
Can I eat alpinia paniculata? Cultivation methods and maintenance guidelines of Clematis paniculata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The name of the flower may not be familiar to some flower friends, but when you see it, you must feel that you have seen it. Because Golden Lotus is often bred in cities for tourists to watch.

The name of the flower may not be familiar to some flower friends, but when you see it, you must feel that you have seen it. Because the dry lotus is often raised in the city for tourists to watch. And another advantage of dry lotus is that it can blossom all year round if it is properly maintained. And the flowers of Clematis can be used as medicine, and buds, seeds and shoots can also be used as spices. After talking so much about the advantages of Golden Lotus, do you really want to raise it? Below, the editor of Huinong Network will explain to you the cultivation and maintenance of Golden Lotus, and let's study together.

Cultivation of Nelumbo nucifera

1. The seeds of Zaojinlian are covered with a thick skin, so direct planting will delay the innovation rate. Soak it in water for 1-3 days, peel it and then plant it in a flowerpot or flower bed.

2. It takes a lot of time to germinate in autumn, and if you plant it again in early April, it will soon sprout. Although it is better to plant directly in large flowerpots or flower beds, it will reduce the germination rate.

3. When the root emerges from the small hole in the basin floor, please divide the basin as soon as possible.

4. When it adapts to the new flowerpot, the leaves will become luxuriant. Because of its trailing nature, its charm can be appreciated in the hanging basin. You can also insert a bracket.

5. Zaojinlian is easy to cut, and it can grow roots as long as it is planted in the soil. You can cut off the new branches and cut them in the soil for cutting.

6. if you sow in early spring, you can blossom in late spring, and if you sow in autumn, you can bloom in early spring. If you plant it indoors. You can gently wipe the stamens with a brush or cotton swab to fertilize them.

7. Blue-green seeds will be produced after fertilization. The seeds can be picked when the seeds turn yellow, and then dried to form a thick skin on the surface to become the seeds of Clematis paniculata.

8. Early golden lotus is easy to give birth to Liriomyza huidobrensis in the middle of summer. The leaves turn yellow and wither. After a few blossoms, there will be no more pollen.

Maintenance of Clematis paniculata

Although dry lotus is easy to grow, it can lead to smaller or overgrown leaves if there is not enough light. So make sure you get enough light. Although the leaves of autumn sowing are smaller than those of spring sowing, they blossom earlier and reduce the risk of diseases and insect pests. Planting Clematis in a greenhouse can become a perennial plant.

The above is the Huinong net Xiaobian collation about the cultivation and maintenance of dry lotus, dry lotus and leaves are edible, it is rich in vitamin C, iron, minerals, for septicemia sterilization, antibiotic effect, promote digestion and other aspects have wonderful effect. So friends who like dry lotus can try breeding more.

Cultivation and planting methods of Clematis paniculata

The dry golden lotus prefers a mild climate and is not resistant to severe cold and heat. The suitable growth temperature is 18 ℃-24 ℃. Sufficient light is needed in winter, spring and autumn, and hot sun exposure is avoided in pot planting in summer. Pot cultivation of Clematis paniculata needs loose, fertile and permeable soil, which likes to be moist and afraid of waterlogging. It is usually propagated by sowing or by softwood cuttings. If you want to live in the land, you can sow the seeds in the sunny bed in early spring and plant them one week after emergence. The seedlings can be planted in the loose, fertile and slightly shady area with a height of 10 cm. It is in full bloom from June to September until Frosts Descent. If the potted plant needs to blossom from April to May, it can be sowed in the greenhouse in December of the first year, and the ordinary culture soil can be installed in the No. 2 pot, with 1 or 2 seeds on demand in each pot. After sowing, the seedlings will emerge at more than 20 degrees Celsius in front of the greenhouse, and the seedlings will emerge in about 10 days. Keep adequate care.

Cultivation and planting methods of Clematis paniculata 1. Cultivation of Trollius paniculata: soil selection

The culture soil should be mixed with 4 rotten leaf soil, 4 garden soil, 1 compost soil and 1 sandy soil.

2. Anoplophora acuminata culture: planting area

It is cultivated perennially in the south and baked or potted in the north. For potted Trollius, the culture soil mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil, compost soil and sandy soil should be selected.

3. Cultivation of Clematis paniculata: rational fertilization

During the growth period of Trollius, if fertilizer and water are not well managed, it is easy to have long leaves and yellow nodes, small stems and leaves, or luxuriant branches and leaves but few flowers. For this reason, Trollius should not apply too much nitrogen fertilizer to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves. In the process of growth, 15% thin rotten cake fertilizer and water with a concentration of 15% are generally applied every 3-4 weeks, and nitrogen fertilizer is stopped during flowering, and 0.5% superphosphate is applied once every half a month, which can make the leaves green and bloom luxuriantly. After the flower fade, the fertilizer and water of mature cake with a concentration of 25% was applied once to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering. The hot weather in summer should stop fertilization and apply compound overwintering fertilizer again at the end of autumn in order to enhance the cold resistance of the plant and lay a good foundation for the growth of the following year. After each fertilization, attention should be paid to loosen the soil in time to improve the air permeability of basin soil and facilitate the development of root system.

4. Anoplophora acuminata culture: watering control

Watering is a regular management work, watering times and amount of watering should be determined according to the weather and plant growth. Summer stems should be watered more during the growing period, generally every other day in spring and autumn; once a day in summer, and spray water on branches and leaves once a day in summer, in order to maintain high air humidity and make it grow healthily. When the flower bud appears, the watering times should be reduced appropriately, but the amount of water each time can be larger, so that the potted soil can be seen dry and wet. Should reduce watering after flowering, if at this time watering too much, branches grow too prosperous, the next flowering will be thin and light.

5. Golden lotus culture: there is plenty of sunshine.

Dry golden lotus likes sufficient sunshine and is not resistant to shade. It should be cultivated in a sunny place in spring and autumn, properly shaded in summer, in a cool and ventilated place in midsummer, and kept in the sunny place in the middle of October in the north. At the same time, the flowers and leaves have strong phototaxis, and the position should be often changed when cultivated or ornamental, so that it can grow evenly.

6. Anoplophora acuminata culture: control the temperature

The suitable temperature for growth was 18-24 ℃, it was not easy to blossom at high temperature in summer, and the growth was inhibited above 35 ℃. Not cold-resistant, can bear short-term 0 ℃ like warm and humid, overwintering temperature above 10 ℃.

7. Clematis aquaculture: shaping and pruning

In order to make the lotus leaves fat and beautiful, it is also necessary to set up a bracket at the right time to tie the vine stems evenly on the bamboo frame so that all the leaves face in one direction. The size of the frame is suitable for the full growth of vine leaves in the later stage of growth. With the growth of the vine stem, tie it in time, and pay attention to make the vine stem evenly distributed on the support, so that the flowers can be evenly distributed. In order to promote its more branches and achieve the purpose of more leaves and flowers, coring should be carried out in addition to the main branches and sturdy lateral branches before putting on the shelf.

8. Aquaculture of Golden Lotus: pest prevention

Golden lotus has few diseases and insect pests, but it is vulnerable to aphids and lice, so attention should be paid to spraying control.

Tips for perennial flowering and breeding

Golden lotus gets this name because its leaves are shaped like bowl lotus and the flowers are orange. When it is in full bloom, it is like a group of butterflies, a scene full of vitality. The flowering period is in summer and autumn, especially in summer from July to August.

In winter and early spring, the room temperature can blossom continuously under the condition of 16-24 ℃. In addition, if you want to blossom during New Year's Day and Spring Festival, you can sow seeds in August of the previous year; if you need to enjoy flowers on May Day, you can sow them indoors in December of the previous year.

If you want to watch the flowers on National Day, sow at the end of May and early June, shade in time or move to a ventilated and cool place to grow in the hot season; if you want to bloom in early spring from February to March, you need to sow indoors in October of the previous year, keep the room temperature at about 15 ℃, and put on the pot when there are 3 or 4 true leaves.

A graphic and text course on seed planting methods of Clematis paniculata

Dry golden lotus is a common indoor potted plant, if we have dry golden lotus seeds, then how do we use dry golden lotus seeds to plant a pot of dry golden lotus, and what are the points for attention in planting dry golden lotus seeds? here are some seed planting methods and picture and text examples. I hope it will be helpful to the flower friends who are about to plant dry golden lotus.

Seed planting method of Clematis paniculata 1. Sowing time of Clematis paniculata

Generally sowing in March, July-August flowering; June sowing, National Day flowering; September sowing, Spring Festival flowering; December sowing, "May Day" flowering.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings of Clematis paniculata

The suitable temperature for germination is 18-20 degrees. Soak the seeds in 40 ℃ water for 1 day before sowing, keep the temperature at 18-20 ℃, and germinate for a week. Sow on demand, cover about 1 cm of soil, water thoroughly and keep moist, sprout for 7 days. 2-3 true leaves when picking the heart on the pot, properly arrange the leaves and branches are conducive to ventilation, so that the flowers exposed.

3. Planting elements of Clematis paniculata.

Like warm, humid, sunny climate. Resistant to half shade, not resistant to drought, not resistant to waterlogging, not resistant to cold, overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees. The soil has strong adaptability and grows well in sandy soil which is well drained and rich in organic matter. Flowers and leaves have a strong phototaxis and are often turned into pots during cultivation.

An example of picture and text for seed planting of Clematis paniculata

In the first ten days of October, the temperature is basically between 22 and 24 ℃, and the autumn is crisp, so it is the most suitable for sowing.

2. The germination age of dry lotus seeds is only 5 years, and the germination rate of aged seeds is low, so when sowing, try to choose fresh seeds.

3. Before sowing, soak the seeds in warm or cold water for 24 hours, gently peel off the skin, and then use paper towels to promote germination.

4. Sprouting must be accelerated with pure water in a fragrant tissue box (cool boiled water is also available). The tips are generally exposed in about 2-7 days (varieties, budding time varies with different temperatures.

5. Plastic transparent disposable water cups are highly recommended for nursery seedlings, which are wrapped in thick paper to prevent direct sunlight from the roots (recommended reasons are convenient for water and fertilizer management and intuitive relationship growth.

6. When the root system is basically full of water cups, transplanting can be carried out, and a basin of 18-20 cm can be used for planting.

7. when the plant has four true leaves, pick the heart for the first time, remove two true leaves, leave two, and continue to grow. for example, after the plant branches are good, you only need to pick the heart again, but some varieties have weak branching ability. multiple coring is needed to achieve the ideal columnar shape, and when the lateral branches grow 4 true leaves, the second coring can be carried out.

8. The demand for nitrogen fertilizer in the growth process is relatively weak. In order to make it blossom early and blossom more, root irrigation or foliar spraying with potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluent every 10 days during the growing period is carried out alternately.

9. After flowering, if there is no seed left, the residual flowers should be subtracted in time to facilitate the formation of new flower buds.

10. When planting outside in warm spring, seeds are easy to bear, and indoor maintenance requires artificial pollination. Artificial pollination is suitable for choosing sunny mornings. When the stamen pops pollen and the pistil is "human" type, the pollen is smeared on the pistil, the same flower can be pollinated, and the pollen will wither quickly after pollination. When the pedicel is bent in a spiral shape, it indicates that the pollination is successful.

11. Mature seeds will fall on their own. After drying in the sun, the seeds can be preserved in a cool place.