
Pistachio orchard management

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pistachio orchard management

Pistachio is a very famous nut. It tastes very delicious and is loved by many people. In fact, pistachios need to be planted artificially. Pistachios are actually a kind of nuts called pistachio trees. Pistachios can not only be processed into nuts, but also used in food, medicine and other aspects. It is a kind of fruit tree with high planting benefit, so how should we manage it when planting? Let's take a look at it.

1. Fertilizer and water management

Pistachio needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply base fertilizer once a year to properly control the amount of fertilizer according to the number of fruit trees. The number of times of topdressing should not be less than three times a year, and the first time of water and fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer in early spring, in order to promote the growth of trees and improve nutrition absorption. Then apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer during the fruit expansion period, and finally after harvest, because most of the nutrients of the tree are concentrated in the fruit. When the fruit is harvested and there is a lack of nutrition in the season, it is necessary to supplement the nutrition of the tree, mainly farm manure, and deep ploughing work together.

2. Shaping and pruning

Pistachio is a kind of fruit tree with great demand for light, which should be properly shaped and pruned according to tree potential and tree shape in the process of planting. According to the degree of light demand and growth stage, cutting off all the branches of fruit trees, such as overdense growth, long branches and weak growth, can not only reduce nutrient consumption, but also enhance the permeability between fruit trees. When shaping and pruning, more thinning and pruning should be carried out to reduce the method of directly truncating branches. When the new shoot of the branch grows to about 55 cm, it is necessary to pick the heart of the new shoot in time to promote the growth of secondary shoots and increase the number of fruiting branches.

3. Ploughing and weeding

Intertillage weeding is a necessary work in the process of planting pistachios, at least three times a year according to the growth of soil and weeds. The first time was probably in front of the Beginning of Summer, because this period is a period of rapid growth of weeds and a period of accelerated growth of pistachios. Ploughing and weeding can promote root rooting and absorb nutrients, and then carry out the second time before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival to prevent weeds from competing with fruit trees for nutrition and water. The last time is carried out before harvest, leveling the orchard, easy to harvest.

4. Flower and fruit management

The management of happy orchard is very important. The purpose of orchard management is to strengthen the tree potential, promote blossom and fruit, and increase the application of organic fertilizer. The success rate of natural pollination of fruit trees is low, and the seed setting rate is not high, so we need to carry out artificial pollination to improve the pollination fertilization rate and fruit setting rate of pistachio. Create a good environment for fruit tree pollination and plant growth, so that its natural pollination can not control the yield, which will have a certain impact on its own economic interests.

The above is the orchard management method of pistachio planting, in fact, there is another very important thing that we need to pay special attention to. That is the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. In every article, the editor reminds everyone emphatically, because it does have a great impact on the plant. I hope you can plant it, otherwise the yield will be reduced, but it will not do you any good. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.