
Growing coriander on the balcony uses only two clever tricks to sprout and grow quickly, one stubble and one crop.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Growing coriander on the balcony uses only two "tricks" to sprout and grow fast. It is a habit for many people to grow flowers at home with one stubble, and it is not a new thing to grow vegetables at home. Now many people not only plant some flowers for their families.

When you grow coriander on the balcony, you can use only two "tricks" to sprout and grow quickly, and pick one stubble and one stubble.

Growing flowers at home is a habit of many people, and growing vegetables at home is not a new thing. Now many people not only plant some flowers and plants for their families, but also grow some common vegetables for the balcony, which can not only be used as ornamental potted plants, but also can be picked and eaten; first of all, the vegetables grown by themselves are convenient to eat, and they are pollution-free, such as growing coriander, lettuce and wheat cabbage at home, without buying vegetables for long-term consumption.

Compared to growing flowers, it is easier to grow vegetables on the balcony. For example, today I share with you the tips of growing coriander on the balcony. Cilantro is a necessary vegetable on the table of many families, and many people like to eat parsley. According to research, eating parsley can play an anti-cancer role. It can improve the antioxidant capacity of the human body. So today we teach you to grow coriander on the balcony, which can be used as a potted plant or as an edible vegetable to pick.

Trick one

It is now a cool autumn, suitable for planting coriander, and now it can sprout in a week, and after entering winter, there will be a steady stream of cilantro to be picked and eaten after normal maintenance; then when planting coriander, we must pay attention to planting it in this way. the germination rate is high.

1. Prepare fresh coriander seeds, which have a high germination rate; then leave the seeds in an environment of 5-10 degrees for a day, because low temperatures can promote rapid germination of coriander seeds in the later stage.

two。 After low temperature treatment, the cilantro seeds should be crushed so that the coriander seeds can germinate fully and the germination rate will be greatly improved. if you soak the crushed seeds in clean water for two days, you can see that there are white spots on the seeds, which means that the seeds have been germinated successfully.

3. Prepare flowerpots and soil, flowerpots can be planted according to their own choice, the soil for growing parsley can be directly used with flower soil, that is, ordinary flower soil: 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of river sand, 2 parts of humus soil are fully stirred, and the prepared coriander seeds are scattered evenly in the flowerpot, and then covered with a layer of fine sand five millimeters thick. Cover the flowerpot with a plastic bag and keep the potted plant on the indoor balcony for a week. When you see a dense coriander sprout, remove the plastic bag and maintain it normally.

Trick number two

When cultivating parsley in the later stage, you should put it on the balcony with good lighting, because the growth of parsley likes light, and every time the soil is dry, it is watered again. Generally, you can pick and eat parsley after two weeks of normal maintenance. If the cilantro in the basin is dense, you can uproot the cilantro seedlings directly at the first picking, and after the seedlings, when you pick the cilantro behind, you can pick the leaves of parsley every time, so that the cilantro can continue to grow throughout the winter. One pot of parsley is enough for all the people in the family to eat.

For flower lovers who like to grow vegetables potted at home, they can also grow some other vegetables at home, such as lettuce, oil wheat and spinach, which can be grown in flowerpots, which are both good-looking and eatable. The key is that their own vegetables can be safely eaten.

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I am a stone gardener. I will share a little knowledge of growing flowers every day. Remember to follow me.