
Green pineapple likes to eat soybeans best. A few grains of soybeans are buried in the soil and grow all over a basin.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huahua feels that all the friends around them seem to like to eat small snacks, and they feel happy every time. In fact, the flowers at home are the same. In fact, there is a kind of small beans, which is the favorite snack for the flowers at home.

Huahua feels that all the friends around them seem to like to eat small snacks, and they feel happy every time. In fact, the flowers at home are the same. In fact, there is a kind of small beans, which is the favorite snack for the flowers at home. Come and have a look with Huahua.

Green pineapple eat some soybeans and rub for 10 meters!

Every time I saw the green Luo in a friend's house climb all over the wall, Huahua envied it. Later I found out that my friend secretly fed Luluo a snack. So what are you feeding? Soybeans, of course!

1. If there are moldy soybeans at home, or those withered soybeans picked out, you can give them to green pineapple as a snack! If it's good soybeans, don't waste it!

2. First prepare a large pot, cook the beans in the pot, basically boil them, then turn off the heat and wait for the beans to cool.

3. Find a clean plastic bottle, put the cooked soybeans into it, and pour the boiled soybeans into it, then seal it and ferment it in the sun. It will basically be cooked in a month.

4. Mix the retted soybean water with clear water at 1:50 times, and then water the green apple directly. Soybean fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen fertilizer, green apple after eating the leaves rub long, you can climb higher and higher!

(photo by sailingpi)

5. If some flower friends dislike the smelly soybean fertilizer, they might as well dig a few holes on the edge of the green radish basin and bury the cooked soybean grains in it. About 3-5 grains in a pot of green apple will be enough to allow the soybeans to ferment slowly in the basin soil. to replenish nutrients.

(photo author: hold Happy)

Crab claw orchid eat some black beans, the leaves are as bright as waxing!

After a hot summer, the balcony began to be occupied by crab claw orchids again! It's just that some flower friends are worried, why is my crab claw orchid still stepping on the leaves, there is no intention of growing and blooming at all? Then why don't you feed it some black beans!

(photo author: the time is full of happiness)

1. The so-called black beans are sheep dung eggs that are common in rural areas. Basically, the sheep dung eggs that can be found in the countryside are air-dried.

2. When crushing the dried sheep dung eggs and changing the pot for the crab claw orchid, it will be directly mixed into the basin soil and become a nutrient-rich base fertilizer!

3, disrelish troublesome flower friends, can also directly sprinkle sheep dung eggs on the basin, basically a pot of crab claw orchid sprinkled with 3-5 grains. When watering, the nutrients in sheep dung eggs will seep into the basin soil with the water and be directly absorbed by crab claw orchid.

4. The last way is to find a large bucket, soak the sheep dung eggs in water and seal them for about a month. After a period of fermentation, pour out the fermented water and pour it into 10 times water directly to the crab claw orchid.

5. Sheep dung eggs contain phosphorus, potassium and other trace elements, which can replenish enough nutrients for the crab claw orchid to let its new buds sprout and produce more flowers!

(photo author: Miaomiao)

The gentleman orchid eats a peanut, the leaf oil blossoms more!

Many flower friends raise magnolia, there will always be a variety of problems, either the arrow clip, or wilting does not grow, let alone raise to blossom! Why don't you learn a trick from the flower today and give the orchid a peanut?

(photo author: Diaoyuweng boy)

1. Now it's time to harvest peanuts in the fields. If peanuts harvested from the fields have dried grains or wormholes, they can be fed directly to Gentleman. Of course, you'd better stir-fry it before using it!

2. When changing pots for the orchid in autumn, you can bury the fried peanuts directly in the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. After burying the peanuts, cover a thick layer of soil. Do not let the peanuts come into direct contact with the root system of the orchid to prevent root burning.

3. If you don't want to change the pot for the orchid, you can also directly poke a few holes in the edge of the pot away from the root, with a depth of about 3-5cm, then bury the peanuts and cover them with soil. Peanut beans release nutrients in the soil and are directly absorbed by Magnolia.

(photo author: Yilan Yanglan)

4. Peanuts and beans contain a lot of oil, and what gentleman orchids like most is oil crops, so feeding peanuts to gentleman orchids can make its leaves more and more shiny and blossom more and more!

(photo author: Prince Yuqing)

That's all for Huahua today!

Has everyone learned it?

Why don't you hurry up and give the flower a little pea?

You can call it out right away!
