
This practical guide to chrysanthemums should put away the autumn chrysanthemums when they were drunk.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When autumn comes to September 8, I will be in full bloom. In battle array my fragrance rises sky-high; The capital with my golden armor will blend. The yellow nest chrysanthemum is born in the early autumn of harvest and blossoms in the late autumn when all things wither. The sky is high and the clouds are light, looking at the wild geese flying south alone, he has.

When autumn comes, September 8, I will bloom and kill all flowers.

Soaring incense array through Chang 'an, full of gold armor.

- Huang Chao's "Wing Ju"

Chrysanthemum, born in the harvest of early autumn, open in all things wither late autumn. The sky is high and the clouds are light. I only look at the flying geese in the south. He has the noble purity that does not compete with the flowers. There is the wind and frost, and there is the steadfastness of the branches holding incense.

Gentleman Hanaka

under the chrysanthemum

leisurely see Nanshan

Tao Yuanming's good sentence


They become literati.

A symbol of the spirit of solitude

was entrusted with endless feelings.


It's a magical plant.

When the flowers wither, it blooms alone

There are few things like chrysanthemum in nature

This kind of silence

Do not compete with spring flowers, not like summer flowers bright

Just for October

From a scientific point of view, chrysanthemum blooms in autumn, not because of feelings, but because of its physiological and ecological characteristics.

Chrysanthemum is a short-day plant. Only when the daily sunshine is shorter than a certain length and lasts for a certain number of days can flower bud differentiation be stimulated and reproductive growth be carried out.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum is also a medicinal material, which is widely used in medical treatment and health care. Chrysanthemum is used as medicine after drying its flower heads. It is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan and other places. According to the origin and processing methods are different, divided into Bo Ju, Chu Ju, Gong Ju, Hang Ju and so on. Also according to different color points yellow chrysanthemum and white chrysanthemum.

efficacy distinction

Huang ju

Efficacy focuses on clearing lung and relieving cough, dispelling wind and heat, clearing liver and improving eyesight

white chrysanthemum

Focus on soothing liver and relieving depression, clearing liver and improving eyesight

wild chrysanthemum

More prominent in clearing heat and detoxification, sterilization and anti-inflammatory

The 35th Wuhan Golden Autumn Chrysanthemum Exhibition is coming soon

(Exhibition time: October 18-November 18)

Now get the following knowledge points

No more being called a "Chrysanthemum Idiot"~



Tao Yuanming's favorite chrysanthemum is "Jiuhua chrysanthemum"

According to "Guang Qunfang Spectrum·Flower Spectrum 27·Chrysanthemum 1" wrote: "Jiuhua chrysanthemum, this product is appreciated by Yuanming." The two layers of petals are called Jiuhua, white petals yellow heart, flower head is very large, there are two inches and four or five minutes wide, its state is abnormal, for the white crown."


There are quite a few chrysanthemums all over the world that originated in China

Chrysanthemum cultivation in China has a history of more than 3000 years. It was first recorded in Zhouguan and Buya. It was introduced to Japan around the eighth century AD. It was introduced into Europe by Dutch merchants at the end of the 17th century, France in the 18th century and North America in the mid-19th century. Since then, Chinese chrysanthemum has spread all over the world.


Possum has nothing to do with Persia.

The plant has a convention of naming by origin, but cosmos is native to Mexico, not Persia (i.e. Middle Eastern Iran), and the name "Persia" is derived from the transliteration of the English name "Cosmos".


The first monograph on chrysanthemum in the world is Liu's chrysanthemum spectrum

During the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, Liu Mengquan wrote Liu Shi Ju Pu, which is the earliest monograph on chrysanthemum in Chinese history and the first monograph on chrysanthemum in the world. According to the color classification of chrysanthemum, the book contains 35 chrysanthemum varieties. Four species and two wild species were also reported.


Although Japanese cherry blossoms are the most famous, Japanese also love chrysanthemum

In Japan, cherry blossoms are called samurai flowers, symbolizing that samurai will not hesitate to die for the splendor of the moment, while chrysanthemum is a symbol of wealth, and is dedicated to the Japanese royal family. The family emblem of the Japanese royal family is the "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" designed according to chrysanthemum.


The yellow flower in "virgin girl" refers to chrysanthemum

In ancient times, unmarried women liked to "paste yellow flowers" when dressing up, and painted various patterns on their forehead or cheeks with yellow color. Yellow flowers also refer to chrysanthemum, often used as a metaphor for people with integrity. Therefore, adding the word "yellow flower" in front of the daughter indicates that the woman is not married yet.


pyrethrum could kill cats.

Pyrethrum is a kind of harmless poisonous crop, its pyrethroids have fatal toxicity to most insects, can effectively kill mosquitoes and flies and other pests, at the same time pyrethrum is an important source of natural pyrethroids, and pyrethroids have fatal toxicity to domestic cats.

in addition to these

Chrysanthemum can also be eaten

(It can be used for tea or cooking.)

Most chrysanthemums are edible.

Chrysanthemum contains many vitamins and trace elements

It has anti-inflammatory, eyesight, blood pressure, lipid-lowering, and physical effects

It's chrysanthemum season.

Go to the flower market.

Buy two pots of chrysanthemum with both ornamental and edible value

Under high pressure

Take a little time off and live a long life


Chrysanthemum purchase points

The main purchase plant robust, full terminal buds, strong resistance potted chrysanthemum

Flower stem: flower diameter erect, leaves intact without drying phenomenon. Note that the stem curve represents unstable quality and belongs to the low level.

Note: Control the growth of chrysanthemum, pay attention to the second year in time to divide the pot, so as to avoid nutrient and space competition

Family potted chrysanthemum conservation

soil mix


Chrysanthemum substrate to good drainage, loose, fertile slightly acidic sandy loam is appropriate. General selection of permeable, breathable good river sand, plus garden soil, humus preparation. The ratio is humus soil: garden soil: river sand =4:4:2. If conditions permit, it is best to spray the culture soil with disinfectant such as formalin or carbendazim according to the concentration of the instructions for use.

moisture management


The water management of chrysanthemum growth period must be carried out according to the principle of "watering in time when drought and draining in time when waterlogging". And make sure there is plenty of water before and after the budding period. Watering can also be combined with fertilization, but also pay attention to "see wet see dry", that is, neither semi-dry and semi-wet, nor too dry and wet. There is also early and late every day to spray leaves 1 foliar water.

controlled fertilization


Chrysanthemum growth to apply organic fertilizer (usually as a base fertilizer).

In the vegetative growth period, nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer, and some phosphorus, potassium and trace element fertilizers can be applied. This can make chrysanthemum branches thick and straight end can also make leaves hypertrophy.

Chrysanthemum growth in the middle and late, topdressing should be phosphorus, potassium-based, can also be topdressing flowers special fertilizer. Fertilization methods can be used to combine soil topdressing and root topdressing, and watering should be timely after fertilization. Note that if chrysanthemum leaves are small and thin and yellow, 0.1% urea solution can be sprayed many times.

Placement and lighting


In addition to the daily management of potted chrysanthemum, in addition to the soil, fertilizer and water management above, according to the growth and environmental conditions of potted chrysanthemum, management measures such as pot rotation and pot pulling should be carried out in time to avoid affecting the growth and development of potted chrysanthemum due to light and other reasons.

It should be noted that chrysanthemum is a short-day plant. Experiments show that chrysanthemum grows vegetatively under 14.5 hours of long sunshine every day. Darkness and night temperature of more than 12 hours a day are suitable for flower bud development.



The spatial distribution and crown shape of potted chrysanthemum directly affect the ornamental quality of chrysanthemum. Pruning is very important during the growing season of chrysanthemum. Potted chrysanthemum can be made according to the needs of sector crown, umbrella crown, semicircular crown, triangular crown and so on.

wiping bud and thinning bud


Chrysanthemum seedling period, will sprout a lot of axillary buds, must be pinched in time, otherwise consume a lot of nutrients. During the gestation period, there are sometimes side buds on the twigs under the top bud. In addition to those that need to be retained, the side buds should also be removed as soon as possible to promote the hypertrophy of thunder. Also pay attention to the late growth and flowering period, according to the need to remove the branches affecting the flowering and flower quality, timely cut off the residual flowers, in order to save nutrients, to meet the nutrient needs of the flowers after opening.

pest control


The main diseases and insect pests of potted chrysanthemum are powdery mildew, brown spot, aphids, mites and so on. Many diseases occur in the environment with high air humidity, insufficient light, poor ventilation and large temperature difference between day and night. Therefore, reasonable control of air humidity, moisture and temperature is the main means to prevent these diseases.

Carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl can be used as the main physical methods for control.

Chrysanthemum is cultivated.

There are now more than 7000 varieties.

Many varieties are not only beautiful in appearance

The name is also antique, full of Chinese style

Want to know everything? That's impossible ~)

Countdown to the 35th Autumn Chrysanthemum Exhibition in 2018

Autumn October, nothing is better than to enjoy chrysanthemum ~

Jinbei Dahong

Red thread gold hook

Peach Dew


Long Wind

Hongxia Tuogui

fairy lingbo

Jinzhu Dances

Gold Torquay

Sunflower bloom

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