
Can Italian chamomile make tea? Efficacy and planting method of Italian chamomile

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Italian chamomile, also known as caffeine, belongs to the perennial plant of Compositae, with brilliant yellow flowers, often known as Italian permanent flowers.

Italian chamomile, also known as caffeine, belongs to the perennial plant of Compositae, with brilliant yellow flowers, which are often called Italian everlasting flowers. Italian chamomile can be used to make essential oil, and it has certain medicinal value. Let's take a look at the planting method of Italian chamomile.

Planting conditions of Italian chamomile:

1. Sunshine: sunny and semi-sunny.

2. Watering water: a small amount.

3. Sowing time: it is difficult to produce fruit, which is usually propagated by cutting.

4. Winter management: planting indoors in winter.

5. Diseases and insect pests: they are not easy to occur.

6. Recommended flowerpot size: it is recommended to use a flowerpot 1.5 times larger than the basic flowerbox.

Planting method of Italian chamomile:

1. The Italian chamomile seedlings bought in the flower market were transplanted into a soil basin mixed with sandy soil a few days later.

2. After dividing the basin, you can see the yellow leaves growing inside. Taking off these yellow leaves will help with ventilation.

3. After removing the yellow leaves, you will see the new buds growing below, and when these new buds grow up, they can become another one.

4. Pruning is needed when the stems and leaves become luxuriant. Repair according to the desired shape will show the effect you like.

5. The cut branches are used for cutting or sun-drying to make spices. Italian chamomile cuttings have a high success rate.

6. Although it is not easy to blossom, if you can receive good light in summer, you can also produce yellow flowers.

The efficacy of Italian chamomile:

Italian chamomile has anti-insect effect, but also has a good effect on inflammation and depression. It is basically not eaten, but mostly used for ornamental purposes. Dried leaves can be used to prevent insects, can also be used as incense, can also be used as spices into dishes.

The above is the planting method and efficacy of Italian chamomile arranged by Huinong net Xiaobian. Because Italian chamomile is not prone to diseases and insect pests, it can also be planted on the balcony. It is best to let it receive enough light. The leaves will not change color even if they dry up.

Planting methods of Chrysanthemum morifolium morphological characteristics of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Chrysanthemum morifolium has large plant type, luxuriant flowers, gorgeous colors and rich fragrance, which can be used as potted plants to watch. Then how to grow chamomile? What are the characteristics? Then Xiaoqi introduced the method and morphological characteristics of chamomile.

First, the planting method of chamomile

The seeds can be sowed in the open seedbed in spring or in the hotbed or greenhouse in early spring. The optimum temperature for germination is about 15-20 ℃. After sowing, the soil cover should not be thick, it should be unearthed for about a week and sprouted neatly. After one transplant, the seedlings can be colonized when they have 7-8 leaves. In order to promote branching and blossom more, the heart can be removed for 2 or 3 times during the growing period. After sowing, after about 3 months of cultivation, it can begin to bloom, the single flowering period can be as long as 1 month, and each plant can blossom for 3-4 months.

Sowing and raising seedlings from February to March in the south and from March to April in the north. Sowing depth 0.3cm, keep the soil moist, keep the temperature 1530 ℃, emerge in 5 days, seedlings with 5 leaves can transplant with soil. Potted plants use pots with a diameter of 15 centimeters and 25 centimeters, 1 plant per pot, 60 centimeters between flower beds and field plants, and 20 centimeters between plants. Pour water thoroughly after planting, and then pour it again when it is dry. No stagnant water is left at the root of quick pouring. Drainage and waterlogging prevention in rainy season. It takes 50-55 days from seedling planting to flowering. Usually far away from the seedling root digging nest, burying rotten livestock manure or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium multi-element fertilizer, a small number of times. Red spiders and cabbage insects are easy to damage leaves or flowers in dry season and rainy season. High-efficient and low-toxic pesticide "kung fu" or "disinfestation" 1500 times liquid should be used to spray leaves and flowers.

Second, the morphological characteristics of chamomile.

Chamomile annual or biennial herbs. Stem erect, 20-120 cm tall, branches erect or obliquely ascending. Leaves long lanceolate to linear, up to 12 cm long, smooth or rough, entire, base narrowed, upper tip pointed, main vein obvious. Capitate inflorescences 2-5 cm in diameter, solitary at branch ends. The outer layer of involucral bracts is short, tiled, the inner layer is long, broadly lanceolate, the base is thick, the tip is acuminate, glossy, yellow or white, red, purple. Florets numerous; crown hairs subpinnately rough. Achenes glabrous.

Third, the main value of chamomile

Ornamental value: the color is gorgeous and bright, the flower shape and color remain unchanged for a long time after drying, it is most suitable to be cut as a "dried flower" for indoor decoration in winter. The method of collecting dried flowers is to cut the branches before the flowers are half-bloomed, remove the leaves and hang them upside down in a dry, cool and ventilated place. The dwarf variety of Chrysanthemum morifolium can be used as flower bed material or pot ornamental.

The above is the introduction of the planting methods and morphological characteristics of chamomile. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to cultivate chamomile. Friends who do not like potted culture can make chamomile into dried flowers.

Wax chrysanthemum

Chamomile is an annual or biennial herb. Stem erect, 20 cm tall, branches erect or obliquely ascending. Leaves long lanceolate to linear, up to 12 cm long, smooth or rough, entire, base narrowed, upper tip pointed, main vein obvious. Capitate inflorescences 2 mi 5 cm in diameter, solitary at the end of branches. The outer layer of involucral bracts is short, tiled, the inner layer is long, broadly lanceolate, the base is thick, the tip is acuminate, glossy, yellow or white, red, purple. Florets numerous; crown hairs subpinnately rough. Achenes glabrous.

Chinese scientific name: chamomile

Latin name: Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent. ) Andr.

Another name: wheat straw chrysanthemum, colorful chrysanthemum

Binary name method: Helichrysum bracteatum

Realm: plant kingdom.

Phylum: angiosperm phylum

Class: dicotyledonous class

Subclass: synpetalous subclass

Item: Platycodon grandiflorum

Family: Compositae

Subfamily: tubular flower subfamily

Families: capping flower family

Genus: Chrysanthemum

Species: chamomile

Distribution: originated in Australia, widely cultivated in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States