
Ivy cultivation method

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ivy cultivation method

Ivy has different meanings in different areas, but it is synonymous with beauty. Ivy is planted in many places, one of the reasons is its beauty, and the second is that it can not only purify the air and beautify the environment, but also a magic weapon to make money for Ivy farmers. Ivy is currently loved by many parks, tourist attractions and so on. And now there are more people in families who buy ivy, so let's learn how farmers raise ivy.

1. Soil selection

Ivy is a kind of humid shade plant, so the planting site should be chosen in the area where the water source is abundant and the soil moisture is relatively high, and the second is that the light of the planting site should not be too strong. If there are conditions, large-scale farming can also be carried out indoors, and the soil of the planting land should be quite fertile, so the growth of ivy will be better, so sprinkle sufficient organic fertilizer after selecting the planting site. If conditions permit, it is best to use farm manure as base fertilizer, and finally turn the soil deeply and turn the fertilizer into the deep soil, which can not only improve the soil fertility, but also play the role of fertilizer conservation.

2. Culture conditions

In fact, Ivy has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, but in order to improve the economic benefits of planting, growers have a certain management of its growth conditions. First of all, the air circulation near the planting site is relatively strong. The second is that the average growth temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees. Then, although it likes shade, it still needs a certain amount of light. If it is planted in the open field, it needs to build a sunshade.

3. Scientific planting

The most common methods of ivy propagation are cutting propagation and striping propagation. Generally, farmers who have several years of planting experience basically use these two methods to propagate, while some farmers will choose seed propagation or split propagation when necessary. Because the vitality of ivy is relatively strong, it can basically be propagated all the year round, and the soil of the planting land must be very fine and loose when breeding, so the chances of successful reproduction will be much higher.

4. Fertilization method

The growth of Ivy needs a lot of nutrients, and the late topdressing is mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of Ivy branches, but the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, otherwise it will affect its beauty and reduce its economic value. If there are a large number of markings on the leaves of Ivy, generally speaking, there is less or no application of potash fertilizer, then it needs to be replenished in time. Usually it will be diluted slowly in half a month or so. If the ivy leaves turn yellow, you need to spray the right amount of foliar fertilizer and add the right amount of urea. Spring is the most exuberant period for the growth of ivy, which requires the most nutrients and usually needs to be fertilized once a month or so.

5. Watering method

Ivy is an extremely drought-intolerant plant that needs a lot of water throughout its growing season, and the humidity of the soil is generally kept above 70%, except when it is colder in winter. When planting, we first need to thoroughly water the soil of the planting land, and then plant it. Because the workload of planting ivy in a large area is relatively large, sprinkler watering is generally used for each watering, which not only saves time, but also saves water resources.

6. Points for attention

In fact, ivy is very easy to feed. In hot weather, we should pay attention to cooling it. Generally, we should water it once in the morning and once in the evening. Secondly, the temperature of the planting ground should not be lower than 5 degrees, otherwise it will freeze to death. So in winter, we need to use greenhouse technology to keep warm. Secondly, although it likes wetting, it does not mean that it should be watered every day, and it should be watered again when the soil is dry, and although it likes to be fertile, it is generally not fertilized in summer and winter. Finally, although like nitrogen fertilizer, but not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will affect its plant shape.