
Techniques of novice orchid culture: key points of orchid culture with rotten leaves (chestnut leaves)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchid is a flower variety with high ornamental value, but it is not easy to breed, especially for novice potted orchids, orchid culture is not easy.

Orchid is a flower variety with high ornamental value, but it is not easy to cultivate, especially for novice potted orchids, orchid culture is not easy. Recently, a friend asked, "how do novice potted orchids grow orchids with rotten leaves?" Indeed, the cultivation of lotus petal orchid in Yunnan often uses rotten leaves (chestnut leaves), which have moderate fertility and pH value, and keep water and hydrophobic. But this rotten leaves to cultivate orchids should also be more skillful. The following editor will talk to you about the methods of raising orchids with rotten leaves in novice potted orchids.

The rotten leaves used in Kaisheng Orchid Garden are not sterilized at high temperature. Because the nutrients and beneficial bacteria will be destroyed to a certain extent after high temperature treatment, the nutrients will be released quickly, and the acidity will be enhanced, so that the newly planted orchids will be damaged, such as root growth point atrophy and blackening, leaf pants withered and yellow. The correct use method is: take the semi-rotten chestnut leaves drenched by Rain Water in the mountain, clean up the sundries, soak them in clean water for 3-5 days, remove them and mix them with snake sawdust and perlite, then put them into a sealed bag or vat and use them after 1 month.

Kai Sheng Orchid Garden plant material uses 60% rotten leaves + 20% snake wood + 20% granular plant material, with plastic basin, usually once a year or two years.

When potting, the tightness should be adjusted according to the maturity of the plant material. The fortress that has not been rotten for a long time is tight, and the leaves that are highly mature and rotten as soon as they are pinched will be loosened. Orchids that have just been planted should be watered immediately and the speed of water should be observed when watering. If the water is too slow, it means that the plant material is too tight and must be replanted. Put it in a slightly cool place after planting. Ventilation should not be too large. If there is a split wound, you can peel open the wound and cover it 7 days later.

Orchids planted with rotten leaves and other organic plants should be watered until clear water comes out from the bottom of the basin. Once a day for 5 consecutive days. Planted in summer, can be irrigated every morning and evening, so that the root system of orchid seedlings can easily restore growth. You can't use fertilizer for one month.

After taking the basin, water it once every 3-5 days (it doesn't matter if you don't water it for ten and a half months occasionally). 20 sheep dung eggs were buried in pots at intervals of half a year. Sheep dung with raw, unfermented, slowly fermented in the basin, slowly release fertility, very safe; cooked will be rapid fermentation, acidity will increase, Langen will suffer. Can also not bury raw sheep dung on the edge of the basin, but with raw sheep dung soaked in water to irrigate the basin, the method is: sun-dried raw sheep dung 10 kg plus 100 kg of water (appropriate insecticides can be added, but fungicides must not be added), soaking for 1 month. When in use, take the soaked liquid and add 50-100 times of clean water before watering. Try not to pour it on the leaf sheath. The growing period is once every 10-15 days. However, it is more troublesome to pour it this way, and it is easier and safer to bury it. Be sure to water thoroughly after fertilizing.

Kaisheng Orchid Garden uses rotten leaves as the main plant material and the corresponding management mode, the sprouting rate of orchids can reach 200% Rue 300% (at the same time, there are not particularly many buds, most of them sprout one after another), the growth rate is relatively fast, and there are roughly 2 generations of seedlings every year.

Lotus petal orchids can be raised with rotten leaves, and other orchids such as spring orchids can also be raised. The answer is yes. Because the national orchids we cultivate are all terrestrial orchids, and their growth habits are very similar, it is not necessary to adopt different plant materials and different management models according to the orchid species in the domestic environment. In recent years, Kaisheng Orchid Garden has introduced many orchid species from various places, such as Chunlan and Cymbidium in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Chunjian and Jianlan in Sichuan, Magnolia and Jianlan in Fujian and Guangdong, and Han Lan and Qiupang. With the same planting materials and the same cultivation and management methods, all kinds of orchids grow well, germinate and blossom satisfactorily.

Of course, the above situation is "Datong", there are still "small differences" between each species, these "small differences" will not have much impact on the growth of orchids. In the process of cultivation and management, slowly understand the "small differences", slowly adjust the plant materials and management methods, and strive for excellence, which is where the fun of orchid cultivation lies.

Orchid culture skills, 5 kinds of orchid culture techniques

The orchid blossoms many, the design color is right, the flower product is good, you need to master some little skills of orchid culture. Orchids can not stick to conventions, a lot of breeding skills, if you can make good use of orchids, orchids will get twice the result with half the effort, take a look at the following five kinds of orchid culture skills.

Culture skills of five kinds of orchids

The main results are as follows: 1. when the orchid is close to flowering, changing the pot and drying the orchid root slightly is beneficial to flower bud differentiation.

2. The growing point of the old Reed head can be fully utilized not only on the pseudobulb, but also in the petiole. As long as you pay attention to the observation, you will find that there is still a growing point at the junction of the petiole and the false bulb, just remove the leaf, or cut the petiole in half with a blade, then clip it carefully with a clip, care carefully, and it will sprout soon.

3. The roots and leaves of the old Reed head in the third and fourth way are intact, but it is not easy to sprout. The leaves can be cut off 1 / 2 or 1 / 3 to reduce nutrient consumption and provide more nutrients to the growing point, and then planted with water moss or coarse river sand, so that the germination is fast and the bud is large.

4. usually when fertilizing orchids, from small buds to adult plants, the composition of fertilizer is enhanced in the order of nitrogen, potassium and then phosphorus.

5, thumb-sized charcoal, first soaked in water, and then put a piece into the bottom of the basin, and then plant orchids, which is conducive to the elongation of the roots, and the color of the roots is snow-white and stout.

How to raise orchids the culture method of orchids

There are several ways to cultivate orchids, the most famous of which are dry orchids and wet orchids. In fact, there is not much difference between them, but the requirements for the environment and plant materials are different. But the cultivation methods of most orchids are basically the same. Let's take a look.

In the process of cultivating orchids, we should pay special attention to the potted soil of orchid culture. Mainly with a large amount of decaying, loose, well-drained neutral acid soil is better, "bamboo root mud" and mountain moist leaf forest under the rotten leaf soil is a good choice.

We should not only pay attention to the soil of orchid culture, but also the place where it is placed. It is required to choose a place with good ventilation, moist air and no environmental pollution. Like outdoors and balconies are fine. But we must pay attention to maintain its humidity, otherwise the orchids raised will be prone to problems.

Apart from the potted soil and location, it is also important to pay attention to the part of fertilizing the orchid. Fertilization depends on the selected basin soil and growth. Those with luxuriant growth and no disease can be fertilized, while those with poor growth should not be fertilized or a small amount of fertilizer. Remember, in orchid culture, avoid using chemical fertilizer, and it is not suitable to apply fertilizer in the hot season.

Watering is also a very important link in the whole process. When watering, start from the edge of the basin and remember to pour it into the bud. And the amount of water should be determined according to the air temperature, the degree of dryness and humidity of the basin soil and the growth of bluegrass. Ye Da er should pour more water, while the leaves are small, relatively speaking, they should be watered a little less.

Conclusion: there is also a very important point, orchids are most prone to white silk disease in rainy and hot seasons, when a small amount can be brushed with a wet cloth, and if there is more, it is best to use topiramate, spraying every 7 times every 10 days. In this way, you won't let your love flowers have unexpected accidents.