
Culture method of alpinia officinarum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Alpinia officinarum, also known as alpinia officinarum, ginger, striped alpinia, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Zingiberaceae, and is a horticultural species of alpinia officinalis. Alpinia angustifolia prefers high temperature climate, and the optimum temperature for growth is 22-28C. Not resistant to cold, safe overwintering temperature is 5C

Alpinia officinarum, also known as alpinia officinarum, ginger, striped alpinia, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Zingiberaceae, and is a horticultural species of alpinia officinalis.

Alpinia angustifolia prefers high temperature climate, and the optimum temperature for growth is 22-28 °C. It is not cold-resistant and the safe overwintering temperature is 5 °C. When the plant was below 4 °C, the plant stopped growing, the leaves turned yellow and withered gradually. If it occurs, the aboveground part should be cut off in time, and the underground rhizome should be dug out and placed in indoor sand storage to keep the room temperature at about 10 °C. Alpinia officinalis is sensitive to light. Bright light can make the color of the leaf more bright and eye-catching. Flower leaf alpinia officinalis likes the humid environment, because of its large leaf surface and large water transpiration, it should be fully watered during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist and not dry. When the basin soil is dry, the leaves curl, the plants are weak and depressed, and the sprouting decreases, even leading to the scorched edge of the leaves. Alpinia angustifolia likes the environment with high relative humidity. When the plant is too dry, the plant will grow poorly, the leaf color will not be bright, and the focal tip will be produced. Therefore, in the growing season, especially in summer, foliar water should be sprayed to the stems and leaves and the surrounding environment to improve the relative humidity of the air and make the golden stripes on the leaves more beautiful.

Alpinia officinalis is very resistant to fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once every 7-10 days in the seedling stage, and then once or twice a month. Attention should be paid to the cooperation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and simple application of nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided to make the markings on the leaves more bright. When there is enough water and fertilizer, the leaves are broad, bright and beautiful; when the fertilizer is insufficient, the leaves become smaller and the stripes on the leaves become blurred. When the water is insufficient, the light is too strong and the environment is too dry, the scorched tip will appear in the leaves. After the occurrence, the scorched part will be cut off according to the leaf shape with scissors. Because the stem is fragile and the leaf is large, it is easy to break and damage when moving, so when moving the plant or moving around the plant, the damage of stem and leaf should be avoided. Alpinia officinalis was turned once every 1 ~ 2 years in spring, and the aged stems, leaves and roots were cut off when turning the basin. Like loose and fertile sandy loam with good drainage and good moisture retention, the matrix can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, garden soil, plain sand or perlite and other materials.

The difference between alpinia officinarum and ginger _ culture method of alpinia officinarum

Content Abstract: alpinia officinalis, alias as colorful leaf ginger, alpinia officinalis, colorful leaf ginger and so on, the plant is recorded in the family Zingiberaceae and is an herbaceous plant variety with ornamental and medicinal value as its main value. The next part of this article is to introduce to you the difference between alpinia officinarum and ginger, as well as the culture method of alpinia officinalis.

[the difference between alpinia officinalis and ginger]

Ginger and alpinia officinalis are both recorded in Zingiberaceae, but there is a fundamental difference between them.

The first difference of ▍: morphological characteristics

Alpinia angustifolia, plant height can reach more than 1 meter, mostly potted maintenance, leaf margin is slightly longer, mostly about 50 cm, width is about 15 cm, its flower color is extremely gorgeous, about June, it will blossom countless, the total bud is white, the edge is yellow.

Ginger, we are not strange, can be directly used as ingredients of ginger, plant height of less than 1 meter, and its flowering is not obvious, about autumn flowering, the size of about 9 mm.

The second difference of ▍: efficacy

Alpinia officinalis can only be used for garden beautification, which belongs to ornamental varieties, so it is suitable for pot conservation and does not have edible value.

Ginger, on the contrary, its main value is mainly edible, the most common edible methods, such as ginger tea, stir-frying ingredients, ginger cold, but medicine can achieve the role of removing moisture, it belongs to the stomach, heart and lung, the effect is very significant.

[cultivation method of alpinia officinalis]

Alpinia officinalis, suitable for conservation in tropical areas, prefer to grow in early high temperature environment, the best growth temperature range is between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius, and the lowest temperature in winter is about 5 degrees Celsius.

▍ ramet propagation

The reproduction of the fruit of alpinia officinarum is not strong, so the most commonly used propagation method is ramet, and the plant grows very fast, so it can be tillered directly every spring.

The best time: April-October.

Remove the rhizome directly, prune it a little, split it into two with a sharp weapon, then split it into four, and then pot it directly, or plant it in the open ground.

▍ growth management

Watering: the planting soil of alpinia officinarum should have a certain degree of drainage, so it can be watered once a day, and appropriate amount of water needs to be sprayed to the page every day to improve the surrounding humidity of the plant.

Fertilization: alpinia officinarum can be fertilized once in the growing season, the main choice is to apply phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, the fertilization time should be carried out after the end of the growing period, and then it can be applied every half a month.

Temperature: alpinia officinalis is not cold-resistant, its growth environment temperature should be controlled above 18 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature is 32 degrees Celsius.

Diseases and pests: alpinia officinalis, the most common disease pest, mainly yellow leaf disease, beetle, brown spot, can be in its growing period, then regularly spray diluted carbendazim, can effectively prevent.

Summary: the above mainly introduces the main contents of alpinia officinarum, aiming at the difference between alpinia officinalis and ginger, as well as its breeding methods in detail. I hope it can be helpful to you.

Culture method of alpinia officinarum

Culture method of alpinia officinarum

The basic data of alpinia officinarum

Scientific name: Alp ini a zerumber cv. Variegata

Alias: striped moon peach, flower leaf gorgeous alpinia officinalis, flower leaf month peach, spot leaf moon peach.

Families and genera: Zingiberaceae, alpinia. It is a cultivated variety of alpinia officinalis.

Perennial evergreen herbs, 1-2 m tall, tufted. The rhizome is unripe. Leaves leathery, rectangular round-lanceolate, 50 cm long and 10 cm wide, dark green on the surface, with golden yellow longitudinal markings. Flowering from June to July, panicles drooping, bracts white, margin yellow, top and base pink, Corolla white.

The leaves of alpinia officinarum are bright green and inlaid with beautiful golden markings, dazzling, elegant and chic; the white flowers at the top of the stem in summer and autumn are crystal clear, elegant and beautiful, white and clean. Balconies, windowsills, offices and conference rooms can be used for greening decoration, and its leaves are also good matching materials for flower arrangement.

[propagation of alpinia officinalis] sowing and ramets.

(1) sowing: the seeds are harvested when they are ripe and sown immediately. The suitable temperature for germination is 20 ~ 25 °C and germinates 15 ~ 20 days after sowing. When sowing, the temperature should be high, 1 (TC below the germination is difficult, and easy to cause seed rot.

(2) ramet: dig out the underground rhizome, cut off the aboveground part of the stem and leaves, cut the rhizome into small segments of 8 cm and 10 cm, each with 2 or 3 stems, or combine with turning the basin in spring, the old plant is divided into several clusters, each with 3 or 4 branches, and then planted separately. Plant in a semi-shaded place, and when the new buds grow to 20 cm high, move to the sun for maintenance. If the ramets encounter rainy weather, it is easy to cause rot, it is appropriate to avoid the rain, or soak in carbendazim 500 times solution for 10 minutes before planting.

[key points of planting and cultivation of alpinia officinalis]

(1) temperature: like high temperature climate, the most suitable temperature for growth is 22-28 °C. It is not cold-resistant and the safe overwintering temperature is 5 °C. When the plant was below 4 °C, the plant stopped growing, the leaves turned yellow and withered gradually. If it occurs, the aboveground should be cut off in time, and the underground rhizome should be dug out and placed in indoor sand storage, keeping the room temperature at about 10 °C. if the air temperature is lower than 0 °C, the rhizome will be frozen and rotten; the rhizome of sand storage will be replanted in the following spring.

(2) Light: the response to light is sensitive. Bright light can make the color of the leaf more bright and eye-catching. Although it can tolerate semi-shade, for a long time, the golden stripes on the leaves will gradually blur, the green parts will increase, and even the leaves will yellowing; and the plant will sprout, and the stems and leaves will be sparse and thin, thus hindering viewing. Also can not bear the strong sunlight exposure, when the light is too strong, the leaf curls, burns the scorched edge, the leaf color turns yellow and loses luster. Shading should be carried out from May to September.

(3) watering: like the humid environment, because of the large leaf surface and large water transpiration, it should be fully watered during the growing period to keep the basin soil moist and not dry. When the basin soil is dry, the leaves curl, the plants are weak and depressed, and the sprouting decreases, even leading to the scorched edge of the leaves. But it should not be too wet, when the basin soil is too wet, the leaves wilt, turn yellow, and even rot roots die. It is necessary to control water in winter, as long as the basin soil is slightly moist.

(4) Environmental humidity: prefer the environment with higher relative humidity of the air. When the plant is too dry, the plant will grow poorly, the leaf color will not be bright, and the focal tip will be produced. Therefore, in the growing season, especially in summer, foliar water should be sprayed to the stems and leaves and the surrounding environment to improve the relative humidity of the air and make the golden stripes on the leaves more beautiful.

(5) fertilization: very resistant to fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once every 7-10 days in the seedling stage, and then once or twice a month. Attention should be paid to the cooperation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and simple application of nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided to make the markings on the leaves more bright. When there is enough water and fertilizer, the leaves are broad, bright and beautiful; when the fertilizer is insufficient, the leaves become smaller and the stripes on the leaves become blurred. In order to improve the cold resistance of the plant, it is necessary to stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and topdressing it for 2 or 3 times after autumn. Stop applying fertilizer in winter.

(6) pruning: when the water is insufficient, the light is too strong and the environment is too dry, the focal tip of the leaf will appear. After it occurs, the scorched part will be cut off according to the leaf shape with scissors. Because the stem is fragile and the leaf is large, it is easy to break and damage when moving, so when moving the plant or moving around the plant, the damage of stem and leaf should be avoided. If it happens, the injured stems and leaves should be cut off in time. Usually, the overdense leaves should be removed at any time to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions.

(7) turn the basin; turn the basin once every 1 ~ 2 years in spring, and cut off the aged stems, leaves and roots when turning the basin. Like loose and fertile sandy loam with good drainage and good moisture retention, the matrix can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, garden soil, plain sand or perlite and other materials.

(8) pest control: there are diseases and insect pests such as brown spot, leaf blight and shell insects.

[common problems in planting and cultivation of alpinia officinalis]

Common problems: leaf yellowing ① light is too strong; ② basin soil is too dry; ⑤ air is too dry

When the leaves turn yellow, the markings on the leaves become not ① low temperature; ② is too overcast or the light is too strong; ⑤ is obviously underwatered; ④ environment humidity is insufficient.