
The cuttings of this woody flower can live the flower pattern, have a strange and beautiful flowering period of more than half a year, and make bonsai.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Guide green potted plants is a necessary embellishment of home life, raising some flowers and plants at home, many benefits, not only can beautify the room, but also happy mood. Huasheng potted Diary No. 1361 takes you to know a super easy-to-raise woody plant.

Guide reading

Green potted plants are necessary embellishments of home life. Raising some flowers and plants at home has many benefits, which can not only beautify the room, but also please the mood. Huasheng potted Plant Diary No. 1361 takes you to know a super easy-to-raise woody plant.

Today's protagonist

The crisp autumn season is the most suitable for growing flowers. If you already have herbaceous flowers such as green roses, hanging orchids and succulent plants at home, you might as well learn about this new type of ornamental flowers and trees today-Kirin spitting beads, which has not been introduced into our country for a long time and has become a veritable "net safflower". There are a lot of people who like it.

Kirin spits beads

Kirin spit beads, because the flower shape is strange, the flower heart is like a bead, slowly spit out from the bud, shaped like dragon spitting beads, so named, verbenaceae evergreen shrubs, native to western Africa, introduced into China on a large scale in recent years, because of the unique flower shape, beautiful flowers and leaves, high ornamental value, very popular in the flower market.

Long flowering period and large number of flowers

The florescence of Kirin is also very long. It blossoms twice a year, from spring to the Summer Solstice for the first time. After a short rest in summer, it blossoms again in autumn and lasts until winter. The flowering period lasts for more than half a year. If it is placed in a greenhouse in winter, it will blossom normally if the light is sufficient.

Cuttings can live.

At the same time, Kirin spit beads is also super easy to raise flowers and trees, the plant vitality is tenacious, reproduction ability is fast, take a branch inserted into the wet soil, can quickly take root and grow, even hydroponics can be fed, without technology can be raised to blossom and burst pots. The disadvantage is that it is not cold-resistant, and the northern winter needs to be moved indoors for the winter.

Bonsai good wood

Kylin bead spitting tree has beautiful shape, good branching, resistance to pruning, and can be made into bonsai trees. It also has a certain rattan nature, can climb walls, not pruning, let it grow, but also can be built into flower walls, flower waterfalls, widely used in courtyard greening, is also a rare potted goods, bonsai good material.