
How can evening primrose survive the winter safely? A collection of key points for the maintenance of evening incense in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Evening primrose is a kind of flower with high ornamental value, especially when its flowers are in full bloom, like stars shining. So many family flower lovers like to raise it.

Evening primrose is a kind of flower with high ornamental value, especially when its flowers are in full bloom, like stars shining. So many family flower lovers like to raise it. However, in the process of breeding night incense, I believe that many flower friends have encountered that the weather is cold in late autumn, and night incense dies before winter comes. The following Huinong net editor explains in detail the winter maintenance methods of evening incense for the winter of night incense. Let's study together.

1. Watering should be appropriate

If you want to maintain night incense in winter, you must have a certain understanding and control of watering. In winter, night incense had better be watered once a day, and the maintenance in winter must keep the basin soil moist and dry, but not too wet. because it is cold in winter, we only need to water a little.

2. Plenty of sunshine

In winter maintenance of night incense must ensure that there is sufficient sunshine, and the temperature must be maintained above 15 ℃, because it is colder in winter, it is very necessary to have sunshine, which can bring warmth to night incense and prevent it from frostbite or frostbite, so we can keep it under the balcony every day in winter.

3. Termination of fertilization

When we maintain nocturnal incense in a normal period, we only need to make sure that it has sufficient nutrient absorption, so we need to apply fertilizer to it every half a month, but it is a special period after winter. At this time, we must pay attention to stop fertilization immediately, because this is likely to lead to rooting, so do not apply fertilizer in winter.

4. Change the basin to change the basin

After a period of time, the soil in the basin must be changed, because the absorption of soil nutrients by evening incense is relatively fast, so changing the basin in time can ensure that evening incense has sufficient nutrients to be absorbed. and conservation must be carried out properly to turn the basin, if it is a long-term place to the sun, then the plant will grow crooked very affect the beauty of the plant.

The above is Huinong net Xiaobian 4 o'clock night incense safe winter maintenance points, winter is a season worth testing for many flowers, so flower friends must be patient maintenance according to the above steps, if you can talk about night incense breeding smoothly through the winter, I believe that next year's night incense will bloom more brightly!

Maintenance of fragrant flowers at night

Flower bonsai net flower maintenance column: maintenance of night fragrant flowers

Night incense belongs to the Solanaceae, which is an evergreen shrub. It is known as night fragrance, night orchid fragrance, every flowering period, the flowers will be closed during the day, until the sun sets in the west, when the sky turns dark, it opens its petals and exudes a refreshing fragrance.

Nocturnal incense likes to grow in a sunny and well-ventilated environment, so it is suitable for cultivation on the balcony. Potted evening primrose can spend the winter outdoors in the south, while it has to move indoors in the north. If the leaves fall because the indoor temperature is too low, there is no need to worry, it will still sprout again in the coming spring. The flowering period of evening primrose is from June to November, and it blooms most in the middle of summer. Evening incense fragrance is particularly strong, summer indoor put a pot, then mosquitoes have to escape.

When you die in spring every year, you have to turn the pot and change the soil and apply enough basic fertilizer to the evening incense. Some dilute liquid fertilizer is often applied during the growth period. The branches and leaves of evening primrose grow very fast and dense, so the branches that are too dense should be pruned to facilitate the growth of new branches.

Nocturnal incense is usually propagated with a stick, and the seedlings should be put on the pot in time after survival. The cultivation soil can be mixed with 4 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of horse dung and 2 parts of river sand. After the seedlings are put into the basin, they should be watered thoroughly, put indoors for a week, and then moved to a place with plenty of sunshine for maintenance. If the seedlings in June are properly maintained, they can blossom from August to September.

How to propagate late fragrant jade how to spend the winter

Evening fragrant jade is also known as night incense and moon incense, but it should be distinguished from what people often call night incense, although both flowers are white and send out strong fragrance at night. Amaryllidaceae, perennial bulbous flowers, spike-shaped flowers terminal, 12-32 flowers per panicle, 6-lobed flowers, scape erect; evening incense is a rattan shrub, branchlets weak, Corolla 5-lobed, so intuitive and simple to look at the number of petals.

The adult plant height of evening fragrant jade is about 40-90 cm. Because of its strong fragrance, slender flower stem, soft lines, easy planting and florescence control, it is one of the very important cut flowers and is often used as a matching flower. But the fragrance is strong, try not to put it in the bedroom or poorly ventilated room.

The breeding mode of Euphorbia angustifolia

Generally, the way of ramet propagation is used from March to April. Before pot planting, the bulbs are taken out and soaked for one day and then planted, so that they can fully absorb water and facilitate germination. When planting, it is necessary to plant separately those that can blossom and those that cannot blossom, so as not to affect the management and flowering. When planting in the ground and potted, it is necessary to apply sufficient basic fertilizer. Potted plants should use larger pots with 3-5 bulbs in each pot. Large bulbs should be planted shallowly, and the bud tip of the bulb should be exposed when the bulbs are planted deeply. Keep half of the soil moisture and place it in the sun.

Winter maintenance of late fragrant jade

After frosting in winter, the stems and leaves stop growing, dig out the bulb roots before freezing, cut off the upper stems and leaves and the lower whisker roots, dry them fully in the anti-freezing place, and choose dry soil to cover the winter; in order to prevent frost rot, cover withered leaves, hay and horse dung, and dig up and plant them in April. If the aboveground stem is more than 60 cm high, it is appropriate to set up a pillar.