
Is the medicinal diet in Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace the truth or. Huh?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Has everyone watched Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace recently? While watching the show, Hua Xiao also gives full play to the nature of diligence and studiousness, questioning some of the magical meals in the play, whether these are really effective or pure bullshit? Dark fragrant soup.

The Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace Initiative

Has everyone seen it lately?

While watching the play

Spending less is also the essence of giving full play to diligence and studiousness.

Question some of the magical meals in the play.

Is this really effective or is it bullshit?

Dark fragrance soup

Nowadays, almost all Gong Dou operas are inseparable from the assistance of traditional Chinese medicine.

It can be said that traditional Chinese medicine has become the most powerful implant in ancient costume palace fighting drama.

In order to appease the reprimanded imperial concubine, Qianlong mentioned their favorite dark fragrance soup in Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace. After all, Xianfei, who usually likes green plum, does it really have medicinal value when she uses plum blossom as a cooking material?

Comments on TCM: plum blossom-flat in nature and slightly sour in taste. Return to the liver meridian, stomach meridian and lung meridian.

Open depression and moderate, soothe the liver and promote gallbladder. It belongs to qi regulating medicine. It has the same effect as jasmine tea and rose tea. when you are in a bad mood, soothing a cup can relieve your mood, dissolve your depression and have a calming effect.

almond milk

After the death of the first emperor, Qianlong ascended the throne to preside over the imperial government, and all kinds of affairs were mixed. Qianlong was inevitably a little busy and anxious. Just then, the careful concubine sent a bowl of almond dew to dry the lips and moisturize the emperor's lungs. Does this almond dew really have the effect of relieving dryness and reducing fire?

Comments on traditional Chinese medicine: almond dew does have the effects of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and lowering qi. It seems that the bowl of almond dew sent by Princess Xian was just at that time!

But it should be noted that bitter almonds are slightly poisonous (reminiscent of Ann birds who committed suicide by eating bitter almonds). Bitter almonds are generally used as medicine, while sweet almonds are eaten, which are flat, sweet and non-toxic. In addition, almonds are greasy and moisturizing, and internal administration has the effect of light diarrhea and nourishing.

Moxa grass

In many palace fighting dramas, moxa grass is the most common traditional Chinese medicine, and there have been scenes of smoked moxa to protect the fetus. In the eighth episode of Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, Princess Xian personally selects moxa grass and gives it to Haichang, who has been seriously injured by wind-cold, especially at Yongquan acupoint in Shuangzu. "her injury can be used."

Comments on traditional Chinese medicine: the whole herbal medicine has the effects of warming menstruation, removing dampness, dispelling cold, stopping bleeding, anti-inflammation, calming the fetus and so on, especially in the treatment of gynecological diseases of deficiency and cold.

It is a good suggestion to boil water with moxa grass and give it to the cold sea. But in the play, the doctor said that Hai Chang was injured at Yongquan acupoint on the sole of his foot, which is not appropriate. Generally speaking, he will not say that a certain acupoint is injured.


Meidan in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" should have been hit in the face. After using Huayu ointment, the swelling did not go away, but it was red, rotten and broken. When the doctor checked, it turned out that Baihuadan powder had been added to the cream. Is Baihua Dan really poisonous? Can it make the wound fester?

Comments on traditional Chinese medicine: Baihua Dan is indeed poisonous, but it is only slightly toxic. It has the function of relieving dampness and cold qi, clearing sound, relieving pharynx and relieving pain, eliminating food and helping yang to cure the skin. Folk for dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, bone pain, osteogeny, injury, carbuncle swelling and splenomegaly, and the treatment of skin pruritus, psoriasis and so on. It usually takes more than 3 hours to fry.

So the plot and life still have to be separated.

After all, the pot of musk and safflower back was still engraved in my mind.

Let's just watch the play.

-- END--

Everything is wonderful, there is a praise mall in the flower school.

There are flowers and love, a school of flowers