
These five kinds of porridge are selected for cooking in autumn, and the beauty is also detoxified. It is necessary for the elderly at home!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After the muggy summer, the cool autumn is coming! At this time, everyone will choose to supplement some nutrition, wait first! Before replenishing, you need to get rid of all the toxins and moisture that have been accumulated in your body for a summer, otherwise the nutrients will not be absorbed at all! So today Huahua will teach you a few detoxification tips, hurry up to learn it!

Lotus seed: clear the heart to remove fire

In autumn, you must eat some lotus seeds, because lotus seeds can strengthen the stomach and spleen, nourish the heart and calm the mind, and get rid of the anger in the body.

How to eat:

1. Tremella lotus seed soup

Prepare lotus seeds, Tremella fuciformis and red dates, make Tremella lotus seed soup, drink nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs in autumn, invigorate the spleen and remove dampness.

2. The hoof of lotus seed

Usually when making hooves, you can have a lotus seed hooves, which can not only nourish the mind and calm the mind and fight aging, but also beautify and beautify the face, which is really a must at home!

Mung bean: clearing heat and detoxification, protecting liver and kidney

Although summer is over, mung beans are still inseparable from our table. Usually drink more mung beans, can clear heat and detoxification, discharge body toxins.

How to eat:

1. Congee with Mung Bean Congee, mung bean soup

The simplest way to eat mung beans is, of course, to boil mung bean soup directly, or add some rice to boil some Congee with Mung Bean Congee, drink a bowl every morning, detoxify and nourish your face.

2. Mung bean kelp soup

Flower friends who don't like Congee with Mung Bean Congee, you can also try mung bean kelp soup, which can not only reduce inflammation and diuresis, but also reduce blood lipids.

Pear: kidney detoxification

Autumn is the time for pears to go on the market. Buying some fresh pears can not only detoxify the kidneys, but also promote intestinal digestion.

How to eat it?

1. Stewed Sydney with rock sugar

In addition to eating raw, the most common way is to stew snow pears with rock sugar. You can also add some rice or red dates to stew pear porridge with rock sugar.

2. Steamed pears with pepper

The climate is dry in autumn. If someone at home always coughs, you might as well try steaming pears with pepper, the effect is also good!

Asparagus: detoxification and diuresis

Asparagus contains a variety of elements, especially potassium and folic acid and other trace elements, which can promote diuresis and detoxification and enhance resistance.

How to eat it: asparagus in oil

Blanch the asparagus in hot water for about 1 minute, then whether it is stir-fried, oil-drenched, or ringing oil asparagus, it is very delicious!

Wax gourd: clearing heat and removing dampness

As we all know, wax gourd is the food to clear away heat, remove fire and reduce swelling. If you want to get rid of moisture in autumn, you should eat some wax gourd!

How to eat: wax gourd sparerib soup

Cooking with wax gourd, the most classic is wax gourd sparerib soup, of course, you can also add some kelp, which is very suitable for those with long-term constipation, especially those with moisture in the body!