
How to keep the golden bell hanging upside down? Upside-down Admiralty Culture method and maintenance course

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Admiralty hanging upside down, also known as lantern flower, hanging bell begonia, 50 ∽ 200cm high, petals variable color, fuchsia, red, pink, white, longer florescence 4 ∽ 12 months

Fuchsia is also called lantern flower, hanging bell begonia, 50 200 cm high, petals color variable, purple, red, pink, white, flowering longer 4 December. The flower of upside down golden bell is downward opening, flower type is peculiar, suitable for potted culture, often used to decorate balcony, living room, study, etc., can also be hung for maintenance and viewing. The following small series will talk to you about the breeding methods and maintenance points of inverted golden bell.


Fuchsia like cool, humid environment, a little cold intolerance, fear of high temperature and summer direct sunlight, avoid hot summer and rain exposure.


Fuchsia like loose, fertile, well-drained soil rich in humus slightly acidic. Potted available peat soil, rotten leaf soil, river sand mixture.


Fuchsia like a semi-cloudy environment, so according to the season requires different lighting. Winter, early spring and late autumn need full sunshine, early summer and early autumn need half sunshine, summer heat to shade, can spray water to leaves, ground, ground spray cooling, increase air humidity.

water and fertilizer

Fuchsia fast-growing, flowering times and long flowering period, growth period can be half a month to apply thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer, before fertilization pot soil to be dry; after fertilization with a fine nozzle spray once, so as not to stick fertilizer and rot leaves. Watering to keep the pot soil moist, summer to avoid water will rot roots, winter water control.


The growth temperature of inverted bell is 10 - 28 degrees Celsius. In summer, dry, cool and semi-overcast conditions are required, and air humidity is maintained. When the temperature reaches 30 degrees Celsius, it grows slowly. When 35 degrees Celsius, it will cause a large number of plants to wither and die. Pay attention to cooling prevention. Winter requires warm and humid, sunny, air circulation; when the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, pay attention to keep warm and prevent freezing damage.

The above are the maintenance points of inverted golden bell sorted out by Huinong Net. Finally, the small editor also reminds you that you must pay attention to ventilation problems when breeding inverted golden bell. Poor ventilation is easy to cause diseases!

How to make the best use of this technology?

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The name of the inverted golden bell flower comes entirely from its appearance characteristics. It is not like peony, rose, tulip and other flowers. The flower bowl hangs upward, but hangs downward on the branches, just like a tripod hanging big bell. Because of this appearance, the inverted golden bell flower is also very easy to identify.

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A method for breeding the inverted golden bell flower----------------------------------------------

[Plant Archives]----------------------------------------------

Chinese Name: Fukuda

Filed to: Fuchsia

Other names: Lantern Begonia, Bell Begonia

Family: Onagraceae

Filed to: Fuchsia

Origin distribution: Origin Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico and other Central and South American countries, is widely cultivated.

Configuration characteristic: Half bush or small bush, plant height 30-150 cm, bine is close smooth, branch is slender slightly drooping, often take pink or purplish red. Leaves opposite or trifoliate, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, flowers solitary in upper axils of branches, long pedunculate and pendulous. Petals 4, often embrace shape or slightly open, also have semi-double valve. Petals are red, white, purple, etc., calyx is also red, white points. Flowering from April to July.

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Fuchsia like wet, cool environment, to fertile loose slightly acidic soil is appropriate, afraid of high temperature and strong light. Summer should be dry, cool and semi-cloudy; winter should be warm and humid, sunny and ventilated. The suitable growth temperature of Fuchsia sinensis is 15-25℃, the temperature is not lower than 5℃ in winter, the growth is slow when it reaches 30℃ in summer, and it withers and dies at 35℃.

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Fuchsia fuchsia is propagated mainly by cuttage method, generally in January, February and October cuttage, cuttage temperature is 15-20℃, about 20 days to root. Liquid fertilizer is applied once every 7-14 days during the growth period of fuchsia. Fuchsia upside down phototaxis is strong, to often turn basin to maintain uniform appearance.

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① pot change and pot turning: inverted bell needs to turn pot once before budding in spring or autumn every year, and can be mixed evenly with rotten leaf soil, sandy loam, decomposed organic fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer.

② Fertilization: To master the skills of thin fertilizer and frequent application, apply thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer once every 10 days, apply phosphorus and potassium-based liquid fertilizer once a month during flowering, and stop application in high temperature season.

Temperature: cool down in summer; require sufficient sunshine in winter and take insulation measures. Winter and summer, pay attention to ventilation.

④ Watering: hang upside down golden bell watering should see dry namely water, water and thorough, but avoid accumulated water. In summer, it is better to be dry, but spray water on leaves and ground to increase air humidity.

5. Placement: In order to keep the plant type plump, the position should be changed frequently, so as not to deviate from one side and destroy the plant type. However, during flowering should be less moving, otherwise it will cause bud drop flowers.

"Conclusion: After introducing the information about the Inverted Golden Bell Flower, do you recognize this flower that has a very unique appearance? Inverted golden bell flower can be cultivated indoors. After learning the cultivation method of inverted golden bell, buy a pot to raise it!

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