
How do you grow chrysanthemum? Growth characteristics and key points of maintenance and management of chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cuiju is a common flower in our life, which is divided into short, medium and high types. Cuiju with various flower types has the characteristics of rich flower color, long flowering period, good ornamental effect and so on.

Cuiju is a common flower in our life, which is divided into short, medium and high types. Cuiju with various flower types has the characteristics of rich color, long flowering period, good ornamental effect and so on.

Now the dwarf green chrysanthemum is cultivated in pots, gardens and gardens, and the tall species are used as cut flowers to watch. During flowering, some vases are collected and placed on the windowsill and tea machine. The ball-shaped green chrysanthemum is super lovely in the study.

Growth characteristics of Cuiju:

Cuiju is an annual or biennial herb of Compositae. There are dwarf, medium and tall varieties of Cuiju. Height (15) 30-100 cm. Stem erect, leaves ovate or long elliptic, head. The petals are light white, light red, yellow, blue-purple and so on. Hermaphroditic Corolla yellow. Achenes long elliptic-oblanceolate, slightly flattened, flowering and fruiting May-October.

Maintenance and management of Cuiju

1. Cuiju likes sunshine, but it is not resistant to cold and heat, likes moist air, but is afraid of water in the soil. Therefore, in the maintenance of light and moisture should be grasped, not excessive.

two。 Cuiju is a shallow-rooted plant, so we must pay attention to the timeliness of water supply in the dry season.

3. Potted chrysanthemum change the new soil once a year, keep the pot soil moist during the growing period, do not accumulate water, and drain water in time during the rainy season. It likes to apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium water fertilizer every half a month, and stop nitrogen water fertilizer after flower buds. Can apply phosphorus, potassium water and fertilizer to promote more bright flowers, but also often loosen the soil to green chrysanthemum, promote the root absorption of water and fertilizer strong!

The above are the key points of maintenance and management of green chrysanthemum arranged by Huinong net. It is worth noting that green chrysanthemum is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests in high temperature and humidity, which can occur from seedling stage to flowering stage.

Key points of autumn maintenance of courtyard flowers

Key points of autumn maintenance of courtyard flowers

(1) the characteristics of autumn climate according to Chinese traditional customs, around August 8 of the Gregorian calendar is the day of the Chinese lunar calendar "the Beginning of Autumn", that is to say, it is "autumn" from this day to the first ten days of November before "the Beginning of Winter".

In East China, the average daily temperature in autumn is between 10 and 22 degrees Celsius, which is favorable for plant growth. But autumn is also a transitional season from summer to winter, and the temperature changes greatly. In early autumn, the lowest temperature is still above 30T, even reaching 35 degrees Celsius, while in late autumn, the lowest temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius.

In this season, the warm and humid southeast wind from the Pacific Ocean will gradually be replaced by the cold and dry northwest wind from the northwest plateau. When the northwest wind forms and breaks down to the south, the surface atmosphere is controlled by cold air and the upper layer is controlled by subtropical air, resulting in a crisp autumn.

Autumn is also an important turning period for plant growth, many herbaceous flowers have passed their flowering period, their seeds are mature and their life cycle is over, so they need to collect and sow seeds in order to prepare for the next life cycle. Perennial flowers and trees begin to slow down or stop growing, and some trees begin to shed their leaves and are about to enter a dormant period to spend the cold winter. And another part of winter flowers that are dormant in summer, such as cyclamen, primroses, calla lilies, etc., begin to wake up and enter a new period of growth, water and fertilizer must keep up.

(2) Daily management of flowers in autumn

① management method: in autumn, for Ding Hua people, in addition to continuing the regular management of watering and fertilization in summer, there are many "special" things to do with climate change.

Early autumn: the high temperature in summer has not completely receded at this time, especially the high temperature at noon, which is still a threat to flowers and trees. Therefore, the curtain of summer shade can not be removed in a hurry, only need to open the curtain sooner or later to penetrate light and air, and still need shade the rest of the time. Special attention should be given to some flowers.

For orchids, to maintain a moist and cool environment, it is best to spray water 2-3 times a day, spray water in the form of fog, until the leaves are wet. More water should be sprinkled on the balcony, ground or bunker to promote its cooling and prevent the threat of "autumn tigers".

The lotus is planted in a vat in summer. Although the lotus is gone, it should still have enough water and light. The lotus canopy can be picked as soon as it is ripe, so that the lotus root can continue to grow and ensure that the flowers will bloom in the coming year.

Kumquat fruit in winter, when blooming for the third time, do not let Rain Water pour directly on the flowers to ensure the fruit setting rate.

The flower buds of rhododendrons are differentiating, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of water and apply phosphate fertilizer to prove that spring flowers are blooming.

Cyclamen and adult gentleman orchids can turn the basin and change the soil to ensure that the basin soil is loose and nutritious, and prevent dumb flowers or arrows.

After a summer of continuous growth and flowering, the balcony pride geranium also needs to turn the basin to change the soil, and needs to be pruned and reshaped. Pruning, that is, cutting off the flower branches, leaving only about 10 meters high in the root to promote its germination of new branches and keep the plant shape strong and beautiful. Do not water and fertilize within 1 week after pruning to prevent knife edge infection.

Chrysanthemums beat the head for the last time and apply more topdressing until the flower buds differentiate.

Mid-autumn: at this time the sun is getting weaker, the heat has disappeared, and the temperature has dropped obviously. for flowers and trees with summer shade, it is necessary to gradually reduce the shading time or remove the curtains.

With the decrease of temperature and the weakening of sunlight, the water and fertilizer consumption of general flowers and trees decreases correspondingly. The times of watering can be changed from twice a day in summer to once a day or once a day, and the times of fertilization can also be changed from twice a week to once a week.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the following:

First, after the camellia bud, apply phosphate fertilizer once to ensure the bright flowering of the following year.

Second, after calla lilies dormant, new leaves are growing, watering should be paid special attention, do not pour human leaf sheath, in order to prevent decay.

Third, the "New year's good fruit" kumquat should be fertilized frequently, and the fertilizer should be mixed with rotten bean cake water and bone water or turtle belly intestines to ensure that the water is full and fruitful.

Fourth, the beginning of September is the appropriate time for artificial hybridization of Dahlia, and artificial pollination should be carried out in time.

Fifth, sparrow plum, elm, park and other stump bonsai, is an important opportunity for modeling, plastic surgery, can pick leaves climbing, thin fertilizer, promote new leaves, leaves are neat, and then trimmed into pieces.

Late autumn: Cold Dew around October 8, Frosts Descent around 24, the sunshine is getting shorter, the autumn color appears, and the average daily temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. A H cold wave is coming, the temperature at night can be below 0 degrees Celsius, there is frost or frost. At this time, be sure to pay attention to the weather forecast at any time, and do a good job of entering the house and preventing cold in time.

Late autumn need to master the time to enter the room, will be placed on the balcony or open field flowers and trees moved to the indoor winter, commonly known as "entering the room". Whether the time of entering the room is accurate or not has a lot to do with the safety of flowers and trees in the winter. If you enter the room too early, the indoor temperature is too cold; if you enter the room too late, the flowers and trees will suffer cold damage, or even freeze to death. Therefore, for the florist to enter the house "is also a major event, not carelessly." Entering the room should be carried out in batches according to the different temperature requirements of different kinds of flowers and trees.

Milan, rich bamboo, Brazilian wood, plantain, variable leaf trees and other tropical flowers and trees, commonly known as high-temperature flowers and trees, cold resistance is the worst, the general room temperature below 10 degrees Celsius is vulnerable to cold damage, light leaves, flowers, fruit and Hu shoot, heavy death. Therefore, this kind of flowers and trees had better be put into greenhouse foster care before winter. If it is impossible for foster care, the temperature should be below 10 degrees Celsius. Before moving into the room, placed in a warm sunny place, sunny noon window ventilation, cold spell, the use of pots, plastic bags and other heat preservation measures, the coldest, the need to adopt heating measures.

Carnation, orchid, asparagus, jasmine and cactus, commonly known as medium-temperature flowers and trees, are difficult to resist the low temperature below 51. Therefore, when the minimum temperature at night is 5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to move into the house. When the weather is too cold, it still needs bagging protection.

Camellia, rhododendron, orchid, cycad, Michelia, etc., cold resistance is better, if there is no frost or rain and snow, do not rush into the room. However, if the low temperature is below 0, it is necessary to move into the room and put it in the room facing south, which can generally survive the winter safely.

Five-needle pine, Luohan pine, begonia, rose and so on, commonly known as low-temperature flowers and trees, cold resistance is better, generally do not have to enter the room, just put it in a warm and sunny place outside. In case of severe frost or rain and snow, you can build a grass curtain temporarily to protect it.

The management of flowers and trees after entering the room is also very important. After the flowers and trees enter the house, the water consumption will be reduced. Generally, the small pots will be watered once a week, and the larger flowerpots will be watered once every 1-2 weeks. If the basin soil is not very dry, the watering cycle can be prolonged. In addition to flowers and plants that bloom in winter, such as Hewang orchid, cyclamen, and gentleman orchid, it is necessary to ensure adequate water, fertilizer and increase the application of phosphate fertilizer, but also pay attention to diligent fertilizer and sufficient water for autumn sowing grass flowers that bloom in early spring. As for the flowers and trees that generally enter the house to avoid the cold, it is only necessary to apply fertilizer once a month or simply stop fertilizing, so as to avoid excessive fertilizer, resulting in excessive growth of flowers and trees and reducing the ability of cold resistance.

October is the best time for spring orchids to transplant or divide pots, and orchids should not miss this opportunity. At this time, the growth of orchids is relatively weak, and if the flower buds are not hurt during operation, it will not affect flowering in the coming year. For ramet convenience, watering can be controlled a few days before the ramet, so that the pot ten is properly dried, so that the root is white and soft, so that when transplanting or ramet, the root is not easy to break. But not too dry, too dry r, it is also disadvantageous to the growth of orchids.

② autumn harvest and autumn seed: autumn is also the season for breeding seedlings. As the saying goes, spring flowers and autumn sowing, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, cyclamen, pansy, Yu Mei, and a large number of seasonal flowers need to be sowed at this time, and the management of the seedling stage needs to be done well.

As the saying goes, to plant good seedlings, sowing must start from the harvest. How can we get the best seeds? Generally speaking, when flowers and trees are in full bloom, the climate is suitable and the nutrients are sufficient, the quality of the seeds will naturally be better, so the accurate harvest time is Article 1. Of course, even if the same batch of seeds, there will be individual differences. The amount of seeds used for raising flowers in the family will not be too large, so we can use the method of grain selection to leave behind those seeds that are well developed, regular in shape, full and full.

According to the ripening time of different seeds, we can harvest the following seeds in different seasons.

Seed harvesting: in early autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are peony, purslane, Baiji grass, iris, bauhinia, hemp leaf hydrangea, pineapple, lily, mimosa, Centella asiatica, sleeping lotus, chamomile, lotus. In mid-autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are petunia, morning glory, Platycodon grandiflorum, zinnia, drunken butterfly, iris, peony, peony, mallow, wild goose to red, yellow okra, a little red, wheat stem chrysanthemum, periwinkle, cockscomb, mimosa, canna, Shandan, cut Qiuluo. In late autumn, the seeds that can be harvested are morning glory, Persian chrysanthemum, sunflower, hairpin, marigold, a bunch of red, purple jasmine, magnolia, Lingling, wisteria, sea immortal, camellia, crape myrtle, golden melon, five-colored pepper, emerald chrysanthemum, Lycoris, torch flower, autumn peony, weight tree, dogwood, Chinese wolfberry.

The lifespan of different seeds varies greatly, and some need to be stored for a period of time and fully dormant before they can germinate, such as the scale hammer tree. Some need to harvest along with the seed, otherwise it will reduce its germination rate, such as peony, peony seeds, immediately after harvest to sow or sand seeds. For example, the seeds of water lilies must be hidden in water. The seeds of general flowers and trees are harvested and dried, put in small paper bags or cloth bags, stored at the top of the cupboard or in drawers, and then taken out and used when sowing.

Sowing: in early autumn, suitable flowers and trees are peony, primrose, melon and leaf 'cold chrysanthemum, hollyhock, carnation, calendula, pansy, daisy, goldfish grass, bluebell grass, Violet. Orchid, osmanthus bamboo incense. In mid-autumn, flowers and trees suitable for sowing are Hosta, Platycodon grandiflorum, Cuiju and Yagi.

Car chrysanthemum, marigold, hollyhock, anemone, violet, petunia, goldfish grass, primrose, golden lotus, beauty, pansy, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, cyclamen. In late autumn, the sowing of biennial plants should be over, and a small number of perennial woody or bulbous flowers, such as Xianke, Lai, Phyllostachys pubescens and so on, can be sown in pots.

Sowing in autumn can be divided into two methods: open sowing and indoor sowing. It is generally suitable for grass flowers with strong cold tolerance, such as daisy, Yu beauty, calendula, pansy and so on. Sowing in the open field is the same as sowing in spring. For primroses, cyclamen, magnolia and other flowers with poor cold tolerance, sowing in slaughter. Indoor sowing utensils can be used with sowing boxes or pots. The general special sowing box is nailed with wooden strips, which is about 10 centimeters high and 40 centimeters long and 60 centimeters wide. If there is a package of the right size at home, it can also be replaced. The sowing pot is a kind of tile basin with a diameter of 30 cm, a height of 10 cm and many round holes at the bottom (available in the flower market). The specific steps of sowing are as follows:

The first step is to cover the round hole in the basin floor with broken tiles and cover the bottom with a layer of broken tiles (smashing the broken tile basin into large beans) or coal flooding and charcoal shavings, which are 3-4% thick to facilitate drainage.

In the second step, fill the upper part with sterilized culture soil (usually made of 3 parts of humus, 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of sand), fill it up to I cm from the mouth of the basin, and gently pat it flat with a pressing plate.

Step 3, sow the seeds on the ground. The sowing method depends on the size of the seeds, such as primroses, which can be mixed with some culture soil and sprinkled evenly. Larger seeds, such as gentleman orchid and cyclamen, can be placed one by one at a distance of 1 to 2 centimeters, with a slight press during placement, so that half of the seeds enter the soil and half are exposed, and then cover the seeds with a fine sieve (waste window screens can be used in the family)-a layer of quartz sand.

Step 4, take an ordinary plastic basin to fill half a basin of water, put the sowing basin into the water, let the water slowly seep into the basin from the bottom pores, until the surface is all wet, that is, end out, put it in the balcony ventilated shady place, covered with glass, heat preservation and moisturizing. Pay attention to turning the glass of the cover every day to evaporate the condensed water on its surface, and leave a little gap to let the basin soil breathe. If the pot soil is dry, spray a little water, and after the seedlings grow, gradually remove the glass cover, and then gradually move to the place where there is plenty of sunshine (note that it should not be placed under the strong sun at once, otherwise it will be sunburned). According to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, water it with a fine spray pot in time. After the true leaves are released from the seedlings, the seedlings that are too dense and do not grow well should be gently removed with a thin bamboo stick, leaving a good seedling that is strong and well-known. When the seedlings release 3-4 true leaves, they should be transplanted into the pot.

There is a special oven for disinfecting the cultivated soil. In the family, you can buy sterilized culture soil in bags; you can also spread the soil evenly on the roof cement floor for 1-2 days on a sunny day; or put it in an iron pan and stir-fry for half an hour; you can also use 0. 5%. Spray 5% potassium permanganate water with soil, then cover it with plastic film for half a day, remove the plastic film, and then use it again in a week. When sowing, in order to prevent dust, you can first spray the least water into the cultivated soil to make it slightly moist, but the water must not be too much, otherwise the soil hair will be sticky and difficult to operate.

Most grass flower seeds can be sown directly without any treatment before sowing. However, the shell of some seeds is thick and hard or waxy, such as cyclamen, it is best to carry out pre-sowing treatment to promote its germination and sterilization. The method of treatment is to soak the seeds with thick seed coat, and the soaked water can be soaked in warm water (the water temperature is about 60 degrees Celsius). The soaking time is generally 24 hours, and more water should be sprayed after sowing to keep it moist. In addition, for seeds with hard shells, such as lotus, one end of the shell can be broken with a file, and then soaked. For seeds purchased from other places, in order to prevent the spread of germs infected on the seeds locally, 0. 5% should be used. 5% potassium permanganate or 0. Soak in 3% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes, then remove and rinse with clean water before sowing.

Some grass flowers, such as primroses, lotus flowers, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, need to be transplanted after sowing. However, some of them are not suitable for transplanting, such as Yu Mei Ren, Huacheng Grass, and so on. These flowers and trees have too delicate roots and are prone to poor growth after transplanting, so they should be planted in a small pot with a diameter of 13 cm at the beginning of the true leaves of the seedlings, and then take off the pot after a little larger, or use the method of direct seeding.

(3) the prevention and control of flower diseases and insect pests in autumn is warm and dry in autumn, which is the season with high incidence of flower spot disease and powdery mildew.

Spot disease is caused by fungi, including black spot, brown spot and red spot, which often occur in leaves and fruits. In the early stage of the disease, round patches of different sizes appeared on the leaves or fruits, faded to yellow, and there was a clear outline on the outer edge. Mildew layer or small black spots often appear on the spots, and the disease part is necrotic in the later stage.

Powdery mildew is also caused by powdery mildew in fungi, which often occurs on leaves, young fruits and young branches. The disease spot is almost round, and a thin layer of powder appears on it. In the later stage, there are many needle-sized yellow-brown particles scattered on the layer of powder. After removing the white powder layer, the yellow spot disease of the injured plant tissue can be seen. Rose and dahlias are easy to suffer from this disease.

The fundamental way to prevent and cure the above diseases is to pay attention to hygiene, thoroughly remove the source of the disease, and remove the dead branches and leaves inside and outside the flowerpot, balcony and courtyard at any time. If you plant a large number of flowers, you can use 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 ~ 1000 times liquid spray disinfection. Families who plant peony, peony, chrysanthemum and carnation can also spray 120-160 times the same amount of Bordeaux every 10 days to prevent peony red spot, carnation leaf spot and chrysanthemum brown spot.

In addition, it is also an effective way to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to flowers and trees to enhance disease resistance. At the same time, aphids, red spiders, whitefly and other insect pests are also easy to occur at this time, and should be checked one by one. If you find it, catch it carefully with your hand immediately. When in large quantities, spray dimethoate and omethoate to kill.

Before flowers and trees enter the room in late autumn, they should be checked basin by pot and branch by branch. If there are shell worm eggs on the branches, scrape them off with bamboo slices immediately. Aphids are large and easy to find, while the red tarantula is very small and mostly on the back of the leaves, which is not easy to detect. Therefore, the dorsal side of the leaf should be checked one by one. If you find a small white spot, spray it with dimethoate immediately, or use a tobacco extract (about 20 cigarette butts, soak in a bowl of water, soak for 24 hours, and add some soapy water or washing powder to mix). Rinse with clean water after washing.

If everything is normal, such as fertilizer, water, etc., but the plant seems to be growing poorly, it should be suspected whether there are insect pests in the soil. The easiest and most effective way is to turn the basin to see if there are silkworms, ants, earthworms and so on in the soil. If so, they should be caught in time. When turning the pot, mix some carbofuran in the soil (a flowerpot with a diameter of 20 cm, about a small plastic spoon), or use 2 pieces of "Bai Hua Ling" tablets sold in the store, crushed and mixed into the soil, it also has a good effect of killing insects.

At this time, it needs to be pointed out that the family flower cultivation of diseases and insect pests should be checked frequently, early detection, timely prevention and control, as far as possible with manual killing or water washing methods. When pesticides must be used, non-toxic and low-toxic pesticides should be used as far as possible, and indoor spraying of pesticides is absolutely prohibited.

Key points of maintenance of courtyard flowers in spring

Key points of maintenance of courtyard flowers in spring

(1) the characteristics of spring climate the temperature began to pick up in early spring, but very slowly. Although there will be a "Xiaoyangchun" in early March, there is still a cold spell, causing cold weather. Generally speaking, the temperature will not stabilize above lO degrees Celsius until mid-late April and there will be no big fluctuations. In some years, the spring rain is continuous and the light is insufficient, which increases the maintenance difficulty of potted flowers in spring and needs to be managed more carefully.

(2) do a good job in preventing the cold of flowers in spring. If you are a little lazy, the flowers that have been carefully maintained for a whole winter will be destroyed at once. Take the spring snow on March 20, 1998 as an example. The temperature rose significantly from March 17 to 18, but on the 19th, the strong cold air from the north moved ferociously south, with a northerly wind of 7-9, which lasted for 20 hours. Then there was a moderate snow, with a maximum snow depth of 22% m along the Yangtze River, a temperature drop of 20 T in 3 days and a minimum temperature of-1. 5%. 8T, which set a record of the lowest temperature in the area along the Yangtze River in mid-March in the past 40 years, caused many families to suffer varying degrees of loss in flower cultivation.

(3) it is not advisable for potted flowers to go out in spring with tropical flowers, such as jasmine and white orchids, and some flowers that enter U, such as Belgian rhododendrons and tulips, although they can be moved outdoors when the weather is sunny and normal, but when the weather changes strongly, it is inevitable to suffer frost damage or even fallen leaves, resulting in Hu's death. Coupled with the cold early spring Rain Water, in the outdoor, the soil water content is too large, which is not conducive to the emergence and absorption of new roots, affecting germination and leaf expansion. Therefore, when potted flowers are moved outdoors in early spring, it is generally necessary to wait until the air temperature is stable at 10-15 degrees Celsius for a period of time. Do not be confused by the climate illusion of "Xiaoyang Chung" for a while.

(4) the matters that should be paid attention to before and after potted flowers leave the room, potted flowers on the balcony or indoors are born K all winter. In recent years, due to the improvement of living standards, many families have indoor air conditioners or electric heaters, indoor temperature, humidity, sunshine, air and outdoor are obviously different. Relatively speaking, indoor potted flowers are relatively tender, such as when the weather is warm in Chung season, the plants are often unable to adapt to the new environment and wilt, so exercise should be carried out first to enhance resistance and gradually adapt to the changing environment. The specific approach is to gradually move to the lower indoor temperature, open more doors and windows, ventilate, accept sunlight, gradually increase the distance between basins, reduce watering, enrich the branches and leaves, so as to enhance the resistance to the sudden changes in the external environment. In short, the coffin should be gradually adapted to the new environment.

(5) maintenance after changing basin

① gradually restore light: because changing pots hurt the roots, in order to ensure survival, first place in a cool place, after its normal growth and development, gradually from semi-light to full light, except for flowers and trees that like shade.

② appropriate period of watering: depending on the wet degree of the basin soil, watering as appropriate, do not water every day, to prevent the basin soil is too wet, cause rotten roots or induce diseases and insect pests.

③ leaf fertilization: when the leaves are yellow and atrophied, apply a mixture of thin and rotten vegetable leaves, fish bones, meat bones and human urine.

Prevention and control of ④ diseases and insect pests: diligent examination and timely treatment.

(6) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in spring the common diseases and insect pests of flowers in spring are powdery mildew, rust, black spot, leaf shrinking, yellowing, etc., as well as longicorn beetles, aphids, shell insects, beetles and other pests.

① powdery mildew: common in impatiens, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, dahlia, rose, crabapple and other flowers, mainly in leaves, but also harmful to tender stems, flowers and fruits. At the beginning of the disease, there are several discoloration spots on the leaves, but there is no obvious edge around them, and then the small spots synthesize large spots. With the development of the disease, the disease spot is covered with white powder, the leaf shrinks, the flower suffers and cannot blossom normally, and the fruit stops developing. The onset period of the disease can be from early spring to H season to autumn. The prevention and treatment methods are as follows: at the beginning of the disease, the diseased leaves are removed as early as possible to prevent the spread; when the disease is serious, the stone sulfur mixture can be sprayed, or 1000 times 70% thiophanate solution.

② rust: most of the flowers and trees prone to this disease are Rosaceae plants such as pedicel begonia, including rose, weeping begonia, etc., in addition, peony and carnation are also prone to this disease. The onset stage is early Chung, and at the initial stage, it shows spotted chlorosis on the tender leaves, then there are dense small black spots on it, the disease spot is orange round, and the gray-white wool is pulled out from the reverse side. Between August and September, it produces a yellowish-brown powder, which spreads to the juniper tree with the wind, and spreads with Rain Water in the early spring of the next year, and then harms the above-mentioned flowers. Therefore, the disease can only be sustained by the parasitic harm of these two kinds of plants. In the theory of diseases and insect pests, it is called "alternate parasitic disease". When the harm is serious, it will cause fallen leaves, and when it is lighter, it will cause disease spots, affecting the appearance and photosynthesis. The method of prevention and control is to avoid planting juniper and other transferred host parasitic plants nearby as far as possible. Peichun, about ten days of March in Nanjing, began to spray 400 times 20% verapamil emulsion or 50% bacillus wettable powder and then sprayed once again after about half a month, until the beginning of April. If there is no rain and drought in spring, one less spray can be done. If there are juniper trees nearby, the garden department should spray stone sulfur mixture on juniper trees in mid-March to eliminate the pathogen of juniper cypress.

③ leaf shrinking disease: mainly occurs in the leaves of Rosaceae plants such as plum and peach. At the beginning of the early spring leaves, the damaged leaves were malformed and swollen and the color turned red. As the leaf grows and curls in the opposite direction, the disease spot gradually turns gray-white, and powdery matter appears on it. Due to the damage to the leaves, the shoots could not grow normally, or even withered. When the leaves are seriously damaged, they fall, affecting the growth and reducing the amount of flowers. The prevention and treatment methods are as follows: at the initial stage of the disease, the diseased leaves with symptoms are removed in time to reduce the spread of pathogens; before sprouting in early spring, stone-sulfur mixture is sprayed to eliminate the pathogens overwintering inside and outside the bud scales and on the diseased shoots. If we can do this for two or three years in a row, we can prevent and cure the disease more thoroughly. For seriously ill potted flowers, it is necessary to increase fertilizer and strengthen management in order to restore growth and blossom more.

④ aphids: also known as honey insects. Many kinds of potted flowers are harmed by aphids, such as peach, rose, elm leaf plum, plum blossom, peach flower and so on. Aphids mostly gather on the opposite side of leaves and feed on leaf sap for a living. Because of its fast reproduction speed, with the rise of temperature in early spring, when the damaged leaves can not expand normally, the new shoots can not grow, and in serious cases, it will cause leaf shedding and affect flowering. When it is hot in summer, some aphids migrate to other plants such as vegetables and fly back to the trees to lay eggs in early winter. The control methods are as follows: 1000 times 40% dimethoate EC can be sprayed before spreading leaves after germination to kill the young aphids hatched at the early stage, or not spraying to protect ladybugs and other natural enemies to eliminate aphids until the population growth and decline is out of balance. Natural enemies can not control aphids, and then consider medication. When using this method, it is still necessary to use the auxiliary method of manually removing or pinching dead aphids.

⑤ scale insects: there are many kinds of shell insects, and there are many species that harm flowers and trees, and the damage is more serious. Tortoise shell scale, white waxy, round. Mulberry white scale, A color, pointed. Snail scale, dark brown, long-shaped male, round female. Gray scale, dark brown, round, shaped like armor. Plants vulnerable to shell insects are camellia, pomegranate, oleander, clove, rhododendron, hibiscus, flower, plum, peach, begonia, rose, magnolia, Michelia, evergreen and so on. The larvae first suck the sap on the leaves, making the leaves green, and when they are adults, they mostly suck sap on the branches, seriously weakening the tree potential and affecting flowering. The control methods are as follows: squeeze to death by hand or scrape off the pests on leaves and branches with a knife, and spray 1000 times 40% dimethoate EC once or twice in the larval stage, with an interval of 7 to 10 days.

⑥ red spider: mites. The insect is small, indistinguishable to the naked eye, accumulates, and propagates very fast. There are many vulnerable plants, such as rose, rose, crape myrtle, rhododendron, clove and so on. The insects gather on the back of the leaves to suck sap, which makes the leaves green at first, and eventually causes the leaves to fall off and the new shoots to die. In serious cases, the plant growth weakens and even dies. The method of prevention and control is to spray 1 000 times 40% dimethoate EC or 1 000 times 1 500 times 40% diclofenac EC in the initial stage, and spray it carefully. In high temperature in summer, the insect propagates faster and often fails to control, so it is necessary to spray agricultural medicine as early as possible, and spray it 3 or 4 times continuously, with an interval of about 7 days, and do not use the same pesticide alone to avoid drug resistance.

There are orchids, carnations, peony, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, daffodils, cyclamen, peonies and so on. When pests are light, they are often difficult to detect. When the insect pest is serious, the plant grows poorly and blossoms poorly. As there are many kinds of nematodes in the soil, the worms are small and almost invisible to the naked eye, so it is only based on prevention. 20-30 3% carbofuran granules can be added to every kilogram of planted soil to dissolve and slowly release nematodes to eliminate nematodes.

⑧ caterpillars: there are tentorium caterpillars, boat caterpillars and so on. Eating habits are very miscellaneous, and the children are almost harmful to all plants, which is explosive and should be prevented and treated as soon as possible. Manual capture can be used and 1000 times 40% dimethoate EC can be sprayed if necessary.

⑨ bark moth: larvae eat in the branches, peaches, plums and flowers are common, serious can cause biennial to triennial branches to break, affecting the posture of the tree. The prevention and control methods are as follows: pay attention to observation at ordinary times. When there are wormholes in the branches and small granular feces are excreted from the wormholes, the wire can be used to dig along the wormway or cut the branches to kill pests. The body of the worm is reddish brown and the head and body segments are covered with hair, which is obviously different from the milky white of longicorn beetles. This method is also used to control longicorn beetles. You can also use 150 times 80% dichlorvos EC, inject it from the fecal mouth of the worm track with a syringe, and then block it with wet mud to kill pests.

⑩ beetles or beetles: omnivorous pests that feed on leaves or flowers in early spring, roses and roses are vulnerable. Artificial capture is the main control method.

⑪ underground pests: grubs, that is, beetle larvae, white. Ground tiger, green and black. Feed on the roots or stems of plants in the soil, often causing plant death. The method of prevention and treatment is to dig it out from the entrance of the man-soil cave in time.