
Two apples and one dragon fruit are easy to do without fat on the waist. Younger women like it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, If you want to see whether a middle-aged woman has a happy family and a happy life, you only need to see two points. First, look at her face. Happy women tend to have a ruddy complexion, bright skin, full of qi and blood, comfortable expression and no bitterness. ...

If you want to see whether a middle-aged woman has a happy family and a happy life, you only need to see two points.

First, look at her face. Happy women tend to have a ruddy complexion, bright skin, full of qi and blood, comfortable expression and no bitterness.

Second, go and see her kitchen. The kitchen can be big or small, but there should be a hostess's unique mind and love for her family everywhere.

I happened to visit the kitchen of a friend's house the other day.

The hostess, in her forties and sixties, was well maintained, with delicate skin and a slim figure, and at first glance she was in her early thirties.

The room is small, but it is exquisitely furnished and warm.

The weather in Guangzhou is already very hot this month, and the hostess did not entertain us with ordinary boiled water or tea.

But affectionately bring two glasses of fruit juice the same thing, a mouthful, sweet and sour cool, but also a little fermented bubble feeling, very refreshing.

"what is this? This tastes good! " I couldn't help exclaiming.

"just show you around my kitchen." the hostess winked at me playfully.

The hostess's words aroused my curiosity and immediately got up and followed her to the kitchen for a visit.

There are four or five buckets of transparent fermentation buckets soaked in all kinds of fruits and vegetables on the cupboard, apples, bananas, strawberries and kiwifruit. It is colorful and beautiful.

There is also a post-it note on the bucket, which says

"tonifying qi and nourishing blood", "beautifying body and slimming", "invigorating spleen and stomach", "child nutrition", "recuperating three high"


"what a beautiful fruit drink. I've seen this for the first time. Did you make it yourself?" I asked in surprise.

"it's not a drink, it's called fresh brewing enzyme! How's it going? it's not bad. "the hostess said with a smile:

"mm-hmm, it's really good!" I nodded from the bottom of my heart.

"each barrel has a different function." The hostess scratched her fingers across the wall of the barrel and introduced them one by one:

"this bucket is for my husband. he has a bad stomach and often drinks out. Every night he comes back to drink a cup of this fresh brewing enzyme that strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach.

This bucket of children's nutrition is made for my son. He doesn't like to eat fruit and is very picky. Drink this and replenish your nutrition.

This bucket is for my parents-in-law to drink. One of them has high blood pressure and the other has a bad heart. They are ready to send it to them every week, put it in the refrigerator and drink one bottle a day.

I drank these two buckets of weight loss and qi and blood by myself. I used to be yellow, my hands and feet were cold, and my menstruation was not accurate. Now look at me! "

Indeed, the hostess has a plain face, but her face is red, warm and white! Even the age is in a trance, where can you see the appearance of aged woman without blood?

"you are really exquisite. Like us rough people, the fruits are washed and eaten, and those green vegetables are also used for stir-frying. Who would have thought that there would be so many different effects in making such a trick?" I not only sighed.

"what you live is the word 'heart', isn't it? If you put your mind to the health of your family and your own maintenance, you will not be afraid of trouble.

What's more, it's not troublesome to make this fresh brewing enzyme at all. It takes five minutes to make a bucket, and after three days, it can be brewed in the refrigerator, and you can drink it for more than half a month. "

Hearing her say that, I would also like to learn to make this fresh brewing enzyme.

Enzymes have been popular online in recent years, but most of them are granules and ready-made bottled enzymes. Such exquisite and convenient home-made fresh brewing enzymes have never been seen before.

When I got home, I looked up some information on the Internet. I didn't know that this fresh brewing enzyme was so popular!

Tencent Video also has a video in which the talented teacher Zhang taught you how to make fresh brewing enzyme, which received more than 18 million hits!


What on earth is this fresh brewing enzyme that can detoxify and nourish beauty and make people healthy and young? Teacher Zhang in the program said:

"do-it-yourself fresh fruits and vegetables, according to the formula, put in a special enzyme fermentation bucket, through

Enzyme-specific bacteria

The catalysis of the highly active enzyme that is brewed quickly within 3 days is the fresh brewing enzyme! It is different from bottled enzymes and traditional enzymes and maintains the activity and nutritional value of enzymes to the maximum extent. "

Teacher Zhang participated in the arrangement of the "fresh brewing enzyme production manual" for free to everyone, compared with the manual, you can make detoxification fresh brewing enzyme suitable for you at home, as soon as you learn it!

Long press the QR code to add customer service and learn the method for free.

5 minutes to learn fresh brewing enzymes to excrete toxins, healthy and beautiful.

In fact, there has been a long history of using self-fermented yeast to beautify and strengthen the body.

Enzymes actually appeared in the Qin and Han dynasties in China. At that time, seniors had learned to use Jiuqu to treat gastrointestinal diseases and chicken gold to treat indigestion. In fact, these are the products of food fermentation, collectively referred to as enzymes.

In the mid-17th century, when Japanese geisha were booming, some dignitaries always imported papayas, pineapples, bananas and other local scarce fresh fruits from Nanyang as gifts to geisha.

As the geisha received more fruit and did not have the equipment to store the fresh fruit at that time, they sealed the fruit in a sealed jar and took it out a few months later and found that the fruit produced a lot of liquid.

Drinking these liquids has the effect of whitening and anti-aging. This beauty method is widely used by geisha and continues to this day. This is the embryonic form of homemade fruit and vegetable enzymes.

With the development of science today, the various benefits of brewing fresh brewing enzymes from natural fruits and vegetables to the human body are explained in detail in various books and publications:

Enzyme is also the general name of "enzyme" in biology.

It is responsible for maintaining metabolism and various physiological functions in the human body, such as digestion and absorption of food, operation of organs, repair and improvement of cells and regulation of hormone secretion, which all need the help of enzymes in order to function normally.

The content of enzymes in the human body decreases with age. In the past, we only talked about replenishing the nutrients needed by the human body, such as proteins, vitamins and various minerals. However, without adequate supplementation of enzymes, no amount of good nutrition will be used by the body.

Therefore, exogenous supplementation of enzymes is the source of keeping the body young and energetic.

About losing weight

"enzymes have a good effect on hoarding waste and helping metabolism. In addition, enzymes also play a good role in promoting the decomposition and absorption of fat cells, so that fat can be really removed from the most fundamental point. "

-- intercepted from Jilin Science and Technology Publishing House "enzyme, the global anti-aging revolution"

On moistening bowels and defecation and gastrointestinal maintenance

"in addition to helping food digest and absorb, exogenous enzymes can detoxify and detoxify, making the body cleaner. Microbial enzymes and probiotics can effectively regulate the balance of microflora in the body, and directly act on the inflammatory site of the gastrointestinal tract, remove inflammatory factors, repair damaged cells, the effect is rapid and obvious. "

-- intercepted from "enzyme determines Health" by China Medical Science and Technology Press

About detoxification and beauty

"enzymes can effectively clean up intestinal garbage, remove toxins, prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream, affect human skin, and prevent acne, acne, color spots, dark skin, dull skin, cutin accumulation, skin aging and other problems from the source, so that the skin can restore delicate luster."

-- intercepted from "enzyme determines Health" by China Medical Science and Technology Press

About hypertension and hyperlipidemia

"enzymes have the function of purifying blood. They can strongly decompose waste, cholesterol, high lipoprotein and blood clots in the blood, restore vascular elasticity and promote blood circulation. People with signs of hypertension should take enzymes for a long time. This can well control and improve the disease."

-- intercepted from Jilin Science and Technology Publishing House "enzyme, the global anti-aging revolution"

In addition, due to the different types of active enzymes produced by different combinations of fruits and vegetables, the effects of fresh brewing enzymes are also different. Hundreds of different functional formulations can be made according to your needs, such as:

Big belly, want to lose weight


It can be paired with fat-reducing and metabolic-promoting foods such as dragon fruit, kiwifruit, papaya, apple, etc.

Long spots on the face and dark yellow complexion

Can be used with tomatoes, grapes, kiwifruit, cucumbers and other whitening and detoxification ingredients

Bad stomach and often constipation

Twenty-five percent of people can go with Sydney, white radish, pineapple, Hawthorn and other stomach-nourishing ingredients.

Deficiency of qi and blood, irregular menstruation

People can match Chinese wolfberry, red jujube, longan, mulberry and other ingredients for nourishing yin and tonifying blood

Three high, bad heart and brain

Ten percent of people can go with celery, balsam pear, cucumber, yam, etc., purify blood ingredients and so on.

Teacher Zhang participated in the arrangement of the "fresh brewing enzyme production manual" for free to everyone, compared with the manual, you can make detoxification fresh brewing enzyme suitable for you at home, as soon as you learn it!

Long press the QR code to add customer service and learn the method for free.

5 minutes to learn fresh brewing enzymes to excrete toxins, healthy and beautiful.

Knowing so much, I can't help but go home and make a bucket to try.

Because of my long-term constipation and yellow complexion, I gained more than 30 jin after giving birth. I specially chose the formula for detoxification and beauty care, so that I could thoroughly detoxify, beautify and reduce fat. Friends who want to know how to do it can learn with me.


Detoxification and fresh brewing enzyme can be done in minutes.

Step 1: select the formula and prepare the ingredients according to the manual

Choose the formula that suits you in the manual, for example, I want to make this formula for detoxification and beauty, 2 bananas, 1 dragon fruit (high anthocyanin content in red heart, better effect), 2 kiwifruit, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, 12 red dates, 200 grams of rock sugar, and pure water.

Step 2: prepare two bags of special fermentation bacteria and an anaerobic fermentation bucket

This is the most critical material for the production of fresh brewing enzymes. The choice of fermentation bacteria depends on the number and variety of beneficial bacteria on the back of the package. There are 31 kinds of food that can be added to the national regulations, and the more bacteria in this range, the higher the enzyme activity, the better the effect.

And the fermentation bucket should be selected carefully.


Safe material, patented anaerobic fermentation bucket, so as to ensure that in the process of fermentation, only oxygen can not get out, avoid the breeding of harmful bacteria, and ensure fresh brewing enzymes.


The fermentation was successful.

Step 3: peel and enucleate fruits and vegetables, put them in buckets, and add fermentative bacteria and rock sugar.

Then peel, enucleate, slice or slice the fruit and vegetable ingredients, put them in a barrel layer by layer, sprinkle a layer of rock sugar and a layer of fermentation bacteria. After all the ingredients and fermentative bacteria are put away, fill up the pure water, leave a slight distance at the mouth of the bucket, then seal the lid tightly, and you are done.

Step 4: wait


Oh, my God, taste delicious.

The prepared enzyme is fermented in a cool place.


After the fermentation is completed, the prepared fresh brewing enzyme can be put into a bottle and refrigerated and drank every day.

three hundred

About milliliters will be fine.

Personally, I like the slightly sour and sweet taste. I think it tastes better than any drink bought in the supermarket, especially when it's chilled.

Another has to boast about its effect!

I've had two buckets and I'm still brewing. I told you before that constipation is so serious that I can't defecate twice a week.

After drinking this freshly brewed enzyme, defecation is very good, 1-2 times a day is very regular, and there is no abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In addition, I do not know whether it is the cosmetic effect of drinking this or because the defecation is good and the detoxification is good, so the skin will be good. Before the face is not yellow and dark, there are small color spots.

Now the whole skin is obviously white and bright, the complexion is very good, and the spots are much lighter. And then he lost about 6 jin of weight.

I think it's also the effect of drinking this fresh brewing enzyme.

I won't say anything. I'll show you the picture above.

Teacher Zhang participated in the arrangement of the "fresh brewing enzyme production manual" for free to everyone, compared with the manual, you can make detoxification fresh brewing enzyme suitable for you at home, as soon as you learn it!

Long press the QR code to add customer service and learn the method for free.

5 minutes to learn fresh brewing enzymes to excrete toxins, healthy and beautiful.

I have benefited a lot from drinking fresh brewing enzyme myself, and I want to spread this experience and production method online, so that female friends can spend less money and take detours, whether it is beauty, weight loss, maintenance or family health.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I uploaded it, many friends who had also drunk fresh brewing enzyme responded and resonated with me:

For example, this Ms. Song from Shenyang is "happy and fat" after she got married and gave birth to two babies with her husband.

After seeing an expert teacher talk about the role of homemade fresh brew enzymes in helping her lose weight by replenishing lipolytic enzymes on TV, Ms. Song felt that this was the most suitable way for her to lose weight at present. Do-it-yourself with fresh fruits and vegetables, safe and rest assured, Ms. Song made two buckets in one breath, a bucket of beauty and weight loss, a bucket of spleen and stomach, the whole family drink together!

Two cups a day, Ms. Song, without dieting.

Directly from

one hundred and forty one

The weight is too thin.

one hundred and eight

Jin! Even the pre-wedding cheongsam can be worn.

My husband drank with her for two months under her influence.

The beer belly is gone, and the energy is gone.

Oh, it looks like a different person!

Teacher Zhang participated in the arrangement of the "fresh brewing enzyme production manual" for free to everyone, compared with the manual, you can make detoxification fresh brewing enzyme suitable for you at home, as soon as you learn it!

Long press the QR code to add customer service and learn the method for free.

5 minutes to learn fresh brewing enzymes to excrete toxins, healthy and beautiful.

And this beautiful owner of a Mexican restaurant, who had problems with poor qi and blood, cold hands and feet, and irregular menstruation, often looked pale, pale, poor energy, insomnia and forgetfulness.

Since I learned to make my own fresh brewing enzymes, I insist on having one cup in the morning and evening every day.

It is also amazing to say that it is obviously raw and cold fruits and vegetables, but the enzymes produced after fermentation are extremely nourishing. Who she is now.

The skin is ruddy, full of qi and blood, and menstruation reports on time.

Oh, the whole person looks full of energy.

Now, she not only insists on drinking by herself, but also puts the prepared fresh brewing enzyme in the restaurant so that guests can also enjoy such healthy drinks. Several foreigners have become regular guests here because of fresh brewed enzymes. They must order here every time they come here, saying with a thumbs up, "this is good!"

There are many examples like this. Would you like to know how to do it? What kind of recipe is suitable for you? You can scan the code to consult the customer service to get the manual, as soon as you learn.

Finally, I would like to remind you of a few points for attention in the production of fresh brewing enzymes:

1. In order to facilitate transportation, the enzymes in bottles and granules on the market are sterilized at high temperature, and their activity is greatly reduced, so do not compare them with the fresh brewing enzymes that you drink now.

2. Be sure to check the raw materials behind the packaging of fermentation bacteria. There are only 3-8 kinds of ordinary enzyme fermentation bacteria. I choose small compound lactic acid bacteria, which are professionally developed by the postdoctoral research and development base of sentient beings and have 31 kinds of compound fermentation bacteria with national patents. The fresh fermented enzymes made by it are ready in 3 days, fresh, convenient and highly active.

3. The essence of fresh brewing enzyme is to supplement a variety of active enzymes in the human body, which is suitable for drinking a cup before breakfast and before going to bed to recuperate the body.

4. There are different recipes in the free manual, and the specific methods can be seen in the manual. It is very simple. Women, men, the elderly and children over 3 years old can all make different recipes to drink.

I wish you all can use natural and fresh ingredients, drink healthy and beautiful, and enjoy a happy green life!

Teacher Zhang participated in the arrangement of the "fresh brewing enzyme production manual" for free to everyone, compared with the manual, you can make detoxification fresh brewing enzyme suitable for you at home, as soon as you learn it!

Long press the QR code to add customer service and learn the method for free.

5 minutes to learn fresh brewing enzymes to excrete toxins, healthy and beautiful.

Warm Tip: in order to ensure your health, please choose safe food materials, formal utensils, and be sure to identify and add QR codes and learn according to the tutorial!