
Culture methods and steps of bonsai camellias

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Camellia, also known as camellia, ancient sea pomegranate, is a traditional ornamental flower in China, ranking seventh among the "top ten famous flowers" and one of the most valuable flowers and trees in the world.

Camellia, also known as camellia, ancient sea pomegranate, is a traditional ornamental flower in China, ranking seventh among the "top ten famous flowers" and one of the most valuable flowers and trees in the world. Now bonsai camellia has become one of the main ways of family camellia culture, many flower friends do not know very well about bonsai camellia culture methods, the following editor will explain to you the main points of bonsai camellia culture methods and steps.

The cultivation methods and steps of bonsai camellias are as follows:

(1) Upper basin

Remove the original soil from the seedlings with nutrition and soak them in a basin to expose the white roots.

(2) check whether the new seedlings have diseases and insect pests.

Spray medicine once after putting on the basin, after the first watering thoroughly, then slowly watering again, which is helpful to the mixing of new and old media.

(3) applying compound organic fertilizer

Some bone meal was mixed as phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, ferrous sulfate was applied every month, and available phosphate fertilizer was applied in the early stage of pregnancy.

(4) Lighting

Full light is available for most of the year and partial shading is needed in summer.

(5) watering

The leaves are drooping and the fallen leaves move the plant to a cool place in the shade. Antifungal drugs can be sprayed instead of watering.

(6) Control of shell insects and red spiders.

Shell insects can be controlled by spraying insecticides on the leaves, and red spiders can be sprayed with dimethoate or dichlorvos.

(7) treatment of florescence

Cut off half of the leaf buds next to the buds and apply a small amount of 0.1% gibberellin to the stump to increase the flower diameter.

(8) Shu Lei

Do not leave a single bud of cuttage within two years. The four-year-old seedling leaves a bud every other branch, leaving the top bud on the strong branch.

(9) pruning

If the plant type is too overgrown, truncating a section of length can promote branching.

The above are the key points of the cultivation methods and steps of bonsai camellias compiled by Huinong net Xiaobian. Have you learned all these? Bonsai camellia culture method is relatively simple, flower friends should pay more attention to conservation when cultivating bonsai camellias, so as to increase the ornamental value of bonsai camellias.

Culture methods and points for attention of Camellia (9 articles in total)

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

"the Culture method of Camellia"

The root system of camellia depends on soil growth and development, and the water and nutrients needed for camellia life activities are mainly absorbed from the soil. Camellia likes acidic, high humus, loose and aerated mountain red (yellow) loam, the pH value is between 5 and 6.5, alkaline soil or heavy clay soil can not be used as potted camellia substrate. Soil preparation: mountain soil (mature red soil of crops) 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%, mix well, water appropriate amount bag ripening, summer and autumn more than 20 days, spring and winter more than 30 days, this kind of soil is not only loose and aerated, but also can preserve fertilizer and water, which is suitable for the growth and development of camellias.

two。 Camellias need proper light, but they are afraid of the hot sun. At the end of spring and autumn, camellias should be moved to the balcony or the ground where there is much light, and receive all-day light to promote plant growth and development, flower bud differentiation and strong buds. When the sun is strongest in summer, the flowerpot should be moved to a sunny and well-ventilated environment for maintenance.

3. Temperature is one of the important conditions for the growth of camellia. Camellia likes warmth, and the most suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 60 to 65%. For the growth of camellias, spring shoots generally sprout in mid-late March, begin to sprout in April, form terminal buds in mid-late May, stop growing, and gradually differentiate into leaf buds or flower buds. It takes 180 to 240 days from flower bud formation to flowering.

4. Camellia has many leaves, large leaf area and fast transpiration. Camellia likes humid climate and moist soil as well. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish water to potted camellias, watering once a day in the spring and autumn growing season, once in the morning and evening in summer, especially in the "dog days", and watering or spraying the ground and the periphery of the flowerpot once or twice if the ground is dry, maintain a certain amount of air humidity, and the plant will grow luxuriantly. At the same time, pay attention to because there is a lot of watering, and most families are watering tap water, the soil of flowerpots will be alkalized for a long time. To this end, when watering, 0.5% to 1% ferrous sulfate is added every month, or 5% to 8% edible vinegar can be used to spray the leaves. Camellias like moist soil, but are afraid of stagnant water in the flowerpots. If there is stagnant water in the pots on rainy days, they must be removed in time to prevent the roots from suffocating and rotting in the water.

5. Camellia is a fertilizer-loving flower, because the tree is strong, there are more leaves, and the florescence is longer, so it needs more fertilizer. In the process of fertilization, apply sufficient liquid fertilizer, combined with changing pots, apply 3 to 80 grams of rotten cooked cake fertilizer powder or sun-dried chicken and duck manure in each pot according to the size of the flowerpot, and mix well with the bottom soil. Increase the application of organic fertilizer according to the growth period of the plant. Except when it is the coldest and hottest in winter and summer, the rotten dry cake water is applied once or twice a month. The fertilization method is as follows: peel off the basin edge soil for about 2 minutes, and apply liquid fertilizer into the ditch to cover the ready-to-use soil to avoid odor. The rotten cake powder can also be applied on the edge of the basin and mixed well with the basin soil to allow the flowers to be absorbed slowly. Urban flower lovers can go to the flower market to buy special fertilizer for flowers, which is both hygienic and safe. In order to make camellias grow better, during the peak period of camellia peanuts, extra-root fertilization was carried out once or twice a month, and leaves were sprayed with 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1% to 2% plant auxin. The principle of fertilization: light rather than heavy, light rather than thick, less and not more. We must adhere to the method of applying thin fertilizer frequently, especially not applying raw fertilizer.

6. In winter, camellias should be maintained in a sheltered and sunny environment with a certain temperature and humidity. Years of practice shows that moderate ventilation and suitable light can play a role in preventing diseases and insect pests.

Main Diseases and insect pests of "Camellia" and their Control


[prevention and control method]

During the peak period of early aphid occurrence, ① sprayed camellia plants with 50% phosphoamine emulsion 2000 times or 50% dimethoate emulsion 1000 times.

Spraying once every 3-5 days, lasting 3 times, can destroy aphids. ②: 0.5kg of cigarette stick, 0.25kg of quicklime, 1015L of water, soaked for one day and night, filtered and dregs removed for spray prevention and control.

Scale insect

[habit and risk] there are many species of scale insects in risky camellias, including cotton scale, red wax scale and bran shield scale. Scale insects lay a large number of eggs, and each female can lay about a thousand eggs, with 3-5 generations a year. Most of the fertilized females overwintered on the branches and leaves and began to lay eggs in March of the following year, mostly concentrated on the twigs and leaves to absorb leaf sap. The damaged leaves changed from green to grayish green, and finally to yellow. In severe cases, the branches and leaves were covered with scale insects, causing the whole plant to wither and yellow to death. Its infiltration

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

Matters needing attention in Cuttage Propagation of Camellia

Taiwanese cultivate potted camellias by cutting, while grafting propagation is mainly used to make bonsai camellias. According to he Quanyi, a large camellia grower, no matter the variety, as long as the flowers bloom well and grow healthily, they will get a good price. He cuttings more than 300,000 camellias seedlings every year, with a survival rate of 80%, and an annual income of more than NT $1 million. In recent years, grafting is often used in domestic propagation of camellias, while cutting propagation is gradually marginalized. The author thinks that cutting propagation of camellias should be paid attention to.

First, the advantages of cutting propagation. 1. Cutting seedlings can maintain the inherent characters of good varieties, so that the progeny will not be mixed, and the excellent characters of varieties will not change. The cutting seedlings come from individual parts of the same camellia female parent, and their genetic characters are the same as those of the female parent. Therefore, the cutting propagation of camellias can reflect the heredity of female parents and maintain the characters and characteristics of excellent varieties of camellias. In particular, there are many valuable varieties of camellias, such as' mandarin duck and Phoenix crown', 'green bead ball' and so on. They have no pistils and stamens, cannot pollinate and bear fruit, and can only reproduce by cutting.

2. It can accelerate the propagation of excellent varieties of camellia, so that the excellent varieties can be popularized quickly. The cuttings used in camellia cuttings are very short, several cuttings can be cut from one branch, reproduction materials are saved, cutting seasons are long, cutting sources are wide, seedlings can be raised by seedlings, and the propagation coefficient is high. The reproduction coefficient of an adult camellia plant can be more than 1000 times in a year. Some shrub varieties with dense plants and small leaves can reach more than 2000 times. Some valuable and rare camellia varieties can not meet the needs of accelerated breeding if they adopt breeding methods such as grafting, high pressure, seeds and so on. These precious and rare varieties can be propagated quickly by cutting seedlings.

3. Camellia cuttings have the advantages of long life, convenient management and cheap price, which is suitable for family potted plants. it is the most ideal single plant of camellia and is loved by camellia lovers. Jinhua, Zhejiang used to cut tens of millions of cuttings every year, usually tens of thousands of cuttings in each camellia nursery, up to more than 100000. After autumn, camellia marketers from all over the country drive big trucks to every house to select improved varieties of cuttings. These seedlings cost a few cents a plant, some even a few cents a plant, cheap, convenient transportation, a large number, it is easy to make a lot of money. The market potential of cutting rootstock seedlings is also great, and the rootstocks used for grafting are also stumps from which cutting seedlings grow. Now everyone is engaged in grafting, the supply of rootstocks exceeds demand, and the price is becoming more and more expensive.

Second, the time of grafting

Camellia cuttage can be carried out all year round, and there are two suitable periods, one is from late May to early July, and the other is from late August to late September, especially in mid-late June and late August to early September. Because the camellia cuttings are softwood cuttings, the new branches of the same year are used as cuttings, so we must wait until the new branches are semi-lignified or mature and not yet aging, in order to achieve a higher survival rate. If the branch is too tender, shortly after the cutting, the petiole will blacken, and then ten pieces of the mouth will fall off, so it is difficult to achieve success; if the branch is too old, the ability of division and regeneration will decline, and it is not easy to root. Therefore, cutting is not suitable for cutting earlier than late May and later than September. As early as late May, except in the areas where the temperature in winter is relatively high in the south and the shoot is relatively early, the spring shoot is too tender; after September, the spring shoot is too old, even if the summer and autumn shoots can be used, but the energy is insufficient, and it is difficult to heal and grow the incision. unless it is managed specially, it is difficult to achieve good results. The best period from mid-late June to early September is that the new branches are semi-lignified or nearly full-lignified, and can fully meet the needs of healing and rooting in terms of energy, especially in mid-late June, when it is the Meiyu period. the relative humidity of the air is large, and the water transpiration of cutting branches and leaves is small, which is especially suitable for cutting. In short, the cutting period should be selected according to the most suitable local cutting season, the source of cuttings and the tasks they need to cut. If there are many varieties and a large number of cuttings, they can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. Autumn cuttings are preserved after summer cuttings, and the cuttings can not be cut until the middle of October.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias part 3

The Culture method of Camellia in this paper

The cultivation methods of Camellia the names of students:

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Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

A complete Collection of Camellia Culture

Can use other loose and fertile mud and sandy soil, avoid alkaline and calcareous soil. The cultivation medium is often mixed with 6 parts of red soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of fine river mud, or 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of vegetable garden soil and 1 part of river sand. The pot size of potted camellias should be moderate. Generally, the ratio of pot to plant is: a camellia with a height of 40 cm to 50 cm and a crown width of 20 cm should be planted in a purple sand basin or mud basin with a diameter of about 20 cm.

The time for pot planting depends on the variety of camellias, usually November in winter and February to March in early spring. At this time, the buds are enlarged and the flowers begin to bloom, which is the most suitable for pots. Remember not to pot the flowers, and avoid pots in high temperature and severe winter, so as not to cause plant wilting and death. After putting on the basin, the first watering should be adequate, and the outflow from the bottom of the basin should be appropriate.

Temperature and light should be suitable for camellia to tolerate shade and like warm and humid environment. The most suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for flowering is 10 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. When the temperature rises above 22 ℃, the flowers often wither and fall. After the potted camellias come out of the room in mid-April, they are placed in a ventilated and transparent place, and they are generally protected in the shade shed in the middle of May. The light transmittance is 50% in spring and autumn and 60% in summer. If it is cloudy, the net should be opened to increase the light.

The principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer is that camellias prefer fertilizer, but avoid big fertilizer and thick fertilizer. From April to May, when the leaves of camellias sprout and grow branches and leaves, the mature liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen should be applied for 3 times, about once a week. Fertilizer can be used with mature bean cake, peanut cake, sauce residue and so on. From June to July, the flower buds of camellias should be differentiated, nitrogen and phosphorus mixed fertilizer should be applied, and phosphate fertilizer can be used with fishy water, rotten chicken and duck manure and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The concentration is about 20%. Do not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer. August is not suitable for fertilization. September to November flower bud stage, also use mixed fertilizer, once a month, the concentration of 15% 20%, but mainly phosphate fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer, to prevent buds. At the end of November, add a mature fishy water and chicken and duck manure fertilizer to make the flowers fat and bright. Generally stop fertilizing during flowering.

The main diseases and insect pests of camellia include shell insects, red spiders, brown spot, anthracnose and so on. Red spiders and shell insects can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times or 25% imidophos 800 times, once every other week for 2 times in a row. Brown spot and anthracnose can be controlled with 40% carbendazim or 30% carbendazim.

Comments | 1091

2013-04-03 15:36 enthusiastic netizens

The key to the management of culture methods of potted camellia: 1. The size of the pot and the proportion of the seedlings should be appropriate. The basin soil had better add l/2-l/3 cutting pine needle to the garden soil, and after one year of decay, the effect was good. two。 The time of potting is November in winter or February-March in early spring, and stop in the near budding period. Do not do so in the high temperature season. 3. When Miaoxin goes into the basin, the water should be poured enough to make the bottom of the basin permeable. Water should be properly watered at ordinary times.

Watering of potted camellia culture methods: the amount of water should change with the seasons: the plant enters the growth and germination period before and after the Qingming Festival, and the amount of water should increase gradually. watering should be properly controlled after the new growth stops (about late May) to promote flower bud differentiation. June is the plum rain season, should prevent stagnant water, find signs of stagnant water, to tilt the basin in time, let it flow away, otherwise easy bow [new roots rot, resulting in the whole plant "green and withered" and die. Varieties with thin leaves due to large leaf evaporation in summer and high temperature season

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

Points for attention of Camellia

Nitrogen-based fertilizer, which is the habit and practice of a considerable number of camellia lovers. It is considered that this can provide sufficient nutrition for camellias and the vegetative growth of camellias can be exuberant. From the author's point of view, those who hold this view do not mean that the application of nitrogen fertilizer is wrong, but that the timing of fertilization is not right. In fact, the right time to apply fertilizer should be when the florescence of camellias is coming to an end, and the new buds have not yet sprouted. Because flowering consumes most of the nutrients of the plant, the germination of new buds requires the accumulation of certain nutrients, and the new roots are waiting to grow, so it is the right time to apply fertilizer. It not only complements the consumption of flowering, but also provides a guarantee for the germination and growth of new buds; there is also a more important point that camellias generally do not dormancy after anthesis, and some varieties sprout leaves directly after anthesis. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the phrase "sending charcoal in the snow" to describe fertilization at this time. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer at the initial stage of germination, because the young fleshy fibrous roots that have just grown are difficult to bear even the watering of light fertilizers, not to mention that it is difficult to correctly master the concentration of fertilization without experience, and it is easy to burn roots without paying attention. The good wish to replenish fertilizer to the plant was counterproductive because of the wrong timing of fertilization. Therefore, the timing of fertilization should be grasped during the sprouting period in spring so that the plant can grow normally.

Second, the application of concentrated fertilizer during the leaf exhibition period: the application of concentrated fertilizer during the leaf exhibition period is inappropriate with the initial fertilization mentioned above, which seems to be a contradiction, but in fact it is not. The author mainly has two meanings here: one is that the blooming period of camellias in spring is coming to an end, and after the new buds have not sprouted, it is best to apply fertilizer again after a period of time after the new leaves are unfolded, generally in 10-15 days. Specifically, apply nitrogen-based fertilizer one or two times before the new leaves are capped. The concentration should be light when applied. The second day after the application

Culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

"Camellia Culture Technology"

Acid camellia has strict requirements on soil and must be cultivated in acid soil with PH value less than 6.5. Pine humus soil is better in basin soil, other loose and fertile mud and sandy soil can also be used, alkaline and calcareous soil should not be used. The cultivation medium is often mixed with 6 parts of red soil, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of fine river mud, or 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of vegetable garden soil and 1 part of river sand.

The pot size of potted camellias should be moderate. Generally, the ratio of pot to plant is: a camellia with a height of 40 cm to 50 cm and a crown width of 20 cm should be planted in a purple sand basin or mud basin with a diameter of about 20 cm.

The time for pot planting depends on the variety of camellias, usually November in winter and February to March in early spring. At this time, the buds are enlarged and the flowers begin to bloom, which is the most suitable for pots. Remember not to pot the flowers, and avoid pots in high temperature and severe winter, so as not to cause plant wilting and death. After putting on the basin, the first watering should be adequate, and the outflow from the bottom of the basin should be appropriate.

Temperature and light should be suitable for camellia to tolerate shade and like warm and humid environment. The most suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for flowering is 10 ℃ ~ 20 ℃. When the temperature rises above 22 ℃, the flowers often wither and fall. After the potted camellias come out of the room in mid-April, they are placed in a ventilated and transparent place, and they are generally protected in the shade shed in the middle of May. The light transmittance is 50% in spring and autumn and 60% in summer. If it is cloudy, the net should be opened and the light should be increased.

The principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently is that Camellia prefers fertilizer, but avoids large and thick fertilizer. In cultivation and management, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently. During April and May, when Camellia leaves sprout and grow branches and leaves, nitrogen-based decomposed liquid fertilizer should be applied 3~4 times, once every week or so. Fertilizer available decomposed bean cake, peanut cake, sauce residue, etc. 6 ~7 months flower bud differentiation, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied, phosphorus fertilizer available fishy water, decomposed chicken and duck dung and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The concentration is controlled at about 20%%. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. August should not be fertilized. September to November flower bud stage, also use mixed fertilizer, topdressing once a month, concentration 15%~ 20%%, but mainly phosphorus, nitrogen fertilizer supplemented to prevent bud drop. At the end of November, add a decomposed fish fishy water and chicken and duck manure liquid fertilizer, can make flowers fat, bright color. Fertilization is generally stopped during flowering.

The main diseases and insect pests of camellia are scale insects, red spiders, brown spot disease, anthracnose, etc. Red spider and scale insect can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times solution or 25% methion 800~1000 times solution every other week for 2~3 times continuously, brown spot and anthracnose can be controlled with 40% dietham 800 times solution or carbendazim 500 times solution.

comments| 730

2013-04-03 15:36 enthusiastic netizen

The management key of potted camellia culture method: 1. The pot size and pot seedling ratio should be appropriate. 1/2- 1/3 of pine needles should be added into the pot soil, and the effect is good after one year's decay. 2. The upper pot time is November in winter or February to March in early spring, and the upper pot is stopped near the germination stage. The upper pot should not be placed in high temperature season. 3. Miao's new

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia sinensis

"Key points of camellia cultivation"

Growth and dormancy habits. When and how much fertilizer should be applied? Appropriate auxiliary materials contribute to the growth of camellia. Too much nutrients can also cause camellia leaves to turn yellow, roots to rot, and eventually become a toothpick, which is when you start to notice that leaves are falling off. Wash the roots of camellias with clean water and cut off the blackened roots. Then replace with fresh red soil, after the maintenance of attention to the management of camellia can be! Fertilize camellia before may and after august. Camellia should belong to the dormant period of growth in summer. This process has basically stopped the camellia growth. Fertilization is basically not recommended. But it can be consolidated. After the summer rain can be fertilized camellia consolidation! The consolidation of these processes will see results after the camellias bloom! Camellia flowers in the flower after the start of bud, bud period and growth of the basic period has been in early April. Special attention should be paid to the fertilizer supply of camellia at this stage, which is related to the growth of camellia plants and the size of flowering camellia plants. The number of buds affects the growth of the whole plant. Too many buds, too many flowers, the experience of the whole plant has basically been consumed in the process of flowering. Experienced tea growers know that the buds of this plant are very short and small during the bud period. noticeably weaker than strong ones of the same kind. One excessive flowering is equivalent to three years of his life span. Obviously, the flowers with excessive buds in the first year will bloom very small in the next few years. These experiences have been dispersed, and to ensure that there are good flowers to see every year, start picking buds when the buds are visible. Leave a few buds, give appropriate nutrients, flowers are very big!

Winter is also the second dormant period of camellia, camellia has stopped growing. At this time, the buds of camellia are already very obvious. At this time, attention should be paid to the freezing of camellia.

If the bud is frozen, we have done before the efforts are in vain, but also wait until the next year to come again, this period is very important, camellia hi yang,(here yang is in the temperature of adaptation) balcony flower friends can try to put camellia in the sun, protect the bud, do not need to move, as a girl, there is no such good physical strength, say camellia is too heavy, this time. The bud bag plays a great role and can be used according to the temperature difference in winter outdoors.

Camellia shoots twice a year, some even three times. Specifically, listen to me. The first batch of buds starts in April after the flowering of Camellia. Here, insert a short paragraph that is the construction of Camellia. After the flowering of Camellia, the construction of Camellia can be carried out. At this time, the proper construction of Camellia can assist the modeling of the whole plant of Camellia better, and also prepare for the germination of Camellia. Camellia can be constructed according to different varieties. Some are the more pruned camellia buds when the more Zhang (azalea tea is a typical representative of this variety), according to different varieties to determine the pruning situation. The first batch of buds extracted is actually the essence of camellia to contribute to people in a year. Those with buds are too small to be recognized by the naked eye. At this time, it is like children growing up to give some good materials. The number of fertilization is the most in April, and the fertilizer is applied once every week or so. Fresh pot camellias can be fertilized. The second batch of buds began to sprout in late August. This batch of buds did not come neatly in April. At this time, branches and buds could be properly trimmed according to the whole cylindrical shape of Camellia. Use some proper thin human manure on top of the manure!

Tea cultivation and tea tasting is a process. In this process, some people like it and some people worry about it. Camellia should be replaced after 3 years of growth in the original pot, and the roots should be adjusted appropriately. With the growth of Camellia plants, the roots continue to spread and gradually fill the pots. Due to the limited soil in the pot, insufficient water and nutrients, it is difficult to meet the needs of camellia growth. At this time must be replaced with a larger flowerpot, there is enough space to give the camellia root growth release space! Here is the value

The cultivation methods and precautions of Camellia sinensis

"Cultivation Methods of Camellia"

-8℃ low temperature (natural winter, cloud tea slightly less cold), in the south of the Huaihe River area can generally winter naturally. Camellia cultivation soil to acid, and require better permeability. To facilitate root hair growth, usually available peat, sawn rot, red soil, humus soil, or more mixed substrate cultivation. Camellia requires light stronger than rhododendron, spring, autumn and winter three seasons can not shade, summer available 50% shading treatment. Camellia usually to use neutral or acidic surface water irrigation, watering to master see dry see wet, dry and then water, water to pour thoroughly, but pay attention not to dry. Generally, water should be properly withheld before budding at the end of spring shoots to facilitate the transformation to reproductive growth. Water should not be cut off before flowering. Place of cultivation method: Camellia should be placed in a warm, humid, ventilated and translucent place. Spring should have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight and the west sun, if placed on the balcony, often a careless, will be sunburned. Watering: camellia potted plant cultivation to keep the soil moist state, but should not be too wet, to prevent dry and wet. Generally in spring can be properly watered, in order to facilitate germination and shoot; summer insist on early and late watering, it is best to spray leaf water, so that the leaves are wet, do not use rapid water direct irrigation, full irrigation, not hot water, avoid high temperature around noon watering; autumn watering to appropriate; winter should be watered around noon, can spray water every two or three days. Fertilization: camellia love fertilizer, in the pot when we should pay attention to the pot soil base fertilizer, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, fertilizer application including decomposed bone meal, hair, chicken feathers, chaff ash, poultry manure and calcium superphosphate and other substances. It is not advisable to fertilize too much at ordinary times. Generally, 2~3 times of thin fertilizer should be applied between 4 and 5 months after flowering, and a slightly thicker fertilizer can be applied once in November in autumn. Fertilizer should pay attention to the proportion of phosphorus slightly larger, in order to promote flower color Yan. Pruning: camellia growth is slow, should not be over-pruned, generally will affect the tree's long branches and pest branches, weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, only 1~2 flowers can be left, and a certain distance should be maintained, and the rest should be picked early to avoid consuming nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick flowers that are close to withering in time, which can also reduce nutrient consumption, so as to facilitate the healthy growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds. Turn pot: Camellia potted plant can be turned pot once every 1~2 years, the new pot should be larger than the old pot No.1, in order to facilitate the development of root system. The best time to turn pots is in April in spring or autumn. Combined with soil replacement, properly remove some hardened old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and combine with base fertilizer. Pest control: Camellia diseases mainly black mold, anthracnose, etc., can be sprayed with 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture for control. The pest mainly has tea shoot moth, the control method can cut off the insect shoot, generally in April to June is appropriate. The camellia seven commandments; camellia is a plant that is easy to see in the general garden. Because dark green leaves are also very beautiful, you can also use only leaves as a foil to other flowers. But the flower falls easily is its shortcoming. Flower beds or potted plants full of primroses can often be seen. Don't pour too much water. Be careful not to let the roots rot. Steps/Methods Key points of conservation: Seven commandments for Camellia conservation, one commandment for fertilization at the early stage of germination, two commandments for application of concentrated fertilizer during leaf development, and three commandments for application of concentrated fertilizer during leaf development.

The cultivation methods and precautions of camellia

"Cultivation Methods of Camellia"

One of the famous flowers in the world is also the city flower of Chongqing City, the provincial flower of Yunnan Province, the city flower of Ningbo City, Jinhua City, Wenzhou City, Jingdezhen City of Jiangxi Province, and the state flower of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. Because of its beautiful plant shape, leaves dark green and luster, colorful flowers, and by the world horticultural community treasure.

Method for raising camellia in family

1. Place: Camellia should be placed in a warm, humid, ventilated and translucent place. Spring should have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight and the west sun, if placed on the balcony, often a careless, will be sunburned. In winter, it should be placed indoors at room temperature above 3℃.

2. Watering: The cultivation of Camellia bonsai should keep the soil moist, but it should not be too wet to prevent dry and wet. Generally in spring can be properly watered, in order to facilitate germination and shoot; summer insist on early and late watering, it is best to spray leaf water, so that the leaves are wet, do not use rapid water direct irrigation, full irrigation, not hot water, avoid high temperature around noon watering; autumn watering to appropriate; winter should be watered around noon, can spray water every two or three days.

3. Fertilization: Camellia likes fertilizer. When putting on the pot, it is necessary to pay attention to putting base fertilizer in the pot soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The fertilizer applied includes decomposed bone meal, hair, chicken feather, chaff ash, poultry manure and calcium superphosphate. Usually should not be too much fertilizer, generally in 4~5 months after flowering 2~3 times thin fertilizer, autumn in November 4, pruning: Camellia growth is slow, should not be over-pruned, generally affect the tree long branches and pest branches, weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, only 1~2 flowers can be left, and a certain distance should be maintained, and the rest should be picked early to avoid consuming nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick flowers close to withering in time, which can also reduce nutrient consumption, so as to facilitate the healthy growth of plants and the formation of new flower buds.

5, pot turning: Camellia bonsai can be turned over once every 1~2 years, the new pot should be larger than the old pot No. 1, in order to facilitate the development of root system. The best time to turn pots is in April in spring or autumn. Combined with soil replacement, properly remove some hardened old soil, replace it with fertile and loose new soil, and combine with base fertilizer.

6, soil requirements, soil is the root of camellia growth, camellia all nutrients are obtained from the soil, so the requirements of the soil are quite high, generally its soil contains humus is higher, PH value is between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible mushroom residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus powder 10%.

7, air circulation, camellia growth place on the air circulation requirements are extremely high, it is most suitable for growth in the breeze, but camellia is afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind easy to make water evaporation too fast, camellia supply and demand out of balance, which is not conducive to the growth of camellia.

Pest control: Camellia diseases mainly black mold, anthracnose, etc., can be sprayed with 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture for control. Insect pests are mainly tea shoot moth, control methods can cut off insect shoots, generally in April to June for appropriate.

A slightly thicker water fertilizer can be used. Fertilizer should pay attention to the proportion of phosphorus slightly larger, in order to promote flower color Yan.

There are also many flower friends who have potted camellias at home, but how to cultivate camellias is inexperienced. We introduce them one by one according to several breeding points:

1. Soil is the basis for the growth of potted camellia, because camellia roots depend on soil for growth and development, and the water and nutrients required for camellia life activities are mainly absorbed from soil. Camellia likes acid, high humus content, loose ventilation of the mountain red (yellow) loam, pH 5 to 1

Some Key Points on the Maintenance of Soilless Potted Flowers

China Garden Network June 26 news: Soilless culture can make plants grow rapidly, robust, flowering more early, large and fragrant, and cold and heat resistance, fewer pests and diseases. Generally easier to cultivate flowers are: turtle, Milan, Clivia, Camellia, rose, jasmine, azalea, kumquat, evergreen, violet, Phalaenopsis, fuchsia, pine needles, camptotheca, rubber fig, Brazil iron, begonias, ferns, palm plants and so on. Potted flowers can be converted from soilless culture to soilless culture in any season. The specific operation steps are as follows.

1. preparing nutrient solution. diluting soilless culture nutrient solution sold on the market with water according to a specified multiple. You can also prepare your own nutrient solution using the following formula. 1. Major elements: potassium nitrate, magnesium sulfate 3g each, calcium nitrate 5g, ammonium phosphate 2g, potassium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1g each;2. Trace elements: (application chemical reagent) ethylene diammonium tetraacetic acid disodium 0.1g, ferrous sulfate 75mg, boric acid 30mg, manganese sulfate 20mg, zinc sulfate 5mg, copper sulfate 1mg, ammonium molybdate 2mg;3. Tap water 5kg. A nutrient solution is prepared by mixing macroelements and microelements into solutions respectively. Trace element dosage is very small, not easy to weigh, can expand the multiple preparation, and then reduce by the same multiple to extract its amount. For example, trace elements can be diluted 100 times and weighed into a solution, and then a 1% solution, i.e., the required amount, is extracted. Nutrient solution is nontoxic, odorless, clean and sanitary, and can be stored for a long time.

Second, take off the basin. Eject the roots and soil from the holes in the basin floor with your fingers.

Third, wash the roots. Soak the soiled roots in water close to ambient temperature to clean the rhizosphere soil.

IV. Immersion. Soak the cleaned roots in the prepared nutrient solution for 10 minutes to allow them to fully absorb nutrients.

5. Filling pots and pouring liquid. Wash the flowerpot, put tiles or plastic yarn in the bottom hole, then put a little pearlite and vermiculite in the pot, then put the plant into the pot and stabilize it, and fill it with light minerals such as pearlite and vermiculite around the root system. Shake the pot gently to make the mineral adhere to the root system. Then irrigate the prepared nutrient solution until there is liquid flowing out of the bottom hole.

6. Strengthen the root system. With Ying Shi, Fu Li Shi and other fragments on the root system above, strengthen the root system, to avoid lodging. At the same time spray some water on the leaves.

7. Daily management. Soilless culture of flowers bonsai, lighting, temperature and other conditions of the requirements and soil cultivation is the same, plant growth period irrigation once a week nutrient solution, the amount according to the size of the plant, leaf growth slow flower dosage discretion; winter or dormant period 15--30 days irrigation once. Indoor foliage plants can survive under low light conditions, so the amount of nutrient solution should be reduced, and nutrient solution can also be used for foliar spraying. Pay attention to timely watering at ordinary times.