
Do you know what potted wide screen is? That is, the smallest cultivation space presents the richest scenery.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The focus of potted plants is to show the largest picture and scenery in the smallest cultivation space. This kind of overall visual tension is seen through a small part, which is not only the charming charm of potted plants, but also the fun pursued by potted people. The beauty of potted plants lies in the appearance of natural features.

The focus of potted plants is to show the largest picture and scenery in the smallest cultivation space.

This kind of overall visual tension is seen through a small part, which is not only the charming charm of potted plants, but also the fun pursued by potted people.

The beauty of potted plants lies in the natural features and man-made art condensed in a pot of plants, has its conventional appreciation point of view.

The tree volume growing in nature is made up of many elements, and the environment, topography, climate and soil make individual differences.

Potted cultivation can not accommodate all these elements in a pot, but can only symbolize, resemble in shape or resemble in spirit, and simply move the posture of the old tree into the basin, based on the shape of the natural tree, followed by artificial modeling to remove the turnip and store the turnip to show the most beautiful side of the tree.

In the process of pot modeling creation, the root plate, trunk and branches are the three major elements of the pot shape, and then according to the shape of the tree set off the pot bowl, a pot of independent works will be produced.

Therefore, how to make potted plants, we need to first build on how to watch potted plants, and understand the performance basis of potted plants.

The essence of bonsai modeling

One: root disk

The viewing of potted plants is the first root plate.

The root plate is the lifeblood of trees, and trees growing in the natural environment have sound roots.

To develop potted plants, the presentation of root plates is the most important lesson. For plants, the root system is the most important part, which determines the growth of the plant, and pot ornamental is also the first important root plate, good root can make the plant stable in the pot.

In addition to representing the exuberant vitality of trees, the more solid and stable root plates are, the more they can show the ancient Miao feelings of potted plants, so that potted plants have a more vigorous and towering visual beauty.

Octagonal root

With the trunk as the center, the root system extends horizontally and evenly in all directions, closely integrated with the land. This makes the trees stable, and the good root plates can also show the strength of the trees.


The erosion of Rain Water led to less soil and exposed roots. In order to support the whole tree that hangs or tilts downward, the root system gradually forms a strong and powerful ground-grasping root.

Attached stone root

The root system extends along the stone seam, or the root system penetrates into the stone crack, and then surrounds the rock and becomes one with the rock, showing the strong vitality in the harsh environment.

Packing root

Trees grow over the years, and their roots are finally entangled, thus becoming a plate shape, witnessing the long history of the years.

Second, the backbone

To show a posture of symbiosis or confrontation with nature.

The shape and appearance of the trunk is like a human figure, which varies in height, height, fatness and thinness, thus giving the viewer the most direct impression.

There are thousands of strange and skillful trees in nature, and all kinds of tree types have their own unique postures. The trunk shape of potted plants determines the basic appearance of the tree type. The plump or thin trunk, steady or straight, vigorous or elegant, all show the symbiotic attachment of trees and the natural environment, or the ecological process of competing with each other.

Elegant, elegant and elegant

The moderate and unaffected curvature of the dry body makes the trees have a smooth and dexterous natural form, showing the freehand style of Yushu facing the wind, chic and elegant.

The ancient way is strong and powerful.

Growing up in a harsh environment, the dry body must have twists and turns, distinct setbacks and powerful turning points, so that it can show grim vitality.

Flat rotation and twist

The extreme and strong dry body twist and the reverse growth pattern show that the growth environment is difficult and sinister, and plants form their own style in order to adapt to the environment.

Weathered Shili and divine branches

The dry body, which has been eroded by the wind and frost, touches the texture, sees the vicissitudes of life in the nuances, sees the solemnity in the decay, and shows the boundless loneliness of heaven and earth.

Three: branches

Determine the tree type of different amorous feelings

The form of branches completes the morphological beauty of potted plants, and the number and thickness of branches also show the soft and simple, or majestic and majestic nature of potted plants.

Oh, by the way, potted works are made up of two basic elements: trunk and branch.

The shape style of the trunk establishes the basic embryonic form of potted plants, and the style of branches is very diverse, pruning and modeling according to the growth state of different tree species. The distance between branches and the distribution of branches determine the appearance of trees with different amorous feelings.

Skinny freehand brushwork

There are few branches, although a few branches are dotted with tree trunks, but they have the effect of finishing touch. it is intended to be interesting outside the strings, and has the beauty of the most idle and sparse image.

Sparse and dense

The branches can be elegant, elegant, simple and neat layout so that the space has a sense of penetration, showing the most natural fresh amorous feelings.

With distinct levels

With a coordinated sense of space, the more to the end of the tree, the smaller the distance between branches, the more concentrated, stable and peaceful posture of the tree.

Luxuriant and dense

The branch is uniform and symmetrical, dense and slender, round and full, which lies in the exuberant and vigorous vitality of the plant.

Restaurant: potted bowl

Characterization of the primary environment of trees

The shape of the trees depends on the environmental landforms, and the pot is the representation of the environmental landforms. Only when the tree type and the pot are matched reasonably can there be a coordinated landscape.

Potted plant is a landscaping art dominated by trees and supplemented by pots. The shape of the pot is the representation of the original environment of the tree, and there is a close relationship between the tree and the pot. when arranging the basin, the shape of the tree is closely related to the shape, size and glaze color of the basin. Therefore, the choice should be pot, potted plants as a whole can complement each other, complement each other.

Shallow basin

Can show a distant extension of the landscape, the color is beautiful and elegant for the best, round, oval, rectangular, shallow basin can set off the straight stem, curved stem, literati or co-planted tree phase.

High basin

It shows the difficult environment of majestic mountains and rocks, with quaint shape and simple glaze color, round, square and polygonal, and the deep and high pots are mostly used by cliff trees, which can set off the trees rising from the cliffs.

Square basin

Stable, can show the rough expansion of trees, old and firm. The bowl is thick and stable in shape, and the glaze color is steady and introverted, setting off the sturdy and vigorous old tree phase of the trees. It is most commonly used in pine and cypress and ancient banyan.

Variant basin

Different planting containers can produce multiple visual effects. The variant pot is not limited to form, color and material, pottery basin, stone or rotten wood can be used to highlight the planting scene and show the interest of the natural mountains.

Mastering the above four tips can help Taiwan friends greatly improve their skills in making ornamental potted plants. However, the production and maintenance of potted plants is really a pious process, which needs to be experienced by the testers.

Planted on the balcony.

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There is no end to learning on the balcony.