
How to prevent and cure the disease of Ilex tataricus? Propagation and pest control of Ilex angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ilex is an evergreen seedling of the four seasons, its tree shape is beautiful, the color is white, it has a faint fragrance when it blossoms, and it can be planted in the courtyard or made into bonsai. It is a very good green seedling. The following editor will talk about the reproduction and pest control methods of Ilex holly. So that you can plant.

Ilex is an evergreen seedling of the four seasons, its tree shape is beautiful, the color is white, it has a faint fragrance when it blossoms, and it can be planted in the courtyard or made into bonsai. It is a very good green seedling. The following editor will talk about the reproduction and pest control methods of Ilex holly. So that you can plant.

Reproduction method

Ilex can be propagated by sowing or cutting.

Sowing and reproduction

① seed collection and processing. The seeds of Ilex angustifolia mature in November and December, and the big trees which have grown vigorously for more than 40 years and are disease-free and insect-free are selected for seed collection. It is usually collected after the fruit of Ilex spinosa is fully ripe. Take out the pure seed manually. Rinse repeatedly with clean water. Choose seeds that are full, without imperfections or deformities. It is now sown on the spot or sown in spring after stratification. Stratified sprouting: choose a dry and ventilated room. First spread a layer of wet sand with 10km on the ground. Then the seeds are stacked interactively with the wet sand at 1:3. Pile high 40cm and cover it with wet sand with thick 10cm. Insert a few perforated bamboo tubes or straw into the sand pile to breathe. The humidity of the sand is clutched in the hand. It is advisable to loosen several large cracks.

② nursery arrangement. The sandy loam with flat terrain, convenient transportation and water source is selected as the nursery. Before ploughing, remove the roots from the nursery. Clean up bricks, plastics, weeds and other sundries.

a. Prepare the ground. Make a deep digging of the nursery at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter in the first year. Up to 35cm. Do not rake. After a winter (about 2 months) drying and freezing, it is beneficial to change the properties of the soil. Reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests. Take advantage of winter leisure in the countryside. Dig out the drainage ditch (commonly known as enclosing ditch) around the nursery, with a width of 40cm. Depth 35cm for drainage. In the middle and late February of the following year. Fully mature barnyard manure is applied per mu of nursery land, and each fertilization method can be mixed with 100kg superphosphate. To improve soil fertility. It is beneficial to the absorption of young plants. After applying fertilizer, the nursery was raked continuously for 3 times for 4 times, so that the nursery was fully raked flat.

b. Open trenches to make beds. To prevent sunburn from damaging seedlings. Most of the seedbeds are in the north-south direction. Manually according to the width of 1.5m to open the box ditch to make a seedbed. The width of the nursery bed is 1.2 m. Ditch width 30cm, ditch depth 25cm can be, so that the perimeter ditch, the middle ditch, the box ditch "three ditches" communicate. A deep ditch and a narrow bed. It is beneficial to drain and irrigate water from personnel.

c. Disinfect. To the nursery that has produced diseases and insect pests. It is best to carry out an insecticidal and germicidal treatment before sowing. Ferrous sulfate (15-20kg/ mu) and 70% dimethazone wettable powder (1~1.5kg/ mu) can be used for sterilization. It worked well. Insecticidal can be combined with strip sowing 3% carbofuran (carbofuran) granules per mu.

Sow seeds on ③. The seeds of Ilex angustifolia were screened out after stratification in March. Remove the mildew before sowing. Manually underline and open a sowing ditch. Line spacing 25cm, trench exploration 1.5~2cm. Sow holly seeds evenly in the ditch. Using fine soil to cover 1.5cm, Acetochlor spray can be used to seal the soil. To slow down the growth of weeds. Then cover with pine needles, sawdust, straw, etc. To preserve moisture and ventilation. After sowing, appropriate watering from soil moisture according to weather conditions. Maintain the proper humidity of the seedbed. The seedlings emerged around the end of April. At this time, straw and pine needles should be removed.

Cuttage propagation

Ilex spinosa cuttings are divided into hardwood cuttings and tender wood cuttings. Hardwood cuttings are mostly carried out in late February or early March, and they are cuttings with woody branches. The softwood cuttings were mostly used from May to July in the same year, semi-lignified wood cuttings.

① hardwood cuttings. The hardwood cutting of Ilex angustifolia includes nursery geography, cuttage, post-cutting management and so on.

The cutting nursery of holly is arranged in the same sowing nursery, but any fertilizer is applied, and the seedbed is made into the shape of a tortoise to facilitate drainage. Build a shade shed according to the cuttings and cover 50% of the sunshade net. The net and the net are connected by wire or strong rope, and the net is fixed around by wire or rope. The awning must be strong enough to withstand the wind.

From February to March, large seedlings with healthy growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected for 6 years, and the healthy branches with 1 ~ 2 years old were cut off from the periphery of the seedlings. The harvested branches were cut short in the cool leeward, and the cuttings were 10 ~ 12cm in length. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the upper 1-3 leaves. The upper end of the cuttings is cut flat, and the lower end is obliquely cut into horseshoe shape. Cut 50 ear strips into a bundle, the lower part of the alignment. The lower end was soaked in A BT l rooting powder solution of I100m g/kg for 2 hours and then cuttings were obtained. The depth of cuttage is 2 to 3 of that of cuttings. Insert the first car and water the cuttings quickly with a spray can to make the cuttings fully contact with the substrate. Build a small arch shed with bamboo and cover it with a 2m wide media, which is sealed with stones or soil for four weeks. Hang a temperature and hygrometer in one of the arches.

The management of temperature and humidity is mainly after cutting of Ilex spinosa. Before cutting (within 25 days), the humidity in the small arch shed should be kept above 90%, and the humidity of the substrate should be about 60%. After about 25 days, the cut of Ilex spinosa began to heal and take root. When all the cuttings take root and more than 50% of the cuttings begin to send leaves, the seedlings should be ventilated at both ends of the film. After properly refining the seedlings. Remove film and sunshade net. Increase the resistance of seedlings. However, the suitable humidity of the seedbed should be ensured. Spray sterilization with 1000 times dilution solution at intervals of 7 to 10 days.

② tender wood cuttings. The softwood cuttings of Ilex chinensis can be carried out in the greenhouse. It is easy to say that it is helpful to cutting.

From May to July. Build a seedbed in the all-light intermittent spraying greenhouse (covered with imported plastic film), and vermiculite is used in the seedbed. Perlite, peat and other materials are mixed to pave the way. The nursery bed is fixed around with high 15cm wood or slate.

After the seedbed is ready, strips are collected. Put the harvested branches indoors. Waiting for disinfection cuttings. In order to make the cuttings receive light evenly, the leaves should be directed in one direction as far as possible. The suitable cutting density is that the leaves do not cover each other. Spray and moisturize quickly after insertion. Prevent cuttings from dehydration and death.

After the cuttings of holly cuttings are finished, all-light intermittent spray management is needed. The high air humidity in the plastic greenhouse should be kept before the cuttings healed and took root. After 15 days, the cuttings of Ilex spinosa began to heal and take root, and the water film on the leaf surface could be completely evaporated before spraying. Spray once every 2-3 hours in sunny days, but not in rainy days and at night. Pull out the rotten holly cuttings and burn or bury them every 10 to 15 days. And after stopping spraying in the evening, 70% methyl topiramate solution with 1000 times liquid was sprayed and sterilized. Seedlings can be transplanted to the field in spring.

Control of diseases and insect pests there are few diseases and insect pests of Ilex holly. The disease is harmful to soot, which can be sprinkled with 800 times of 0.3 Baume degree of stone and sulfur. Insect pests include aphids. Drillers harm leaves and tree trunks. Spray 1000 times diluted solution with 40% omethoate.

The common propagation method of Ilex is sowing and raising seedlings, the cost of the method is low, but the propagation time is long, and the effect is not guaranteed, and there is another kind of cuttage, which can improve the survival rate. In the editor's view, Ilex is a very good green nursery stock. You can watch flowers and leaves, it is worth you like flowers and seedlings.

Control of main diseases of tortoise shell holly

Tortoise shell holly is a kind of evergreen dwarf shrub of holly family, which is resistant to low temperature, the leaves are dark green and shiny, and the upper leaves are golden yellow, especially in spring and autumn. With fine leaves, slow growth, strong branching, very resistant to pruning, evergreen four seasons and so on, it can be planted in the south of the Great Wall. It is widely used in urban landscaping, isolated planting or mold planting to form a landscape.

However, after tortoise shell holly was widely used in garden planting, it was found that branch blight and stem base rot occurred seriously, resulting in plant death or yellowing of leaves. Here are some prevention and control methods for the two diseases:

1. Branch blight

The disease is caused by fungi, which is usually directly invaded by the top of the branch or by the wound after pruning, and then invades the base of the branch, resulting in browning of the epidermis of the branch, hindering the transmission of nutrients, and turning yellow and withered leaves until the crown leaves of the whole plant wither. and then the plant dies. The injury symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of water loss and death of the plant, and it is easy to mistakenly think that it is caused by the root system of the plant. The occurrence of this disease is not easy to be detected without careful examination, and once the disease occurs, it is often more serious, and prevention and treatment is more difficult, so it is necessary to give priority to prevention.

Prevention and control methods:

1. Physical control: loosen the soil, increase the application of organic fertilizer, and change the soil physical and chemical properties. Use ferrous sulfate solution to neutralize soil, or spray alum fertilizer water and rice washing water. At the same time, reduce the temperature difference in watering, watering sooner or later.

2. Chemical control: first of all, prune the dead branches, cut off the diseased branches and stay away from the scene or burn them. Secondly, it is treated with chemicals:

(1) spray 600 times of Dasheng wettable powder, 800 times of 50% prohydantoin wettable powder or 800 times of amidine immediately after each pruning to prevent bacteria from invading the wound.

(2) from May to June, the fungus agent amidine was sprayed 1000 times, 70% methyl topiramate or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, once every 10 days, twice in a row.

2. Stem base rot

At the beginning of the disease, irregular edema patches appeared near the ground at the base of the stem, light brown, the cortex of the diseased part became soft, water stains, easy dissection, peculiar smell was smelled recently, and the diseased part gradually expanded around the base of the whole stem, and the color became darker. In the later stage, there were white particles on the diseased part, which affected the upward transport of water and nutrients after the onset of the disease, resulting in branch wilting. With the severity of the disease, the branches above the disease site gradually withered and died. The disease began to occur in April and reached its peak from May to July, mostly due to excessive soil moisture and poor ventilation.

Prevention and control methods:

1. In daily maintenance, attention should be paid to no stagnant water in soil, timely trenching and drainage, proper sparse planting, increasing plant spacing, good internal ventilation, increasing light, timely fertilization and prevention of diseases and insect pests, so as to enhance plant growth potential and make it more resistant to disease. reduce the occurrence of the disease.

two。 When a disease occurs, drug prevention and treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. 1000 times of the wet powder can be used to evenly spray the stem for 3-4 times.

Common diseases and insect pests of holly and their control

Common diseases of holly leaf spot

The symptoms are grayish-brown disease spots on holly leaves, which are mostly round or oval, and there is a gray-white mildew layer on the surface of the disease when the humidity is high. The control measures are as follows:

Timely removal and burning of diseased leaves to reduce the source of infection; soil application of oak leaves or cottonseed powder; plant spraying of copper preparations such as Bordeaux solution or fungicides such as thiram can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times.

Branch blight

The disease will cause the epidermis of the branch of holly to turn brown, a large leaf to wither and fall, and the plant can not get nutrition, resulting in plant death. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the dehydration and death of the plant, so we should pay attention to the distinction and find the disease in time. And once the disease occurs, it is often more serious, prevention and treatment is relatively difficult, generally give priority to prevention. The specific prevention and control methods are as follows:

Immediately after pruning, ① was sprayed with 800x solution of Xinzi wettable powder and 1000 times solution of amidine to prevent bacteria from invading from the wound.

② sprayed fungicides aseptic 600x solution or Xinziqing wettable powder 600x solution every 10 days for three times.

Root rot disease

Can spray 10% antimicrobial agent 401 acetic acid solution 1000 times.

Common insect pests of holly

For the prevention of insect pests, we should first choose healthy holly seedlings for planting, planting density should be appropriate, pay attention to ventilation and so on.

For aphids, leafhoppers and shell insects, 1000 times of fenitrothion EC can be sprayed. When red spider damage occurs, 1000 times of triclofenac wettable powder can be sprayed.

In addition, there is a common round shield scale damage, the symptoms are that the leaves are punctate yellowing at the initial stage, serious yellowing of the whole, and then withered. It can be sprayed and killed with 2000 times of 48% Wanling powder.