
Leaflet teaches you to make your own flower fertilizer in 5 seconds and you can learn what to grow and you don't have to buy fertilizer anymore.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Family Flower cultivation teacher Xiaoye teaches you all kinds of flower cultivation knowledge! Recently, many flower friends consult lobule backstage, saying that they don't know how to fertilize flowers or what kind of fertilizer flowers are suitable for this season. Leaflet prepared things at home two days ago.

A Collection of Family Flowers

Teacher Xiaoye teaches you all kinds of knowledge of growing flowers!

Recently, many flower friends consulted lobule backstage, saying that they do not know how to apply flower fertilizer to flowers this season, nor do they know what kind of flower fertilizer is suitable for flowers. Two days ago, lobular leaves prepared materials at home. Today, let's talk about the difference between homemade flower fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer! Make sure that you will learn and understand as soon as you read it!

NO.1 nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of branches and leaves, branches and leaves are essential!

The main role of nitrogen fertilizer is to promote the growth of flowers, green plants, branches and leaves, plants lack of nitrogen fertilizer, there will be short plants, leaves sparse without luster, easy yellow leaf phenomenon! So if you want your own flowers to grow and flourish, nitrogen fertilizer is essential!

Where is the nitrogen fertilizer stored?

In fact, there are a wide range of sources of nitrogen fertilizer in our lives, such as rotten soybeans, spoiled milk and bean dregs, which are rich in nitrogen. It is very appropriate to use them as nitrogen fertilizer. The following lobules will use soybeans to demonstrate the way to make nitrogen fertilizer! (everything else is more or less the same.)

Method of operation:

1. Don't throw away the broken soybeans at home. Boil the soybeans and put them in a clean empty bottle.

2. If you have spoiled milk or expired soy milk at home, you can pour it in with boiled soybeans and add clear water. If not, add 2 + + 3 water directly, then place it in a sunny and ventilated position and cook for about 30 days.

3. If you are worried about the peculiar smell, you can add some orange peel to the bottle. After the fermented fertilizer is diluted 20-30 times, the fermented fertilizer can be used to water the flowers. After drinking enough nitrogen fertilizer, the absolute leaves grow more and more luxuriantly.

NO.2 phosphate fertilizer promotes the formation of flower bud, and it is essential to brighten the flower color.

The main function of phosphate fertilizer is to promote the formation of flower buds, brighten the color of flowers and promote fruit. Adequate phosphate fertilizer can promote the growth of flower roots and enhance the drought and cold resistance of flowers! So if you want the flower to blossom fully and have a more developed root system, you have to replenish more phosphate fertilizer.

Where do phosphate fertilizers exist?

Like in daily life, we eat leftover bones, animal feces, coconut bran, rice bran are rich in phosphate fertilizer, the following lobules to bone powder to demonstrate for everyone, the method of making phosphate fertilizer! (everything else is more or less the same.)

Method of operation:

1. Collect the leftover bones at home, boil them in clean water for 20 minutes to remove salt, and then expose them to the sun for 2-3 days to remove moisture from the bones.

2. Beat the sun-dried bones into bone dregs with a sledgehammer, the more broken the better, to facilitate later maturity!

3. The broken bone powder can be directly buried in a flowerpot 6-8 cm away from the root, a large piece of bone dregs can be put into an empty bucket, add 2x3 rice washing water or water, seal and place in the sun to mature for 30-40 days, dilute it 30-50 times and try it out!

NO.3 potash fertilizer to promote stem strength, resistance to diseases and insect pests is essential!

Potash fertilizer can promote stem strength, improve plant resistance to diseases and insect pests and lodging, and make the root system more developed! Flowers lack of potash fertilizer, there will be spots on the edges of flowers, yellow edges of leaves, poor resistance of flowers, easy to cause diseases and insect pests!

Where does potash exist?

Usually drink leftover tea, plant ash water and so on are good potash fertilizer, the most representative organic potassium fertilizer is plant ash, today, leaflets teach us how to make plant ash.

Production method:

1. Burn dry branches or dead grass into wood ash.

2. When the charcoal is burned black, extinguish it with water.

3, put the extinguished plant ash in the flowerpot, each time watering, the plant ash can be soaked into the flowerpot, flowers can fully absorb potash!

The three methods of self-made flower fertilizer mentioned above are all very practical. If flower friends feel that it is troublesome to mature like this, or if they feel that the process of ripening is smelly and unclean, the leaflet recommends you to use 20g microbiological agents. When you use it, dig a small hole 2-3 cm deep in the basin soil and pour it thoroughly. The metabolites of microorganisms in the soil can decompose phosphorus and potassium, and flowers eat absolute tonics. Green, safe and do not burn roots!

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That's what teacher Xiaoye explained today.

Have you learned all this knowledge?

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I wish your life more and more beautiful!


For the rest of my life, there will always be flower friends on the way to growing flowers!