
How to prevent and cure the beetle of Camellia? Control measures of Camellia floral shell insects

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to prevent and cure the beetle of Camellia? The common shell insects in camellia are red wax, cotton blowing, bran shield and tea brown, which all adversely affect the growth of camellia to a certain extent, so it is necessary to take timely control measures. at present, the control measures of camellia scale insects are introduced as follows

How to prevent and cure the beetle of Camellia? The common shell insects in camellia are red wax, cotton blowing, bran shield and tea brown, which all adversely affect the growth of camellia to a certain extent, so it is necessary to take timely control measures. at present, the control measures of Camellia are introduced as follows.

1. Camellia floral beetle

1. Red wax: the female adult has a thick waxy shell, 3mm in diameter and four white stripes, which occurs one generation a year. Generally, May-June is the peak period of damage to a large number of upper shoots of young adults.

2. Cotton blowing: the female adult is orange, 5-7 mm long, with dense small black hair and white wax on the back. White cotton-like wax filaments are secreted during oviposition, and white waxy oocysts are attached to the abdomen, which occurs for 2 or 4 generations a year, especially in April and June.

3. Bran shield: the female shell is 1.5 × 2 mm long, and the edge of the shell is yellow or brown, which is named because its shape and color are similar to the bran shell. There are two or three generations a year, and the nymphs occur in the first and middle of May, the first and middle of July, and from late August to late September, respectively.

4. Tea brown round medium: the female shell is round, 1 × 2 mm in diameter, raised in the center, slightly oblique to the edge, golden yellow or reddish brown. The male mesophore is oval or oval, the shell point is near one end, and most of the worm overwinters as the second instar nymph.

5. The scale insects usually gather on the twigs and leaves, and use their specially constructed piercing mouthparts to suck the sap from the stems and leaves of camellias, resulting in the withering and yellowing of camellia branches and leaves, early fall of leaves, and even the death of the whole plant. The insect is most likely to occur and spread under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation.

II. Control measures of Camellia scale insects

1. When a small amount of shell insects are found on the branches or leaves of camellia, they can be gently brushed off with a soft brush or glued with transparent tape.

2. Use stone-sulfur mixture or turpentine mixture to kill overwintering nymphs in winter.

3. Spraying in the peak period of egg hatching, the best time is in the spring hatching period, and it is easier to kill when the shell is not formed on the surface of the worm. There are 40% omethoate EC 1000 times, 2.5% deltamethrin EC 2500 times, 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times, etc., the insecticidal effect is good.

4. During the formation of scale insects, 1500 times of EC was sprayed to control the occurrence of scale insects, or 25% of chlorpromazine (mainly containing thiazinone) was sprayed with 1500-2000 times of wettable powder at the initial stage of the occurrence of scale insects, and then, according to the situation of insect pests, the spray was sprayed again 15 days later.

How to control the beetle of Camellia

The common shell insects on camellia are red wax, cotton blowing, bran shield and tea brown.

Red wax: the shell wax of the female adult is strong, first rose red, then purplish red, 3 mm to 4 mm in diameter, navel-shaped at the top, petaloid around, with four white lines. It occurs one generation a year, and the peak period of damage is usually from the middle of May to the first and middle of June.

Cotton blowing medium: the female adult is orange-red, oval, 5 mm to 7 mm long, raised abaxially, all densely small black hairs, and covered with white wax. White cotton wax filaments are secreted when spawning, white waxy oocysts are attached to the abdomen, and there are 14 to 16 ridged oocysts on the abdomen. There are 2 to 4 generations every year, and all insect states can survive the winter. The occurrence was the most serious from April to June.

Bran shield: the female shell is 1.5 mm to 2 mm long, grayish white or gray, and the edge of the shell is yellow or brown. It is named because its shape and color resemble the bran shell. Male mesocarp narrow, nearly parallel on both sides, ca. 1.2 mm, grayish white. There are 2 to 3 generations a year, and nymphs occur in the first and middle of May, the first and middle of July, and from late August to early September, respectively.

Tea brown round medium: the female shell is round, 1 mm to 2 mm in diameter, purple-brown or dark brown, waxy thick, central bulge, slightly oblique to the edge, the shell surface is slightly like a hat-shaped, two shell points, located in the center of the shell, golden yellow or reddish brown. Male mesocarp long oval or ovate, shell point near one end. Most of the insects overwintered as second instar nymphs.

The scale insects usually gather on the twigs and leaves, and the back of the leaves is the most parasitic. It uses its specially constructed piercing mouthparts to suck the sap from the stems and leaves of camellias, resulting in withered and yellow branches and leaves of camellias, leaves falling early, and even the whole plant dying. Its excreta is rich in sugar liquid, which often induces serious coal fouling disease, resulting in poor growth or death of plants. The insect is most likely to occur and spread under the conditions of high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation.

Prevention and control methods:

When ① finds that there are scale insects on individual branches or leaves, it can be gently brushed off with a soft brush or sticked with transparent tape.

② used 0.5 degree stone sulfur mixture or turpentine mixture to kill overwintering nymphs in winter.

③ grasps the egg during the peak incubation period, and the best time is in the spring incubation period. When the shell has not yet been formed on the surface of the worm, it is easier to kill with medicament; it can spray 1000 times of omethoate EC, 2500 times of 2.5% deltamethrin EC and 1000 times of dichlorvos EC, and the insecticidal effect is good.

During the formation of scale insects, ④ can spray 1500 times of EC, because of its strong permeability, the control effect is also very good; or in the early stage of the occurrence of scale insects, use 25% buprofezin (mainly containing buprofezin) wettable powder 1500 times to 2000 times liquid spray, depending on the condition of the insect every 15 days, the effect is good.

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Family control of flower scale insects the body of the scale insect is wrapped in a layer of horny carapace, and it is not effective to spray it directly with drugs. Like lice that suck human blood, it absorbs plant juice, thus causing great harm to flowers and trees. The killed plants not only grow poorly, but also appear phenomena such as yellowing leaves and early defoliation, which seriously wither and die. The affected flowers are Milan, jasmine, camellia, Michelia and so on. Prevention and control methods are: ① with liquor mixed with water, the ratio is 1:2. When controlling insects, water through the surface of the basin soil. Scale insects begin to move when the room temperature is 7 ℃ in spring. It can be watered once in April, and then every half a month or so, and it has been effective for 4 times in a row. ② use vinegar (rice vinegar) 50ml, soak small cotton balls in vinegar, gently wipe the damaged stems and leaves with wet cotton balls, you can wipe off the shell insects. This method is convenient and safe, which can not only achieve the purpose of disinfestation, but also make the damaged leaves green and shiny again. By gently wiping the diseased plant with alcohol, ③ can get rid of the scale bug, and it can be removed very clean and thoroughly. For example, when wiping the diseased leaves of orchids with alcohol, not only the scale insects can be removed, but also the larvae that are not visible to the naked eye can be completely killed, and the harm of scale insects is rarely found in the second year. This method is simple, safe and effective. ④ uses diesel oil, laundry detergent and water to make mother liquor in the proportion of 10 to 0.6. At this time, the mother liquor contains 60%, in the form of milk. After diluting the oily 30% solution with water, the beetle on Milan, kumquat and cycad is carefully sprayed. After a week, most of the scale insects changed from fresh orange to withered state, indicating that this method has a good control effect on scale insects.