
The idea of potted plants as gifts which flowers do you prefer to use as gifts?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Potted plants are becoming more and more popular as gifts. If you give the bouquet directly to a friend, it may only stay fresh for a week or so, and some will wilt every few days. But it is very creative to give potted plants and flowers to friends.

Potted plants are becoming more and more popular as gifts. If you give the bouquet directly to a friend, it may only stay fresh for a week or so, and some will wilt every few days. But giving potted plants and flowers to friends is very creative. They can be kept at home all the time, and even beginners can keep them for more than a month.

It is not only flowering plants that are suitable for giving to friends as gifts, some perennial green plants are also suitable.

1. Lazy plant

There are some plants that have a beautiful meaning and will bring some blessings and luck to your friends. You can send suitable plants according to your friends' conditions. If his work is busy, you can choose to send some drought-tolerant plants or hydroponic plants, which can grow well without regular care, such as tiger skin orchid, aloe, fortune tree and money tree.

two。 Transfer bamboo

If you want to bring more luck to your friend, you can send her to transfer bamboo, preferably hydroponically maintained. Just prepare a bottle and fill it with a little water, you can keep it in a place with bright light and maintain a warm and humid environment all the year round. You don't need to change water often to grow well.

3. Africa violet

I think African violets as a gift to friends, it is also a good choice, it can keep blooming all the year round, in low light environment can also blossom, very suitable for indoor, and its variety is very rich, delicate flowers, maintenance is also relatively simple, do not need frequent fertilization or watering.

4. Gentleman orchid

The gentleman's orchid looks very beautiful, leaves and flowers have a very good ornamental, with a fresh purple sand basin, give friends is a good gift, it blossoms before and after the Spring Festival, can last a long time, the maintenance of the environment with appropriate scattered light can, do not need to be watered frequently.

5. Vanilla plant

Vanilla plants such as lavender, rosemary and mint are also suitable for giving to friends. Although they do not often produce attractive flowers, their leaves are fragrant and edible, and regularly cut off leaves to make desserts and drinks.

6. Bulbous plant

The above plants and flowers are very suitable for giving to friends. If you give a bouquet to a friend, you may need to be thrown away every few days.

When autumn comes, you can also send some bulbs to your friends, such as the most common tulips, hyacinth and daffodils. They can all be hydroponically maintained, prepare a little water and put it in the right place to blossom.