the upper layer was mixed with 1x2 river sand, the thickness of the river sand was about 10cm, and then made a seedbed, the bed height was 15-20cm, the trail width 40cm, and leveled the bed surface.

The substrate was watered, combined with watering for soil disinfection, and carbendazim (5-8g/m2) or potassium permanganate was added. These tasks should be completed 5 days before cutting.

In order to test the effect of different substrates on the survival rate of cuttings, there were three areas in the experiment: area 1 was mixed with river sand, area 2 was mixed with a small amount of river sand, and area 3 was not mixed with river sand. The survival rate of each district: zone 1, 95%, zone 2, 60%, zone 3, 31%. The results show that the matrix mixed with 1 bank 2 river sand is the best.

After the above work is completed, wait for the cuttage.

3. Selection and treatment of cuttings

The 1-3-year-old branches that have been lignified can be used as cuttings, and the rooting rate of 1-2-year-old branches is the best. The main branch, the side branch, or the middle branch that has been cut off from the top tip can heal and take root. Middle branch, perennial reddish-brown branch cuttings have low rooting rate, poor growth and development after rooting, and 3 lateral branches which are nearly horizontally spread out from the top with poor shape.

Before cutting in spring, we should pay attention to moisturizing the branches to prevent the sun from being dehydrated by the wind. The best cutting time is late May. After the branches are taken, they should be cut into cuttings with a length of 8-10cm (1 year old) and 10-15cm (2 years old). Shorter cuttings are OK, but the shorter time will affect the time of coming out of the nursery. Cut off the leaves at the 3cm of the plug and tie them into bundles of 50 each. When bundling, pay attention to align the plugs and tie the cuttings of the same length together. Put it into the treatment solution in time after bundling.

Soak the plug with slow Nong Chunlu solution, each 7.5kg mixed with water, the water temperature is not lower than 5 ℃, soak the cuttings upright, the soaking depth should not exceed 3cm, soak 12Mel for 18 hours.

4. Cutting methods

The cuttings were carried out at the turn of spring and summer from late May to early June, and the cutting depth was about 1 prime 3 of the cuttage length. Only one cuttage was cut in each nutrition box or flowerpot, and the row spacing was 5 × 10 cm when cutting in the open field. Use the knife head to insert a narrow gap in the soil, then put the cuttings in, squeeze and compact hard. Cuttings of the same age and equal length should be inserted in the same bed (in the nutrition box and flowerpot), and then watered thoroughly. Be careful not to insert it too deep, and there can be no stagnant water on the seedling bed.

5. Heat preservation, moisturizing and sunshade

A bamboo arch frame is arranged on the bed surface, the distance between the top of the arch frame and the bed surface is 50 cm, the arch frame is covered with plastic film, the plastic shading net with 70% shading rate is used to shade the sun on the film, it is pressed with bricks around, and cuttings are cut in nutrition pots and flowerpots. If the number is very small, tree branch arch frames can be placed in each box and pot, covered with white plastic convenience bags and placed in the shade of trees.

VI. Growth and development of cuttings

After 18 days, the plug became thicker and root nodules began to appear. Some plugs are rotten and root nodules can still grow on the rotten parts. Root nodules were generally formed in about 28 days. 30Mel takes 45 days to take root in large quantities, and the root is white and thick, commonly known as water root. At the beginning of rooting, there were only 1 Mel and 2 lines, and then gradually increased. The root takes root on the nodule, some cuttings take root at 2 places, and the other place grows close to the ground. Some roots are as long as 50mm, some have just taken root, and some of them take root in about 100 days. Some cuttings grow root nodules but do not take root, some cuttings do not grow root nodules, some leaves turn yellow in about 30 days, branches wither, and some dry after 10 months. If well managed, the rooting rate can reach 95%.

After the cuttings survived, there was almost no growth in the first year, and the highest plant growth reached 15cm and 50cm in the second to fourth years. It grows fast in the fifth year, and the highest plant growth can reach 37cm and 76cm.

The cuttings taken from the big tree have buds in the first and second year after planting, but they can't bear fruit. Third, there are no buds in the fourth year. Some seedlings bear fruit in the fifth year. Taxus chinensis var. mairei is dioecious, the male plant blossoms in spring but does not bear fruit, the female plant bears fruit in autumn, and the fruit turns red in August.

VII. Plug-in management

The main management measures are timely, appropriate watering and ventilation to keep the cutting substrate moist. When watering, the water should not flow too fast to prevent the cuttings from flushing out and holding too much water.

It is easy to cause cuttings to rot. After cutting, spray water twice a day, and once a day two weeks later. It is watered every 3 murals for 4 days. If it is irrigated with tap water, it must be stored for more than 4 days before use. When the temperature continues to be too high at noon, the method of opening the film spraying water or spraying water outside the film can be used to lower the temperature.

It is necessary to ventilate and refine the seedlings after taking root in large quantities. First of all, uncover the ventilated seedlings at one end of the film, about 2 hours a day, and after 4 days, open the ventilated seedlings at both ends of the film, and gradually prolong the seedling time. In late August, the plastic film can be removed. Watering can not be ignored after rooting. If the cutting substrate is dry, the roots of seedlings are easy to wither and die.

VIII. Overwintering management

At the beginning of November, measures should be taken to keep warm and prevent cold. First water once, then cover with plastic film or straw bag.

IX. Seedling transplant

The seedlings raised in the open field were transplanted in the spring of the following year. The cold protection was removed one week before transplanting, and the seedlings could be transplanted after one week. In the process of seedling emergence, we should try not to hurt the roots or less, and keep the roots moist. Immediately after seedling planting, transplanting density 20-30cm, watering after planting, so that the soil and root system are closely integrated. An arched bamboo shade with a high 60cm is set up on a 1m wide seedling bed, shaded by a plastic shading net with a width of 2m and a shading rate of 50%, and then managed normally.

Management after the third year

No sunshade is needed from the third year, and it is managed normally in full light. After 4-5 years of management, saplings with a height of 30 cm and 76 mol can be cultivated. Artificial cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei how to raise Taxus mairei? Taxus mairei, also known as yew, is a relatively precious tree species in China, and because of its excellent material, aroma and decay resistance, it has been welcomed by many people and has been planted in most areas in recent years. So how to raise the northeast yew? Today, let's take a look at the culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus cuspidata. one? Land selection and land preparation to choose mountain shady slopes? Sparse woodland, sandy loam with loose, moist and fertile soil and good drainage? The swamp? Clay or arid highlands are not suitable for planting? The nursery land should be close to the water source, loose and fertile sandy loam with good displacement, and the land with slight shade is the best. Apply more than 3000 kilograms of barnyard manure per mu on the selected land, ploughing 25 to 30 centimeters, leveling and raking after ploughing to make a bed with a width of 1.2m, a height of 15cm and a length of 10cm to be sown. two? There are two culture methods: seed culture and cutting culture. 1. Seed farming? When the seeds mature from September to October, they should be picked in time, scrubbed with water to remove the red aril, washed, soaked and stored in wet sand. The seed has a long ripening period and has the characteristic of double dormancy, so it needs two winters and one summer before it can germinate. It is best to pick and sow in autumn and spring in mid-April. In the last ten days, sowing and raising seedlings on the seedbed, the horizontal border opened a 5-centimeter shallow trench according to the row spacing of 20 centimeters, sowed evenly, covered with soil 2-3 centimeters, and sowed 5-10 grams per square meter. A little suppression after sowing? Can seedlings emerge more than 20 days after sowing? Shade net is used to shade at seedling stage, the light transmittance is 20%-30%, drought should be watered in time, weeding and loosening soil seedlings should be timely. Cuttage culture? At the turn of spring and summer from May to June? From the mother plant of more than 4 years old, the cuttings were cut according to the length of 15 cm, and the cuttings with 2-year-old young branches had a higher survival rate. In order to promote early rooting, the base of cuttings can be immersed in l00ppm's α-tea acetic acid or 100ppm indole acetic acid solution for 3 hours and then inserted into an open field bed of the same size as the seedling bed. Or frog stone plus weathered sand (1:1? Cutting on the bed with snow as the substrate, cut off the branchlets and needles at the lower part of the cuttings before cutting. The insertion depth is 3 to 5 cm, and the row spacing is 8 × 10 cm. Pour water thoroughly after insertion, moisturize the insert bed with a thin film arch cover, spray water twice a day? Spray water once a day in two weeks? Use a shade net to shade and take root a month and a half after insertion. After rooting, it can be transplanted once on the seedling bed, with a row spacing of 30 cm and a plant spacing of 10-15 cm. Often watering to keep the soil moist, loosening the soil and weeding until there are no weeds on the border, inorganic or organic fertilizers can be applied properly, especially organic fertilizers. Planting and cultivation? After 2 years and 3 years, the seedlings can be spaced 80 cm apart. Plant distance of 70 cm in Yinshan or flat land? When planting on flat land, you must apply enough stable fertilizer and appropriate amount of nitrogen in the seedling pit. Phosphorus? Potassium inorganic fertilizer? Soak and disinfect with carbendazim solution before planting, after the seedlings are implanted into the pit and step on the soil, the rhizosphere is irrigated with a spoonful of 1000 times solution "Wotuan" and other soil pesticide degradation agents, and then irrigate through the fixed root water? After planting for 7 days and 10 days, the rhizosphere was irrigated with 97% chlorpromazine 3000 times solution to eliminate soil-borne diseases and prevent seedlings from withering. Root rot and other root diseases? once every 10 days, twice in a row? three? After field management is planted, field management should be strengthened. 1. Watering? Should be watered frequently within six months after planting to keep the soil moist, otherwise, it will affect survival. Should be watered in time during the growing period? 2. Loosen the soil and weed? Summer during the growing period? Weeding the weeds once in autumn? It can also be combined with interplanting dwarf crops, so that there are no weeds in the field. Fat dressing? Combined with loosening soil and weeding for topdressing, 5 kilograms of barnyard manure per plant? Adopt circular fertilization? 4. Shade? In the first year after planting, you must use a shade net to shade. In the second year, you can plant corn and other shading plants. After three years of planting, there is no need for shade. four? Harvesting and processing generally grow for more than 5 years, part of the branches and leaves can be harvested for medicinal purposes, and more than 9 years can be harvested for medicinal purposes. After a few years of collection, all the tree trunks can be cut down, the saw segments can be dried in the sun and used as medicine, or even the roots can be used as medicine. The drying rate is 40% to 50%? Quality standard: free from moth and decay? Note: Taxus mairei has a good medicinal value, stems, branches, leaves, roots can be used as medicine, so we must pay attention to avoid the use of chemicals and fertilizers. In addition, the northeast yew has a very good ornamental value, so we must pay attention to pruning when breeding, so that the northeast yew will look good. Summary: the above is the introduction of artificial cultivation techniques of Taxus cuspidata. I hope it will be helpful to you.