
How to grow orchids in the north? A brief discussion on the skills of bagging and curing potted orchids in North China

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchid is the national flower of our country, which mainly grows in the south of China, and its orchid growth has certain requirements on the environment. However, we all know that there is a great difference in climate between the north and the south, so can orchids be cultivated in the north? The following editor will answer for you in detail.

Orchid is the national flower of our country, which mainly grows in the south of China, and its orchid growth has certain requirements on the environment. However, we all know that there is a great difference in climate between the north and the south, so can orchids be cultivated in the north? The following editor will answer for you in detail.

Although there is a great difference in climate between the north and the south of our country, orchids can also grow in the north. As long as you master the cultivation skills, you can also plant beautiful orchids in the north. Do you want to know about the skills of cultivating orchids in the north? If you want to know, follow the editor and look down.

(]) increase the humidity of stroke gas. Bagging the orchid can make the evaporated water vapor in the orchid basin not easy to emit. The plant material in the orchid basin can also be kept moist for a long time, which can make the roots and leaves of the orchid plant in a moist state. Promote the development of the root system of the orchid plant, the growth of the orchid seedling, the green leaf nail, and the love of everyone.

(2) the pot of newly planted orchid seedlings is fast and easy to blossom. It has been proved by practice that there is always a process of slow seedling service when artificially cultivated orchid seedlings are introduced and planted after purchase. Using bagging to raise orchids, due to the superior small environmental conditions, this greatly shortens the potted period of orchid seedlings. Orchid friends in the north generally reflect that using this method to raise orchids is not only fast, but also easy to blossom.

(3) it is beneficial to the rejuvenation of diseased weak orchid seedlings. The weak orchid cuttlefish has fragile vitality and needs to be taken care of in the process of breeding. Many people who raise orchids in the north have experienced this. For example, the weak seedlings of Ye Yi Mulan and Chunlan raised by some friends in Tianjin in the 1990s are nurtured according to the general method, and still open windows for ventilation or blow electric fans. As a result, the orchids either dry up or the orchids are heartbroken, and in the end, all of them are "sky-broken." throw it away as garbage. The flower spring orchid that the orchid you bought from the flower market in 1998, because it was not cultivated well, all the seedlings were dropped, and the old fake bulbs also rotted away, leaving only two old false bulbs. He put a plastic bag on the sick orchid with the psychology of trying, and as a result, the "old man" grew two seedlings one after another. Raising sick weak orchid seedlings by bagging is not only suitable for the north, but also suitable for the south. According to Shaoxing Orchid Culture, Ye Zhiqing, a famous orchid farmer, used bagging to preserve and eventually revive the orchid stripe grass, and the rejuvenated chimera also participated in the orchid exhibition.

(4) there are fewer diseases and insect pests in bagging orchid cultivation. Bagging orchids can be carried out all the year round, even in hot seasons. Raise orchid with bag in summer, the hand reaches into the bag to have a kind of burning feeling, but the orchid leaf also has no damage, the orchid root also grows normally.

Northern potted orchids can be protected by bagging, because this can increase gas humidity, promote flowers to open, and reduce diseases and insect pests. The above is about the skills of northern potted orchids. Parents who want to grow orchids can use it for reference.

Cultivation, cultivation and maintenance of Phalaenopsis

1. Change the basin

1. Selection of basin: generally choose plain fired pottery basin or plastic basin, porous basin is better, shallow basin is suitable for breathability, basin height is better than basin diameter.

2. Selection of culture medium: Phalaenopsis is a typical epiphytic orchid, its root system is well developed, and the cultivation substrate must have the characteristics of looseness, ventilation, good air permeability and rot resistance. According to the author's cultivation experience, pine needles, peanut shells and bark shreds should be selected as substrates for Phalaenopsis cultivation in the north. The pot must be changed every year, if the pot is not changed in time, the rot of the pot substrate will cause contraction, poor air permeability, serious decline in the growth of orchid plants, and even death.

3. Time and method of changing pots: the best time for Phalaenopsis to change pots is in late spring and early summer, and the best temperature is above 20 ℃. At this time, just after flowering, new roots begin to grow. When changing the basin, first cut off the flower stem, gently remove the original nutrition bowl, dig out the lower part of the old matrix with fingers, cut off the dry old root, the rusty root, cut off the root, pad the basin bottom with broken tiles, put the sterilized wet pine needles into the basin floor first, put the roots of Phalaenopsis evenly into the basin, and then continue to put the pine needle leaves on the root system of the orchid plant, gently compacted so that the orchid plant stands firm. When planting, it should be noted that the rhizome of the orchid plant should be consistent with the height of the basin, and then spray water to put it in the indoor ventilation place, during this period, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer, only spraying water and proper watering are needed in management, leaf buds can grow after a month, and then carry out normal management.

Second, temperature

Phalaenopsis is mainly distributed in tropical low-altitude coastal areas, and the optimum temperature for growth and cultivation is 25 ℃ to 28 ℃ in daytime and 18 ℃ to 20 ℃ at night. Phalaenopsis is very sensitive to low temperature, and stops growing when it is kept for a long time at 15 ℃. When the temperature is below 15 ℃, the roots stop absorbing water, and the leaves appear necrotic black spots. After too long, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. Every year before winter and early spring of the following year (that is, before and after the heating period) is a period of changeable climate in the north, and the indoor temperature is less than 15 ℃, which is the most difficult period of the year to maintain. Orchid plants should be placed in the sunrise indoors, less watered, sprinkled on the ground if necessary, and bagged for heat preservation at night.

Third, watering

Phalaenopsis likes to be wet, but avoid stagnant water. In the growing period can not lack of water, such as long-term lack of water will make the leaves yellow, irreparable. Phalaenopsis cultivated with pine needles will not accumulate water and spray water with a spray can when watering until water flows out of the bottom of the basin. Often sprinkle water around the orchid basin to keep the air moist, but be careful not to make water in the heart of the orchid leaves, especially at night in winter.

IV. Fertilization

Phalaenopsis should be fertilized frequently because of its fast growth and long growth period. The orchid plant has just changed its basin in May and is in the recovery period without fertilization. From June to September, it is the growing period of the orchid plant. It should be applied once a week so that foliar fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used alternately, or farm manure can be used to add water to ferment and then irrigate fertilizer water. Under certain conditions, special orchid fertilizer and "Huabao" liquid fertilizer can be diluted 2000 times to spray on the leaf surface and cultivation substrate, and stop fertilizing in summer when high temperature. At the end of autumn, the growth of orchid plants slows down, and fertilization should be reduced. Too much fertilization often causes orchid plants to be too exuberant, affecting the formation of flower buds and preventing them from blooming.

V. ventilation and shading

Phalaenopsis likes ventilation and avoids muggy heat. Poor ventilation can easily lead to rotten roots and poor growth. The temperature is low in winter, so it can be ventilated for a short time at noon on a sunny day. The tuyere should not blow directly to the orchid plant. Phalaenopsis is epiphytic in the shade of dense forest in the natural state, forming the habit of liking half-shade. Family cultivation, less shading in winter, more shading in spring and autumn, strong sunshine and high temperature in summer, we should pay special attention to shading and strengthen ventilation.

VI. Florescence management

Due to the limitation of temperature and humidity, Phalaenopsis can only grow 2 to 3 leaves a year, the leaves grow only at the top, and the flower buds grow between the two leaves. After the flower buds are formed, the temperature is 18 ℃ to 20 ℃, and they can bloom after 3 to 4 months of maintenance. When the flower stem is extracted, set up temporary support in the flowerpot to prevent the flower stem from lodging, and the flower stem should be fixed for many times to avoid breaking the flower stem. When the first bud grows up, the direction of the flowerpot can not be turned, otherwise it will cause the direction of the flowers on Phalaenopsis to be inconsistent. In full bloom, the temperature should be controlled between 15 ℃ and 18 ℃, and the flowering period can be as long as 4 months by strengthening ventilation and humidity.

VII. Disease and pest control

1. Leaf spot disease mainly occurs on the leaves, small spots appear on the leaves at the beginning of the disease, and then develop into a nearly round spot, with a water-stained yellow circle on the edge of the spot with obvious boundaries. Prevention and treatment methods: strengthen ventilation, reduce air humidity, cut off diseased leaves. During the onset period, the disease was sprayed with 800 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, once every 10 days, for 3 times.

2. Botrytis cinerea: occurs in spring when low temperature and high humidity, generally appear on the petals of white flowers brown spots, serious soft rot phenomenon. Prevention and treatment: strengthen ventilation, reduce humidity, and immediately cut off diseased flowers. The initial stage of the disease was sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder, once every 10 days, twice in a row.

3. Brown spot: it occurs in the hot and humid weather in summer and autumn, mainly on the leaves, the leaves appear small round spots at the beginning of the disease, and then gradually expand into large spots, the disease spots are dark brown, and when the leaves are serious, the leaves become black and wither. Prevention and treatment: pay attention to ventilation and light transmission. At the initial stage of the disease, 10% Polyaniline (polyantimycin) 80 times solution was sprayed once a semimonthly.

4. Scale insects: the most common insect pests of Phalaenopsis occur in autumn and winter, indoor ventilation is not smooth, and dryness leads to the harm of shell insects. Control methods: pay attention to ventilation, orchid plants should not be placed too dense, found that a small amount of soft cloth can be used to scrub shell insects, repeated several times can eradicate insect pests.

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Key points of winter maintenance of courtyard flowers

Key points of winter maintenance of courtyard flowers

(1) Winter climate characteristics China is the country with the most significant monsoon climate characteristics in the world, and most areas are affected by the monsoon, so the seasonal change is very obvious. East China is located in warm temperate zone and subtropical zone, with a large latitude span between north and south (more than 12 degrees). The temperature changes obviously in a year, and there are four distinct seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The S season here is mainly affected by the oceanic climate, mainly southeasterly, mostly Rain Water, and mainly northerly wind, dry and cold currents in winter by the cold air flow in Siberia. The coldest monthly mean air temperature in the whole year is less than 0 degrees Celsius, the south of the Huaihe River is above 0 degrees Celsius, and the annual rainfall is about 1000 mm, and it is concentrated in summer, with less Rain Water in winter, more rainfall in the south and less rainfall in the north.

The winter referred to here is the winter in eastern China, which begins in late November and ends in early February of the second year, which is the coldest period of the year. From late December to January of 2002, winter is the coldest time in winter, when the lowest temperature is about-14 degrees Celsius. The peasant proverb "do not shoot in 19,29th, walk on the ice in 39th and 49th" refers to this period.

Areas such as Jiangsu, Anhui and Shanghai are extremely vulnerable to cold snaps in winter because of their low and flat terrain. For flower growers, it increases the difficulty for domestic flowers to survive the winter safely, especially temperature-loving flowers and foliage plants. Flowers native to tropical and subtropical regions are more vulnerable to frost injury when raised in winter. The maintenance and management of indoor flowers in winter is an issue of great concern to every family who loves and grows flowers.

(2) the influence of winter climate on flowers temperature is an important part of flower cultivation, which often plays a key role in the survival of all kinds of flowers. It can also be said that no matter how suitable the other conditions are, if there is no suitable temperature, it is impossible for flowers to survive. Some flowers in the country of origin or warm season, there is no temperature problem, but in another place or the weather becomes cold, it is necessary to timely adjust the temperature and take cold prevention measures. Why are some flowers particularly cold-resistant while others are very poor? Because when winter comes, a large amount of soluble sugar in the cells of hardy flowers accumulates, the concentration of somatic fluid increases, the osmotic pressure increases, and the freezing point decreases, so it can resist the attack of low temperature in the cold winter. On the contrary, tropical flowers can not accumulate a large amount of soluble sugar when the ambient temperature decreases, so they are easy to be frostbitten or even frostbitten to death. The temperature requirements of different flowers in winter are different, if you want to know these differences, it is necessary to understand the temperature of different flowers of origin. The growth and development of flowers has its regularity, generally low-temperature-tolerant flowers can not tolerate high-temperature environment, and high-temperature-resistant flowers can not adapt to low-temperature environment. After long-term cultivation, people have mastered some ecological characteristics of common flowers, which are usually classified into three categories:

① high temperature category: such as poinsettia, paulownia, Brazilian wood, Milan, variable leaf wood, African violets and so on. These flowers are of tropical origin, and some of them bloom only under warm conditions, and the lowest temperature of their place of origin is not less than 10 degrees Celsius, so the lowest indoor temperature in winter in East China should not be less than 12 degrees Celsius.

② medium temperature class,. Such as white orchid, jasmine, Fusang, cyclamen, calla lily, rhododendron and so on. These flowers are cultivated in the courtyard open field in Guangzhou, and the lowest temperature in Guangzhou is about It, so the minimum indoor temperature in winter in East China should not be less than 5 degrees Celsius.

③ low temperature: such as sweet-scented osmanthus, kumquat, plum, pomegranate and so on. These flowers are cultivated in courtyards in central and southern China, where the lowest temperature in winter is 0 degrees Celsius, so the lowest indoor temperature in East China in winter should not be less than 0 degrees Celsius.

(3) overwintering management of domestic flowers in East China, in winter, it is very important to take necessary anti-freezing and warm measures for some potted flowers native to the tropics and subtropics. For example, many families like to raise Milan, Gentleman, Zhulan, Fusang, rubber trees, Brazilian wood, cyclamen, paulownia, jasmine, and succulent flowers, and succulent flowers have to be moved to indoor or greenhouse in late autumn. How can we ensure that domestic southern flowers survive the winter safely? The following measures can be taken:

One is to master the characteristics of flowers and put them into different categories. The overwintering maintenance of potted flowers should be treated differently according to their growth characteristics and temperature requirements. Because of the low external temperature in winter, most of the flowers cultivated indoors are in a semi-dormant state of dormancy or slow growth. Flowers dormant in the open field, such as peony, chrysanthemum, pomegranate, rose, begonia, plum and so on, can be placed on the balcony, in front of the window on the ground floor or at a lower indoor temperature, generally overwintering naturally, and plastic film can be used to cover the heat preservation in case of a cold current, and then remove the thin film after the cold current. Flowers that are semi-dormant in winter, such as oranges, rhododendrons, orchids, camellia, cyclamen, rubber trees, duck feet, etc., can survive the winter safely at room temperature above 51. Flowers that continue to grow in winter, such as melon and leaf chrysanthemum, spring, cyclamen, asparagus, etc., can survive the winter naturally at a room temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius, and heat preservation measures should be taken in case of cold currents. For a small number of flowers from the tropics that need to be cultivated in winter in order to enjoy the festival, such as tropical orchid, poinsettia, green apple, Bavu, Milan, Begonia, big rock tree, etc., it is said that they overwintered at room temperature above 15 degrees Celsius. In East China, most families generally do not have heating. In order to make domestic tropical flowers survive the winter safely, indoor heating or other measures are needed to increase the room temperature.

Second, regular inspection and moderate watering. Due to the inconsistency of temperature, moisture and light requirements of all kinds of flowers in winter, regular inspection is needed. Timely and appropriate replenishment of water is one of the important guarantees for safe overwintering. The watering of indoor flowers should also be carried out according to the watering principle of wet potted flowers between dry and dry, and the watering time should be based on the principle of watering sunny days without watering, and noon watering without watering morning and evening. The specific amount of watering should be flexibly controlled according to the classification of flowers, the growth stage of water demand and the texture of flowerpots, generally watering once every 7 to 10 days. In addition, to learn to watch flowers watering, the so-called look at flowers is to hold the characteristics of flowers, not stereotyped. If like wet flower umbrella grass, hanging orchid, tortoise back bamboo, duck foot wood to water more, drought-resistant flower crab claw orchid, Brazilian wood, cycad, cactus, etc., evergreen foliage flowers can be watered by spraying leaves.

Third, according to the type of heat preservation and cold protection, increase the light. The temperature management of potted flowers during overwintering should be treated differently according to the growth state of flowers and different requirements for temperature. If it is at the same temperature, there will inevitably be some flowers that can adapt to K well, while others will not grow well because they do not adapt. If you put high-temperature flowers in a low-temperature environment, they will suffer frost injury and even be frozen to death. However, if some low-temperature flowers are exposed to high temperature, it will affect their growth in the second year, which is often ignored by people. If low-temperature-loving flowers are exposed to high temperatures for a long time in winter, they will consume too much nutrients and affect their growth and flowering in the following year. Therefore, the cultivation of potted flowers indoors in winter must be treated differently according to their different requirements for temperature. Families without conditions can divide their flowers into three categories: low temperature, medium temperature and high temperature. Low-temperature flowers should be placed in the north-facing room, but they should be moved to the # sunny room regularly to bask in the sun; medium-temperature flowers should be placed on the south-facing room or closed balcony, and appropriate heat preservation measures should be taken in case of cold snap; high-temperature flowers not only need to be placed in the south-facing room, but also increase the temperature to keep the indoor temperature above 12 degrees Celsius.

Overwintering protection of ① indoor potted flowers: most potted flowers are not native, mainly tropical and subtropical evergreen flowers, because they do not adapt to the natural conditions of the migration place, so they need to be moved into the indoor or greenhouse for maintenance in winter. For the East China region, from north to south, the time of entering the greenhouse is slightly different: Huaibei area is about mid-late October, Nanjing area is in mid-November, and the following April is moving outdoors one after another.

In the overwintering period of potted flowers, the suitable environmental conditions for flowers overwintering should be created according to the growth habits of flowers and the different requirements of all kinds of flowers, in which temperature, humidity, light and air are still involved.

First of all, there is the problem of temperature, which should be treated differently according to the different requirements of flowers and trees for temperature. The outside temperature is relatively low in winter, and most of the flowers cultivated in the cold room are dormant or grow slowly in a semi-dormant state. Flowers dormant in winter, such as rose, chrysanthemum, peony, eight fairy flowers, etc., are generally placed in a cold room at room temperature 3: 5, especially in a cold room to survive the winter safely. For flowers that are semi-dormant in winter, such as ornamental oranges, rhododendrons, orchids, plum blossoms, orchids, magnolia, camellias, etc., although the temperature requirements are slightly higher, generally placed in a cold greenhouse below 5T at room temperature can also pass the winter safely. Such degree bars can basically meet the requirements without heating in the south of the Huaihe River. However, flowers that can continue to grow in winter, such as begonia, melon and leaf chrysanthemum, Milan, asparagus, crab claw orchid, etc., should generally be kept in a greenhouse with a room temperature of 8: 10T or above, which requires indoor heating or heating facilities. A temperature of 15: 17 or above should be given to a small number of flowers from the tropics and which need to be cultivated in winter in order to enjoy the festival, such as tropical orchid, poinsettia, cyclamen, begonia, tortoise back bamboo, etc. In the area south of the Huaihe River, there is generally no heating indoors in winter, so flowers must be placed indoors with special heating facilities or cold rooms facing the south and the sun.

The level of room temperature during overwintering has a great influence on potted flowers, such as jasmine, poinsettia, Milan, variegated wood, etc., when placed in a cold environment with a room temperature close to 0 degrees Celsius, they will soon be on the verge of death; when placed in a colder environment below 10 degrees Celsius, they will be in a semi-dormant state of stagnant growth and withered leaves. Placed in the relatively warm environment of the left stone at 15 degrees Celsius, only barely budding and spreading leaves, growing slowly, but can not bud and blossom.

Once potted flowers enter the room, they should also be protected against cold. The room where potted flowers are placed should have good heat preservation and cold insulation ability, and flowers with the same temperature-loving habits should be placed in places with similar temperatures. For cold-resistant and dormant flowers, you can place the corner of the room with lower temperature to keep it dormant. For evergreen flowers that like temperature or are still growing in winter, they should be placed as close to the south window as possible, where there is plenty of sunshine and a higher temperature at ordinary times. Generally not hardy evergreen woody flowers, do not put in the window door that often opens, lest the cold wind attack to cause the plant to be frozen and withered leaves, or even lead to death. In the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, use a piece of paper or soft foam to seal the gap between doors and windows to prevent the wind, and add door curtains and curtains to the room where potted flowers are placed at night, so that the indoor temperature is at least 3-4 degrees Celsius higher than outside. At ordinary times, we should pay close attention to the changes of indoor and outdoor temperature to avoid temperature out of control, so that flowers suffer undue damage. Flowers that do have difficulties in wintering in the cold room can adopt the following measures:

Make flower insulation cover: for Milan, white orchid, jasmine, etc., you can first use lead wire to form an arch ring support, and then use plastic film to connect the plant to the pot cover. If the weather is very cold, you can use a double-layer film cover to protect the flowers. This method is simple and easy, has remarkable heat preservation effect, and can enhance the cold protection ability of flowers. But leave several small holes in the plastic cover to facilitate ventilation and ventilation. In addition, the leaves of flowers should not be close to bagging, if the room temperature is too low, the potted flowers still need to be moved to a higher temperature to avoid frostbite.

The use of Gagon basin heat preservation: for some flowers, such as Milan, gentleman orchid, magnolia, etc., you can add a sleeve basin outside or under the basin to keep the temperature. The specific method is: with a slightly larger flowerpot, fill some thermal insulation materials or put soil in the pot, and embed the potted flowers in the large flowerpots; you can also stack the potted flowers on the flowerpots with soil, so that the potted flowers leave the ground, this method can also play a role in heat preservation.

Self-made warm box method: the volume of the warm box can be determined according to the size and number of flowers, and its front and sides should be made into movable doors that can be opened and closed. The box can be divided into upper and lower squares, and the separation layer and storage board should be made of wire mesh plate to facilitate the upward emission of heat. Two electric lamps should be installed at the bottom of the box, and the wattage of the bulb depends on the product of the box content, so it is generally appropriate to maintain the box temperature above 15T. As the humidity drops when the temperature in the box rises, a small cup of water should be placed between the two lights to maintain humidity. In order to make the flowers in the box make use of natural light, the valve had better be inlaid with transparent glass, or h artificial light can be installed under certain conditions to increase the amount of light. This method has the advantages of high expenditure and high cost, and can also be replaced by a simple small greenhouse made of plastic film.

In addition to the above-mentioned heat preservation methods, indoor potted flowers should also be checked frequently, and remedial measures should be taken as soon as possible if the coffin plant is found to be deteriorating or showing symptoms of freezing. Some people move frozen potted flowers to the stove to keep warm, while others move them outside to bask in the sun. The correct way is: first put in a slightly warmer room, let it slowly recover, and then slowly heat up, but do not water at will, watering must be carried out when the afternoon temperature is high, and you can not directly water the flowers with cold water.

Potted flowers should be protected against cold in winter and in spring, especially warm-loving flowers such as Milan, magnolia, jasmine and poinsettia. Freezing injury often occurs not in the winter when the temperature is the lowest, but mostly in the early spring when the temperature picks up. The reason is: flowers from the dormant state to the growth and germination state, due to their own physiological function, will quickly lose the resistance and tolerance to low temperature freezing injury. The weather of the early spring festival is changeable, and apart from strong wind and dryness, the temperature is also unstable, so there is a saying that "the face of a child in spring changes three times a day." Especially when a cold wave passes through, within 24 hours, the temperature will suddenly drop by 5-8 degrees Celsius or more. After most flowers have been cultivated indoors for a long winter, the plants have become weak and have poor adaptability, but at this time people think that when spring comes, they relax their vigilance against bad weather and move the flowers out of the house prematurely. At this time, in case of late frost, cold tide or cold air attack, even if the temperature is not too low, flowers will not be able to adapt to changes in the external environment and cause frost damage. Therefore, experienced flower growers all understand the truth that potted flowers cannot be bung out.

The indoor ventilation of potted flowers should be strengthened before leaving the room. The doors and windows can be opened when the temperature is high during the day and closed at night. Later, with the rise of air temperature, the opening time of doors and windows will be gradually extended, the indoor temperature will be reduced, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor will be reduced. Gradually improve the adaptability of potted flowers to the outdoor environment. After a period of adaptive exercise, the overwintering potted flowers can gradually reduce the indoor maintenance time and leave the room safely at the right time. The specific time for potted flowers to go out of the room depends on the cold resistance of all kinds of flowers, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, rose, plum, etc., when the daily average temperature reaches about 10T, while flowers such as Milan, Fusang and jasmine come out later. After the last cold spell, the H average temperature is stable at about 15 degrees Celsius, and it is much safer to move outdoors.

Winter protection of ② balcony flowers: the population density of modern cities is increasing. Multi-storey buildings and multi-storey buildings with complete functions create a comfortable living environment for people. Adjust measures to local conditions, use the balcony to grow flowers, can give people the enjoyment of beauty. Moreover, the balcony flowers along the street directly constitute a scenic line of the city, which is beneficial to reducing noise, preventing pollution, increasing interest in life, purifying and beautifying the city.

Here we mainly talk about some flower cultivation knowledge of winter balcony flowers. There are two types of modern residential balconies: one is to close them when they are built, such as most high-rise buildings and a few multi-storey buildings; the other is not closed, such as most multi-storey buildings are still open balconies.

Closed balcony flowers cold: in winter, closed balcony can play the role of greenhouse, have a certain role of heat preservation and warming. Some warm-loving medium-temperature flowers can not survive the winter safely outside, and basically do not suffer frost damage on the closed balcony. Therefore, such as asparagus, hanging bell begonia, four seasons begonia, gentleman orchid, crab claw orchid, epiphyllum, rhododendron, Xiankelai, hanging orchid, Michelia, cycad and some foliage plants can survive the winter safely on a closed balcony.

Cold protection of open balcony flowers: open balcony has fast air circulation, large evaporation and low air relative humidity. In winter, due to the northerly wind, and the wind is also strong, whether it is the north balcony or the south balcony, even if the local flower varieties that can usually survive the winter in the open field, they still need to be properly protected against cold on the open balcony, especially to the north of the Yangtze River. The Nanyang platform of multi-storey buildings is mostly open, because of its leeward to the sun, the freezing or cold injury of flowers is far less prominent and serious than the north balcony, so flowers are generally placed on the south balcony in winter. As long as some of the more hardy flowers are slightly managed in the south balcony, they can usually survive the winter safely, such as woody rose, southern bamboos, Michelia, gardenia, Shouxing peach, spring welcome, wax plum, begonia, sweet-scented osmanthus, pomegranate, plum blossom, peony, kumquat, herbs and perennial roots such as chrysanthemum, evening fragrant jade, tulip, orchid, canna, Zhu Ding Hong and so on. However, the open balcony is windy, the air humidity is small, and the basin soil is very easy to dry, so the selected flower varieties should adapt to this environment, be resistant to drought and low temperature, pay close attention to the dry and wet changes of the basin soil, and cannot be watered too frequently or not at all. Some varieties in the dormant period can be watered less, and some evergreen varieties can appropriately increase the number of watering, or they can often spray water on the leaves. Bulbs, bulbs and perennial root flowers are more drought-resistant and can be watered less, such as Zhu Dinghong, tulips, canna, iris, Bletilla striata, evening jade, peony, auspicious grass, evergreen, carnation, chrysanthemum and so on. In case of cold wave attack, preventive measures still need to be taken. A simple thermal insulation frame can be temporarily built on the balcony and covered with plastic film. In the area north of the Yangtze River, double-layer plastic film can be used. The whole potted flower can also be covered with a plastic film to achieve the effect of heat preservation and cold protection. In addition, some warm-loving flowers can be temporarily moved indoors to prevent frost damage.

Overwintering cold protection of ③ courtyard flowers: some families with courtyards like to grow flowers in the courtyard. The varieties introduced from the south have poor cold tolerance and have the problem of overwintering cold prevention.

Generally speaking, the 2012 grass flowers, perennial root flowers and some flowers and trees cultivated in the open field have strong adaptability, such as chrysanthemum, petunias, violets, safflower grass, day lilies, peonies, Chinese roses, etc. there are no flowers such as chrysanthemum, canna, Michelia, colored banana, sweet-scented osmanthus, etc. although they have a certain ability to keep out the cold, they are not resistant to low temperature. In the area north of the Yangtze River, protection still needs to be strengthened in winter to ensure that flowers survive the winter safely. The following methods are often used to prevent the cold of flowers in the open field.

First, careful management to enhance the cold resistance of flowers: when autumn comes and the weather gets cooler, flowers enter the later stage of growth, at this time, it is necessary to control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, apply more phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, and control watering at the same time, so as to enrich the plant K and enhance its resistance to cold. After entering the dormant period in winter, one time of ploughing and fertilization can be applied, and barnyard manure, manure or cake manure can be applied to increase the concentration of soil solution and enhance the cold resistance ability of flowers in open field.

Some perennial flowers and perennial flowers, such as peony, canna, dahlia, Yujin incense, fragrance, etc., are prone to frost injury in the north of the Huaihe River. In case of a cold spell, the flower rhizosphere can be covered with fallen leaves, straw, straw mats or plastic film. This method is simple, effective and widely used, and can be removed after night frost.

The second kind, cultivate the soil, winter anti-freezing: some flowers in winter, part of the ground all dormant, only the roots are still growing slowly, such as peony, eight immortal flowers, hibiscus and so on. Soil can be cultivated around the roots of flowers to form a small mound. When the plant starts to sprout in spring, the soil can be removed.

Third, wrap up thermal insulation materials to prevent cold and survive the winter: for some larger ornamental flowers and trees, because the trees are too large to be buried or covered, methods such as wrapping grass, wrapping paper and covering plastic film can be used to protect against cold. For some flowers and trees that are cold-resistant and afraid of cold wind or newly planted, the method of setting up wind barriers can be adopted, that is, wind barriers can be set up on the west and north sides of flowers and trees with Reed mats and other materials. This method is often used to protect against cold when planting cedar in the north of Huaihe River.

(4) the water management of flowers in winter is the concern of family flower growers, such as how to water flowers, whether they should fertilize or not, and whether they can breed successfully or not. next, this paper makes a brief introduction to the water management of potted flowers in winter.

① winter flower watering: for family flower growers, watering is one of the most frequent and local maintenance work, and winter watering is also a key work related to whether flowers can survive the winter safely. People often think that the death of flowers caused by improper watering is caused by improper heat preservation, in fact, many families' flowers die because of too much water in winter.

Family flower growers should know that winter is the dormant period of flowers, if the long period of pot soil is in a state of high humidity, it is bound to cause root rot. Therefore, attention must be paid to the period of watering, the amount of water and the mode of watering.

Watering time and water consumption of flowers in winter: because the roots of ground-planted flowers are relatively high, they can generally not be watered in winter. They can be fully watered after falling leaves and before freezing, and they can be left out of control throughout the winter.

During the transition period of autumn and winter, the growth of potted flowers was slow due to the weakening of sunshine and the gradual decrease of air temperature. At this time, the leaf ffi transpiration and soil evaporation decreased correspondingly. In the north, most of the potted flowers were moved indoors to survive the winter. Generally speaking, the basin soil should be mainly dry and maintain a humidity of about 30%, that is, the basin soil is moist. Special attention should be paid to the amount of water from December to January of the following year, because this period is a colder time in winter in North China. If water is not strictly controlled, it will not only weaken the cold resistance of flowers, but also easily die. If the basin soil really needs watering, generally watering once a week or two weeks can meet the needs. A small number of large water demand, such as foliage plants, can be watered once every 4 to 5 days, do not water too often. Usually can spray water to the leaf surface, in order to reduce the number of watering to the basin soil. Some family flower growers think that flowers and trees are short of water as soon as they see some dryness on the surface of the pot soil. In fact, in winter, such a situation does not matter, because the basin soil surface is some dry, and the underlying soil is still wet. The water demand of flowers in winter is very small, as long as the potted soil has a certain humidity, flowers will not die. For the flowers with larger plants, because they need large waterscape and strong resistance, it will not be a big problem if they are overwatered. For small plants, especially succulent flowers, it is necessary to strictly control the water and wait until the pot soil is completely dry before watering. In a word, watering flowers in winter should be dry rather than wet, mainly spraying water on the leaf surface, and try to reduce watering to the basin soil, so as to keep the basin soil in a dry state for a long time.

② water temperature and method of watering flowers in winter: the water temperature of watering flowers in winter is studied, generally speaking, it is higher than the soil temperature by degrees Celsius. The usual practice is to use an open container to store water for watering flowers in advance. When there is little difference in water temperature, air temperature and soil temperature, it can also be mixed with warm water. Such as evergreen potted flowers, can be sprayed to the leaf surface of 10 degrees Celsius, 15 degrees Celsius below warm water, not only to achieve the purpose of watering, but also to prevent the damage of dry freezing to flowers. If you use cold water to water flowers in a low temperature environment, the air temperature is low and the water temperature is low, which will aggravate the damage to potted flowers. There is not much water for flowers in winter, but it does not mean that they do not want water. In principle, when they are dry, they should be watered thoroughly at once.

Different watering methods can be used according to different flowers in winter:

Soak the pot method: soak the potted flowers into the water, let the water slowly infiltrate along the bottom hole of the basin, and take out the potted flowers when the topsoil is wet. This method can make the soil absorb enough water and is ideal. Like wet flowers such as umbrella grass, calla lilies, water demand is larger, you can use this method. Other flowers use the soaking pot method as little as possible in winter.

Spraying method: according to the actual needs of flowers, forgive the planned water supply, but spray to see when the basin bottom exudates.

Fine hole spray method: use fine hole spray bottles to make water droplets fog and spray on the leaves of flowers, such as asparagus, hanging orchid, western rhododendron, duck foot wood, rubber tree, melon leaf chrysanthemum, gentleman orchid and so on. The spray method can not only make the leaf surface and around the basin have a higher humidity, but also keep the leaf surface clean.

Choice of water quality for watering flowers in winter: natural water such as river water and pond water is generally better for watering flowers. Tap water contains bleach, liquid chlorine, alum and so on. Long-term use will make the basin soil alkaline and hardened. It is best to store it in a tank or other container for 2 days before use. Turbid water should not water flowers, nor should salt or alkali water.

(5) the diseases and insect pests of winter flowers are generally less in winter, but some diseases and insect pests also appear in the rooms with heating or high temperature, which not only affect the healthy growth of flowers, but also affect the ornamental value, so we must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of diseases and insect pests. In general, families mainly focus on prevention, maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity, good indoor ventilation, suitable dry and wet soil, disinfection of soil when sowing, selection of strong seeds or introduction of flowers and seedlings without diseases and insect pests, and so on. these are effective measures to prevent diseases and insect pests.

The common diseases are powdery mildew, anthrax, root rot, rust, root nodule, leaf spot, brown spot and chlorosis. Diseases may occur in the whole growing period of flowers, but the high temperature and rainy season from June to August are the most common, and a few diseases and insect pests also occur in winter.