
Uncle Li only uses its water buds to drill pots full of small white flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When raising asparagus, Uncle Li only uses "its water". Small buds are drilled full of pots and full of "small white flowers." with the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people like to raise a pot of flowers at home, and as people grow longer.

When raising "asparagus", Uncle Li only uses "its water". The small buds are full of pots and full of "small white flowers".

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people like to raise a pot of flowers at home, and as people grow longer, they will slowly understand the habits of their favorite flowers and plants, and slowly have their own tips and methods to raise their beloved potted flowers better and better.

For example, the flower friend Uncle Li, the flowers raised by the uncle all grow very well, and they all grow very fast, not to mention green pineapple, hanging orchids and rich trees. Pots are all growing crazily, and even gentleman orchids, which are a little difficult to maintain, grow very well, but today we don't share anything else, just talk about the asparagus raised by my uncle. They all grow very well, not to mention the green leaves, and they all grow pots and pots. People who have raised asparagus know that it is easy to raise asparagus and become more and more scarce, because the old plant will wither after raising it for a long time, and the new buds will grow slowly, so this will happen to asparagus. But Uncle Li's asparagus grows very well, so how did Uncle Li do it?

This is also the theme we share today, let's take a look at it!

When raising "asparagus", Uncle Li only uses "its water". The small buds are full of pots and full of "small white flowers".


Soak the soybeans and water them, and the asparagus will fill the basin.

Seeing the subtitle, I believe many flower friends know that asparagus is watered with soybean water, so why does it have such a good effect?

There are two reasons. Let's take a look.

Asparagus likes loose and breathable soil, so it is suggested that flower friends should not use compound fertilizer to raise asparagus. If you regularly use compound fertilizer, such as urea and asparagus, then the soil of asparagus will harden and the root system of asparagus will be damaged slowly. In this way, asparagus will be longer and rarer as mentioned above. Soybeans contain a lot of protein and vegetable oil. after fermenting carrion, they will transform the main nitrogen fertilizer, followed by the flower fertilizer of gray, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the use of such organic flower fertilizer can improve the looseness of the basin soil and make the basin soil not only nutritious. And it will become more and more loose, so it is really appropriate to raise asparagus with soybean water.

The production method of soybean flower fertilizer is as follows:

Take the right amount of soybeans and soak them in clean water for about 10 hours. When you see the soybeans become big and bright, they are soaked. Put the soaked soybeans into the pot and boil them (you can add more water appropriately). You can generally cook for about 25 minutes. You can try it with a spoon. If you press it, you can break it. Cool the boiled soybeans together with the water that boils them. Find a bigger plastic bottle, some orange peel, chopped, and a piece of sand bug. Put the soybeans together with boiled water, chopped orange peel and sand worm agent into a plastic bottle, 8 points full, not enough to add a certain amount of water. Cover the plastic bottle of soybeans and put it in a warm and ventilated place to ferment. It will be ready for use in about 40 days. When using, take the supernatant, mix it with water, and water asparagus at 1:50, usually twice a month. Don't be greedy.


Other maintenance of asparagus

Want asparagus to grow well in addition to fertilization, but also need to pay attention to other maintenance, let's have a look!

1, asparagus needs light, but can not be exposed to the sun, can not be direct sunlight, home maintenance of asparagus away from smoke, ventilation, good astigmatism can be maintained.

2. Asparagus needs to be pruned frequently, and some diseased branches, old branches and weak branches need to be cut off. It is necessary to ensure that the plant type can be ventilated so that it can grow faster. Asparagus grows better and fuller as it is cut.

That's all for today's sharing. Thank you for your reading and support. See you next time!