
Potted primroses in autumn teach you fertilization skills. Plants grow rapidly and flowers continue to bloom.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Primroses usually bloom before and after the Spring Festival. The flowers of primroses are colorful and extremely beautiful. Together with rhododendron and gentian, they are known all over the world as the three natural famous flowers in China. There are wild species of primroses all over China. Report.

Primroses usually bloom before and after the Spring Festival. The flowers of primroses are colorful and extremely beautiful. Together with rhododendron and gentian, they are known all over the world as the three natural famous flowers in China. There are wild species of primroses all over China. Primula, belonging to Primulaceae, has some cultivated varieties in China, but most of them are natural varieties. It likes good drainage, is suitable for humus sufficient and slightly acidic soil, is more resistant to moisture, is afraid of strong light and high temperature at seedling stage, and likes a warm and ventilated environment. So, in the maintenance of primroses, how to make it "blossom constantly"?

Conservation environment of primroses

The temperature suitable for the growth of primroses is about 15 ℃, usually maintained in a warm and common light, when the temperature is suitable, and the seedlings grow rapidly. When the plant grows to 10 leaves, there are flower arrows, which can bear more than a dozen flowers, which requires a lot of nutrients. In order to make the plant more tillering, pregnant buds and blossoms, it can be removed when you see the first flower arrow to benefit more tillers and expand the plants, so that around the Spring Festival. Each pot can give birth to more than 5 flower arrows, flowers full of pots, cymose inflorescences live in groups above the green leaves, gorgeous and colorful, very enduring.

When primroses bloom, if flower friends want to prolong the viewing period, they should pay attention to the maintenance of environmental temperature and light not to be too high. After the flowers have withered, to make them "blossom continuously", it is necessary to cut off the residual flowers and stems in time, and add a certain amount of fertilizer appropriately. This can promote plant growth and flowering.

Soil problems of primroses

Potted flowers have certain requirements for soil, or require acidic soil, or calcareous soil, or sandy soil with good drainage, or clayey soil, and so on. However, most of them have strong adaptability to the soil, and the requirements are not demanding. Generally, as long as the soil is well drained and fertile, it can grow well, such as primrose, primrose, plum and other plants, for primroses, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of garden soil can be selected. and apply a small amount of culture soil, this kind of culture soil is loose and fertile, mostly slightly acidic, in order to facilitate root development.

The problem of watering primrose

Usually maintain primroses, the soil should be kept moist, as for the watering method, can be watered from the edge of the flowerpot, can not be drenched on the flowers, around noon weather is especially dry and hot, to the plant and the ground around the pot to spray water to increase air humidity and reduce the temperature. When summer comes, because the air is too dry and the water evaporation is large, it can not get the necessary water supply and become dehydrated. The rescue method is to put the primrose in a ventilated and cool place and wait for the basin soil temperature to drop before watering. Then start watering once in the morning and once in the evening, paying attention to the summer watering time: it should be before 10:00 in the morning and after 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Primula leaves turn yellow

Primrose leaves turn yellow there is a flower friend said that he raised primroses, usually choose a higher proportion of nitrogen fertilizer, thin fertilizer frequently applied, how the leaves turn yellow? I put it in front of the monitor, and half of it turned yellow. What's going on? Primroses are placed in front of the monitor, for a long time, definitely not. Because the screen radiation is not conducive to plant growth, and indoor air circulation is not smooth, can not meet its needs, so the yellowing of leaves is also an adverse response to the growth environment. In front of the computer, the air humidity is definitely insufficient, which is also one of the reasons for the yellow leaves, so you can consider changing your position.

The flower language of primrose is first love and hope. Primrose breeding knowledge is introduced to you here, I hope it will be helpful to you. Here is a gathering place for flower lovers, sharing flower pot conservation skills, welcome to follow and exchange.