
How to grow dandelions? Planting method of potted dandelion

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dandelion is a common plant in the countryside when we were young. Many people should have blown the dandelion and watched it fly freely.

Dandelion is a common plant in the countryside when we were young. Many people should have blown dandelion and watched it fly freely. In fact, in addition to dancing in the wind, dandelion has a lot of medicinal value. Nothing to dig dandelion, used to mix cold dishes, dumplings, not only delicious, but also can clear heat to remove fire, improve indigestion. Since dandelions have so many benefits, can we plant some at home? Of course. Let's introduce the planting method of potted dandelion.

1. Collect seeds

You can go to the flower market to buy dandelion seeds, or you can collect wild dandelion seeds. It can be found in parks and suburban roadsides. Around June, dandelion seeds gradually mature and turn brown, so they can be picked.

2. Pre-seed preparation

The collected seeds should be dried in a cool and ventilated place for 2 days, then soaked in water for 2-4 hours to accelerate germination, and then the seeds can be sowed.

Dandelion is not strict on the soil, the general garden soil can meet its growth needs. Breathable tile pots are better for cultivation containers, and plastic pots and foam boxes can also be used, but remember to make drainage holes at the bottom.

3. Sowing method

Wet the pot soil, sprinkle the dandelion seeds evenly on the basin soil, then cover a thin layer of soil, put it in a cool and ventilated place, spray water with a spray can every day to keep moist, waiting for germination.

4. Post-management

Under the condition of proper maintenance, dandelion can sprout in 1-2 weeks. After sprouting, transfer to a sunny place for maintenance. When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, the dandelion should be interspersed and the overdense seedlings should be removed.

When 6-7 leaves grow, the lower leaves begin to cover the ground and grow. At this time, we should pay attention to proper water control and supplement nutrients. Family planting, you can use natural non-toxic microbial agents, so that the dandelion is safer, healthier and more suitable for consumption.

Dandelion throughout the growth period to keep the basin soil moist, but not stagnant state, otherwise easy to rot roots, and then affect the survival. Try to spray water with a spray can when watering, so as to avoid flooding.

5. Harvesting method

When the leaf length of dandelion is 8-10 cm, it can be harvested and cut 2 cm up from the surface. After that, the dandelion will continue to grow, and after about 20 days, it can be harvested again. After each harvest waiting for the wound to heal, an additional microbial agent can be applied to promote the rapid growth of dandelion.

How to raise potted honeysuckle planting techniques of potted honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is used as park hedge, fence, balcony, flower gallery, flower rack and other three-dimensional greening in gardens, as well as ground cover materials for soil and water conservation, wind prevention and sand fixation. Honeysuckle not only can be planted on the ground, but also can be used as a potted ornamental. Honeysuckle stem slender, tree shape is generally difficult to control, easy to appear the phenomenon of long nodes, few flowers, is a kind of characteristic flowers especially suitable for display at home, the following is a specific introduction of potted honeysuckle planting technology.

1. Planting techniques of potted honeysuckle

1. Control the vines

When we plant honeysuckle in the flowerpot, we should pay attention to control the generation of its vines, first, to control the shape of the tree, to increase its flowering quantity, and second, to promote the maturity of stems. It can obviously improve its appreciation. There are many ways to control vine growth, such as less watering and less nitrogen fertilizer, which are good choices.

2. Change the basin in time

The pot honeysuckle needs to be changed frequently, and the ideal time to change the pot is once every one or two years. If it is a large honeysuckle bonsai, it can be changed once every three to four years. If the pot is not changed in time, it will reduce the absorption capacity of the root system of honeysuckle, accelerate the aging of the plant and slow the growth of honeysuckle.

3. Ensure sunshine

Potted honeysuckle is a characteristic plant that requires high light. When you cultivate it at home, you should put it in a sunny environment as much as possible. If you leave it in a bad light and damp environment, it will make honeysuckle branches thin and weak. Leaves fall off and there are many good symptoms such as less civilization. In addition, when the sprouting strip of potted honeysuckle grows to about five centimeters, paclobutrazol should be sprayed in time to avoid its crazy growth.

2. Planting environment

Honeysuckle is an evergreen twining vine with striped bark and hollow branches, opposite leaves, ovate or subcordate, and a long flowering period of 2 to 3 months. When potted plants are planted in the Yangtze River basin, the first flower is usually in the middle of April. Common varieties are red honeysuckle, white honeysuckle, four seasons honeysuckle. The red honeysuckle has a reddish outside the Corolla; the white honeysuckle blooms white and then turns yellow; the honeysuckle of the four seasons blossoms continuously at the end of spring, summer and autumn. Honeysuckle likes a warm, moist and sunny environment, although it is also shady, but in a hidden environment, it is easy to cause long plants, thin branches, thin leaves, and not easy to blossom, affecting the beauty of the plant. The suitable temperature for growth is 12 ℃ ~ 26 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to cause redness on the leaf surface and slow growth. This is due to the inhibition of carbohydrate metabolism, resulting in the synthesis of more anthocyanins. Honeysuckle is not strict on the soil, acidic and alkaline soil can adapt, resistant to drought and moisture, but can not accumulate water in the basin.

III. Methods of reproduction

Sowing, cutting, stacking, striping and ramet propagation. Generally, cuttings and earth pressing are mainly used, and cuttings are easy to survive by branch cutting. In the case of suitable temperature, you can cut throughout the year, take a section of robust vines, length 10 to 15 cm, insert vermiculite ∶ perlite ∶ yellow sand = 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 in the matrix, cuttage depth is 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1, cuttings after watering enough to keep the soil moist, spray twice to the cuttings every morning and evening, in order to maintain air humidity, conducive to wound healing, 20 days later can take root. Pile soil crimping, before crimping, first cut the cortex of the base of the branch, and then pile up the soil 20cm to 30cm, often keep the soil moist. After rooting, it was planed, cut off from the mother plant and cultivated respectively.

IV. The efficacy and function of Flos Lonicerae

Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, honeysuckle, Shuanghua, etc., has been known as a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification since ancient times. It is sweet and cold and fragrant, sweet and cold, clearing heat without harming the stomach, and the aroma can dispel evil. Honeysuckle not only can spread wind and heat, but also good at clearing blood toxin, it is used for all kinds of heat venereal diseases, such as body fever, rash, spots, heat sore carbuncle, sore throat and so on.

Honeysuckle has a sweet and cold taste and a fragrant smell, which can not only clear the surface, but also detoxify the blood, especially for the treatment of positive sores. With forsythia, burdock, mint, Schizonepeta angustifolia, then sparse the surface and antipyretic; with fresh ground, Radix scrophulariae, Forsythia suspensa, bamboo leaf curly heart, etc., then Qingying to relieve heat; with purple flowers, wild chrysanthemum, dandelion, then detoxification and treatment of sores; with Huangqi, Angelica, licorice, then Tuodu Xiaoabu; with Scutellaria baicalensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba, licorice, etc., then clear heat to treat dysentery.

Honeysuckle medicine is cold, not suitable for long-term drinking, only suitable for temporary drinking in hot summer to prevent and cure dysentery. In particular, it needs to be reminded that deficiency cold physique and menstruation can not be drunk, otherwise, there may be adverse reactions. It is better to drink only when you feel angry, and drinking too much will be counterproductive.

1. Antibacterial and antiviral. That is, it has obvious inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, dysentery, typhoid, meningococcus, pneumococci, green pus and influenza virus.

2. Enhance the function of immunity. Honeysuckle can promote lymphocyte transformation and enhance the phagocytosis of leukocytes.

3. Anti-inflammation and antipyretic. Honeysuckle can promote the release of adrenocortical hormone and inhibit inflammation.

Finally, honeysuckle is not only of high ornamental value, but also of high economic value. It is often used as a source of honey and cultivated as medicinal plants. Its flowers, stems and leaves have strong resistance to a variety of bacteria and influenza viruses.

Flowers and plants peach dandelion (thousands of dandelions) pictures

English name: peach dandelion

Another name: thousand dandelions

Latin scientific name: Crepis rubra L.

Families and genera: Compositae Huanyangshen genus

Distribution of origin: southern Italy, Balkans

Peach dandelion is an annual plant easy to grow, pink, ideal for flower beds and potted varieties. Plant height: 30-40 cm, all-day sunshine. Sowing from March to May, sowing depth 3mm, sowing from September to October, and flowering from spring to summer in the following year. Pot sowing needs to add sufficient base fertilizer and lightly cover with a layer of fine vermiculite to keep the soil moist and the suitable temperature for germination is 15-20 ℃. After sowing, there is no need to hide from the light, which helps to germinate. Keep it moist without stagnant water, and it usually takes 14-21 days to germinate.

Attached: peach dandelion (Crepis rubra L.), Compositae (Asteraceae) Huanyangshen is an annual herb. High 30cm. Basal leaves margin dentate, rosette-like. Head pink, 2.5cm in diam. Flowering in summer. Native to southeastern Europe and West Asia.