
These seven places in Hubei take a glance at the autumn and look amazing for a year.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn in October, without the anxiety of summer, the breath of autumn comes slowly, the whole China is jumping rapidly with beautiful colors, from north to south, from west to east, the beauty of the whole country will be infected with the mark of autumn, the beauty is amazing, not beautiful.

Autumn in October, without the anxiety of summer, the breath of autumn comes slowly, the whole China is jumping rapidly with beautiful colors, from north to south, from west to east, the beauty of the whole country will be infected with the imprint of autumn, the beauty is amazing, incredibly beautiful! Every autumn, everywhere autumn scenery, everywhere beautiful, it is said that Hubei autumn is very short, accidentally into winter, so, while the autumn scene is still there, let's hurry to rob a "color"!

Dawu-- the most popular place in Hubei in autumn

Dawu County, located in Xiaogan, is known as the "hometown of Sapium sebiferum". In autumn, it can be said to be the reddest place in Hubei. Sapium sebiferum red leaves glow with the flickering autumn wind, dazzling.

Dawu Beishan Village can enjoy red leaves, Dawushan Jieling Village can enjoy Ginkgo biloba, a day self-driving can enjoy two of the most beautiful scenery. In particular, these ancient ginkgo biloba scattered in small mountain villages make this autumn more colorful.

In Yaojiawan, Baiyuan Village, Sanli Town, there is a thousand-year-old ginkgo king. It takes 6 people to encircle the trunk. The root system of the lower part of the ginkgo tree is tangled, dense, vigorous and straight, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Self-driving route:

Take s304 to Xia Dian Town, Dawu County, turn to Xia Xiaolian and drive all the way to Guanyin Lake, Xiaochang. There are few cars on this road, but the road condition is very poor. There are many broken sharp stones in the pit, and the car with low chassis had better not go. Go slowly to prevent tire puncture.

Qian Chong-- the realistic version of Peach Blossom Garden

Qian Chong Village, for many years, this inaccessible, remote and deserted village, people live like the Peach Blossom Garden.

Until one day, a photography enthusiast came to Qian Chong, a touch of sunset shone on the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree, the dazzling golden yellow shocked his soul, from then on this strange scenery became popular with his photos.

The ancient ginkgo community in Qianchong is not only rare in number and age, but also has different tree shapes, such as husband and wife tree, lover tree, descendant tree, mother and child tree, which is of great ornamental value and interest.

Self-driving route:

Wuhan-Xiaogan-Yunmeng-ANLU-Leigong Town-Qianchong Scenic spot, 160 km

The above 7 places in Hubei enjoy the autumn land, with few people and beautiful scenery. It is amazing to have a look.

The population is always at the level of 80%.

Mo Ping, an unknown village in the depths of Dahong Mountain in Hubei Province, has maintained a magical balance of "one life and one death" for hundreds of years, with a population of 80.

In autumn, the scenery here is not inferior to that of the ancient village in the south of the Yangtze River. Blue sky and white clouds, ginkgo green bamboo, ancient mansion village

The most beautiful and mysterious tree in the village is the ginkgo tree, the oldest one is more than 2000 years old, and there are traces of ginkgo biloba in every inch of the land all the year round.

The sun can only be seen here at 9: 00 in the morning, but there is no sun at 4: 00 in the afternoon. The golden ginkgo biloba flutters all over the sky, making the whole village full of autumn light.

Dozens of houses are built on the mountain, and the houses with black tiles look similar to other villages, but ginkgo biloba is planted in front and back of every house, adding a different kind of beauty to the old house.

Self-driving line:

Huangshi-Hu-Rong Expressway-Wujing Expressway-Hakka Town-Shuiwuping Village

Jiuluzhai-- the Canyon Secret Land in the depths of Jingshan Mountain

Jiuluzhai has always been sparsely populated and unknown, so the scenery is very primitive.

Autumn Jiuluzhai, like a plain, pure and gentle woman, quietly through the cracks of time, dizzy with the tip of the brow of the season, the eye is a fiery red, beautiful and colorful.

Self-driving line:

Xiangfan to Baokang take National Highway 316, about 51 kilometers, Baokang County to Xiema Town is a provincial highway, village-level roads enter from Jiuluzhai Village, Baizhu Village, Xiema Town to Jiuluzhai Village about 80 kilometers.

Liziping-a well-preserved Tujia village

Liziping gets its name because it is rich in chestnut trees. It relies on mountains and water, the climate is warm, the air is fresh, quadrangles, slate roads, wells, ponds, and so on, constitute a unique picture of ancient villages.

The tea garden on the hillside is as neat as a terraced field, and the ancient Diaojiaolou stands quietly next to the pavilions, such as ancient trees.

Self-driving line:

Yichang-Fengba Expressway-Safflower cover to the direction of Wufeng in Yidu-Yuyangguan Town-Wufeng Town-to Wuba Highway (Wanma Bridge in Wufeng Town is marked 25 km)-out of Shaziya Tunnel-drive towards Wantan for 15 minutes

The Hall of the Saints-Wonderland on Earth

The Saints' Hall Village in Luotian County is located at the foot of Tiantang Village, the main peak of the Dabie Mountains, with hundreds of miles of green mountains, thousands of years of white clouds returning, looking around, the mountains connect with the blue sky, and sure enough, there is a scene of white clouds around the green mountains.

Luotian village in autumn, red leaves, morning fog, green brick and red tile villages, the peaceful atmosphere of pastoral pastoral songs, like an unfolding picture, scattered everywhere with the beauty of seconds film!

Red leaves are everywhere in the fields, and with the background of the forest in the Dabie Mountains, the pastoral scenery here is praised as the most beautiful in China by photographers from many provincial cities.

Self-driving route:

Wuhan-Linshan River-General Road Tsui-Luotian-Dabie Mountain exit (to Tiantang Village)-Dahean Town-Baimiaohe Township-Shengren Tang Village

Spring and Autumn Village-- the second largest Ancient copycat in Asia

Spring and Autumn Village, also known as Lu Pingzhai, Deng Jiazhai, shanzhai remains independent, dangerous cliff towering, Maoping River opposite hillside there are three shanzhai, similar to the ancient cliff residence.

In autumn, the leaves on the mountain are colorful and gorgeous. At this time, they climb high and look at them, and they are full of natural gifts.

Self-driving route:

Wuhan-Daihuang Expressway-Han Shi Expressway-Xiangfan / Jingzhou / Henan-Xiangjing Expressway-Xiangfan South / Yinji / Nanzhang Expressway exit-305 Provincial Highway-Nanzhang Chunqiu Village