
Planting methods and cultivation Management techniques of Peony in Renqiu City, Hebei Province

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to cultivate peony? Generally speaking, peony is not suitable for growing in saline-alkali areas, so it is difficult for people in northern saline-alkali areas to appreciate the elegant peonies. However, the introduction and cultivation of tree peony has been carried out in many saline-alkali areas. Let's learn the cultivation techniques of tree peony in Renqiu saline-alkali area of Hebei Province.

How to cultivate peony? Generally speaking, peony is not suitable for growing in saline-alkali areas, so it is difficult for people in northern saline-alkali areas to appreciate the elegant peonies. However, the introduction and cultivation of tree peony has been carried out in many saline-alkali areas. Let's learn the cultivation techniques of tree peony in Renqiu saline-alkali area of Hebei province to see how effective it is.

I. preliminary preparation for planting

Because the peony has the characteristics of "like high dryness, hate low humidity", so the selected planting terrain is higher, 0.3 ~ 0.5m above the ground, and leeward to the sun, this terrain can effectively prevent soil from returning alkali. The soil of the original planting site is loam, with a pH value of 8.9 and a salt content of 0.25%. In order to create the best growth environment for the peony, the guest soil technology was used to leave the topsoil of the original soil, and the lower half of the raw soil was dug up and transported away, and transported into the plain sandy soil with a pH value of 8.7 and a salt content of 0.05%. The original soil and new soil were mixed well, and then the amount of 700kg/ mu was applied into the mature and fermented horse manure, while the appropriate amount of furan particles and sulfur powder were applied to 8kg/ mu and 30kg/ mu respectively. Mix the old soil and new soil with fertilizers and pesticides well, pour water once and dry the soil moisture immediately after spreading, and then turn it deeply once every half a month. Generally, it should be turned deeply 3-4 times before planting. In the process of drying soil moisture, attention should be paid not to make it breed weeds. And pay attention to check whether there are ground tigers and other underground pests.

The planted peonies are introduced from Luoyang City, Henan Province and Heze City, Shandong Province. After checking the varieties, tie the plant to the variety name belt to avoid confusion. Irrigate the plant 4 days before digging, so that you can bring more persistent soil when digging, and cut off all the leaves with sterilized scissors before digging. In the process of digging, we should dig as deep as possible to reduce root damage. If the root system is broken, the root will be cut off with scissors, and all the plants will be dug up and classified according to the variety for loading. Lay about 5cm soil on the car before loading, and then lay the plant flat. Spray 1000 times of chlorothalonil on each layer. After all, sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the surface, and then cover it with a cloth. As the temperature is still high in the middle and late September, it is necessary to check the cover of the cloth during transportation to prevent it from being blown by the wind, resulting in the loss of water at the root of the peony and affecting its survival. When taking a rest on the road, you should pay attention to removing the cloth properly for ventilation, but it should be carried out in a shaded place.

II. Planting methods

1. Planting time

Since ancient times, there has been the saying of "seven peonies and eight peony herbs (lunar calendar)" in China, so we choose to plant them in late September of the lunar calendar.

When digging the planting hole, the row spacing was 80cm × 100cm, and the planting hole size was 50cm × 50cm × 40cm (long × wide × deep). The bottom of the hole was filled with rotten and fermented sesame sauce dregs (0.5kg per hole) and mixed well with the subsoil.

two。 Planting

According to the design requirements, all the peonies are put into the planting hole to be seated. When planting, we should pay attention to "three pressing and one lifting", that is, the cave soil should be compacted three times, and after the second compaction, the seedlings should be gently lifted to facilitate the stretching of the root system, and finally the topsoil should be compacted to make it dense. Should hit the back to divide the border after planting, and immediately irrigate 1 time permeable water. After the topsoil is slightly dry, a small mound is piled up at the root of the topsoil to make it safe to survive the winter.

III. Post-planting management

1. Water and fertilizer management

It is necessary to master the two links of "fixed water" and "uncertain water" in watering the peony. "fixed water" means early spring water, post-anthesis water and overwintering water, which must be irrigated every year and the time is relatively fixed. Early spring water is irrigated at the beginning of March, about 15 days after flowering, and overwintering water is in mid-late November. These three waters can be combined with fertilization and must be watered thoroughly. "indefinite water" is a kind of water that is irrigated according to the uncertainty of soil moisture and weather conditions in daily management and protection, and there is no fixed time. Pouring this kind of water should grasp the principle of "giving according to needs" and cannot be done step by step. On rainy and cloudy days in summer, there should be less watering or no watering, and drainage should be done in time after heavy rain to prevent rotting roots. It should also be mentioned that foliar spraying is not allowed during the flowering period of peony, because when spraying water, it is easy to splash water on the flowers and make the flowers wither prematurely.

In addition to applying base fertilizer in planting, peony can also apply fertilizer once a year in early spring, half a month after flowering and before soil freezing, mainly organic fertilizer. According to the author's experience, the fertilizer made from the mixture of sesame sauce residue, cooked chicken manure, cooked horse manure and ferrous sulfate powder is the best, which can not only balance the nutrition of the plant, but also effectively prevent soil Alkalization and consolidation. If the plant is obviously not strong, you can also apply some nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, but the dosage should not be too large and the number of times should not be too much. Fertilization can be applied either in a ring or in a hole. In addition, in order to promote flower bud differentiation, spraying the leaf surface with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can also play a better role.

two。 Pest control

In addition to disinfecting the soil and plants during transplanting, the cultivated tree peony should be sprayed with stone-sulfur mixture or fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim and methyl thiophanate every 20 days from spring to autumn to prevent the occurrence of Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot and white silk disease. In the rainy season, attention should be paid to spraying in the early morning or evening. If it rains soon after spraying, it should be sprayed in time. Peony is prone to aphids, shell insects, red spiders and ground tigers during the growing period. if there is a pest, such as omethoate and other insecticides, the ground tiger can be controlled by buried carbofuran. After falling leaves in autumn, the dead branches and fallen leaves should be burned together to avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

3. Pruning method

In the first year after planting, all the soil buds should be cut off, and the branches that will be used to renew the branches or correct the crown can be retained in the future. This is the so-called "peony pedicure". The new lateral buds and lateral buds on the flower branches should also be thinned according to the situation, and only one flower bud can be retained on each branch. If the terminal bud is not as strong as the lateral bud, the terminal bud should be removed and the lateral bud should be retained. After flowering, the residual flowers should be cut off in time to prevent seed formation and nutrient consumption. Because the peony has the habit of "retreating eight inches by one foot", the unlignified part of the branch is cut short in autumn, leaving only the nodes with budding eyes. Other useless branches that disturb the tree should also be cut off in time.

4. Intermediate ploughing and weeding

Ploughing should be carried out after each watering or after natural rainfall. The depth of loosening soil can be carried out according to the principle of "dry hoe deep, wet hoe shallow". To weed, there must be no grass in the peony planting land.

5. Overwintering management

Peony is more hardy and needs to be filled with frozen water before winter. after the soil surface is slightly dry, it can be piled into a small mound with high 30cm. In places with more personnel activities, fences should be set up to prevent man-made destruction.

The above is all about peony cultivation. Friends in the north can learn more about it. Of course, florists with more experience are welcome to come and share their skills!

Cultivation and Management techniques of Purple Leaf Dwarf Sakura

Purple-leaf dwarf cherry is a deciduous shrub of Prunus in Rosaceae and a hybrid of purple-leaf plum and dwarf cherry. China was introduced from the United States in the 1990s. Purple leaf dwarf cherry is very popular in landscaping because of its short plant shape, compact crown, purple-red leaves and high ornamental value. The author's unit is located in Renqiu City, Hebei Province, which is a typical saline-alkali land. Purple leaf dwarf cherry was introduced in 2002, all of which have survived and are growing well. The main points of its cultivation are introduced as follows.

First, the choice of planting land. Purple leaf dwarf cherry is not strict on soil, and can grow normally in light clay, loam and plain sandy soil, and grows best in sandy loam. Purple leaf dwarf cherry is a hybrid of purple leaf plum and dwarf cherry, so it inherits some advantages of purple leaf plum and can tolerate mild saline-alkali soil.

Purple-leaf dwarf cherry likes light, and its leaves will turn green when planted in places with insufficient light, so it should be planted in places with sufficient light; purple-leaf dwarf cherries like humid environment, but are not resistant to stagnant water, so they should be planted in high-dry places, do not plant in low-lying places, and there is no adverse reaction in lawn planting, but it should be noted that sprinkler irrigation should be used for lawn irrigation.

Second, water and fertilizer management. Purple leaf dwarf cherry is drought-resistant and can be watered thoroughly in early spring and late autumn every year. Usually, if it is not particularly dry, it can basically grow in the sky. There is a strong wind and drought in spring and autumn. after the newly planted seedlings spread their leaves, foliar spray is carried out once a day in the morning and afternoon, which can replenish water, reduce the pressure on the root system and improve the survival rate of seedlings. On rainy days in summer, the stagnant water in the tree pit should be eliminated in time to prevent the water temperature from rising after sunrise and scald the roots.

Purple leaf dwarf cherry likes fertilizer, and the newly planted seedlings should be fertilized properly during the growing period, in addition to applying base fertilizer during planting. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer was applied once in early spring and early summer, and circle fertilizer or sesame sauce residue was applied again at the end of autumn. For newly planted seedlings and seedlings that do not grow well due to lack of fertilizer, foliar fertilization can be carried out with a concentration of 0.5%. It is selected to be sprayed in the early morning or evening, and it is not suitable to be sprayed at noon when the light is sufficient and before and after rain, and the appropriate spraying times is 3 times. the interval is 10 to 15 days.

Third, overwintering management. The purple leaf dwarf cherry is cold-resistant, and the adult seedlings can take the measure of white trunk. For the newly planted seedlings, the methods of cultivating soil at the roots and entangling grass in the trunk can be adopted, and the young seedlings can be treated with plastic film mulching. After the newly planted seedlings are treated with entanglement in the first year, they can be painted white to survive the winter in the second year.

Fourth, pest control. In the process of cultivation, purple leaf dwarf cherry will be harmed by diamondback moth, aphids, red spiders, leaf hoppers and scale insects. Try to whiten the trunk and branches every winter, scrape the eggs and cocoons clean, and spray chlorothalonil, carbendazim and other broad-spectrum fungicides in early spring. If the disease occurs, it should be treated in time, such as diamondback moth, aphids, leaf hoppers and scale insects can be sprayed with deltamethrin, and red spiders can be controlled with triclofenac.

Fifth, plastic surgery and pruning. Purple leaf dwarf cherry is resistant to pruning, and its pruning should be treated differently according to different plant types. The common plant types of purple leaf dwarf cherry are "broom type" and "natural happy type".

"broom type" is generally used as a piece planting or as a hedge: for plants used as hedges, the pruning height is generally about 0.6 m-1.2 m, which can be carried out at the end of spring and early autumn every year, so that the surface of the hedge is smooth and the branches protruding on the side of the hedge should also be cut off; the pruning of ornamental seedlings is relatively extensive, cutting off disease and insect branches, cross branches, dead branches and inner bore branches, properly removing dense branches to facilitate ventilation and light transmission.

"Natural happy" seedlings are generally used for planting and planting. Purple-leaf dwarf cherry is a shrub dominated by ornamental leaves, so it is necessary to retain as many branches as possible during pruning, to remove some inferior branches, cross branches and competitive branches, and to retain 3 to 4 inner bore branches. The current year's branches should be peeled at about 40 cm, in order to promote the Lignification of branches and produce more lateral branches.

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Cultivation techniques of Paeonia lactiflora in saline-alkali areas of North China Paeonia lactiflora is a traditional famous flower of our country, which has the laudatory name of "flower phase". It is mainly distributed in northeast, North China and northwest Gansu, Shaanxi and other places, but it is very difficult to grow in saline-alkali areas of North China because of its intolerance to saline-alkali. Renqiu City, Hebei Province is a typical saline-alkali soil area, the author has tried to plant more than 1000 peony here, all of them have survived, and grow vigorously, blossom every year. The successful experience gained in the process of cultivation is introduced as follows, for reference only.

Planting site selection and soil treatment

Because the peony is resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, it should be planted in higher places (0.3 m to 1 m above the ground). This has two advantages: one is to avoid stagnant water, and the other is to effectively prevent the soil from returning alkali. The original soil of the planting land is clay loam with a pH value of 8.5 and a salt content of 0.15%. In order to create a better growth environment, we replace the soil with a sandy loam with a pH value of 8.2 and a salt content of 0.05%, and add plain sand in the proportion of 1 ∶ 1, and then apply rotten ring fertilizer at the amount of 700kg to 800kg per mu, while adding 45kg sulfur powder per mu. The function of sulfur powder is not only to reduce the pH value of the soil, but also to disinfect the soil. Sandy loam, plain sandy soil, ring fertilizer and sulfur powder should be fully mixed, spread out and dried. After that, a deep turning is carried out every 15 days, and it is generally necessary to turn deeply three or four times before planting. In the process of turning over the soil, some carbofuran can be applied appropriately to prevent the breeding of underground pests. In addition, attention should be paid to prevent the growth of weeds in the process of deep turning.


Planting time flower proverb says: seven peony, eight peony. However, in Renqiu, the weather was still hot in July of the lunar calendar, so we delayed planting for about one and a half months and planted at the end of August of the lunar calendar, and there was no adverse reaction.

The row spacing of the planting hole is 80 cm × 90 cm, and the size of the planting hole (length × width × depth) is 50 cm × 50 cm × 40 cm. Apply dried chicken manure to the bottom of the hole, 0.5 kg per plant, and mix well with the subsoil.

When planting, you should pay attention to "three presses and one mention". Immediately after planting, use sterilized scissors to flatten the stubble, and immediately spray 1000 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder to disinfect. Then beat the back and divide the border, and immediately water it thoroughly. After the topsoil is dry, the mound is covered so that it can survive the winter safely.

Post-planting management

Watering the peony should be combined with the habit of "like a slightly humid environment, drought tolerance, fear of waterlogging, and avoid stagnant water". In the daily management, we should focus on the following points: first, it is necessary to irrigate the thawing water in early spring, the pre-flowering water at the end of April, the post-flowering water in mid-late May, and the overwintering water in early November. Second, watering should be carried out in combination with weather conditions, generally less watering or no watering in the rainy season, but long-term drought should also be watered properly, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in the rainy season to prevent water from rotting; third, watering during flowering season will shorten the viewing period and cause flowers to wither prematurely; fourth, try to avoid foliar spraying, foliar spraying will aggravate brown spot disease and speed up the spread.

To apply fertilizer to peony, in addition to applying an appropriate amount of base fertilizer when planting, it is also necessary to apply the right amount of topdressing regularly every year. Fertilization is generally divided into four times, the first is after sprouting in early spring, the second is before flowering, the third is after flowering, and the fourth is before winter. None of these four times of fatness is indispensable. Fertilization after sprouting is mainly to promote plant growth and conducive to flower bud growth, this time the fertilizer is mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, and can be properly mixed with sesame sauce residue; the purpose of pre-flowering fertilizer is to promote flower bud expansion, prolong florescence and make flowers bright. this time, the fertilizer is mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; the purpose of post-anthesis fertilizer is to supplement the nutrients consumed by flowering, this time the three-element compound fertilizer can also be used. The last overwintering fertilizer is mainly rotten fermented ring fertilizer, which can effectively increase the ground temperature and facilitate the plant overwintering. There is usually no fertilization in summer.

Intertillage and weeding should be carried out in time after each watering or rainfall. There are three purposes of intertillage: one is to prevent soil hardening, which is conducive to root growth; the second is to effectively reduce water evaporation and maintain good soil moisture; the third is to increase soil passability. conducive to root respiration and soil microbial activities, promote soil ripening; fourth, it can effectively prevent anti-alkali. The depth of loosening soil should be 6 to 10 cm, and the root system should not be damaged. Weeds are the hosts and disseminators of many diseases and insect pests, and they also compete with peony for nutrients, so we should try our best to get out of the weeds in the peony field.

There are three contents of pruning peony: the first is to remove the lateral buds, the buds of peony are generally clustered, and the small buds on the outside should be removed in time, leaving only the large buds in the middle, so as to concentrate on the use of nutrients, which is the so-called "peony folding head" in the flower proverb; the second is to cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering so as not to make them bear fruit, so as not to consume nutrients; the third is to cut off the leaves on the ground before overwintering, in order to pile the soil through the winter.

The main diseases of peony caused by pest control are as follows.

1. Rust, which mainly harms plant leaves, has small yellowish-brown particles on the back at the beginning of the disease, and gradually forms round or oval gray spots in the later stage. If it happens, 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 160Bordeaux solution can be sprayed every ten days from the middle of April to the middle of May.

two。 Erythema, which mainly harms leaves and petals, appears light green round spots at the beginning of the disease, then gradually expands into irregular spots, and finally the disease spots connect with each other, causing the whole leaf to turn brown. It can be effectively prevented by spraying 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder every 10 days from sprouting.

3. Brown spot, this disease mainly infects leaves, the round brown disease spots on the leaves are covered with black mildew layer, and then the disease spots can be connected into large irregular patches, which can lead to leaf death in severe cases. 70% mancozeb wettable particles 800 times solution can be sprayed for 3 to 4 times in a row, each time at an interval of 10 days.

4. Black spot disease mainly harms the leaves. The disease spots on the leaves are dark brown at the initial stage of the disease, and gradually expand and perforate in the later stage. If it occurs, 800 times of 80% mancozeb wettable particles can be used for prevention and control.

5. White silk disease, which is easy to occur in hot and humid weather in summer, is characterized by white hyphae on the root neck, which can be sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil wettable particles 800 times every 15 days after flowering for 4 to 5 times in a row, which can effectively control the disease.

The main pests harmful to peony are aphids, shell insects, red spiders and underground pest grubs. If it happens, you can use shoveling aphids to kill aphids, quick media to kill scale insects, triclofenac to kill red spiders, 1 to 5 grams of 5% zinc parathion particles and 25 times of plain sand for grub control in the evening.

Other management 1. For varieties with large flowers and easy to droop their heads, pillars should be set up before flowering to prevent the flowers from drooping. two。 Shading, shading during flowering to avoid direct sunlight from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., can effectively prolong the flowering period. 3. Overwintering management, cut off the residual plants before winter, after pouring enough frozen water, it is necessary to pile the mound in time to survive the winter, the mound is 25 to 30 cm thick, and the mound will be opened after sprouting in spring next year.

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