
How to raise Phoenix tail bamboo? Guide to hydroponic culture and maintenance of Phyllostachys pubescens (Guanyin bamboo)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Phoenix tail bamboo is named "Guanyin bamboo" because it is full of aura. Small tufted bamboo with dense globular leaves, thick and easy to grow, with an annual output of up to 100 bamboos, suitable for ground or potted plants

Phoenix tail bamboo is named "Guanyin bamboo" because it is full of aura. Small tufted bamboo with dense globular leaves, coarse and easy to grow, with an annual output of up to 100 bamboos, suitable for planting or potted plants. The following is to learn the hydroponic culture methods and maintenance guidelines of Phyllostachys pubescens with the editor.

1. Hydroponic culture method

(1) method 1

During the growing period, a branch with a length of 15-25cm was cut, and the 10min was disinfected with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, then inserted into a transparent container containing clear water, and the basal leaves were removed. Change the water every 3-4 days, usually do not move the position or change the direction casually, after 15 days or so, new roots can grow on the old roots. The new root of hydroponic culture is milky white and the old root is reddish brown.

(2) method 2

The soil-cultured small plants with good plant shape and vigorous growth were selected, washed away from the soil and cut off the rotten roots, and then planted in the hydroponic container. Add clear water to the root system of 1 stroke 3-1 Accord 2. As shown in the picture, it is a hydroponic Phoenix tail bamboo.

2. Maintenance guidelines

(1) temperature and light

Strong light should not be directed in summer and should be placed in a warm and strong place in winter. Room temperature should be more than 5 ℃, and water is often sprayed around to maintain high air humidity and clean branches and leaves [Jishan Huayao].

(2) changing water

At the beginning, the fresh water was changed every 2-3 days, and the rotten roots were removed in time. About 2 weeks later, the roots basically adapted to the hydroponic environment and grew hydroponic roots, and then the fresh water could be changed every 5-6 days.

(3) fertilization

When the growth potential of the plant is strong, it should be cultured in nutrient solution, and the water level should be shallow rather than deep. Replenish the nutrient solution about 10 days in summer, and when more sediment is found in the solution, you need to replace the new solution, usually once every 1-2 months.

The above is the hydroponic culture method and maintenance guide of Phoenix tail bamboo compiled by Huinong net. Have you learned it? Phoenix tail bamboo has the meaning of growing high and making a lot of money, so don't miss it for your favorite friends.

How to cultivate Phyllostachys pubescens

Phyllostachys pubescens is often used to decorate courtyards and rooms because of its dense bushes, short stems, beautiful branches and leaves. Then how to raise Phyllostachys pubescens? what is the breeding method of Phyllostachys pubescens? The following editor will introduce to you how to raise Phyllostachys pubescens and how to raise them.

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Phoenix tail bamboo pictures

Growth habits of Phyllostachys pubescens

Phoenix tail bamboo (Latin name: bambusa multiplex), also known as Guanyin bamboo, rice bamboo, Jintou bamboo, Penglai bamboo, etc., originated in southern China. Like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, cold tolerance is poor, not resistant to strong light exposure, afraid of waterlogging, suitable for fertile, loose and well-drained loam, winter temperature is not lower than 0 ℃. Phyllostachys pubescens has dense clusters of plants, short stems and beautiful branches and leaves, which are often used for potted plants, decorating small courtyards and rooms, and also for making bonsai or as a low hedge material.

Phyllostachys pubescens likes to grow in the semi-shade where there is sunshine, and the requirement for the soil is 4.5-7, afraid of heavy alkaline soil. Phyllostachys pubescens is not very cold-resistant, the lowest temperature for growth should not be lower than 0 ℃, and it requires more water, but it can not accumulate water. For the choice of fertilizer, it is best to use organic fertilizer.

Growth habits of Phyllostachys pubescens

How to raise Phoenix tail bamboo

Phyllostachys pubescens is an evergreen tufted shrub, mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. It likes warm, humid and semi-ventilated growth environment, has poor cold resistance, is not resistant to strong light exposure, likes dampness and fear stagnant water, and the winter temperature is not lower than 0 ℃. Phyllostachys pubescens likes acidic, slightly acidic or neutral soil, and it is suitable to cultivate sandy soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, while organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month during the growth period.

Phyllostachys pubescens can be planted by means of ramet, seed propagation and cutting propagation. Phyllostachys pubescens can be placed in a cool environment, but because it likes warmth, it should be protected against cold in winter and can be planted indoors. Phyllostachys pubescens can be fertilized during the growing period, and it will grow more vigorously, usually 1-2 times a year. Phyllostachys pubescens should be watered more, especially in the early morning and evening. Because Phyllostachys pubescens likes a humid environment, it can occasionally loosen the soil, but do not hurt the rhizome of Phyllostachys pubescens.

Pots of Phyllostachys pubescens

The planting of Phyllostachys pubescens should be carried out from February to March. Potted plant, change the pot every 2-3 years, take out the old bamboo, remove the resident soil, cut off the small underground stem and old bamboo, and add fertile soil. Keep the basin soil moist during the growing period, keep it in a semi-shady place, spray water to the leaves frequently, and apply fertilizer once a month. Move indoors to the sunny place in winter.

Culture methods of Phyllostachys pubescens

1. Reproduction

The propagation of Phyllostachys pubescens is commonly used in ramet, seed propagation and cutting propagation, but because bamboo is not easy to get species and cuttings are difficult to root, it is mainly based on ramet propagation. Ramet propagation is often carried out in early spring combined with changing pots. When dividing a plant, let each shoot bud bring at least one old bamboo, and retain the fibrous root to ensure the survival rate. New plant cultivation should have a moderate pot, and cultivate fertile soil, pay attention to watering, maintain a moist state, and can grow rapidly in a semi-shady place.

Culture methods of Phyllostachys pubescens

2. Cultivation

When choosing a suitable cultivation season, the cultivation should be carried out in March, when the mother bamboo has a high germination rate and is the easiest to survive. Choose the ideal mother bamboo. The mother bamboo should grow healthily, free from diseases and insect pests, the stem bud eye is enlarged, the fibrous root is well developed, and the bamboo age is better in 2012. Planted in time. If long-distance transportation is really needed, it should be watered and moisturized in a cool shelter and properly handled during packaging to prevent damage to the root eye and vibration of the lodging soil. Apply sufficient base fertilizer before planting to ensure adequate nutrition. Choose soft and fine soil, first fill in the bottom of the hole, then apply rotten stable fertilizer, mix well with the topsoil, put the mother bamboo down, cover the soil layer by layer, and cover the soil slightly 2 cm to 3 cm deeper than the original soil of the mother bamboo. Pour enough water to fix the root. Watering in time after planting, be sure to water thoroughly for the first time, and then reduce the amount of water appropriately, as long as it is wet and dry.

3. Lighting

Phoenix tail bamboo happy light, indoor maintenance in spring, summer, autumn three seasons near the south windowsill ventilation, where there is plenty of sunshine in winter, it can grow well. If put outdoor culture, spring, autumn season can receive more light, summer should pay attention to shading, avoid strong light exposure, otherwise branches and leaves are easy to yellowing, affecting beauty.

Photo of Phoenix tail bamboo culture

4. Temperature

Phyllostachys pubescens is an evergreen tufted shrub. Like warm, humid and semi-overcast environment. Cold resistance is slightly poor, not resistant to strong light exposure, afraid of waterlogging, suitable for fertile, loose and well-drained loam, the winter temperature is not lower than 0 degrees.

5. Soil

Phyllostachys pubescens likes acidic, slightly acidic or neutral soil, and the family pot can choose the mixed culture soil of rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand, and avoid heavy and alkaline soil.

6. Watering

Watering should be appropriate during the growth period and keep the basin soil moist. The leaves should be sprayed with clean water frequently in dry and hot summer seasons to keep the leaves green.

Pictures of farmed Phoenix tail bamboo

7. Fertilization

During the growth period, Phyllostachys pubescens needs to apply liquid fertilizer every 20 days. Phyllostachys pubescens fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, liquid fertilizer can be used mature thin bean cake water, or compound liquid fertilizer. Fertilization should be stopped in winter.

8. Pruning

The old pole of Phyllostachys pubescens gradually withered in the process of growth, and should be cut off in time to maintain a graceful posture. If the Phoenix tail bamboo is not pruned, it will grow unrestrained and lose its better ornamental quality. In the growing season, Phyllostachys pubescens can easily draw tender stems from the rhizosphere, which rises fiercely and affects the overall composition of bonsai. The overgrown parts and weak branches can be cut off, and if the Phoenix tail bamboo grows too densely, it also needs sparse treatment.

9. Change the basin

Compared with other small potted plants, the root system of Phyllostachys pubescens is a little large, which is related to the problem of changing pots. Generally, the pots are changed every two years, and the fertile soil can be configured by itself. When choosing soil, attention should be paid to sandy soil. Phyllostachys pubescens can not grow in a clay environment.

Pictures of outdoor Phoenix tail bamboo

10. Disease

Phyllostachys pubescens often occurs leaf blight and rust. 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder is used to control leaf blight and 50% verapamil wettable powder 2000 times to control rust. Insect pests are harmful to scale insects and aphids and are sprayed with 1500 times of omethoate EC.

Matters needing attention in Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

1. Potted Phyllostachys pubescens should be moved to an outdoor shady place in summer, and pay attention to watering more, keep the basin soil moist, spray water to the leaves, and sprinkle water on the ground to keep the air moist in order to make the branches and leaves green. Phoenix tail bamboo likes to be wet and afraid of stagnant water. after the basin is installed, the water should be watered thoroughly for the first time, and the basin soil should be kept moist after that. Do not water too much, otherwise the roots will rot easily.

Matters needing attention in Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

2. Phyllostachys pubescens is afraid of stagnant water, in addition to watering thoroughly for the first time, as long as it keeps the basin soil moist, otherwise it is easy to rot and whip the roots. Phoenix tail bamboo likes to be wet. If the pot soil is short of water, the bamboo leaves will curl. At this time, it is time to water them. After watering, the bamboo leaves will unfold. Generally, it is watered once every 1-2 days on average in summer and less in winter, but the basin soil should be moist to prevent "dry freezing".

3. In the high temperature season, the potted bamboo should be moved to a cool place to avoid the hot sun, and water should be sprayed to the leaves to keep the leaves green. In winter, the potted bamboo should be moved to the leeward or indoors.

4. during the growth period, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 20 days or so. Phyllostachys pubescens fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, liquid fertilizer can be used mature thin bean cake water, or compound liquid fertilizer. Fertilization should be stopped in winter.

5. The pots of Phyllostachys pubescens do not need to be changed every year, generally every two years. Phyllostachys pubescens prefers acidic, slightly acidic or neutral soil. The potted culture soil is made of 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 0.5 part of garden soil, and a small amount of river sand and rice chaff ash. Avoid sticky heavy and alkaline soil.

Culture picture of Phyllostachys pubescens

6. The bonsai of Phoenix tail bamboo pays attention to posture and charm, and the branches must be bent, dense and uneven. If there are too many stems during the vigorous growth period, there will be a feeling of dense air blockage, which will affect the overall ornamental effect of bonsai, so the overdense branches should be thinned according to the growth situation, and special attention should be paid to cutting off the weak stems.

Conclusion: Phyllostachys pubescens is elegant and elegant, and it is a good indoor foliage plant. If you understand how to raise Phyllostachys pubescens and the culture method of Phyllostachys pubescens, we will certainly be able to cultivate beautiful Phyllostachys pubescens. The above is about how to raise Phyllostachys pubescens, the relevant introduction of breeding methods, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

Extended reading:

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The culture method of how to raise Phyllostachys pubescens is introduced in detail.

The end of the leaf tip of Phyllostachys pubescens will naturally bend and droop, just like the tail feather of the Phoenix, light and soft, so people give it such an image name. Because of this characteristic, people want to introduce it into indoor cultivation. Now people have summed up a complete set of culture methods of Phyllostachys pubescens, which is introduced to you.

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The culture methods of Phyllostachys pubescens are introduced in detail.

[plant archives]-

English name: Phoenix tail bamboo

Scientific name: Bambusa multiplex cv. Fernleaf

Aliases: Guanyin bamboo, rice bamboo, Jintou bamboo, Penglai bamboo

Family: Poaceae of Gramineae

Genus: Bambusa

Distribution of origin: cultivated in Japan and India all over the south of the Yangtze River in China.

Morphological features: the plants are clustered, 2-3 meters high, the stem is about 5-10 mm in diameter, evergreen, there are many branches on each node, there are twigs on each twig, and there are more than ten leaves on each branchlet. The leaf is small and the top of the branch is arched and curved, like the long tail feather of a bird, ornamental.

The culture method of indoor potted Phyllostachys pubescens

▲ Phyllostachys pubescens likes a semi-overcast environment and should be moved to a shady place in summer to avoid sun exposure. Phoenix tail bamboo likes the humid environment, should pay attention to more watering, keep the basin soil moist, but also spray water to the leaves in summer, sprinkle water on the ground, to maintain moist air. Otherwise, the dry and hot climate in summer will scorch the leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens. Phyllostachys pubescens is not cold-resistant, it should be kept indoors in winter to control moisture, and the indoor temperature should be kept above 10 ℃.

▲ Phyllostachys pubescens needs to apply liquid fertilizer every 20 days or so during its growth. Phyllostachys pubescens fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, liquid fertilizer can be used mature thin bean cake water, or compound liquid fertilizer. Fertilization should be stopped in winter.

▲ Phyllostachys pubescens usually changes its pots every 2 years. Phyllostachys pubescens prefers acidic, slightly acidic or neutral soil. The potted soil is made of 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 0.5 part of garden soil, and a small amount of river sand and rice chaff ash. Avoid sticky heavy and alkaline soil.

▲ Phoenix tail bamboo is afraid of stagnant water, in addition to the first time to water thoroughly, after as long as keep the basin soil moist, otherwise easy to rot whip root. Phoenix tail bamboo likes to be wet. If the pot soil is short of water, the bamboo leaves will curl. At this time, it is time to water them. After watering, the bamboo leaves will unfold. Generally, it is watered once every 1-2 days on average in summer and less in winter, but the basin soil should be moist to prevent "dry freezing".

▲ Phoenix tail bamboo bonsai pay attention to posture and charm, branches must be bent, dense and dense, high and low. If there are too many stems during the vigorous growth period, there will be a feeling of dense air blockage, which will affect the overall ornamental effect of bonsai, so the overdense branches should be thinned according to the growth situation, and special attention should be paid to cutting off the weak stems.

Conclusion: this is the end of the introduction of the culture method of Phyllostachys pubescens. This paper simply provides you with some small plants of Phyllostachys pubescens as indoor pot culture. The slender leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens are very in line with the Chinese aesthetic view of being thin, and are very popular with Chinese families.

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