
How to graft flowering crabapple? Conservation and management of Malus pendula after grafting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Malus pendula is an excellent garden tree species with flowers, fruits, branches and trees that can be used for viewing. Common Malus pendula varieties in China include red jade, Louisa and royal beauty, and Malus pendula fruits can also be eaten or made into preserved fruit. At the same time vertical Begonia flower branches can be used for medicinal purposes, can be used to regulate menstruation and blood

Weeping begonia is an excellent landscaping tree species which can be used for ornamental flowers, fruits, branches and trees. the common domestic varieties of weeping begonia are red jade, Louisa and royal beauty, and the fruit of weeping begonia can also be eaten or made as candied fruit. At the same time, vertical begonia flower branches can be used for medicinal purposes, can be used to regulate menstruation and blood, and treat blood collapse, so today the editor will talk about the grafting method of vertical begonia and its maintenance and management after grafting.

1 grafting technique of Malus vulgaris

The vertical branch begonia is mostly carried out by grafting, and the rootstock is mainly composed of tall, dry and straight begonia, such as Hoba begonia, and excellent crabapple varieties are used as scions.

1. 1 grafting time

From March to April, when the sap began to flow, the method of bark grafting was used to change the head of the hanging begonia. It should be noted that the grafting should be carried out on a rainy day.

1. 2 collection and treatment of scion

Select the pure and robust plant "Hongyu, Louisa, Royal Beauty" of the weeping begonia, cut off the well-developed 1-year-old branches, cut the branches with 12 ~ 15 cm and 2 pairs of full bud eyes, wrap the top with plastic film to prevent water evaporation, cut the lower side to grow 2 ~ 3 cm single slope, and cut the back end to 0. 5 ~ 0. 8 cm small bevel and remove leaves, leaving petiole.

1. 3 selection of rootstocks

Tripterygium jojoba with breast diameter 6.0 ~ 8.0 cm and straight stem was selected as rootstock.

1. 4 grafting method

The rootstocks with basically the same DBH and crown width were cut off at the dry height of 2.5 m, and a 3 ~ 4cm long incision was cut down at the edge of the cross section with a grafting knife. The pruned scion was then grafted into the cortex of the cut point of the rootstock by the method of skin grafting, and then tightly bound with plastic film from the bottom up to the joint to prevent water loss. Generally, 3-4 scions are grafted on each trunk.

2 maintenance and management techniques of Begonia after grafting

2. 1 check the survival rate and replacement

The survival rate of grafting should be checked 20-30 days after grafting, and the grafting should be carried out in time for those who do not survive.

2. 2 sprouting

Observe the germination of new buds of rootstock and scion after grafting. When the new tip of scion grows to 10-12cm, the sprouting of all rootstocks except scion should be erased to promote the flow of nutrients to scion. Then sprout every 5 days until there are no new buds on the rootstock.

2. 3 strengthening treatment of new scion tip

With the continuous increase of scion shoot growth, the leaves gradually increased and became larger, so in the later stage, in addition to erasing the sprouting, the scion shoots should be fixed. Fixtures can be used around the scion to avoid loosening the interface due to wind shaking. When the new shoot grows to 50 cm, some leaves are removed in time to avoid the increase of the weight of the new shoot caused by too many leaves, which makes the scion break or fall off when the wind blows.

2. 4 fertilizer and water management

After 7 days of grafting, when the rootstock and scion basically healed, it began to water for the first time. After about 20 days, the survival of grafted seedlings was checked, and the grafted seedlings were watered again with fertilization. The N, P, K compound fertilizer can be applied 2 ~ 3 times a year, combined with fertilization and watering in time, the compound fertilizer of N, P and K can be applied 2 ~ 3 times a year from 5 kg / min. After watering or rainfall, loosen the soil at the right time, weed and preserve soil moisture, and stop fertilizing after falling leaves.

2. 5 plastic pruning

Reasonable pruning was carried out in the year of grafting survival, and the general shaping and pruning was umbrella-shaped, and the pruning method was based on the pruning technique of Ulmus pumila. Pruning in accordance with the principle of "sparse and dense, good and bad, scattered evenly" pruning, generally wait for 3-4 years can be cultivated into a tall weeping begonia.

The maintenance method of Lamei Bonsai production and maintenance of Lamei Bonsai

All kinds of bonsai will appear in different places, radish and green vegetables have their own preferences. Today our theme is preserved plum bonsai, wax plum blossoms in winter, a very beautiful flower, do you want to keep it? When you see it, do you think it is very beautiful? this is when it just bloomed. It was opened after the test of severe winter. In such cold weather as winter, it can still open so beautifully. Let's take a look at how to raise the preserved plum bonsai.

Introduction of preserved plum bonsai

Chimonanthus is a traditional bonsai plant in China, with graceful trees, quaint roots, bright and brilliant flowers on the sloping branches, and its fragrance is intoxicating, especially warm in the cold winter. Chimonanthus chinensis is a deciduous shrub of Chimonaceae and Chimonanthus. It has many varieties, such as pure yellow, golden yellow, light yellow, ink yellow, yellow white, light white, silver white, etc., and the stamens are red, purple, reddish brown, pure white and so on. The more famous varieties are traditional varieties such as vegetarian Chimonanthus, sandalwood Chimonanthus, Chimonanthus hukou, Chimonanthus giganteum, as well as famous varieties such as Queen Chimonanthus, Tiger hoof Red Chimonanthus, Jinpanyu Chimonanthus, Yinzhong Chimonanthus, Bailianwenmei and Jianhongwenmei.

In the "hometown of Chimonanthus", Henan Province, the traditional bonsai forms of Chimonanthus include single plum, dragon plum, pimple plum, single hanging plum, double hanging plum, round hanging plum, Pingfan plum, pearl rolling curtain and so on. It can not only be modeled with young trees, but also use old and simple ancient piles of Chimonanthus praecox as rootstock, grafting fine varieties such as Chimonanthus praecox, Chimonanthus untold, whose roots are dilated and in the shape of a pimple, which is called "pimple plum".

As the branches of Chimonanthus are brittle and easy to break, it is not suitable for large-scale bending modeling, generally only brown silk will be used to slightly hang the trunk or branches, and then trim the twigs slightly, generally from May to August, this is because the branches are soft at this time, and attention should be paid to watering before operation to further soften the branches and facilitate modeling operation.

Second, the production of preserved plum bonsai

The first step, material selection and cultivation

The old root pile of wild Chimonanthus praecox in mountainous area is cultivated in the ground, and the ancient pile of Chimonanthus praecox is made, which is more common and has a quick effect. The method is to select the old stump that has been cut down for many years, and after digging it back, pay attention to protecting the root system and pruning the branches. Choose the place with moderate light, loose soil and good drainage to "raise the embryo", and then move it to the basin after survival. If it is an old pile of dog flies and plums, it can be grafted with plain heart wintersweet, and it can be processed and modeled as needed after survival.

The second step, the process of potting.

Wax plum should use purple sand pottery basin, can also use glazed pottery basin. General seedlings Chimonanthus chinensis mostly use round basin, square basin, hexagonal basin and so on. Wintersweet old pile can use medium-deep dregs basin or crabapple basin, cliff type more choose thousand-cylinder basin. Dark purple or ochre red is better in color to set off waxy yellow flowers and increase their ornamental effect. Chimonanthus praecox is not strict on soil, but it is better to use sandy loam with good drainage. The commonly used mature pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil mixed with 20% bran ash was used as culture soil. The transplanting of Chimonanthus praecox is mostly carried out in early spring, and it is suitable before and after the new bud germination of flower stem in the first ten days of March. It is generally appropriate to plant in an oblique way, which is easy to take advantage of when modeling. A plastic trim can be carried out before planting. Sufficient base fertilizer can be applied to the bottom of the basin when it is put on.

The third step, pose modeling

Although Chimonanthus and Plum blossom do not belong to the same family, but their florescence is similar, and their flowers and aroma are also similar. Wax plum is fragrant and fragrant, and does not reduce red plum, so we can learn from the modeling principles of plum blossoms: "plum is beautiful with qu, straight is without appearance; plum is beautiful with sparse, regular without scenery; sparse is beautiful, secret is stateless", "plum is rare but not expensive and complex; expensive old is not expensive and tender; expensive thin is not expensive fat; Guihe is not expensive to open" and so on. Therefore, the trunk should be oblique and horizontal, the branches and leaves should be sparse, and the pile is old and vigorous. In addition to the "screen fan type", "pimple type" and "hanging branch type" of Yiling, Henan Province, there are also "downwind type", "hanging branch type", "swimming dragon type" and so on.

Third, the maintenance methods of preserved plum bonsai

Place: Chimonanthus bonsai should be placed in a place to avoid the wind and the sun, avoid cold wind, slightly shade in summer, pot plants in winter should be moved to indoor overwintering when the temperature is less than 1 ℃.

Watering: wax plum is more drought-tolerant, it is known as "immortal wax plum", but it can not be too dry. Usually the basin soil can be slightly drier, watering should be "dry and wet", if it is not watered, it will be watered thoroughly. Summer is the flower bud formation period, can not be short of water, should be watered in the morning and evening, after autumn leaves, the basin soil can be dry, watering every 5-7 days.

Fertilization: wax plum is very fertile, so it is appropriate to apply cake fertilizer and water every 10 days in the early stage of flower bud formation from April to June. From the end of June to before ambush, the thin fertilizer and water with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus was applied once a week to promote the formation of flower buds. The fertilizer should be thin when topdressing for 1 or 2 times in summer. Apply it again after autumn. When changing the basin, you can apply sufficient basic fertilizer such as bone meal and bean cake at the bottom of the basin.

Pruning: pruning and sprouting are very important to make Wintersweet blossom year after year. Pruning usually takes place from March to June and stops after August. The old flower branches should be truncated immediately after flowering each year, leaving a maximum length of only 15cm to 20cm. After the new branch grows 2-3 pairs of buds, the terminal bud is removed, and soon the side branch grows again. After growing to 10 cm, the bud is picked again and repeatedly several times until the flower bud is basically formed. It is also necessary to prune all kinds of cross branches, parallel branches, overlapping branches, opposite branches, long branches, and overdense and thin branches that affect the appearance of the tree. It is said that there is no shortage of branches in the flower proverb, so the wax plum can be re-cut.

Pest control: wax plum has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, and occasionally has pests such as diamondback moth, big coir moth, aphids, shell insects, etc., which can be sprayed with 1500 times of dichlorvos or 1500 times of crystal trichlorfon.

Finally, I would like to tell you that the old mountain wild Chimonanthus root pile is cultivated under the ground to make the ancient Wintersweet pile, which is more common and has a quick effect.

The making of Prunus mume Bonsai the maintenance method of Lamei Bonsai

All kinds of bonsai will appear in different places, radish and green vegetables have their own preferences. Today our theme is preserved plum bonsai, wax plum blossoms in winter, a very beautiful flower, do you want to keep it? When you see it, do you think it is very beautiful? this is when it just bloomed. It was opened after the test of severe winter. In such cold weather as winter, it can still open so beautifully. Let's take a look at how to raise the preserved plum bonsai.

Introduction of preserved plum bonsai

Chimonanthus is a traditional bonsai plant in China, with graceful trees, quaint roots, bright and brilliant flowers on the sloping branches, and its fragrance is intoxicating, especially warm in the cold winter. Chimonanthus chinensis is a deciduous shrub of Chimonaceae and Chimonanthus. It has many varieties, such as pure yellow, golden yellow, light yellow, ink yellow, yellow white, light white, silver white, etc., and the stamens are red, purple, reddish brown, pure white and so on. The more famous varieties are traditional varieties such as vegetarian Chimonanthus, sandalwood Chimonanthus, Chimonanthus hukou, Chimonanthus giganteum, as well as famous varieties such as Queen Chimonanthus, Tiger hoof Red Chimonanthus, Jinpanyu Chimonanthus, Yinzhong Chimonanthus, Bailianwenmei and Jianhongwenmei.

In the "hometown of Chimonanthus", Henan Province, the traditional bonsai forms of Chimonanthus include single plum, dragon plum, pimple plum, single hanging plum, double hanging plum, round hanging plum, Pingfan plum, pearl rolling curtain and so on. It can not only be modeled with young trees, but also use old and simple ancient piles of Chimonanthus praecox as rootstock, grafting fine varieties such as Chimonanthus praecox, Chimonanthus untold, whose roots are dilated and in the shape of a pimple, which is called "pimple plum".

As the branches of Chimonanthus are brittle and easy to break, it is not suitable for large-scale bending modeling, generally only brown silk will be used to slightly hang the trunk or branches, and then trim the twigs slightly, generally from May to August, this is because the branches are soft at this time, and attention should be paid to watering before operation to further soften the branches and facilitate modeling operation.

Second, the production of preserved plum bonsai

The first step, material selection and cultivation

The old root pile of wild Chimonanthus praecox in mountainous area is cultivated in the ground, and the ancient pile of Chimonanthus praecox is made, which is more common and has a quick effect. The method is to select the old stump that has been cut down for many years, and after digging it back, pay attention to protecting the root system and pruning the branches. Choose the place with moderate light, loose soil and good drainage to "raise the embryo", and then move it to the basin after survival. If it is an old pile of dog flies and plums, it can be grafted with plain heart wintersweet, and it can be processed and modeled as needed after survival.

The second step, the process of potting.

Wax plum should use purple sand pottery basin, can also use glazed pottery basin. General seedlings Chimonanthus chinensis mostly use round basin, square basin, hexagonal basin and so on. Wintersweet old pile can use medium-deep dregs basin or crabapple basin, cliff type more choose thousand-cylinder basin. Dark purple or ochre red is better in color to set off waxy yellow flowers and increase their ornamental effect. Chimonanthus praecox is not strict on soil, but it is better to use sandy loam with good drainage. The commonly used mature pastoral soil or rotten leaf soil mixed with 20% bran ash was used as culture soil. The transplanting of Chimonanthus praecox is mostly carried out in early spring, and it is suitable before and after the new bud germination of flower stem in the first ten days of March. It is generally appropriate to plant in an oblique way, which is easy to take advantage of when modeling. A plastic trim can be carried out before planting. Sufficient base fertilizer can be applied to the bottom of the basin when it is put on.

The third step, pose modeling

Although Chimonanthus and Plum blossom do not belong to the same family, but their florescence is similar, and their flowers and aroma are also similar. Wax plum is fragrant and fragrant, and does not reduce red plum, so we can learn from the modeling principles of plum blossoms: "plum is beautiful with qu, straight is without appearance; plum is beautiful with sparse, regular without scenery; sparse is beautiful, secret is stateless", "plum is rare but not expensive and complex; expensive old is not expensive and tender; expensive thin is not expensive fat; Guihe is not expensive to open" and so on. Therefore, the trunk should be oblique and horizontal, the branches and leaves should be sparse, and the pile is old and vigorous. In addition to the "screen fan type", "pimple type" and "hanging branch type" of Yiling, Henan Province, there are also "downwind type", "hanging branch type", "swimming dragon type" and so on.

Third, the maintenance methods of preserved plum bonsai

Place: Chimonanthus bonsai should be placed in a place to avoid the wind and the sun, avoid cold wind, slightly shade in summer, pot plants in winter should be moved to indoor overwintering when the temperature is less than 1 ℃.

Watering: wax plum is more drought-tolerant, it is known as "immortal wax plum", but it can not be too dry. Usually the basin soil can be slightly drier, watering should be "dry and wet", if it is not watered, it will be watered thoroughly. Summer is the flower bud formation period, can not be short of water, should be watered in the morning and evening, after autumn leaves, the basin soil can be dry, watering every 5-7 days.

Fertilization: wax plum is very fertile, so it is appropriate to apply cake fertilizer and water every 10 days in the early stage of flower bud formation from April to June. From the end of June to before ambush, the thin fertilizer and water with the combination of nitrogen and phosphorus was applied once a week to promote the formation of flower buds. The fertilizer should be thin when topdressing for 1 or 2 times in summer. Apply it again after autumn. When changing the basin, you can apply sufficient basic fertilizer such as bone meal and bean cake at the bottom of the basin.

Pruning: pruning and sprouting are very important to make Wintersweet blossom year after year. Pruning usually takes place from March to June and stops after August. The old flower branches should be truncated immediately after flowering each year, leaving a maximum length of only 15cm to 20cm. After the new branch grows 2-3 pairs of buds, the terminal bud is removed, and soon the side branch grows again. After growing to 10 cm, the bud is picked again and repeatedly several times until the flower bud is basically formed. It is also necessary to prune all kinds of cross branches, parallel branches, overlapping branches, opposite branches, long branches, and overdense and thin branches that affect the appearance of the tree. It is said that there is no shortage of branches in the flower proverb, so the wax plum can be re-cut.

Pest control: wax plum has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, and occasionally has pests such as diamondback moth, big coir moth, aphids, shell insects, etc., which can be sprayed with 1500 times of dichlorvos or 1500 times of crystal trichlorfon.

Finally, I would like to tell you that the old mountain wild Chimonanthus root pile is cultivated under the ground to make the ancient Wintersweet pile, which is more common and has a quick effect.