
What are the precautions for planting peony in the south? Key points of Water and Fertilizer Management and pruning of Peony

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What do you need to pay attention to when planting peony in the south? Peony flower color is beautiful, jade smile pearl fragrance, its design and color to yellow, green, flesh red, crimson, silver red as the top grade, known as "king of flowers" reputation. Because the peony is a fleshy root, it likes dryness and avoid dampness, and likes to be open to the sun, so the planting process needs to be based on these growth characteristics.

What do you need to pay attention to when planting peony in the south? Peony flower color is beautiful, jade smile pearl fragrance, its design and color to yellow, green, flesh red, crimson, silver red as the top grade, known as "king of flowers" reputation. Because the peony is a fleshy root, it likes dryness and avoid dampness, and likes to be open and sunny, so it needs to be planted scientifically and reasonably according to these growth characteristics in the process of planting. The following problems should be paid attention to when planting peony in the south.

1. Select the place

Peony planting should be in accordance with local conditions, planting land should choose high dry to the sun, of course, there is a side shade to grow is the best. The soil should choose loose, fertile, deep and well-drained sandy loam or soil, and the soil pH value should be neutral.

2. Planting

When planting ornamental peony, we should pay attention to the collocation of variety, flower color and flowering period. Trim the root properly before planting, soak the root in 0.1% copper sulfate solution and 5% lime water for 30 minutes for disinfection, then take out and rinse with clean water before planting. The planting time is from September to October, which can be planted earlier in the north and later in the south. The planting depth should be flush between the rhizome junction and the soil surface.

3. Management

Watering: the peony should be watered once after planting. As the peony taboo stagnant water, so in the growing season should be appropriate watering. In arid areas, it is generally necessary to water pre-flowering water, post-flowering water and frozen water. If the peony is planted in pots, in order to facilitate management, the residual flowers can be cut off and buried in pots after the peony flowers bloom.

Fertilization: one year after peony planting, it needs to be fertilized in autumn, mainly by rotten organic fertilizer. At the same time, the combination of soil loosening, spreading and hole application can be applied at the same time. Use more chemical fertilizers in spring and summer, combined with watering, pre-flowering fertilizer and post-flowering fertilizer. If it is potted peony, it can be combined with watering liquid fertilizer.

Pruning: there are many rows of flat stubble in the year of peony planting. Leave about 5 branches after germination in spring, and all others should be erased to concentrate nutrition, which is beneficial to the big and colorful flowers in the second year. In autumn and winter combined with Qingyuan, cut off the dry flower stalk, thin, non-flowering branches. The potted plant is to trim the peony potted plant into the shape you like.

Mid-ploughing: peony growing season should be timely ploughing, pull out weeds, and pay attention to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Ploughing is carried out on plots of more than two-year-old peony in autumn and winter.

Change the pot: when the potted peony grows to 3-4 years, it needs to be replaced in a large pot with new fertilizer soil in autumn, or the ramets should be planted separately.

Spray: spray stone-sulfur mixture before peony sprouting in early spring, use insecticidal and fungicide mixture according to the condition in summer, usually twice a week. At the same time, combined with fertilization, adding chemical fertilizer and growth regulator and so on.

Planting methods and cultivation Management techniques of Peony in Renqiu City, Hebei Province

How to cultivate peony? Generally speaking, peony is not suitable for growing in saline-alkali areas, so it is difficult for people in northern saline-alkali areas to appreciate the elegant peonies. However, the introduction and cultivation of tree peony has been carried out in many saline-alkali areas. Let's learn the cultivation techniques of tree peony in Renqiu saline-alkali area of Hebei province to see how effective it is.

I. preliminary preparation for planting

Because the peony has the characteristics of "like high dryness, hate low humidity", so the selected planting terrain is higher, 0.3 ~ 0.5m above the ground, and leeward to the sun, this terrain can effectively prevent soil from returning alkali. The soil of the original planting site is loam, with a pH value of 8.9 and a salt content of 0.25%. In order to create the best growth environment for the peony, the guest soil technology was used to leave the topsoil of the original soil, and the lower half of the raw soil was dug up and transported away, and transported into the plain sandy soil with a pH value of 8.7 and a salt content of 0.05%. The original soil and new soil were mixed well, and then the amount of 700kg/ mu was applied into the mature and fermented horse manure, while the appropriate amount of furan particles and sulfur powder were applied to 8kg/ mu and 30kg/ mu respectively. Mix the old soil and new soil with fertilizers and pesticides well, pour water once and dry the soil moisture immediately after spreading, and then turn it deeply once every half a month. Generally, it should be turned deeply 3-4 times before planting. In the process of drying soil moisture, attention should be paid not to make it breed weeds. And pay attention to check whether there are ground tigers and other underground pests.

The planted peonies are introduced from Luoyang City, Henan Province and Heze City, Shandong Province. After checking the varieties, tie the plant to the variety name belt to avoid confusion. Irrigate the plant 4 days before digging, so that you can bring more persistent soil when digging, and cut off all the leaves with sterilized scissors before digging. In the process of digging, we should dig as deep as possible to reduce root damage. If the root system is broken, the root will be cut off with scissors, and all the plants will be dug up and classified according to the variety for loading. Lay about 5cm soil on the car before loading, and then lay the plant flat. Spray 1000 times of chlorothalonil on each layer. After all, sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the surface, and then cover it with a cloth. As the temperature is still high in the middle and late September, it is necessary to check the cover of the cloth during transportation to prevent it from being blown by the wind, resulting in the loss of water at the root of the peony and affecting its survival. When taking a rest on the road, you should pay attention to removing the cloth properly for ventilation, but it should be carried out in a shaded place.

II. Planting methods

1. Planting time

Since ancient times, there has been the saying of "seven peonies and eight peony herbs (lunar calendar)" in China, so we choose to plant them in late September of the lunar calendar.

When digging the planting hole, the row spacing was 80cm × 100cm, and the planting hole size was 50cm × 50cm × 40cm (long × wide × deep). The bottom of the hole was filled with rotten and fermented sesame sauce dregs (0.5kg per hole) and mixed well with the subsoil.

two。 Planting

According to the design requirements, all the peonies are put into the planting hole to be seated. When planting, we should pay attention to "three pressing and one lifting", that is, the cave soil should be compacted three times, and after the second compaction, the seedlings should be gently lifted to facilitate the stretching of the root system, and finally the topsoil should be compacted to make it dense. Should hit the back to divide the border after planting, and immediately irrigate 1 time permeable water. After the topsoil is slightly dry, a small mound is piled up at the root of the topsoil to make it safe to survive the winter.

III. Post-planting management

1. Water and fertilizer management

It is necessary to master the two links of "fixed water" and "uncertain water" in watering the peony. "fixed water" means early spring water, post-anthesis water and overwintering water, which must be irrigated every year and the time is relatively fixed. Early spring water is irrigated at the beginning of March, about 15 days after flowering, and overwintering water is in mid-late November. These three waters can be combined with fertilization and must be watered thoroughly. "indefinite water" is a kind of water that is irrigated according to the uncertainty of soil moisture and weather conditions in daily management and protection, and there is no fixed time. Pouring this kind of water should grasp the principle of "giving according to needs" and cannot be done step by step. On rainy and cloudy days in summer, there should be less watering or no watering, and drainage should be done in time after heavy rain to prevent rotting roots. It should also be mentioned that foliar spraying is not allowed during the flowering period of peony, because when spraying water, it is easy to splash water on the flowers and make the flowers wither prematurely.

In addition to applying base fertilizer in planting, peony can also apply fertilizer once a year in early spring, half a month after flowering and before soil freezing, mainly organic fertilizer. According to the author's experience, the fertilizer made from the mixture of sesame sauce residue, cooked chicken manure, cooked horse manure and ferrous sulfate powder is the best, which can not only balance the nutrition of the plant, but also effectively prevent soil Alkalization and consolidation. If the plant is obviously not strong, you can also apply some nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, but the dosage should not be too large and the number of times should not be too much. Fertilization can be applied either in a ring or in a hole. In addition, in order to promote flower bud differentiation, spraying the leaf surface with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can also play a better role.

two。 Pest control

In addition to disinfecting the soil and plants during transplanting, the cultivated tree peony should be sprayed with stone-sulfur mixture or fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim and methyl thiophanate every 20 days from spring to autumn to prevent the occurrence of Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot and white silk disease. In the rainy season, attention should be paid to spraying in the early morning or evening. If it rains soon after spraying, it should be sprayed in time. Peony is prone to aphids, shell insects, red spiders and ground tigers during the growing period. if there is a pest, such as omethoate and other insecticides, the ground tiger can be controlled by buried carbofuran. After falling leaves in autumn, the dead branches and fallen leaves should be burned together to avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

3. Pruning method

In the first year after planting, all the soil buds should be cut off, and the branches that will be used to renew the branches or correct the crown can be retained in the future. This is the so-called "peony pedicure". The new lateral buds and lateral buds on the flower branches should also be thinned according to the situation, and only one flower bud can be retained on each branch. If the terminal bud is not as strong as the lateral bud, the terminal bud should be removed and the lateral bud should be retained. After flowering, the residual flowers should be cut off in time to prevent seed formation and nutrient consumption. Because the peony has the habit of "retreating eight inches by one foot", the unlignified part of the branch is cut short in autumn, leaving only the nodes with budding eyes. Other useless branches that disturb the tree should also be cut off in time.

4. Intermediate ploughing and weeding

Ploughing should be carried out after each watering or after natural rainfall. The depth of loosening soil can be carried out according to the principle of "dry hoe deep, wet hoe shallow". To weed, there must be no grass in the peony planting land.

5. Overwintering management

Peony is more hardy and needs to be filled with frozen water before winter. after the soil surface is slightly dry, it can be piled into a small mound with high 30cm. In places with more personnel activities, fences should be set up to prevent man-made destruction.

The above is all about peony cultivation. Friends in the north can learn more about it. Of course, florists with more experience are welcome to come and share their skills!

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Brazilian wild peony Chinese name Brazilian wild peony

Latin name Tibouchina semidecandra

Also known as purple wild peony, purple wild peony

The plant kingdom.

Family Paeonia suffruticosa

Pedicel tree flower

Grow Brazilian wild peony

Distribution area Brazil

Brazilian wild peony, evergreen shrub, about 60 cm tall. The branches are reddish brown and can be propagated by cutting. spring and autumn are the appropriate time. High temperature, drought and cold tolerance, pruning resistance, many and dense flowers, suitable for mixed planting of potted plants or garden flower beds. Flowering plants.

1. Basic information

Species name: Brazilian wild peony

Scientific name: Tibouchina semidecandra

Aliases: purple wild peony, purple wild peony

Family and genus: Tetranychus of the family Paeonaceae

It is of Brazilian origin. It has been introduced and cultivated in Guangdong and other places in China.

2. Growth habits

Produced in low-altitude mountain areas and flat land. Sex likes high temperature, extremely resistant to drought and cold, long florescence, mostly concentrated in summer.

Morphological features: evergreen shrubs, evergreen shrubs about 60 cm tall. Branches reddish brown, leaves opposite, leaves elliptic to lanceolate, both surfaces finely velutinous, entire, 3-5-veined. Flowers terminal, large, 5-merous, purple-blue, central stamens white and curved. The flowers that have just opened are dark purple, while those that have been open for a period of time are purplish red, with white stamens and small chic stamens. On the branch, where the leaves grow, there are circular protruding nodes. In the warm area south of Guangzhou, the flowering period is almost all year round. It is not cold-resistant and frost injury occurs when it is lower than 3 °C.

3. Maintenance and management

Water and fertilizer management: like warm and humid climate, extremely drought-tolerant, slightly barren, extensive cultivation management, one application of human manure or compound fertilizer in spring, summer and autumn, compost or plant ash in winter, and soil cultivation after topdressing.

Temperature management: sexual like high temperature, extremely cold-resistant, a wide range of temperature adaptation.

Light management: positive plants should be planted in sunny places and given sufficient light.