
Culture method of Jasper Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasper flowers like to grow in loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage and rich in humus, and their growth potential is poor in clay. Generally, the substrate can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, river sand and a small amount of rotten organic fertilizer, and better mixed cultivation of peat soil and perlite can be selected. Prefer semi-overcast or scattered light

Jasper flowers like to grow in loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage and rich in humus, and their growth potential is poor in clay. Generally, the substrate can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, river sand and a small amount of rotten organic fertilizer, and better mixed cultivation of peat soil and perlite can be selected. Like semi-overcast or scattered light, in addition to sufficient light in winter, other seasons need a little shading, especially in summer. Under semi-shade, the leaf color is brighter and the gloss is better, especially the variegated leaf variety, the demand for sunlight is a little higher. I like a warm environment. Like the moist growth environment, grow luxuriantly in the high humidity environment, and the leaf color is bright. Keeping high air humidity is very beneficial to the growth of plants. Prefer water to drought. It is best to use diluted fertilizer solution instead of clear water to irrigate, and the fertilizer is mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, followed by phosphorus fertilizer.

The pruning of Jasper flowers and the newly propagated seedlings will increase the number of branches when the seedlings are about 9 centimeters high, so that the plant type is fuller and the appreciation value is higher. The pruning of large plants is generally determined according to the growth trend, short cut and long branches, which can be used as cutting material, easy to take root, can be planted in clean river sand or vermiculite, or directly in sandy soil. Propagation can also be carried out by leaf cuttings and ramets, which need to be cut upright or slightly tilted in the river sand with petioles to keep the substrate moist and high air humidity.

The culture method of Jasper flower, how to raise Jasper flower

Jasper flower is a kind of green plant which is very suitable for raising indoors. Jasper flower is bright in color and green in nature. Green leaf Jasper, also known as Douban Green, Pepper Grass, Emerald Pepper Grass, is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Piperaceae. Plant height 20-25cm, stem round, branched, light green with purplish red markings. Leaves alternate, slightly fleshy, long oval, dark green, glossy, as long as 15cm, base cuneate, petiole short. Jasper spikes, 2.5-18cm long, florets green and white, total pedicels shorter than spikes, smooth and glabrous.

Jasper flower pictures

Culture method of Jasper Flower

Because it originally grew in a warm and moist semi-shady environment and is not resistant to cold, its growth environment needs to be well controlled.

1. Jasper flower culture method: soil selection

Jasper flowers like more fertile soil, it is recommended to use sandy soil, because sandy soil can be mixed with some organic fertilizer, such flowers will grow better. In addition, the drainage of sandy soil will be better.

2. Jasper flower culture method: sufficient light

Jasper flowers like scattered light, do not like direct light, and copper grass, sword orchid these are different, no matter when it is recommended to scatter sunlight. Shading should be carried out in summer, but we should pay attention to one point: we must do without light, because if we do not do so, its wisdom will lead to futility. Therefore, it is recommended to grow in a semi-overcast environment.

3. Jasper flower culture method: moisture

Prefer water, not resistant to drought, watering frequently during the growing period, watering more water when the temperature is higher than 25 ℃ or when the air is dry, but also to prevent waterlogging. When the temperature is below 25 ℃, the surface of the basin soil should be watered thoroughly when the temperature is less than 10 ℃. It can be dried for several days without watering.

4. Culture method of Jasper Flower: appropriate amount of fertilizer

A small amount of fertilizer is needed when the temperature is higher than 18 ℃, and less or not when the temperature is lower than 18 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. Fertilization should be carried out in a small amount for many times, and diluted fertilizer solution instead of clear water irrigation is the best. It is not resistant to raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, and it is easy to cause fertilizer damage. Foliar spraying fertilizer solution can also be used for fertilization, and the effect is good. Fertilizers are mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, followed by phosphate fertilizer.

5. Jasper flower culture method: temperature control

Jasper flowers like warm temperatures, generally grow in spring and autumn, and pay attention to ventilation and cooling in summer. Keep warm in winter, try to keep it above 5 ℃, or it will freeze to death. Like the humid growth environment, grow luxuriantly in the humid environment, bright leaf color, when the temperature is high or the air is dry, it is necessary to strengthen foliar spraying or sprinkling water in the growth environment, in order to maintain high air humidity, which is very beneficial to the growth of plants. It can also adapt to a short dry environment, but not for a long time, generally should be kept at about 70%.

6. Daily pruning of Jasper flowers

Because it is to be watched indoors, so pruning is very necessary, when the plant is formed, some extra branches or cut short plant branches, long branches and so on. Can be beautified.

Jasper flower pictures

Jasper orchid value

As a common domestic plant, Jasper flower has a lot of value.

1, ornamental function: Jasper flowers are generally equipped with white ceramic or plastic pots, paired with green leaves, is a scenery in the home. Put it on the desk, next to the TV, Bogu shelf and other places, it will be very pleasing to the eye.

2, the efficacy of purifying the air: as a green plant, its main absorption of some radiation, generally placed next to the computer will have a very good effect.

3. Jasper flower also has medicinal value: its leaves and roots are used in medicine, which can treat rheumatism, bronchial problems, cough and lung diseases. Many of the injured drugs on the market also have their ingredients.

What are the culture methods of Jasper flowers?

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