
Planting techniques of Acanthopanax senticosus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Acanthopanax senticosus

Acanthopanax senticosus, also known as Acanthopanax senticosus, is often born in hillside bushes. It is a traditional Chinese medicine and is widely used in Chinese medicine. It has the effect of tonifying essence, strengthening muscles and bones, strengthening ambition, and has a good effect on the treatment of human body three height, kidney deficiency, insomnia and constipation. So do you know how it is planted? Let's take a look at it.

1. Land selection and preparation

Choose coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, broad-leaved forest or sparse woodland, canopy density between 0.3 and 0.5, you can also choose barren mountains and wasteland with fertile soil and good drainage for afforestation. After selecting the planting plot, it is necessary to clean up and disinfect the plot in all aspects and clean up the weeds and shrubs. After doing the disinfection work, the method of burrowing soil preparation is adopted, the size of each hole is 50 × 50cm specifications, and the spacing between rows of afforestation is 100 × 150 cm, which is controlled at 400-500 plants per mu.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

September every year is the fruit ripening period of Acanthopanax senticosus, when the fruit will be harvested, remove impurities and bad seeds after harvest, and then soak the fruit in clean water for 1-2 days, rub out and remove the peel and pulp, leaving seeds. Rinse the seeds with clean water and dry them, then stir the wet sand and put them indoors for the winter, and take them out to dry at the beginning of spring next year. When there are 1/3 seeds with cracks, they can be sown. The sowing time is generally from April to May, before sowing, the seedbed is watered, and then the seeds are evenly scattered on the bed, covered with soil 1cm, and then covered with plastic film or rice straw to keep warm and moisture. the mulch should be removed in time after emergence. It takes time for seedlings to grow to 3-5cm, and seedlings can be fixed when they grow above 10cm.

3. Planting

When the seedlings grow to 50-100cm, you can transplant. When transplanting, you should take the soil seedlings with you. Be careful not to harm the root system, so as not to affect the survival rate. In the process of transportation, traditional Chinese medicine should be carefully taken care of, so that the seedlings should not be exposed to the wind and the sun. Fake planting should be carried out in time when transported to the planting place, so as to avoid water loss affecting the survival rate. When planting, straighten the seedlings, stretch the roots, step on the covered soil, and water the seedlings once.

4. Field management

After the young trees are planted, we must loosen the soil and weed regularly, lest weeds or shrubs affect the growth of the seedlings, loosening the soil can make the root system grow better. In June, fully mature organic fertilizer or farm manure should be applied once, and radial furrow application should be adopted at the root. Fertilization should be covered with soil and watered, diluted fertilizer, so that it can be more easily absorbed by the root system, and the phenomenon of root burning caused by excessive fertility can be avoided. According to the growth of the plant, pruning reasonably, pruning dense branches, dead branches, senescent branches, diseased branches and deformed branches to avoid plant nutrient consumption and make its growth exuberant.

The above is the planting technology of Acanthopanax senticosus. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about the planting of medicinal materials, please follow us.