
Fifteen years ago, I thought that after being extinct and rescued, planting flowers on a large scale was more valuable than fruit.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For friends who grew up in the countryside, it is very healthy to eat vegetables from childhood, because they were planted by grandparents themselves. At that time, grandparents would always sow seeds according to the season, so they could eat them all the year round.

For friends who grew up in the countryside, it is very healthy to eat vegetables from childhood, because their grandparents planted them themselves. at that time, grandparents would always sow seeds according to the seasons. in this way, you can basically eat fresh seasonal vegetables all the year round. at that time, if the vegetables in the vegetable garden grew well, a small vegetable garden could supply the whole family with food. In addition to growing their own vegetables, farmers will also go out to look for some wild vegetables that taste better. Today, I will introduce to you a kind of dish found by farmers, which is vegetable hibiscus.

Vegetable hibiscus is now a large number of flowering vegetables, in fact, this vegetable hibiscus is wild, formerly known as golden flower, it is a kind of okra plant, but its value is much higher than okra. Fifteen years ago, in 2003, it was thought to be extinct, but it was later discovered in Hebei Province and was only planted in large quantities after being rescued by scientists.

The root, stem, leaf and fruit of vegetable hibiscus are edible, and its roots and leaves can be ground into flour to eat, which has a different taste and is very delicious. The most delicious thing about vegetable hibiscus is the flowers, which farmers first began to eat. They can be eaten directly or fried. They all have some unique fragrance. The flowers are much bigger and more valuable than the fruit. Because the fruit is very small, like a mini version of okra, almost no one eats it, mainly to make seeds.

Speaking of this vegetable hibiscus is a treasure all over the body, eating vegetable hibiscus is very good for people's health, especially for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of the elderly. It is precisely because vegetable hibiscus tastes good, and the nutritional value is very high, now some farmers have seen the business opportunity of vegetable hibiscus, artificially planting vegetable hibiscus can not only be sold as vegetables, but also can collect buds as tea to sell, because its health care effect is good, the price is very high in the market, about 6 grams of dry buds can be sold for more than 60 yuan.

Vegetable hibiscus has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxification and relieving pain. the latest medical research has found that the fruits and seeds of vegetable hibiscus can also treat indigestion and injury caused by falls, which is really of great value. Even the flowers of vegetable hibiscus have the effect of treating oral ulcers. Now there are large-scale cultivation of vegetable hibiscus in the foothills of Taihang Mountain and Jinzhong area, and many local vegetable markets can see the trace of vegetable hibiscus, so vegetable hibiscus is becoming more and more popular.