
Grow flowers at home and pour some vinegar to make them thrive and bloom all over the branches.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Vinegar is the most commonly used kitchen seasoning at home. It has a lot of benefits to the human body. In fact, it also has inestimable benefits to plants. Using it to grow flowers can make plants grow strong and full of branches. I will give you details below.

Vinegar is the most commonly used kitchen seasoning at home, which has many benefits to the human body. in fact, it also has inestimable benefits to plants. Using it to grow flowers can make plants thrive and flowers bloom all over the branches. Here is a detailed introduction to how to grow flowers with vinegar.

Treatment of chlorosis

Many plants lack some iron or are mismanaged, which makes their leaves yellow. First of all, choose 10g edible vinegar, then add 3kg of water, then stir evenly, and then spray directly on the leaves in the morning or evening, once every 10 days, basically spray about 4 times to make the leaves from yellow to green.

Enhance disease resistance

Such as easy powdery mildew of rose, etc., if not treated in time, it will spread quickly, so we can mix edible vinegar and clear water according to the proportion of 1150, put it into a spray can, and spray it directly on the plants to effectively control it. And spraying vinegar on plants can also play a preventive role.

Dispel odor

Sometimes when applying organic fertilizer to plants, if you put it indoors, it will give off a peculiar smell, then we can pour appropriate edible vinegar, then we can effectively dispel the odor, and can also achieve the role of disinfection and sterilization.

Control of diseases and insect pests

If plants breed pests such as red spiders and aphids, then we can wipe the leaves with vinegar and kill pests such as red spiders and aphids directly. And when we usually water, we can add a little edible vinegar to the water, and then it can promote plants to absorb phosphorus, iron and other elements.

Promote plant growth

When camellias are pregnant with buds, edible vinegar and water can be stirred evenly according to the ratio of 1 to 300, and then sprayed directly on the plants. Once every half a month, camellias can be made bigger and more beautiful, and more flowers can bloom.