
Cold Dew has a deep understanding of this knowledge to help you and your family live through troubled times.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When I went to work on the National Day holiday, I looked through the calendar and found that Cold Dew was unwittingly sincere about life no matter what solar terms he took seriously. Cold Dew enters Cold Dew's solar terms around October 8 every year. The exposure is already cold, and it will.

When we go to work on National Day holiday, the feeling of autumn becomes stronger and stronger.

I looked through the calendar and found that

Unwittingly, it is Cold Dew.

No matter what solar terms

To wait seriously is the greatest sincerity to life!

Cold Dew

Solar terms

Cold Dew enters the solar terms around October 8th every year. If the dew is cold, it will be frost.

As the proverb goes, "Cold Dew is not cold. Frosts Descent has changed the weather." As the last solar term in autumn, Frosts Descent's "changed Sky" reflects a cumulative effect and is "the last chill of a frozen camel." In fact, among the six solar terms that belong to autumn, the one with the fastest pace of "changing the sky" is Cold Dew.

When the double Ninth Festival falls in Cold Dew's season, the precipitation drops sharply and the thick clouds recede, which is the meteorological premise that people can climb high and look far away. " I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand, Climb up the mountain and miss me so far aw ay. "to a certain extent, the custom of inserting dogwood in the double Ninth Festival in ancient times is related to the sharp drop in temperature in Cold Dew's season. The Book of Wind and Land said, "on the 9th of the month, dogwood is inserted into the temples to avoid evil gas and resist the early cold." The description of Xijing is obviously more "charismatic": "wearing dogwood, bait cakes and drinking chrysanthemum wine on the ninth day makes people live a long life."

There is a proverb that has gradually disappeared from people's life experience in modern society, that is, "Cold Dew builds a bridge and the Summer Solstice dismantles it." "once upon a time, the wooden bridge at the village ferry had to be demolished when the the Summer Solstice flood season came, and when the rainy season receded, the bridge was built again.

Writer Zhao Shuli once described it like this: "every year, the time to build a bridge is after Cold Dew."... The water is too early, but it is cold when it is late. "Modern bridges no longer have that seasonality.

Once upon a time, for a long time, people really lived with the solar terms, no matter agricultural mulberry, or scenery, regardless of daily life or behavior.

When I was a child, I was most impressed by the late autumn agricultural proverb: "Cold Dew harvested Hawthorn, Frosts Descent planed sweet potatoes." "at that time, sweet potatoes, which seemed to revolve around cabbage, potatoes, radishes, corn and sweet potatoes all the year round, were almost my favorite. Of course, the tree shook the branches hard, the red Hawthorn fell to the ground, and then seriously picked it up in the basket, which can be regarded as my "love of the Hawthorn tree".

There is a proverb in Taiwan, called: "the dog takes the day in September and wings grow on the day of October." "when it comes to the ninth month of the lunar calendar, autumn sun is rare, and even dogs know how to seize the opportunity to bask in the sun. In October, the day is short and rarely clear, and the sun flies as if it had wings. Gradually, basking in the sun has become a rare form of free health.

There is a saying in Lisao: "the falling dew of drinking magnolia in the morning and the falling English of autumn chrysanthemum in the evening." The dew is cold and the fallen flowers are lonely. Food English drinking dew is indeed a kind of nobility and arrogance in late autumn.

With the drop in temperature, "Cold Dew flowers withered, Frosts Descent paraquat", "Cold Dew Frost Festival, tight wind is snow". "when vegetation flourishes and flourishes" has become a thing of the past, so late autumn is also known as "poor autumn".

Cold Dew


After eating cold rice, a man in single clothes is rare.

As the saying goes: White Dew's body is not exposed, Cold Dew's feet are not exposed. Rain Water is getting less and less, and the air is dry and even colder. When it was warm and cold, I missed my mother's cooking most.

A mouthful of fragrant sesame glutinous rice is warm all over the body, a mouthful of snow lotus seed Tremella syrup moistens the heart, even the simplest porridge, a trickle of porridge, is enough to warm the whole late autumn.

The maple forest is dyed with warm sunshine.

Before and after Cold Dew, the pleasant climate is very suitable for climbing Xiangshan and admiring red leaves. The leaves are like drinking mellow wine, red all over the mountains, dyed all over the forest, such as the red clouds on the horizon, winding around the mountains. The vivid and full colors have added a lot of vitality to this gradually depressed season.

Fighting crickets in late autumn

The autumn in the capital is the most wonderful part of the old Beijingers fighting crickets. There is an old saying: "promote weaving, lazy women are surprised", promoting weaving is crickets, crickets mean autumn solstice, the weather is getting cooler, reminding people that it is time to prepare clothes for the winter.

Cold Dew persimmon red skin, picked off for the market

"the Beginning of Autumn walnut White Dew pear, Cold Dew persimmon red skin." Walking on the country road, you will find that the mountain slopes are covered with fiery red persimmons, round and full of fruit, showing a kind of joy, which is called "hanging red".

The freshly picked persimmon tastes astringent, and people in the countryside will put it in the rice bran frame, remove the astringency, and then sell it on the collection. Only when such persimmons are peeled and eaten can they taste sweet, moist and delicious.

West wind ringing, crab feet itchy, September navel, October sharp

Before and after Cold Dew, there were many shrimps and crabs. Cold Dew has the habit of steaming crabs in solar terms in many places. As the saying goes: "Cold Dew hair feet, Frosts Descent caught, the west wind sound, crab feet itch." At this time, the female crab eggs are full and the yellow cream is plump, which is the best season to eat the female crab. After Cold Dew Festival, when relatives and friends get together, you might as well eat a few fat crabs to satisfy the taste buds on the tip of your tongue.

Cold Dew


Cold Dew's feet are not exposed.

After entering Cold Dew, you can no longer "freeze in autumn", and the temperature will drop even lower at night, so you should pay special attention to keeping warm and not being shirtless to prevent cool air from invading the body. The most important thing is to pay attention to keep your feet warm, in addition to wearing shoes and socks with good thermal performance, but also to develop the habit of soaking your feet with hot water before going to bed.

Add clothes at the right time

In addition, after Cold Dew, the weather is cold, the elderly, children and physically weak citizens should pay attention to cold and warm, and gradually add clothes. As the saying goes, "cover and freeze in spring and autumn". Experiencing some cold moderately in autumn will help to improve the cold resistance of the skin and nasal mucosa, but the elderly and people with various chronic diseases should pay attention to cold protection and keep warm to prevent "freezing" from coming out of the disease.

In the changing season, don't change clothes too quickly, it's best to match them thick and thin, mainly to keep warm. "not wearing single clothes" is also an important point for Cold Dew to keep fit. Cold Dew season, in daily life, more reasonable arrangements. Studies have shown that the pathogenic ability of cold viruses increases when the temperature drops and the air is dry. When the ambient temperature drops, the disease resistance of the upper respiratory tract of the human body will decline, so it is necessary to change clothes in time to prevent colds.

At the same time, emergency medicine should be prepared at any time to prevent sudden diseases such as asthma, stroke and myocardial infarction caused by a sudden drop in temperature.

Salt at night and honey at night

Cold Dew is the beginning of the alternating hot and cold autumn. In autumn, autumn dryness is an annoying thing. Health experts put forward that the best diet to deal with autumn dryness is: "Dynasty salt water, evening honey soup."

Found that the skin is getting drier and drier, many people think that as long as drink more water, you can replenish water. The truth is that drinking boiled water alone is easy to lose water. However, if a little salt is added to boiled water, the situation will be very different. This method is the same as the supplement of normal saline.

Early to bed and early to rise

After Cold Dew, the days were short and the nights were long, and the "yang qi" in nature began to converge and settle. At this time is the time for people to maintain Yang Qi, therefore, people's living time should be adjusted accordingly. There is "Autumn March, lying early and getting up early, and being happy with the chicken" in "Suwen Siqi Tiaoshen". The paragraph is to tell people the truth of keeping in good health in autumn.

Going to bed early can conform to the convergence of yang, and getting up early can stretch the lungs, so it is necessary to go to bed early and get up early in autumn. In order to avoid the formation of thrombosis, we should comply with the solar terms, time-sharing recuperation to ensure health.

Nourishing yin and preventing dryness

After Cold Dew, Rain Water became less and less, the weather was dry, hot in the day and cool at night. Many people will successively develop the symptoms of "cold dryness" pleasing in traditional Chinese medicine, that is, dry throat, dry nose, dry skin and so on. Director Su said that Cold Dew's health preservation is different from the Autumn Equinox's. Cold Dew's most important health care is to prevent "cool dryness", starting with nourishing yin and preventing dryness, moistening the lungs and benefiting the stomach.

In the diet to eat less spicy, dry, smoked and roasted food, it is appropriate to eat more sesame, walnut, Tremella, radish, tomato, lotus root, lily, sand ginseng and other foods that nourish yin and moisten dryness, benefit stomach and promote fluid. Fruits include pears, raisins, water chestnuts, bananas, vegetables such as carrots, wax gourd, lotus root, Tremella, as well as beans, fungi, kelp, Laver and so on.

Appropriate amount of exercise

In autumn, if we can adhere to a more appropriate physical exercise, it can not only recuperate lung qi in our bodies, but also improve the function of lung organs in our bodies. it is helpful to enhance the immune function damage brought by the tissues and organs of our body, or when our body is stimulated by some external cold climate, we can have a better ability to resist.

Autumn is a good time for exercise, you can choose different sports according to your personal situation, and long-term persistence can enhance cardiopulmonary function. Walking, mountain climbing and so on are all good choices. But at the beginning of the intensity should not be too large, should gradually increase the amount of exercise, if excessive exercise, will increase the fatigue of the human body, but not conducive to the recovery of the body.

Don't hold back your urine.

According to experts, Cold Dew, in order to prevent dry mouth, many people drink a lot of water before going to bed at night. But as a result, the frequency of nocturnal urination increases. Even if some people feel the urge to urinate at night or in the early hours of the morning, they often subconsciously hold back urine and continue to sleep because they disrelish getting up colder. This is actually a very unhealthy habit.

Urine contains toxins, if stored in the body for a long time, the urine containing bacteria can not be discharged in time, it is easy to induce cystitis. Holding back urine in patients with hypertension will excite the sympathetic nerve, resulting in increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, increased myocardial oxygen consumption, cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, and, in serious cases, sudden death.

Finally, I would like to give you a piece of Cold Dew's tips for keeping in good health: cold open air and cold dew.

The fallen leaves feel sad.

Sweet and light to nourish the stomach and spleen

Prevent dryness, moisturize intestines and nourish lungs

Eat more dates, lotus, duck, fish.

Climbing the heights and nourishing the yang makes me feel happy.

I wish you all Cold Dew good health!