
Cutting Seedling techniques and grafting breeding methods of Landscape Flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many landscaping flowers and seedlings grow into complete plants by seeds, but there are also many species of flowers and trees that can grow into a complete plant through the regeneration of roots, stems, leaves and other organs. Production is the use of plant regeneration ability to carry out cutting propagation. Combined with production practice

Many landscaping flowers and seedlings grow into complete plants by seeds, but there are also many species of flowers and trees that can grow into a complete plant through the regeneration of roots, stems, leaves and other organs. Production is the use of plant regeneration ability to carry out cutting propagation. Combined with the production practice, in the asexual reproduction of garden flowers and trees, it is discussed from the aspects of cutting seedling, split plant and strip breeding, and grafting breeding of flowers and flowers, which can be used as a reference for garden workers.

1 Environmental conditions for cutting garden flowers and trees and flowers

1.1 temperature

The temperature required for cutting varies from plant to plant. The suitable temperature for cutting of tropical or subtropical plants is generally 25: 30 ℃, that of temperate flowers is 20: 25 ℃, and that of hardy plants is slightly lower. In general, when the ground temperature is more than 3: 6 ℃ above the air temperature, the root is the most favorable for rooting. if the air temperature is higher than the ground temperature, it will inevitably cause the cuttings to sprout first and then take root. the buds grow by using the nutrients of the cuttings, and when the nutrients are consumed, they will only wither and die.

1.2 humidity

After the cuttings leave the matrix, the water is still evaporating all the time, so it is necessary to maintain proper moisture so that the branches and leaves will not wither because of evaporation. At the same time, a large amount of humidity is needed around the wound to produce callus, so the soil should always be moist. But too much water, then poor ventilation, easy to rot roots, affecting survival. The relative humidity suitable for cutting air is generally more than 90%. Generally, water should be sprayed 3 or 4 times a day after cutting in order to maintain the relative humidity in the normal air.

1.3 Lighting

The time and intensity of sunlight have a great influence on the rooting of cuttings, such as hardwood cuttings, the ability of rooting in long sunshine is stronger than that in cloudy days. Increasing light at night is beneficial to the survival of cuttings. However, when cutting with leaves, the purpose is to make the cuttings continue to carry out photosynthesis and produce auxin. However, under the direct light, coupled with the high temperature, the plant evaporation is large, which will inevitably lead to cuttings withering. So summer cuttings must be shaded.

1.4 ventilation

When cuttings take root, because the cell division is exuberant, the respiration is enhanced, and sufficient oxygen is needed, so the cuttings should choose a well-ventilated substrate. When cutting in the open field, we should choose loose soil with strong water retention and good drainage. Never cuttage in wet, waterlogged, heavy soil. In order to maintain the humidity in the air, the air should be fully ventilated at the beginning of the cuttings, but when the cuttings begin to take root, pay attention to ventilation to supplement oxygen.

2 preparation of slotting machine

The cutter bed is the place where plants take root, and good conditions for plant rooting must be provided. it can be cut in the open field, pot, greenhouse bed or plastic greenhouse. The cutting bed should first be equipped with the medium of the cutter bed. The general cutting bed medium can be divided into garden soil, mixed soil, sand soil, rotten leaf soil and water.

3 rooting treatment of cuttings

Soaking the cuttings with 0.1%-1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution for 24 hours is effective for most woody plants, and soaking in 2%-10% sucrose solution for 24 hours is effective for both grass and woody plants (herbaceous plants can be slightly lower). After soaking, rinse with clean water before cutting.

4 types of cuttings and post-cutting management

The cutting methods can be divided into hardwood cuttings, tender wood cuttings with leaves, leaf cuttings and root cuttings. After cutting, it is necessary to strengthen management, especially tender wood cutting with leaves and leaf cuttings, and to manage carefully in order to take root well. The management work is mainly watering, shading must keep the soil moist. After rooting, the sunshine time decreased and gradually increased.

5 ramet breeding

It is found that tillers occur from the roots around the mother plant, so it is necessary to dig out all the mother plants, then split the tillers with soil tools and take part of the fibrous roots, and move to another place to plant into a new plant. The ramet time is generally carried out in spring and autumn.

6 striping breeding

6.1 Groove pressure method

From February to March in spring, one-year-old or 2-to 3-year-old branches with strong growth were selected in the lower part of the flower plant, and a small trench was dug near the mother plant with wide 5~10cm and deep 10~20cm. The branch was pressed into part, preferably with 2-3 buds for carving, and then the soil was covered. After the strips took root, they could be cut off and transplanted elsewhere with the mother plant.

6.2 Basin pressure method

It is mainly used in precious flower varieties or flowers that can not be moved. Press the branches in a prepared flowerpot and cut them open after taking root to form a new plant.

6.3 High altitude crimping strip

In general, flowers with tall plants with unbent branches and few tufted branches at the base of the stem are scratched at the pressed part to stimulate rooting. It is wrapped in plastic film. First tie up the bottom, fill the inside with humus, compaction, tie up the upper mouth, and keep the soil moist. After rooting, the film can be removed, cut and transplanted.

7 grafting breeding garden flowers and trees and flowers

7.1 the principle of graft survival

The survival of grafting mainly depends on the affinity of rootstock and scion. If the affinity is strong, when the two cambium join each other, the callus will be produced, and when the callus fills the gap between the rootstock and the scion, the two calli will be integrated, so that the ducts and sieve tubes can communicate with each other, thus forming a whole. Generally speaking, the closer the kinship is, the stronger the affinity is, so it is the strongest among species, the second among genera, and the weakest among families.

7.2 grafting method

7.2.1 Branch grafting

Branch grafting includes splicing, splicing, ventral grafting, leaning grafting, subcutaneous grafting and tongue grafting.

7.2.2 Bud grafting

Bud grafting includes T-shaped bud grafting, square bud grafting, square bud grafting and embedded bud grafting, etc. no matter what kind of grafting method is adopted, attention must be paid to ensuring that the scion is fresh, disease-free and full-growing branches of the same year. When grafting, align the cambium of the two, bind them tightly with plastic film, and pay attention to wiping buds during the growing period to ensure the normal growth of buds.

These are all the contents of today, this article is more suitable for garden workers and flower seedling farmers to come to consult and study, if you have a better agricultural technology to share, welcome to leave a message below!

Methods of cutting and grafting propagation of sweet-scented osmanthus the propagation methods of cutting and grafting of sweet-scented osmanthus include sowing, cutting, grafting, striping and so on. Cutting and grafting are the most common in production. Cutting propagation has the advantages of simple technology, large number of propagation, high speed, high survival rate and low cost. It is the most widely used and widely used propagation method for seedling producers and flower lovers. Cutting time: one-year-old spring shoot can be selected for cutting from early March to mid-April, which is the best cutting time. The semi-mature branches of the same year can also be selected for heel cutting from late June to late August, but it has high requirements for temperature and humidity control. Cutting and treatment of cuttings: the middle and upper part of the tree and the peripheral branches of the middle and upper part of the tree were selected as cuttings. Cut the branches into 10ml and 12cm long, remove the lower leaves, leaving only the upper 3mur4 leaves. Conditionally, soaking the cuttings in 50/1000000 to 100 GGR6 solution for 1 hour will be of great benefit to the rooting of cuttings. Soil preparation: use slightly acidic, loose, aerated and good water retention soil as cutting substrate. Carbendazim, pentachloronitrobenzene and other drugs were used to disinfect and sterilize the soil before cutting. Post-cutting management: mainly to control temperature and humidity, which is the key to whether cuttings can take root and survive. The best ground temperature for rooting is 25Mel 28 ℃, and the best relative humidity should be kept above 85%. It can be controlled by sunshade, arch plastic shed, sprinkler, ventilation and so on. Secondly, we should pay attention to anti-mildew, because of high temperature and humidity easy to produce mold, carbendazim and methyl thiophanate can be used alternately every week. Grafting propagation has the advantages of rapid seedling formation, prosperous growth, early flowering and small variation, and it is also one of the more commonly used methods. Cultivate rootstocks: use 1-2-year-old seedlings as rootstocks, such as privet, lobular privet, lobular ash and so on. Among them, the survival rate of sweet-scented osmanthus grafted with privet is high, and the initial growth is fast, but the wound is not healed well, and it is easy to break off in case of strong wind or external force collision. The grafting was carried out before and after Ching Ming Festival. There are two most commonly used methods in production, one is split connection, the other is abdominal connection. It is appropriate to select 1-2-year-old sturdy, disease-free branches on adult trees, remove leaves and retain petioles. If the split grafting method is used, the rootstock should be cut from the ground 4Mel 6 cm before the seedling sprouts in spring before grafting. The thickness of the scion should match the thickness of the rootstock, the cutting surface of the scion should be smooth, and the key to the success of split grafting is that the cambium of the rootstock and the scion should be aligned and tightly bound. If the abdominal grafting method is adopted, the grafted buds are directly embedded in the rootstock water without breaking the rootstock, and the rootstock will be cut off after successful grafting. No matter which method is adopted for grafting, it should be grafted as soon as possible. If you take ears from other places, be sure to keep them fresh. It is better to choose sunny and windless weather for grafting. After grafting, attention should be paid to checking the survival rate, doing a good job in mending, wiping buds, cutting rootstocks, unbinding, water and fertilizer management and prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. In addition to cutting and grafting, sweet-scented osmanthus can also be sown and propagated. However, because some varieties are not fruiting or less fruiting, and the seedlings bred by sowing method have a longer life from flowering to flowering, it takes more than 10 years to blossom, so seedling producers and family flower lovers seldom use this method. The seeds of sweet-scented osmanthus mature about May. After seed collection, the seeds can be sowed in two periods: first, it can be inserted immediately after harvest, which can reduce the process of seed storage, and some seeds will germinate and emerge in autumn. Its disadvantage is that the overwintering management of seedlings is difficult and it is easy to suffer frost injury. The second is to collect the seeds and store them in the sand first, and then sow the seeds from the sand in the spring of the following year. It germinated and sprouted in April. The advantages of this method are: fast seedling growth and less difficulty in seedling management. When sowing and raising seedlings, attention should be paid to preventing and smelting the moisture of seedlings, strengthening the management of water and fertilizer, replenishing seedlings and weeding, shading and cooling, preventing cold and freezing, and so on. Sweet-scented osmanthus is reproduced by striping. The time of striping should be carried out before sprouting in spring. Because the branch of sweet-scented osmanthus is not easy to bend, it generally does not use the ground pressure method, but only the high-pressure method. When using the high pressure method, select the 2-3-year-old branches with strong growth potential on the excellent mother plant, peel a circle of cortex 0.3cm wide on the branches, then peel them with 100/1000000 GGR6 solution or the same dose of naphthylacetic acid, and then use plastic film to load with mud, rotten leaf soil, moss, etc., wrap up the scratched parts, pour through water, and then wrap the mouth of the bag. Always pay attention to observation, and timely replenish water, so that the bandage is always in a moist state. After cultivation in summer and autumn, new roots will grow. In the spring of the following year, the branches that grow roots are cut off from the mother body, the bandages are removed, the soil is moved into the basin, poured through water, and maintained in a cool place. After a large number of new shoots germinate, they will receive full light. 3. The 1-year-old sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings cultivated by planting and cutting should not be used as green seedlings immediately because of their poor ability to resist drought, cold and barren. They should first be transplanted to the nursery and continue to be cultivated for 2-5 years, and then transplant. The main points of cultivation management are briefly introduced as follows: soil preparation. The slightly acidic sandy loam with sufficient light, deep soil layer, rich humus, strong permeability and convenient drainage and irrigation was selected as the cultivation nursery. In the autumn and winter of the previous year, the nursery was reclaimed once, and the hole was dug according to the specification that the row spacing was 1 m x 1.5 m (2 years later, when it was long, thick and tall, one plant was removed every other plant, so that the plant spacing became 2 m x 1.5 m) and the planting hole was 0.4 m x 0.4 m x 0.4 m. Each hole was applied with mature flat farm manure (pig manure, cow manure) 2Mel 3kg, phosphate fertilizer 0.5kg as base fertilizer. Mix the base fertilizer with the surface loam and fill it into the hole. After being eroded and fermented by winter snow and spring rain, fertilizer is easy to be absorbed by seedlings. Transplant. Transplanting is best when the sap has not yet flowed or just flowed, usually from early February to early March. When taking seedlings, leave more roots and hurt less roots as much as possible. After taking seedlings, they should be planted as soon as possible, and those who need to adjust seedlings from other places should pay attention to moisturizing to prevent seedlings from dehydration. After planting, the soil should be compacted and watered once, so that the root system of the seedling is closely connected with the soil. Water and fertilizer management. After transplanting, if heavy rain causes stagnant water in the nursery, trenches should be dug to drain water. In case of drought, water should be watered to fight the drought. In addition to adequate basic fertilizer, fertilizer should be applied three times a year, that is, 0.1 kg of available nitrogen fertilizer per plant in late March to promote its height and multiple shoots, 0.1 kg of available P and K fertilizer per plant in July to improve its drought resistance, and 2 kg of organic fertilizer (such as farm manure) in October to improve its cold resistance and prepare for overwintering. Trim and reshape. Osmanthus fragrans has a strong germination ability and has the characteristics of naturally forming shrubs. It shoots twice a year in spring and autumn. if it is not pruned and wiped in time, it is difficult to cultivate tall plants, and it is easy to form the phenomenon of upper strong and lower weak with dense upper branches and rare lower branches. During pruning, except for those with poor growth due to tree potential and branch potential, it is generally dominated by branch thinning, and only the overdense peripheral branches are properly thinned, and the overgrown branches and disease and insect branches are cut off to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the plant. The sprouting tillering branches from the base of the trunk should be erased in time so as not to consume the nutrients in the tree and disturb the shape of the tree. Loosen the soil and weed. In spring and autumn, the soil structure was improved by ploughing once in combination with fertilization. The ability of cold resistance can be enhanced by building a base once before overwintering and painting the trunk white once. Weeding 2mi 3 times a year to prevent weeds from competing with seedlings for water, fertilizer and light. Control diseases and insect pests. Sweet-scented osmanthus has few diseases and insect pests, such as anthracnose, leaf spot, red spider and oyster shield scale, which can be controlled by Bordeaux, stone-sulfur mixture, bacillus, methyl topiramate, dichlorvos, triclofenac and so on. 4. The transplanting time of Osmanthus fragrans trees should be from mid-January to early February. At this time, the trees are in a dormant state, and soon after transplantation, the vitality becomes stronger and it is easy to survive. Avoid transplanting in summer. Pruning: it reduces nutrient consumption and water transpiration in the tree. The amount of pruning is determined by the age and growth potential of the tree. A hundred-year-old tree should leave few or no branches because of its weak growth. Those with strong growth and those who are young can leave more branches. When cutting, it is necessary to remove disease and insect branches, growing branches and cross branches. After that, smear the wound with Vaseline or Bordeaux solution to avoid disease and insect damage and Rain Water erosion. Root cutting: in order to improve the transplanting survival rate of sweet-scented osmanthus trees, the roots of 1 stroke 2 were cut off in the spring of 1-2 years before transplanting, and the distance from the stump to the stump was 3 times the diameter of the stump, and then 50/1000000 to 100 GGR6 solution or 0.1% indole acetic acid solution was smeared on the cut root, covered with soil and watered to let it grow new roots. Pile: the size of the soil ball is determined by excavation, which is generally 6 times the diameter of the stump. If the ground diameter is too thick, it should not be less than 3. While digging, tie the earth ball with a wet straw curtain and straw rope to prevent it from getting loose. The big root of the tree is sawed off with a saw, and the steel mouth is coated with rooting powder such as GGR6. After digging, wrap it with a wet straw curtain and straw rope, and tie the grass rope to the tree trunk 2.5 meters high. Transport: transport should be loaded and unloaded lightly. When loading, the trees should be fixed and separated by buffers to prevent the trees from colliding, so as not to hurt the skin and hit the soil balls. Pay attention to moisturizing on the way. Planting: in the first month of planting, dig the planting hole, the size of the hole is 1.5 times the size of the soil ball, and then fill the hole with mycorrhizal soil, and block the mature farm manure 5ml 10kg, available phosphate fertilizer 2kg, irrigation spare. When planting, use a crane to gently put the tree into the planting hole, cut the packaging grass curtain and rope with scissors, and then backfill the stable soil, step on it and water it thoroughly. Management and protection: 1, fixed frame: set up a tripod around the trunk of the tree to prevent the tree from shaking due to collision between people and animals and strong wind. 2. shade shed: after April, a shade shed will be set up on three sides of the tree (except the northwest) to prevent direct sunlight and reduce water transpiration. It can be removed when the weather turns cool in October. 3. Watering: the roots of the newly planted trees are damaged and the water absorption is weak. therefore, the amount of water should not be too much to avoid mildew and rot of the roots. But not too little, otherwise the tree will lose water and die. 4. Infusion: infusion can meet the water and nutrient needs of the appendage, and can greatly improve the survival rate of transplanting. Infusion is usually carried out from April to September. Before transfusion, use a woodworking drill at the base of the tree to drill 3mi 5 infusion holes at a 45-degree angle from top to bottom, deep to the pith. The solution was then prepared with 0.1g of water-soluble human ABT6 rooting powder and 0.5g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per liter. Hang the bottle containing the liquid in a high place, insert the trunk syringe into the infusion hole, turn on the infusion switch, and the liquid can be injected into the tree. After the infusion, pull out the needle and plug the infusion hole with cotton balls. When the next infusion is needed, the cotton ball can be clipped out and the infusion can be carried out. The frequency and interval of infusion are determined according to the degree of drought, temperature and plant water requirement. After the plant is completely out of danger, seal the infusion hole with Bordeaux liquid. Sweet-scented osmanthus, a rising star in the Osmanthus family, is one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China. Common varieties such as "golden cinnamon" with yellow flowers, "silver cinnamon" with orange flowers, and "cinnamon" with orange flowers can only blossom once in autumn. In recent years, the newly emerged "four Seasons Gui" has become a rising star in the sweet-scented osmanthus family. It breaks the general practice of sweet-scented osmanthus varieties blooming only once a year, and can bloom 4 times a year in February, May, August and November, usually with a flowering period of more than 20 days per season. The flowers are dense, yellow and white, evenly distributed in the branches, and the fragrance of the flowers is more persistent. It has a rich smell and makes people feel good. It can be used as spice for making tea and cakes. Four seasons cassia has a certain resistance to harmful gases such as hydrogen fluoride and sulfur dioxide, which can reduce the degree of pollution to the environment. Planting in public places or home courtyards can play a good role in greening, beautification, fragrance and purification. Therefore, flower garden experts advocate the promotion of planting. Four Seasons Cinnamomum is suitable for growing in warm, humid and sunny places. The soil is required to be fertile and loose, slightly acidic and good for drainage and irrigation. The four seasons cinnamon is more drought-tolerant and cold-tolerant, and the suitable temperature for its growth is 20Mel 30 ℃. If there is no extra cold wave in winter, it can generally overwinter in the open field. Usually it can be propagated by cutting, pressing or sowing. If it is set in a flower bed or garden, the plant height can reach 2Mel 3 meters. If used in family potted plants, it can be dwarfed to less than 1 meter. Its trunk has more branches and its leaves are thinner, and its seedlings can blossom one after another after growing to one year, and more flowers after three years, which is of great ornamental value. In the cultivation and management, attention should be paid to the appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers such as plant ash and bone powder, so as to increase the number and aroma of flowers. In addition, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and pests such as leaf spot, anthracnose, diamondback moth and wax scale insects, so as to ensure the normal growth and development of plants and blossom in time.

(the reporter is anonymous)

One-time learning of seedling cutting and propagation techniques of Acer truncatum

The words "Sapporu maple" and "front umbrella" are reminiscent of the cold drink shop or the big sunshade on the beach under the scorching sun. Sapporu Maple is a maple tree with a large crown, and some more superstitious people have nicknamed it "Da Fu Gui". It is probably because of the shape of the umbrella maple crown bag. Now more and more popular maple trees are being sold, so many experts are also studying the techniques of seedling grafting and reproduction.

Maple is often propagated by sowing, cutting, striping and other methods. At present, the method of cutting propagation is often used. In late spring and early autumn, the branches of the same year are often used for tender wood cutting, or in early spring, old branches of last year are used for cutting.

Cutting substrate: is used for cutting nutrient soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. Due to the limited conditions, it is difficult to get an ideal cutting substrate, so it is recommended to use the prepared and sterilized cutting substrate provided by this station; medium and coarse river sand is also fine, but rinse with clean water several times before use. Do not use sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas, they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

Selection of cutting branches: when the tender wood cuttings were carried out, the sturdy branches of the current year were selected as cuttings when the plants were growing vigorously from the end of spring to early autumn. After cutting off the branches, select the sturdy parts and cut them into segments 5-15 cm long, each with more than 3 leaf nodes. When cutting cuttings, it should be noted that the upper cut is cut flat at about 1 cm above the uppermost leaf node, and the lower cut is about 0.5 cm below the lowest leaf node, and the upper and lower cut should be flat (knife should be sharp).

When hardwood cuttings are carried out, after the temperature rises in early spring, last year's robust branches are selected as cuttings. Each cuttage usually retains 3-4 nodes, and the cutting method is the same as that of softwood cuttings.

Management after cuttage

Temperature: the optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings was 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, which was lower than 20 ℃, and the rooting of cuttings was difficult and slow. When the temperature was higher than 30 ℃, the upper and lower cuttings were easily infected and rotted by bacteria, and the higher the temperature was, the greater the proportion of rot was. When there is a low temperature after cutting, the heat preservation measure is mainly to wrap the flowerpot or container used for cutting with thin film; when the temperature is too high after cutting, the cooling measure is mainly to shade the cuttings, to cover 50-80% of the sun, and at the same time, spray the cuttings 3-5 times a day, with more times of spraying when the temperature is higher in sunny days, lower temperatures and higher temperatures in rainy days, but less or no spraying times.

Humidity: the relative humidity of the air must be kept at 750.85% after cutting. The basic requirement for cuttings to take root is to ensure that cuttings are fresh and tender and can be used to produce rooting substances before they take root. However, cuttings without rooting can not absorb enough water to maintain their water balance, so it is necessary to reduce the water evaporation of cuttings by spraying: under shaded conditions, the cuttings are sprayed 3-5 times a day. The higher the temperature in sunny days, the more the times of spraying, the lower the temperature in cloudy and rainy days, the less or no spraying. But with excessive spraying, cuttings are easy to be infected by bacteria and rot, because many kinds of bacteria exist in the water.

Light: cutting propagation is inseparable from sunlight, because cuttings continue to carry out photosynthesis to produce nutrients and rooting materials to supply their rooting needs. However, the stronger the light, the higher the temperature in the cuttings, the more exuberant transpiration of cuttings, and the more water consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, 50% of the sun must be covered after cutting, and then the shading net must be gradually removed after the root system grows: remove the sunscreen at 4:00 every sunny day, and cover it before 9:00 the next day.

After reading the systematic methods of seedling grafting and propagation, have you learned it? Some basic friends should not find it difficult, it is not much different from ordinary tree cultivation methods, but each kind of tree has its own unique characteristics, if all lose their own charm, right? In fact, Sapporo umbrella maple has a great medical use, when you accidentally get heatstroke or catch a cold in summer, you can use a little Sapporu maple bark to boil a bowl of heat-relieving soup, the effect is still good. Although it tastes a little bitter, clearing heat and relieving summer heat is good for your health.