
The small berries that can survive in the desert upgrade all the way to become the perfect medicinal plant in the world.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Not long ago, Paeonia lactiflora went to Dunhuang for the next study trip and accidentally found a seabuckthorn forest on the Gobi Desert. In retrospect, I haven't seen this kind of plant for many years. When I was young, I picked seabuckthorn fruit, drank seabuckthorn juice, and grew up with seabuckthorn.

Not long ago, Paeonia lactiflora went to Dunhuang for the next study trip and accidentally found a seabuckthorn forest on the Gobi Desert.

In retrospect, I haven't seen this kind of plant for many years. When I was young, I picked seabuckthorn fruit and drank seabuckthorn juice, but when I grew up, seabuckthorn gradually disappeared into people's field of vision.

People from any region, who have heard the name of Hippophae rhamnoides more or less, do not know much about this plant growing in the Gobi. In fact, seabuckthorn is more magical and delicious than we thought.

Gobi Road Gobi Road

People who are far away, He Who Travels Far.

Hanggai band


{Shaoyao girl Vol.903}


Ignite the spark of the desert

What was the most frequent drink in your childhood? If someone asks peony like this, the answer is not orange soda or Coca-Cola, but chilled seabuckthorn juice peddled by the commissary.

Thick glass bottle, painstakingly lifted the iron lid, a sip, sweet and sour delicious, cool and comfortable, the taste of rustling is different from the blended juice, full of fresh berries.

When I was naughty, I climbed up the hillside to play with a group of bear children. Come across a seabuckthorn tree, the golden fruit is really attractive, and think of the sweet and sour juice of seabuckthorn, can not help but pick a few and throw them into the mouth to chew.

Bah! Bah! This sour and astringent taste, why is it completely different from seabuckthorn juice?

Ran to complain to my parents, but they laughed at me as a silly child: the seabuckthorn fruit is not yet ripe this season, look at you in a hurry!

That naive foolishness, together with the sweet and sour taste of the ancient morning, has become the most nostalgic picture when I look back on my childhood.

Seabuckthorn is one of the oldest plants in the world.

The history of birth can be traced back 200 million years.

It belongs to the genus Hippophae rhamnoides of Elaeagnaceae.

It is mainly distributed in North China, Northwest and Southwest.

Most plants grow in places where water and grass are lush.

But the stubborn seabuckthorn

It happens to grow in the Gobi desert.

It is extremely resistant to drought and sand.

Even in saline-alkali land with a bad environment

It can also take deep roots and grow savagely.

The seabuckthorn forest in the desert

Hippophae rhamnoides bear fruit in September-October.

The ripe fruit is orange.

Round and plump, surrounded by the branches

Like a flaming fire in the desert.

The fruit will hang on the branches when it is ripe.

Even on a snowy day

These small flames still bear frost flowers.

Burning fiercely

It's like "a fire in winter".

The gray-green leaves of Hippophae rhamnoides are thin and narrow.

But woven densely into a network.

Shelter the fruit from the wind, sand and sun.

Because the leaves look like willow leaves and the fruit is sour.

So Hippophae rhamnoides is also called "sour willow".

Hippophae rhamnoides is still a little guy covered with thorns.

The man who stole it was accidentally cut in his hand.

Xinjiang herdsmen often use seabuckthorn branches to circle sheep.

The long, dense thorns are like natural weapons

A wild boar or a hungry wolf dare not come near.

If you want to pick and collect seabuckthorn fruit

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

Not only have to endure the sharp thorn in the hand

And one by one, pick carefully.

So as not to break the fragile coat of the fruit.

Work so hard all day.

You'll be frustrated to find

Not even half the basket was full.

Think of what Thoreau said in Wild Fruit:

"Nature has prepared these really good fruits.

Not any vulgar person can take it away.

Only to be moved and grateful

People who are both careful and careful deserve to be picked. "

Seemingly mediocre seabuckthorn

In fact, there is a lot of energy hidden in the body.

The roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides

Rich in 428 beneficial active ingredients

It is called "the most perfect medicinal plant in the world".

Tibetan Medicine first recorded the Medicinal value of Hippophae rhamnoides

"warm in nature and sour in taste

For relieving cough, relieving asthma, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. "

Hippophae rhamnoides fruit is rich in vitamin C.

The vitamin C content can reach 825-1100 mg per 100g juice.

2-3 times as much as other fruits

It has the laudatory name of "king of vitamin C".

The seed oil content of Hippophae rhamnoides is high.

Can extract pure natural vegetable oil

A yellow or orange-red transparent liquid

It exudes a unique fragrance.

Seabuckthorn oil can not only be used for cooking.

Or a star in the field of beauty and skin care.

Seabuckthorn oil is rich in vitamin C and total flavonoids of Hippophae rhamnoides.

It has the function of whitening and antioxidation.

Is an important ingredient in many skin care products.

This special component of total flavonoids of Hippophae rhamnoides

It is also very friendly to the three high people.

There are lower cholesterol, lower hypertension,

Soften blood vessels.

In addition, seabuckthorn contains a large number of amino acids, organic acids and other components.

Can promote the secretion of gastric acid and gastric juice.

It has the effect of eliminating food and resolving stagnation, invigorating spleen and nourishing stomach.

Delicious made of seabuckthorn

It can almost be written into a cookbook.

Needless to say about seabuckthorn fruit

The juice of Hippophae rhamnoides is sour and sweet.

There is a delicate and soft pulp at the bottom of the bottle

More mellow than ordinary fruit juice.

Children love to eat fudge made from seabuckthorn.

The surface is covered with sugar

Neutralizes the acid of seabuckthorn fruit

Q is flexible, sweet and sour and delicious.

Girls who love DIY desserts

The sugar-stained seabuckthorn fruit embellished the cake

Not only is he small and cute.

It can also appetizer and relieve tiredness.

The jam made from seabuckthorn is very rich.

Add the right amount of cereal and yogurt

A quick and healthy breakfast will be ready.

Seabuckthorn fruit mixed with salad

Sour, sweet and refreshing, suitable for appetizers

It is also a creative dish!

Girls who keep fit and lose weight must know about enzymes.

But have you ever heard of Hippophae rhamnoides?

In a washed and dry glass bottle

Put in seabuckthorn, apple, lemon and rock candy

Finally, pure water seal is added.

Stir with a spoon once a day

Wait for seven days after fermentation

The sweet and sour sea buckthorn enzyme is ready!

The finished product smells of alcohol slightly, so don't drink it when driving.

Drink tea with seabuckthorn fruit

It's also one of the ways to kill time.

You can use fresh or sun-dried fruit

Add some seabuckthorn jam for seasoning.

This cup of warm fruit tea is full of autumn flavor.

In addition to the fruit, the leaves of seabuckthorn can also make tea.

Pick fresh seabuckthorn leaves

After drying, baking, stir-frying and other steps

It is made into the famous seabuckthorn tea.

Sea buckthorn tea is called health tea.

It has the effect of recuperating intestines and stomach, detoxification and ventilation.

Hippophae rhamnoides leaves can also make porridge and stew.

Like a spice with a unique taste.

It can be fresh and fishy, and increase the flavor of the food.

Since Hippophae rhamnoides is full of treasures, it is time to become an Internet celebrity like avocado, but the opposite is true.

Over the years, supermarkets can easily buy imported drinks from all over the world, but it is difficult to find seabuckthorn juice.

It is even more difficult to see wild seabuckthorn trees.

The last time Paeonia lactiflora saw wild seabuckthorn was on the Gobi Desert in Dunhuang. Under the vast blue sky, tall seabuckthorn trees grow wantonly, branches and leaves open, as if to be on a par with white clouds.

The fruit of Hippophae rhamnoides is crumbling in the afternoon sun, and fresh water can be pinch out.

Paeonia lactiflora seems to be back to its childhood.

The sky was blue and the clouds were high, climbing up the hillside

Once again, I can't help but pick a few seabuckthorn fruits.

Throw it in your mouth.

Well, this time it's a familiar sweet and sour taste.


The pictures in this article are from Vision China and instagram.