
Detailed explanation of planting methods of Autumn Peony from Summer to Autumn

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn peony, also known as wild cotton, is Ranunculaceae, with purplish red or pink and white, yellow anthers, long flowering period, can bloom from summer to autumn, usually from July to October

Autumn peony, also known as wild cotton, is Ranunculaceae, with purplish red or pink and white, yellow anthers, long flowering period, can bloom from summer to autumn, usually from July to October. And autumn peony has many colors, the flowers are good-looking, and the breeding method is not difficult, so it is deeply loved by flower friends. So, how to plant autumn peony? Below, the editor of Huinong Network will tell you the main points of the planting methods of autumn peony.

The main points of planting methods of autumn peony:

1. Environment

Autumn peonies like cool and dry environment, cold-resistant, drought-resistant and heat-intolerant. Like to grow in deep, well-drained sandy loam, it is appropriate to plant in a slightly higher position to avoid stagnant water.

2. Fertilization

Autumn peony should remove flower buds during bolting in the seedling stage, which is conducive to root development. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium water fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period, and nitrogen fertilizer is stopped after the flower bud, so as to promote more flowering buds. Stop fertilizing in winter and the plants on the ground wither.

3. Watering

Autumn peonies should pay attention to reasonable watering during the growing period, because autumn peonies belong to drought-tolerant flowers, so they should have sufficient water and fertilizer during the flowering period, but pay attention to waterlogging prevention in the rainy season.

4. Sunshine

Autumn peony likes light, has plenty of sunshine and colorful flowers, but it can not bear high temperature. It needs shading during the high temperature period in midsummer, otherwise it blossoms less. The aboveground plants withered in winter, but the roots can survive the winter and sprout again next spring.

The above are the main points of planting methods of autumn peony arranged by Huinong net. Because autumn peony has the characteristics of cold resistance, drought resistance and high temperature tolerance, we must pay attention to sunshade and timely drainage in the process of daily maintenance. Compare waterlogging. All right, let's stop here today about the planting method of autumn peony. I hope it will be helpful for you to grow autumn peony.

[horticulture] A total of 150 species of common succulent plants and a complete collection of culture: 150 [150 species of common succulent plants]

[crassulaceae] 72 [Rhodiola] 19

[crassulaceae] 9 pieces

[crassulaceae] 14

[sedum genus of Sedum family] 9

[crassulaceae] 4

[Euphorbiaceae] 3 pieces

[crassulaceae] 3 pieces

[crassulaceae] 3 pieces

[Vasone of Sedum family] 2

[crassulaceae] 1

[other genera and species of Sedum] 4

[Prunaceae] 8

[Liliaceae] 11 [12 volume genera of Liliaceae] 8

[other genera and species of Liliaceae] 3

[Compositae] 3

[Portulacaceae] 3

[other families and genera] 3

[crassulaceae] 34 [Rhodiola] 8

[Sedum sedum family] 8 pieces

[Sedum Acanthaceae] 4

[crassulaceae] 4

[crassulaceae] 3 pieces

[crassulaceae] 2

[crassulaceae] 2 pieces

[crassulaceae fairy cup] 1

[crassulaceae] 1

[other undetermined genera and species of Sedum] 1

[lily family] 7

[Prunaceae] 6

[Compositae] 2

[Portulacaceae] 1

[horticulture] daily maintenance tips and troubleshooting of succulent plants

Recently, I have sorted out a lot of pictures and common questions about conservation, and I have come to give you benefits and found that everyone keeps asking a lot of the same questions, especially on Weibo. In fact, there is a lot of knowledge can be found in my blog before seeing a gardening senior, for example: in the biochemical crisis, the protagonist went up to care about zombies at the beginning, and asked about Shenma after filming the fifth film. The protagonist blows his head off when he sees everyone. The same is true of the popularization of horticulture, so I think if I keep answering the same question on Weibo every day, it won't be long before I become a psychopath.

Therefore, I decided to sort out these common questions, together with pictures to answer them all at once, and I hope everyone can take a serious look at the text, although it may not be completely correct, but it can also serve as a reference. You are also welcome to reprint this article, so that more beginner lovers can take fewer detours and less doubts. These contents are all valuable experiences gained in the maintenance of Ermu children's shoes. I also hope that the friends who reprint it will indicate the source.

I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. I won't update my blog for a week to 10 days. Let's interact on Weibo.

) before starting the illustration, let's first popularize the varieties and naming knowledge of succulent plants. In fact, succulent plants are not "distributed" or "high-end goods". Some newly introduced varieties or hybrid varieties are relatively rare because they are put on the market at the initial stage. It is marked with a higher price, which is just a commercial behavior that has little to do with the habit and reproduction speed of succulent plants. Of course, it cannot be denied that there are some meat breeds that are difficult to reproduce, and after the emergence of these varieties, people will go into the misunderstanding, thinking that what is imported is a good breed, or take some hybrid meat as an imported variety, such as "White Peony" and "Black Prince", and successfully produce a new breed, which has the advantages of parents, and will look more beautiful and be marked with a Latin by the merchants at will. With the gorgeous Chinese name "Prince Peony", the so-called "high-end goods" appear with a price tag of several hundred yuan per tree. The above is just an example. at present, the names of hybrid varieties named for new species in Latin are followed by the names of their parents (parents). In order to determine what hybrid this variety comes from, in fact, many Chinese names are slowly called by businessmen or enthusiasts themselves, which are not very accurate, but I think as long as we can let you know this kind of succulent plant. Chinese names are acceptable as long as they are not too exaggerated, so we should not dwell on the names of some succulent plants, first fattening them well, and finding their names in the process is a very interesting process. It is a process of understanding a new field. For example, my family also has a lot of meat whose names can not be determined after two years, but they grow very fat. It is very beautiful ~ just look at it and feel satisfied ~ of course, if you can find her name, the label will be more perfect and go back to the maintenance content, so how can you know how to maintain this succulent plant when no one knows it? The 150 species of succulent plants currently produced in my blog are protected according to the environment of my home (Weihai, Shandong). Here is a temperate coastal area, marine climate, very suitable for succulent plants to grow different from foreign countries, our winter is too cold, most succulent plants can not survive the winter in the north and south of China is very large, and the Yangtze River basin has more rainy seasons. We can make some adjustments according to the local climate. I don't know if you have noticed the real use of the map: each succulent plant is marked with families and genera, which is very important. because there are great differences in conservation of succulent plants of different families and genera, there will be too many varieties according to "genera". People will get dizzy, but they can be classified and maintained according to the "family" of succulent plants. For example, crassulaceae: the succulent plants in this family all like sunshine very much, and most of them like dry, well-ventilated environment. So the amount of water should be relatively less. Liliaceae: the succulent plants of this family have well-developed roots and absorb a lot of water, so they can be equipped with some deeper flower organs and try to water them thoroughly at one time. And some of the demand for sunshine is not too great, especially the Yulu series, which can be cultivated in astigmatism. Amygdaceae: it is also a succulent plant that likes sunshine very much, but at the same time, it also needs more water and is very easy to grow in groups. But summer is particularly sensitive to high temperature, we should pay special attention to the timing and amount of water, slightly inadvertently will rot. Compositae: succulent plants in this family are not hardy and cannot be too cold, and most of them are gregarious and can be cultivated as orchids, and there is not much demand for sunshine, but plenty of sunshine will also make them beautiful. It is very clear when compiled in this way. of course, the succulent plants of each "family" can be subdivided into "genera", and the succulent plants of different "genera" are also different in conservation and habits, but they are more or less the same. you can learn about this yourself. In addition to maintaining according to the varieties of succulent plants, we should also pay attention to seasonal factors, which has been introduced many times before. spring and autumn is the growing season for plants, and a lot of water can be watered in this season. as long as the soil is dry and the meat will be dormant in summer and winter, it is necessary to water it according to the situation, especially in summer, the saying that water is cut off is not reliable, and many meat is dried to death because of the lack of water in summer. At present, the expensive meat on the market is not because it is difficult to breed. The spring miracle and quiet night in the picture below are very easy to breed. The commercial problems of succulent plants will not be discussed. The following are all based on conservation. Spring miracle you can check according to the picture: Sedum family this species has an advantage: growth is very fast And the survival rate of leaf cuttings is also very high. First of all, we need to restore the growth of meat and meat to adapt to the new environment, and then all kinds of leaves and cuttings will become a small piece in less than half a year. If you keep it for a year, it is basically full of [the miracle of spring].

[silent Night]

[leaf insertion] quiet night leaf insertion is very easy to succeed, and the success rate will not be much lower than that of "White Peony". Just pay attention to the leaf insertion point ①: the temperature of 20-25 degrees is the best leaf insertion temperature. If you are really in a hurry, you should also insert leaves above 15 degrees below 10 degrees. Basically, you can't see the seedlings and roots for two months. Last year, I didn't see the seedlings until last month. I didn't see the seedlings until last month, and this month I began to take root. Nearly 4 months! My mother! ②: the moisture of the soil is not considered at the beginning, until the root system grows, it can be watered frequently, a small amount of watering can be done, as long as it is found that the soil surface is dry, immediately irrigate enough humidity to make the leaf seedlings grow healthily, watering can also be a little sun at the same time.

After the temperature reaches, the success rate of leaf insertion is similar to that of white peony [hybrid winter cloud]

[cleaning leaves] you should often encounter this situation, where many cubs grow at the bottom of the leaves, which is normally unnecessary, but because most of our meat is grown in flowerpots, it is not the state of growing in the wild. It often happens that the bottom leaves squeeze the seedlings, especially in summer, if there are too many leaves at the bottom, it is easy to suffocate the seedlings at the bottom. We can break off all the leaves in the position of the seedlings, and the broken leaves can also be inserted, and there is more space to make the seedlings grow better ~ grow for a while and become a legendary group.

[night of Flower and Moon]

[cutting] with regard to the rooting part of the cuttage, the cut branches had better be dried, and even the cut wound can be exposed to the sun. This ultraviolet disinfection method can make the wound heal faster. Later meat growth will also be healthier, especially for some varieties that are difficult to breed, it is possible to plant directly if it is not dried, but after comparison, it is found that meat growth will be healthier. The later growth of such meat often suffers from diseases and insect pests that are far less healthy than the meat cut after the wound is dried, so the work of drying the wound must be done!

[cutting temperature] in addition to drying the wound, the temperature is also very important. It is very difficult for cuttings to take root when it is below 15 degrees Celsius. Except for some strong meat, roots can not be produced for a month or even two months. It is also some meat that was cut in November last winter. Because the temperature at home hovered around 10 degrees until the third month, when the meat was changed to a temperature of 15-20 degrees, the root system was fine and the meat habits were relatively strong. Other plants died early. Watering can be determined according to meat conditions and environmental conditions. Because there are not too many roots just growing, a small amount of watering can be found that the soil surface is dry and replenish water immediately. When the fleshy leaves are full, they can accept the sunshine [cutting Lu's stone lotus brocade]

[leaf fold] it is very important to observe the leaves of the flesh. A lot of information can be observed from the leaves of the meat. The cutting meat below must be short of water. However, the state has not recovered 2-3 days after watering, so it can be concluded that the root system has not grown well, and the meat absorption will be very poor when there are not many roots. Even if there is enough water in the soil, it can not be absorbed. At this time, you can further analyze your own soil. If there is no problem with the soil, just wait! The meat must not be pulled out and examined with skepticism, the growth of the meat is relatively slow, so the recovery rate will be very slow, such as the meat in poor cutting condition will change after about 3 months, of course, the temperature must exceed 15 degrees, otherwise the recovery time will be longer [ivory lotus with poor roots and lack of water]

[color judgment state] the following situation is very strange. The meat with different states in the same basin was still green on the left last fall, while the red on the right was still very beautiful red was not a healthy color. After entering winter, the green meat remained full and grew slowly, while the red meat went into dormancy and recovery. After the color fades, it becomes very ugly, but if you look closely (figure ②), you will find that there is still green in the center of the leaf, so you don't need to be nervous and keep waiting. It will get better when it is warm in spring! There are many reasons for this. Although they are planted in the same flowerpot and the daily care is the same, the different health status of the plant makes a great difference. It's like a healthy child and a sick child living in the same room [velvet needle]

There are many different states about overgrowth, but generally speaking, overgrowth means that plants are still growing normally, which is much healthier than flesh that does not grow and folds in leaves. In the picture below, ① and ② are obvious overgrowth phenomena, which are caused by excessive moisture, but this is not a bad phenomenon. As long as there is sufficient sunshine at home, increase sunshine time in the later maintenance, and continue watering, the meat will become fatter. Do not think that this is a bad growth, but stop watering, because at this time the meat is in the growing period, when the water is cut off, it will slow down the growth. It is more difficult to make the meat fat. Picture ① [sunset]

Picture ② [Fuji]

[overgrowth-styling] this kind of overgrowth is the most common, and there are generally two treatment schemes: blue X is to break off the leaves, and Red O is to cut the cuttings and choose to break the leaves to keep the meat growing in this state. In the later stage, it will become the so-called "old pile", and the way of red cutting is what we often do-- the part of the cut can be replanted to dry the wound, and then one can be re-cut and many new branches will emerge at the same time. In the later stage, more and more people will encounter such an overgrowth situation, which can appropriately reduce the amount of water, prolong the watering interval and increase the sunshine time, if it is warm enough outside. Just move outdoors and feel the smell of nature. Hong Zhiyu, who will recover soon.

[does not belong to overgrowth] the following two situations do not belong to overgrowth. Oh, we must not misunderstand that the longer the plant grows, the longer the plant grows. It is normal to grow longer and longer. Only plants that do not grow will have problems! Basically, this can be regarded as an old pile. If you want to shape alone, you can dig out a single one, break off some of the bottom leaves and match them with your favorite flowerpot, so that you can match a perfect small pot of succulent plants.

[White peony]

[Ji Meiyue]

[growth information] in the picture below, the green leaf in the center of the Black Prince is the growth information, indicating that the meat has begun to grow, and there is plenty of water, so it can be done without watering in a short time, and then continue to observe and judge what to do according to the latest situation of the meat.

[frost injury] this situation is caused by a long period of low temperature, or a short period of strong cooling. There will not be any situation in the meat after a short period of time after injury will slowly show the freezing injury in the later growth. Serious even let the newly grown leaves also have the same frostbite, such as meat immunity decline, very easy to catch mold disease, need to increase the sunshine time at the same time To make the meat healthy, but also slowly ease the meat state, the temperature of about 15 degrees is the most appropriate, so that the meat has a transition period to the temperature will be better.

[mildew phenomenon] there are several main reasons for this phenomenon, among which, the meat is particularly prone to mildew after planting meat without laying a layer of stone on the surface, too much watering, too low temperature, poor ventilation, and moisture can not be volatilized in time. Meat reduces the amount of water absorbed because the temperature is too low or too high, that is to say, these situations are particularly prone to occur in winter and summer. Picture ① can basically be declared dead, but you can also immediately break off the remaining leaves and try to insert them. If the black part above the soil is cut off immediately, there is still hope to send new buds, such as ② and ③. The root system can be confirmed to be completely rotten, but it can also be saved to re-prune the bottom in time, and then dry it and then plant it on the dry soil. Picture ①

Figure ②

Figure ③

[treatment of withered leaves] the phenomenon of dry and falling and transparent water often occurs on the bottom of the leaves. The former belongs to the normal process of meat metabolism, and there is nothing to worry about. After the leaves are completely dry, they can be easily removed. The withered leaves that can be accumulated for a long time are easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests, especially in summer, which is easy to cause airtight and stuffy environment. So be sure to clean up the dried leaves that are not easy to remove and don't move them. Forcibly ripping off the dried leaves will hurt the meat itself, and the transparent water is mostly because the meat has just been bought and planted for a short time. The discomfort caused by the sudden change in the growth environment does not need to worry too much, and there is no need to manage it. When growing in the later stage, the transparent leaves will slowly dry up or water can be cleaned up directly. However, this should be taken as the key observation object, and the meat stem may cause mold infection and blackening due to the dehydrated leaves.

[Lu's stone lotus with dead leaves]

[withered leaves]-- [transparent water leaves]-- [healthy leaves]

When the bottom leaf dries up and falls off, coupled with the normal phenomenon of flesh branch growth and uplift, there will be "old piles" [velvet needles].

[leaf cracking phenomenon] there is a phenomenon of dry and cracked leaves in some meat. I don't know exactly why there are so few meat at home, but this does not affect the growth of meat. After the advent of the growing season, the new leaves grow out and will eventually dry up and fall, so we don't have to worry too much about how to raise them and how to raise them.

In the picture below, new leaves have grown on the top of the dry-cracked leaves.

[White mildew spot phenomenon] at present, this situation is only found in succulent plants of the genus "green lock dragon", especially in "fire sacrifice" and "red ghost city". At present, it has not been analyzed what the reason is, but it must have something to do with watering. Too much water in the soil leads to the wetter environment, which does not need much water, especially in summer. However, this white mildew spot does not seem to have much effect on the growth of meat, these white moldy meat also grow new leaves, and most of the branches are very long began to Lignification, we need to continue to observe in the later stage!

[sunburn-disease] I believe this is the most common phenomenon, especially those exposed meat, it is easy to appear these spots caused by many reasons, the most common is water droplets, water droplets left on the leaves during watering or small water droplets left on the leaves in the early morning burn scars after sunny days, the principle is very simple The principle of magnifying glass focusing ignition, especially when placed outdoors, is very common under intense ultraviolet light. Relatively speaking, this rarely happens in the meat placed behind the glass, because the glass blocks most of the ultraviolet rays, and the ultraviolet rays received by the meat through the glass are very mild, but it is also found that after improving the sunshine environment in the later stage, the newly grown leaves sometimes have such scars. At present, we are not sure what the cause is. After communicating with flower friends, it feels like a disease. Similar to human freckles ~ these do not affect meat growth at all, as follows, the new leaves will become very beautiful after growing out, and the aged leaves at the bottom will slowly dry up and fall, so don't worry too much about [Dongyun]

[Gao Sand Weng]

[hibiscus snow lotus]

[newly born hibiscus snow lotus] the scarred old leaves form a strong contrast with the new leaves, which is very shocking ~ there is a feeling of hibiscus coming out of the water ~

[flowering, bud] there are many forms of succulent plants that look like flowers themselves, so there have always been many flower lovers who mistakenly think that succulent plants will not blossom. In fact, succulent plants belong to flowering plants and basically blossom, but because of different varieties and habits, there are some differences in flowering time, some blossom several times a year, and some only bloom every spring. Flowering only once in ten years, some flower friends often mistake the bud for a new branch growing out of flesh. Below, ① and ② are both growing bracts. This bract will slowly grow and finally form a flower arrow. As shown in the picture ③, the flower arrow succulent plant of the Moonlight Goddess blossoms for a very long time, and the process of flower bud forming flower arrow is also very long, which takes an average of 2-3 months. Some flesh even blossoms once in a lifetime, and then dies, such as stone lotus flowers are actually very beautiful, and the phenomenon of nutrient consumption is not very obvious, but if you do not like to see flowers, just cut it off ~ the arrow will touch off some of the waxy leaves and white powder in the process of growth, which will make the meat very ugly, as shown in the picture of ④ [red].

Photo ② [Jin Sihuang]

Photo ③ [Moonlight Goddess]

Photo ④ [Jiwalian]

[the relationship between flowerpot size and meat] has been observing what kind of flowerpot is the most suitable, and found a very interesting phenomenon: meat of whatever size you like is matched with as big a pot paper as you like, plant them directly into the flower bed, or give them a deeper and larger pot of paper, the meat will grow fat and like mini and lovely ones, then put them in small and lovely mini flowerpots. In this way, the plant type of the meat will be moderately mini, both of which are related to water and soil, and the former is more important. Sufficient moisture inside the flowerpot can ensure that the meat continues to grow. When the moisture disappears, the meat will, according to the drought, finally begin to consume its own water (that is, the common dry and falling of the bottom leaves). In terms of soil, the latter has more particles and is more permeable. Water volatilizes faster, so it is not suitable for meat growth, but for some old pile meat, the absorption function of the old pile is reduced. on the contrary, the effect of using soil mixed with particles will be better. Some mini flowerpots basically cannot retain moisture, and when the weather is fine, the meat is watered on the same day so that the meat stops growing or consumes its own leaf water most of the time. So it grows very slow and small ~ but still no less lovely ~ lack of water + sufficient sunshine will make the meat more colorful [white peony]

[Qingxing Beauty]

[black Prince]

[leaf discoloration of succulent plants] this has been written before ~ there is not much nonsense. On the home page of the blog, if you are interested, you can find and take a look at the two main points of the discoloration of succulent plants: the temperature difference and sunshine. The following are used for experiments. Just moved outdoors for 2 days, it was already red in the glass house. Now it looks like 2-8 degrees outside. I don't know if it can be all red in a few days. In recent days, it is the haze phenomenon. Without sunlight, discoloration is not necessarily a good phenomenon, but external factors are stimulating succulent plants, so don't misunderstand it, so when you choose to move outdoors to try low-temperature discoloration succulent plants, it is better to have some cold-resistant succulent plants that are already cold-resistant, or Sedum, Euphorbia, and Euphorbiaceae are all good cold-resistant main forces, you can try.

[night of Flower and Moon]

[red Childhood]

[combination of succulent plants] with regard to combination pots, many flower friends think that squeezing together is not conducive to growth, or that it will be deformed soon after planting it, but it can be solved by dividing varieties, and some succulent plants with similar habits and different varieties can not only make up for these shortcomings, but also be very beautiful. Even squeeze will grow better ~ but in the selection of varieties, we need to have a certain understanding of the habits of all meat, which takes a long time to find out.

Many flower lovers feel that there are too many ultraviolet rays blocked by glass. In addition, the indoor temperature is relatively constant most of the time, so the meat not only cannot change beautiful color, but also often looks ugly. In fact, these understandings are correct. Only when raising meat indoors, some conditions are weakened to cause such an effect. If the sunshine reaches more than 4-5 hours a day. Or often open the window to maintain a temperature difference, the meat will still change color, and will not grow in vain. The following is the indoor condition of meat raised in a relatively constant temperature for half a year: the window is completely sealed, unventilated, 4-5 hours of sunshine every day, the winter temperature is 22-26, and the windowsill will even reach 30 degrees on a sunny day. You can refer to the above situation and make some adjustments to your own meat [Bear Boy].

[moon rabbit ear]

[watering and Bear Boy] watering is still the same sentence, be sure not to water regularly, according to the weather and the dry humidity of the soil, it is best to talk about Bear Boy alone. This is one of my favorite meats. I haven't cut it for three years. After communicating with Bear's shoes over the years, I found that he likes sunshine very much and likes the dry and sunny environment very much, but that doesn't mean he should be watered less. Every time I water it, I give it to the place where the soil is dry and the place with the longest sunshine at home, especially in winter, I will put it in a place with higher temperature in summer, try not to put it outside. Choose some places with less sunshine or shade the best summer bears are most afraid of Rain Water, first, because Rain Water will bring a lot of dust to make the fluff of the bear very dirty. Second, it is easy to get infected because of boredom and dampness, which is basically like this! If you encounter new problems in the future, tidy them up carefully. Children's shoes will study hard and gain fat every day.

[farming experience] how to make succulent plants more beautiful these two days crazy enough books, want to enrich gardening knowledge and creativity. What is more disappointing is that the content in the book is too little to read, but Grandma Tasha's book feels cordial, and the text is worth experiencing over and over again. ? Continue to hand in your homework ~ ~ many friends are worried about why their meat is not good-looking and how to raise it more beautifully. The first reaction of some friends must be: PS or camera is good, which is indeed a good one, but I think it only accounts for 5% of the total. Generally speaking, how to make meat more beautiful, according to my breeding experience, there are three major factors: ① sunshine, ② watering, ③ with scenery one by one, Rizhao must be the most familiar, one of the biggest secrets of meat cultivation is that "Rizhao" most of the succulent plants turn red after exposure, or their colors will become more gorgeous. In fact, there is an additional condition-[temperature difference] among succulent plants that can best reflect the color change should be Sedum. This is also one of the main reasons why Sedum flesh is toxic to sentient beings. PS: plenty of sunshine and a large temperature difference will make succulent plants more red (my family is not good for the time being, just take two pictures)

Second, watering is really important! It's important! The most common is spray, small drops of water fall on the meat, and then catch up with the strong sun exposure at noon, cool ~ direct burns. Water droplets play the role of a magnifying glass at this time. Think of an example where a magnifying glass can focus and ignite in the sun. So this is one of the reasons not to spray. The second reason not to spray: most of the meat leaves of the genus Elaeagnus will have a white powder, which is produced only once. If you spray or water directly at the leaves, the white powder will be washed away and the white powder on the leaves will not be regenerated. At this time, if you want the meat to become more beautiful, you have to wait for the new leaves. It's a long process. Then be careful to touch, often like to take the meat in the hands of the students should be careful, if you want to make her more beautiful, do not touch the leaves. PS: when watering, try to pour it along the edge of the flowerpot. It is impossible to do so, and do not pour water directly into the center of the meat.

Here are some examples of white powder being knocked off.

1 can obviously see that the white powder ~ 2 is caused by watering. In addition to the genus Euphorbia, there are also many other Sedum plants with white powder. The varieties of my balcony with white powder are probably: stone lotus, flower moon night, 8000 generations, gemstone flower, frost dynasty, jade butterfly, white peony, star beauty, peach beauty and so on, there are too many varieties, you can pay attention to the following. No matter what kind of variety, just pay attention to the watering method.

There are also some meat that can remain beautiful after improper watering. Generally, the meat tone is mainly white and cyan.

Third, the combination of landscaping is a little beyond my ability. I feel that it has something to do with personal artistic cells. The most important thing is a "hue" problem. I believe that friends who like multicolor painting can quickly combine beautiful flesh landscaping. When combining succulent plants, we should pay attention to leaving enough space for them to grow. The tight combination effect can only be maintained for a short time. In addition, we should also pay attention to the growth form of meat, such as hanging type, tree type, coral type and so on. The habits of meat also need to pay attention to the combination of succulent plants with different habits. There are a lot of inconvenience in watering and sunshine, so these three points must be taken into account when combining. I am still a beginner myself, so I don't have much experience in this field. Slowly explore ~ there are still a lot of things to learn ~ I will often update PS: matching landscape requires a rich understanding of "color", black and white, red and green, etc., the combination of meat is also a combination of colors. Its growth space, habit and shape are also very important, which affect the maintenance time of the combination of landscaping, and the maintenance and repair in the later stage is also necessary.

I wrote a lot of it, and finally I sent a little doubt about the meat ~ the red Huiyan at home suddenly became fat ~ and turned into a double head, lift up the leaves. The baby in the next circle

Who can tell me how to deal with it? I can't cut off my head like this. I don't want to do it. The baby below is still afraid of dysplasia. Why is the meat of my family so fierce?

I went to see the new house early in the morning, which has been capped and told that it will not be delivered until May next year. I prepared a bunch of rattan moon for the yard in advance and transferred the next basin to the nearest flower bed in the afternoon. This kind of mud basin is really cheap, ah, 2 yuan, 3 yuan, 5 yuan. I picked the two biggest ones, and I'm going to leave the balcony first. We will take it together when we move to a new house next year.

Fujiyue blossoms directly ~ Shuang!

The idea of making a map guide for succulent plants has been going on for a long time. Before that, I simply saved the picture and changed the name of the picture to the name of succulent plant. In fact, for me, growing succulent plants can only be regarded as a hobby, and I don't want to be a succulent botanist. So I have been lazy and happy to live for a long time and found that I do not know many species, even what families and genera can not be distinguished from the point of view of enthusiasts. I do not recommend you to memorize families and genera, because you have fun in planting and gardening, but I found that no matter on QQ group or Weibo, many friends don't understand the names and habits of succulent plants, and there are many repetitive questions, so I want to sort out a map of succulent plants to facilitate everyone's understanding and understanding, and it is also convenient for me to consult the information. The content of the map is relatively simple, and there is a strong response after posting Weibo. There are many friends put forward a variety of views I summed up, if all the information is written in the map, then I can really become a botanist and collect these materials for a long time, to consult, to compare, but also combined with their own breeding experience, so most of the content I directly gave up, such as Latin, ordinary enthusiasts do not need to know so much! To put it simply, this set of maps sorted out by yourself is mainly aimed at ordinary succulent plant lovers: 1. It is mainly used for introduction, watering, sunshine and other maintenance methods for reference only. 2, easy to understand and intuitive, easy to save and consult (it is recommended that after saving the picture, change the name of the picture to the succulent plant) 3. All the pictures in the guide are taken for themselves, and they are also the succulent plants they are raising. 4. The content is mainly to mark out their usual maintenance experience and some characteristics of succulent plants. (blogger's area: Weihai, Shandong) 5. Because I am not a professional, there will inevitably be mistakes. If you find that you can leave a message on Weibo @ me, I will check and change it in time. 6. Reserve the right of final interpretation of the picture! This guide is not for commercial use, for those who steal pictures at will will report to the end! [FAQ for succulent plants] because the content of the picture is limited, I have not added a lot of repeated information. Here is the unified answer (which can not be finished at a time, constantly updated): when is the growth and dormancy period of ① succulent plants? Answer: spring and autumn is the growing period of succulent plants, summer and winter is dormant, but because of regional and climatic conditions, some areas can also grow in summer and winter. For example, air conditioning in summer and heating in the north in winter can make succulent plants continue to grow. What exactly does ② mean by "all-day sunshine"? A: "full sunshine" refers to the duration of sunshine, which means that some succulent plants can receive sunshine all day. It does not mean that they are completely bathed in the sun, and some sun protection measures need to be taken in summer. Can you mark both "scientific name" and "alias" in the ③ chart? A: because I am not a professional plant researcher, I am also skeptical about some names on the Internet (many Chinese names are made up by merchants themselves). I can't distinguish the really correct names, and the contents of the Latin names are too tedious, so the names in the guide are commonly used. If there are any mistakes, I will check and change them in time. What is the suitable temperature for ④ succulent plants to grow? How many degrees will dormancy in summer and winter? A: for succulent plants, the most suitable growth temperature is 10 ℃-30 ℃. Of course, the temperature cannot be a constant value. When the summer temperature exceeds 35 ℃, some succulent plants will enter the dormancy state, especially the "winter type" (winter growth). When the temperature reaches 40 ℃, almost all succulent plants will enter the dormancy state, even if the "summer seed type" (summer growth), will also enter the dormancy state (no longer absorb water). When the winter temperature is less than 5 ℃, some succulent plants will go into dormancy. 0 ℃ is the freezing point, water will slowly freeze, and most of the leaves and branches of succulent plants are water, so when it is less than 0 ℃, the water inside succulent plants will also slowly freeze, and the main body of the plant will definitely no longer grow, so the water must be cut off at this time. Can suitable cultivation media for succulent plants be added to the ⑤ map? A: this has been written in the blog post at the top of the home page. from the medium I use at present, soft peat soil + particles is the most appropriate. My commonly used ingredients of beautiful soil are: peat soil + rice husk + perlite + vermiculite and so on. In order to save trouble, I use fine soil directly every time. And almost all the succulent plants in the family use the same material. Does the lack of water in summer mean no watering at all in ⑥? How long will this last? A: it is often said that the water cut off in summer is only for some succulent plants. Plants always need water, so when it is hot in summer, the watering interval is extended to once a month, and a small amount is the best. To keep a little bit of moisture in the soil. Succulent plants that live in the wild also rely on soil moisture in summer, so they can last for months or even half a year without Rain Water. But now that succulent plants are planted at home, floral utensils such as red pottery can easily be completely dry, and sometimes I continue to water them once a week or even five days in summer. The duration mainly depends on the weather and temperature. It is found that when autumn comes, the temperature begins to drop slowly, and the amount of water can be increased. Can ⑦ indicate "winter type" (winter growth) or "summer type" (summer growth) in the map? A: considering that there is little information available, it is difficult to tell which kind of succulent plants they belong to. Only after their own culture and observation can they come to a conclusion, so they are not directly added to the map. However, I will definitely add what can be confirmed in the existing information. There is not much difference between "winter type" and "summer type" in the process of planting, the growing season is still spring and autumn, and summer and winter will still be dormant, so for ordinary enthusiasts, as long as they know how to maintain, you can refer to Article ④ and ⑥. ⑧ sees that the watering and sunshine requirements of all the meat on the map are not the same, can they be mixed together? How to maintain those mixed combinations? A: it can be mixed! And the combined effect is more beautiful ~ different colors of meat look more beautiful together. In terms of maintenance, normal sunshine and watering can be done. I think mixed meat grows better and faster, maybe it is a competitive feeling to grow together. But we should pay special attention to one point: mixed combinations of succulent plants try to choose the same family and genus as far as possible, because the habits are roughly the same, so it is more convenient to manage. For example, mixed planting of Rhodiola and Sedum, or mixed planting of Sedum and Rhodiola, because they all belong to the family Sedum. However, apricot and crassulaceae mixed together is not very good, because apricot is more sensitive to water, you will find it over a long time, and you have to dig it out and rematch it. What is "affixing" in ⑨? Answer: affixation refers to the common abnormal variation in flowers. Affixed variation means that the succulent plants of some varieties (planted) are stimulated by the external stimulation of unknown reasons, and the growth cone at the top of the plant is abnormally divided and doubled, forming many small growth points, which develop horizontally into a line. and eventually grow into a flat fan-shaped or chicken crown-shaped belt. Because of its strange shape, the ornamental value of the modified variant plant is higher, and because of its scarcity, it is more precious than the original seed (planting). Do you often plant some succulent plants? the following editor shares the cultivation methods of succulent plants with you.

Succulent plants move basin 1 newspaper, tweezers, small shovel, mixed soil, red jade soil, container, fertilizer. After succulent to hand, first cut the root and let it dry for two days, which can make the root wound heal.

2 prepare the container to prepare a container larger than the original flowerpot. First consider where to put the plant species in the flowerpot. Add a large grain of red jade soil, roughly to the height of about 1/3 of the flowerpot, so as to make the drainage more smoothly! 3 put in a layer of culture soil before adding fertilizer, as long as the amount of soil can cover the red jade soil below, and then add a small pinch of fertilizer. (4) adjust the height of the plant, put the plant into the flowerpot, and adjust the height at the same time. After adding the culture soil to determine the height, hold the plant with one hand and sprinkle the culture soil around it with the other. The soil can not be too full, it is better to leave room for watering. 5 compaction soil, culture soil, put into the plant, knock on the flowerpot, so that the soil is more compact, leaving no space. If you don't think there's enough dirt, add more. Finally, it is covered with volcanic rock. Small tips: ramets should be carefully separated from the plant, but can not hurt the roots. If the baby's plant is also connected to the root, be more careful not to break the root. The bottom of the fruit flowerpot is relatively large, it is best to cover with newspapers and grids. After laying the newspaper, the broken soil is not easy to fall out, so it is easy to keep the room clean. And when the root minister is good, the newspaper almost melts away, which is very practical. Use your hands to get rid of the soil that sticks to the roots. The soil is old and has no nutrition, so throw it away. END succulent plant cuttings 1 choose the plants to be cuttings, the only growing succulent plants can already be mothers, so it is most appropriate to choose such plants as cuttings. 2 at the top 1/3 of the plant, cut off a section of the plant with scissors. Don't worry, your flesh will grow well. 3 then the rest can be cultivated as usual, and after a few days they can heal themselves; then use their hands to break off the excess leaves in the cut plant, revealing a section of rhizome. 4 and then plant the plant carefully into the flowerpot filled with soil. Or put the plant in a small bottle full of water, be careful not to let the plant touch the surface of the water, and leave a space so that the plant can take root so that it can be planted again later. Branch cuttings small tips: it is best to wait for the cut to blacken or contract before planting. When planting, it is best not to touch with hands, it is best to use tweezers to plant, so that you can keep the plant in good condition. END bonsai creation 1 first choose the color, variety and height of many succulent plants, and then decide to buy seedlings, roughly determine the composition, and pay attention to the balance and beauty of the plants. Then prepare a small flowerpot, spread a layer of soil first, and be sure to wet it with water. 3 spread a layer of volcanic stone on it, volcanic stone is a good companion for succulent growth, can provide a lot of trace elements, also wet. (4) transplant seedlings from the edge of the floral organ. Start transplanting at one edge, pushing the soil, and then slowly spreading it to the other side. (push the soil from the flower organ to the seedling, so that you don't have to add too much soil when it is finished, so as to get the seedling dirty.) Try not to touch Miao's leaves with your hands, so it's most appropriate to use tweezers to do this. Special Yulian

Echeveria.runyonii cv 'Topsy Turvy', also known as jade butterfly, is a perennial evergreen succulent plant of the genus Euphorbia of crassulaceae, which is native to Mexico. The first mutant was found in California. The plants are clustered and they are free to branch. The leaves are arranged in the shape of a rosette, which is covered with a thick layer of white powder, the base of the leaf is twisted in the shape of a spoon, the edges of both sides bend outward, resulting in the middle part of the arch, while the apex of the leaf bends to the growing point, and there is an obvious groove in the center of the back of the leaf. The leaf color is turquoise. The diameter of the plant can reach 20-30 cm and the height can reach 15-30 cm. The variety grows rapidly. It is a kind of succulent plant that is very moving no matter in pot or garden, and it is easy to cultivate. Teyulian prefers warm, dry and ventilated environment, light, drought, cold, shade, sun exposure and no obvious dormancy period. 1) flowering: in autumn, arched racemes with bright red-orange flowers. The colors are very bright. 2) cultivation points: the suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 degrees, and not less than 5 degrees in winter. The mixed soil is generally made of peat + vermiculite + perlite, and an appropriate amount of bone powder is added. It can also be mixed with 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of river sand, 1 part of garden soil and 1 part of slag; the growing period is watered thoroughly, and water can be sprinkled around the plant when the air is dry, and fertilization is generally applied every 20 days or so during the growing period. 3) Propagation mode: including cuttings, ramet, cuttings and cuttings, leaf cuttings spread complete mature leaves on moist sandy soil, leaves face up, leaves back down, do not need to cover the soil and place in the shade, leaflets and new roots can grow from the base of the leaves in about 10 days, bury the roots in the soil, let it bask in the sun, water and fertilize properly, and gradually grow into a strong new plant. Cuttings can be cut with single leaves, tillering branches or top branches, and the length of the cuttings is unlimited, but after the cut is dry, the lower leaves are removed and then inserted into the sand bed, rooting is generally about 20 days after insertion, and the soil can not be too wet, otherwise the cut is easy to yellowing and rot, and the root is 2-3 cm long. It is better to take root from August to October, with fast rooting and high survival rate, and leaf cuttings are also available. Ramet is best carried out in spring. 4) maintenance: usually requires all-day sunshine or light shade, or very strong indoor lighting. Using soil needs to be very hydrophobic. In the greenhouse, the same proportion of clay and sand is used, and small gravel is added to ensure water permeability. Watering should be dry and wet. This is very important for plant health because overwatering can lead to plant death. Fertilizers are usually applied once in the growing season, with balanced nutrients and diluted to 1 pound 2 according to the prescribed dose. During the winter months, water should be saved as long as the leaves are not wrinkled. Solve the problem of excessive growth of flesh ~

After planting according to your preference, try not to move the transplanted seedlings. When you finally finish, add some red jade or decorative stones with a small shovel. Notes of purple peony lotus in class (0) comments, questions, take notes

Dahongjuan belongs to the genus Sempervivum L. This genus, the scientific name means semper (forever) and vivium (growth). English name HOUSELEEK, Japanese name "Spider Nest Eternal Grass", origin: central and Southern Europe, North Africa, Caucasus and Asia minor, distributed in North America, Canada, China, Japan, Myanmar, India and other warm hilly areas. 1) Variety evolution: 23 varieties of this genus were sorted out in the 1930s. This genus has been popular in Japan since the middle Meiji period and introduced into China in recent years. Because the genus is easy to cross under natural and artificial conditions, its names and numbers are very confused, such as S.tectoram, which has 70 different scientific and cultivated names. There are now 45 conservatively recorded species (including early natural hybrids). 2) morphological characteristics: fleshy herbs, leaves thick, often rosette, leaves often with filamentous hairs or hairs; flowers cymose panicles, red, white, yellow and other colors. Similar to and most similar to the genus Phellodendron. 3) cultivation and reproduction: this genus is very hardy and sensitive to high temperature. attention should be paid to air circulation in cultivation and perishable in summer. The lower layer of soil should be rotten soil, the upper layer should be sandy soil, slightly acidic. Reproduction uses the seed plants sprouting out of the branches, the leaf insertion is also very easy, and the hybrid is very easy to obtain seeds. The plants are dormant in high temperature in summer and cold in winter, and the main growth period is in the cooler spring and autumn seasons. Sufficient sunlight is required in the growth period. If the light is insufficient, the plant shape will be loose and not compact, affecting its ornamental. The plants growing in the places with sufficient light have thick and full leaves, compact plant shape and beautiful leaf color. 4) watering master: "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly", avoid long-term stagnant water, so as not to cause rotten roots, but not too dry, otherwise the plant will not die, but the growth is slow, the leaf color is dim, and there is a lack of vitality. Mature rarefied liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium was applied every 20 days or so. In winter, when the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ at night and above 15 ℃ during the day, the plant can continue to grow and can be watered normally and fertilized properly, and if watering is controlled to make the plant dormant, it can also tolerate the low temperature of 0 ℃. The main diseases and insect pests are leaf-eating pests and rotten molds. Notes of Purple Pearl in class (1) comment, question and take notes

Purple pearl (Echeveria cv. Peale von Nurnberg) Elaeagnus of crassulaceae likes warm, dry and ventilated environment, light, drought, cold, shade, indoor air and stuffy environment, strong adaptability, not resistant to strong sun exposure, no obvious dormancy period. Its leaves are magnificent pink-purple, like a spoon. Purple is not obvious in summer and deepens in autumn. If placed in the sun, it will grow into rose petals. 1) flowering: stems grow from leaves in late summer and early autumn, blooming purplish orange flowers. 2) cultivation points: maintain in a ventilated environment, otherwise it is easy to get sick. The suitable temperature for its growth is 15-25 degrees, and not less than 5 degrees in winter; during the growing period, watering is dry and thoroughly, and water can be sprinkled around the plant when the air is dry, but the leaf surface, especially the center of the leaf clump, should not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause rotten heart; fertilization is generally applied every 20 days or so. The growing season is that the basin soil is completely dry and then watered in spring and autumn, and shade is needed in summer to reduce watering. Keep it in the sunny place indoors in winter. 3) Propagation: there are mainly cuttings, ramets, cuttings and cuttings, which spread the complete mature leaves on the moist sandy soil, with the leaves facing up and back down, without covering the soil and placing them in the shade. In about 10 days, leaflets and new roots can grow from the base of the leaves, bury the roots in the soil, let it bask in the sun, water and fertilize properly, and gradually grow into a strong new plant. Cuttings can be cut with single leaves, tillering branches or top branches, and the length of the cuttings is unlimited, but after the cut is dry, the lower leaves are removed and then inserted into the sand bed, rooting takes place in about 20 days, and the soil can not be too wet, otherwise the cut is easy to yellowing and rot, and when the root is 2-3 cm long, it is better to take root from August to October, with fast rooting and high survival rate, and leaf cuttings are also available. Ramet is best carried out in spring. The idea of making a map guide for succulent plants has been going on for a long time. Before that, I simply saved the picture and changed the name of the picture to the name of succulent plant. In fact, for me, growing succulent plants can only be regarded as a hobby, and I don't want to be a succulent botanist. So I have been lazy and happy to live for a long time and found that I do not know many species, even what families and genera can not be distinguished from the point of view of enthusiasts. I do not recommend you to memorize families and genera, because you have fun in planting and gardening, but I found that no matter on QQ group or Weibo, many friends don't understand the names and habits of succulent plants, and there are many repetitive questions, so I want to sort out a map of succulent plants to facilitate everyone's understanding and understanding, and it is also convenient for me to consult the information. The content of the map is relatively simple, and there is a strong response after posting Weibo. There are many friends put forward a variety of views I summed up, if all the information is written in the map, then I can really become a botanist and collect these materials for a long time, to consult, to compare, but also combined with their own breeding experience, so most of the content I directly gave up, such as Latin, ordinary enthusiasts do not need to know so much! To put it simply, this set of maps sorted out by yourself is mainly aimed at ordinary succulent plant lovers: 1. It is mainly used for introduction, watering, sunshine and other maintenance methods for reference only. 2, easy to understand and intuitive, easy to save and consult (it is recommended that after saving the picture, change the name of the picture to the succulent plant) 3. All the pictures in the guide are taken for themselves, and they are also the succulent plants they are raising. 4. The content is mainly to mark out their usual maintenance experience and some characteristics of succulent plants. (blogger's area: Weihai, Shandong) 5. Because I am not a professional, there will inevitably be mistakes. If you find that you can leave a message on Weibo @ me, I will check and change it in time. 6. Reserve the right of final interpretation of the picture! This guide is not for commercial use, for those who steal pictures at will will report to the end! [FAQ for succulent plants] because the content of the picture is limited, I have not added a lot of repeated information. Here is the unified answer (which can not be finished at a time, constantly updated): when is the growth and dormancy period of ① succulent plants? Answer: spring and autumn is the growing period of succulent plants, summer and winter is dormant, but because of regional and climatic conditions, some areas can also grow in summer and winter. For example, air conditioning in summer and heating in the north in winter can make succulent plants continue to grow. What exactly does ② mean by "all-day sunshine"? A: "full sunshine" refers to the duration of sunshine, which means that some succulent plants can receive sunshine all day. It does not mean that they are completely bathed in the sun, and some sun protection measures need to be taken in summer. Can you mark both "scientific name" and "alias" in the ③ chart? A: because I am not a professional plant researcher, I am also skeptical about some names on the Internet (many Chinese names are made up by merchants themselves). I can't distinguish the really correct names, and the contents of the Latin names are too tedious, so the names in the guide are commonly used. If there are any mistakes, I will check and change them in time. What is the suitable temperature for ④ succulent plants to grow? How many degrees will dormancy in summer and winter? A: for succulent plants, the most suitable growth temperature is 10 ℃-30 ℃. Of course, the temperature cannot be a constant value. When the summer temperature exceeds 35 ℃, some succulent plants will enter the dormancy state, especially the "winter type" (winter growth). When the temperature reaches 40 ℃, almost all succulent plants will enter the dormancy state, even if the "summer seed type" (summer growth), will also enter the dormancy state (no longer absorb water). When the winter temperature is less than 5 ℃, some succulent plants will go into dormancy. 0 ℃ is the freezing point, water will slowly freeze, and most of the leaves and branches of succulent plants are water, so when it is less than 0 ℃, the water inside succulent plants will also slowly freeze, and the main body of the plant will definitely no longer grow, so the water must be cut off at this time. Can suitable cultivation media for succulent plants be added to the ⑤ map? A: this has been written in the blog post at the top of the home page. from the medium I use at present, soft peat soil + particles is the most appropriate. My commonly used ingredients of beautiful soil are: peat soil + rice husk + perlite + vermiculite and so on. In order to save trouble, I use fine soil directly every time. And almost all the succulent plants in the family use the same material. Does the lack of water in summer mean no watering at all in ⑥? How long will this last? A: it is often said that the water cut off in summer is only for some succulent plants. Plants always need water, so when it is hot in summer, the watering interval is extended to once a month, and a small amount is the best. To keep a little bit of moisture in the soil. Succulent plants that live in the wild also rely on soil moisture in summer, so they can last for months or even half a year without Rain Water. But now that succulent plants are planted at home, floral utensils such as red pottery can easily be completely dry, and sometimes I continue to water them once a week or even five days in summer. The duration mainly depends on the weather and temperature. It is found that when autumn comes, the temperature begins to drop slowly, and the amount of water can be increased. Can ⑦ indicate "winter type" (winter growth) or "summer type" (summer growth) in the map? A: considering that there is little information available, it is difficult to tell which kind of succulent plants they belong to. Only after their own culture and observation can they come to a conclusion, so they are not directly added to the map. However, I will definitely add what can be confirmed in the existing information. There is not much difference between "winter type" and "summer type" in the process of planting, the growing season is still spring and autumn, and summer and winter will still be dormant, so for ordinary enthusiasts, as long as they know how to maintain, you can refer to Article ④ and ⑥. ⑧ sees that the watering and sunshine requirements of all the meat on the map are not the same, can they be mixed together? How to maintain those mixed combinations? A: it can be mixed! And the combined effect is more beautiful ~ different colors of meat look more beautiful together. In terms of maintenance, normal sunshine and watering can be done. I think mixed meat grows better and faster, maybe it is a competitive feeling to grow together. But we should pay special attention to one point: mixed combinations of succulent plants try to choose the same family and genus as far as possible, because the habits are roughly the same, so it is more convenient to manage. For example, mixed planting of Rhodiola and Sedum, or mixed planting of Sedum and Rhodiola, because they all belong to the family Sedum. However, apricot and crassulaceae mixed together is not very good, because apricot is more sensitive to water, you will find it over a long time, and you have to dig it out and rematch it. What is "affixing" in ⑨? Answer: affixation refers to the common abnormal variation in flowers. Affixed variation means that the succulent plants of some varieties (planted) are stimulated by the external stimulation of unknown reasons, and the growth cone at the top of the plant is abnormally divided and doubled, forming many small growth points, which develop horizontally into a line. and eventually grow into a flat fan-shaped or chicken crown-shaped belt. Because of its strange shape, the ornamental value of the modified variant plant is higher, and because of its scarcity, it is more precious than the original seed (planting).