
Guidelines for cultivation methods and maintenance of weak and small orchid seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, We should be no stranger to orchids. Many people have raised orchids at home, but many flower friends react to bring orchids home. After a few days, orchids will wilt.

When it comes to orchids, we should be familiar with them. Many people have raised orchids at home, but many flower friends react to bring orchids home. In a few days, orchids will look wilted. In fact, this is probably because orchid weak seedlings from the old, residual seeds and old reed head "hatch" out, maintenance is not in place caused. At this time, it is best to apply some light foliar fertilizer (note that it must not be too thick) every ten days and a half to supplement its nutrients so that it can grow healthily.

Orchids have two periods of difficulty in raising small seedlings, so special attention should be paid to:

One is the summer of the weak seedlings

After the weak seedlings grow out, the most afraid is to spend the summer of high temperature, because the new roots of the orchid seedlings have not grown out, and there is no sufficient nutrition supply. If the weather above 30℃ is encountered for a long time, the weak seedlings of the orchid seedlings must be damaged. Therefore, protective measures should be taken for the weak seedlings. General protective measures: air-conditioned rooms are put into air-conditioned rooms. However, attention should be paid to avoid hot and cold, and to maintain a certain air humidity (can be used to blow the basin of water, to improve air humidity). If there is no air-conditioned room, it can be put into the bathroom, indirectly blowing basin water with Hongyun fan to humidify and cool down, so as to ensure the safety of orchid seedlings in summer.

Second, the difficult period is winter

The weak seedlings are also very afraid of winter. Winter weather is cold, if the heat preservation work is not done well, the weak seedlings are easy to freeze to death, so the heat preservation work is particularly important. If there is an air-conditioned room, it is best to put the weak seedlings into the air-conditioned room (and increase the air humidity in the same way as in summer); if there is no air-conditioned room, put them into a closed balcony, bathroom or room, which is safer. However, pay attention to the humidity of the basin soil, not too wet, nor too dry.

There are also two points worth noting about the cultivation of orchid weak seedlings:

First, after the weak seedlings grow out, it is best not to change (turn over) pots in the first year, especially in winter.

Because at this time orchid seedlings are too small, orchid roots are still less (some simply do not have a little root), if you change pots, it is difficult to take pots, easy to go wrong. In addition, after many weak seedlings grow out, because the reeds of the seedlings are still very small, they need to continue to grow reeds in the second year. Therefore, many weak seedlings only grow reeds in the second year and do not produce new seedlings.

Second, do not easily cut off the old seedlings with green

Although most of the new shoots without old seedlings appear earlier and grow faster than those with old seedlings, at a certain time, the new shoots with old seedlings will soon catch up with the new shoots without old seedlings. The new seedlings with the old ones grow strong, while the new shoots without the old ones grow weak. This shows that although it is only an old seedling, it can still provide nutrition for the new bud, so do not easily cut off the old seedling that is still green when changing pots.

The above is a small series of finishing on the weak orchid seedling cultivation method, like orchid breeding orchid friends must pay attention to the above maintenance points, so as to better cultivate orchids.

How do potted orchids rejuvenate weak seedlings? A Method for Rejuvenating Weak Seedling of Potted Orchid

How do potted orchids rejuvenate weak seedlings? The reason why potted orchids will appear weak seedlings, mainly due to excessive plant division, improper management, or disease erosion and other reasons, the growth of new seedlings slow, thin and weak a phenomenon, when this phenomenon occurs, should take corresponding remedial measures in time, so today Xiaobian to talk about potted orchids weak seedling rejuvenation method, I hope to help everyone.

1. Weak seedlings should not be planted alone

Potted orchids have a saying called "orchid like clustering and fear of leaving the mother", so in the cultivation of orchids, in order to enhance the growth vitality of orchid weak seedlings, it is best to find a pot of orchids with similar plant type, vigorous growth, and weak seedlings planted together, and strengthen the growth vitality of orchid weak seedlings by means of strong and weak methods. After weak seedlings grow into medium and strong seedlings, they can be planted separately.

Second, weak seedlings are best cultivated with fine-grained plants

In order to shorten the pot service time of weak seedlings, the original plant material rich in organic matter can be mixed with large pots of strong seedlings below the head of the cultivated plant material, and fine particles of gold planting stone can be used from the bottom of the head of the plant to the top of the pot. When the pot is placed, several grains of magic fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer in the middle part of the pot to ensure that the new seedlings can absorb nutrients in time after taking root. For the weak seedlings of the reed head to fill with finer wind fossils, as far as possible to keep the reed head wet, so that the new roots can contact the "earth gas" in time to avoid stiff buds and new roots blackheads. Because the weak seedling root system is not developed, its root and bud growth is not strong, if the grain around the first bud point is large, the surrounding environment for germination and rooting is dry, it will make it difficult for new buds and new roots to grow. In addition, in order to prevent watering from washing away fine grain plants, it is best to cover the upper part with a layer of fine planting gold stone.

Third, water and fertilizer management should keep up

Orchids weak seedlings on the pot, do not dry, when the pot surface is dry, it is necessary to spray water in time. After serving the basin, water is poured twice every time and then light fertilizer is poured at intervals. Pouring fertilizer along the basin wall, try not to pour to the center of the leaf and reed head. The formula and application method of the organic fertilizer are as follows: rice washing water, a bag of yoghourt, some egg shells and a handful of fried soybeans are put into a transparent large beverage bottle in spring, the bottle opening is opened and placed outdoors to see sunlight for fermentation, dried orange peel is gradually added after autumn, and roots are poured after 50 times of water is poured after the fertilizer becomes fruit flavor.

IV. Properly let weak seedlings bask in the sun

Many people think that orchid weak seedlings should be shade, in fact, it is not, orchid weak seedlings in the sun is very important, this is conducive to the new seedlings grow fast, of course, the sun old seedlings retreat quickly, it is best to appropriate sun exposure.

How do potted orchids promote flowers? Potted Orchid Tips for Promoting Flowers

Orchids can be called Chinese orchid, spring orchid, orchid, mountain orchid, national fragrance, empty valley fairy, fragrant ancestor, the whole growth process is divided into vegetative growth period, reproductive growth period two periods. This year, whether it is greenhouse orchid cultivation, or promotion of the construction of underground orchid room, there are deficiencies, so how to promote the early flowering of orchids under the condition of poor equipment has become one of the concerns of the majority of flower friends, the next small series will simply talk about potted orchid flower promotion tips, I hope to be helpful to everyone.

1. Fertilization and flower promotion

Those who have cultivated orchids know that in order to speed up the growth of orchids, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are essential nutrients for orchids to bloom. Therefore, in order to promote orchid flowering, the mixture can be mixed with 10%-20%(volume ratio) of bone char, bone char is rich in phosphorus, fertilizer effect lasting, is very conducive to orchid flowering. At the same time, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied one month before flower bud differentiation, and the concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be increased to 0.3%-0.4%, which is beneficial to flower bud differentiation early, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied during flower bud differentiation.

2. Pussyflower

Orchid roots are good, when potted plants are poorly ventilated, orchid seedlings in the center of the pot are prone to rotten roots and fallen seedlings, small potted orchids are easy to bloom, so it is best to use smaller diameter plain burning earthen pots to plant orchids. When planting, we should trim the original rotten roots and cut short the longer orchid roots. At the same time, we should apply plant ash at the pruning wounds, so as to make the new orchid roots short and dense, stimulate the differentiation of flower buds, and thus achieve the effect of forcing flowers.

3. Strong stem and beautiful flower

The pseudobulb of an orchid is a storehouse for storing water and nutrients. When the pseudobulb is large, it indicates that there are more stored nutrients, and vice versa. Orchid flower buds mostly sprout from relatively large pseudobulbs, while weak pseudobulbs are more difficult to sprout flower buds, so it is beneficial for orchid flowering to develop strong pseudobulbs. At the same time, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed regularly in the process of orchid cultivation, which can not only promote flowers, but also make the pseudobulbs of new orchid seedlings expand quickly to meet the needs of flowering plants.

4. Water is used to induce flowering

When the petiole ring appears on the leaf foot of each leaf of the orchid plant, it indicates that the orchid plant has matured into the flower bud differentiation period. After the orchid plant enters the flower bud differentiation period, it is necessary to properly control the watering amount and protect the basin soil from drying. This can increase the cytoplasmic concentration and promote the harmony.