
These nine kinds of flowers can blossom in full joy at home after raising a pot before and after the National Day.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, During the Spring Festival, many flower lovers will buy some flowers, which are very festive at home. In fact, there are many flowers that we can raise at home and blossom before and after the Spring Festival. Let's have a look! Ruixiang Phnom Penh Ruixiang is a variety of Ruixiang.

During the Spring Festival, many flower lovers will buy some flowers, which are very festive at home. In fact, there are many flowers that we can raise at home and blossom before and after the Spring Festival. Let's have a look!


Phnom Penh Daphne is a variety of Ruixiang, which is famous for its "color, fragrance, appearance and rhyme". It is one of the three treasures of horticulture in the world. Song "Qing Yi Lu" contains: "Lushan Ruixiang flowers, the beginning of a bhikkhu, the day sleeping on the rock, the smell of flowers in the dream is fierce, and sleep to get it, because of the name sleep." The strange of the four directions is called auspicious in the flowers, so it is named Ruixiang. "

Phnom Penh Daphne, lavender flowers, strong fragrance, are the treasures of Ruixiang flowers. Potted Phnom Penh Daphne is a good product for the Spring Festival, the blooming Ruixiang flowers, full of vitality, fragrance, unique style. However, it should be noted that this flower should not be kept indoors for a long time, because its pollen or flower fragrance may cause allergies and people feel uncomfortable.

-maintenance methods-

Phnom Penh Ruixiang sex likes the warm environment, fears the scorching sun, likes the shade, fears the cold. It should be shaded, protected from rain and strong wind in summer, and kept indoors in sunny and sheltered places in winter to maintain a room temperature of more than 8 ℃. Prefer loose, fertile, well-drained acidic soil (pH value 6 to 6. 5), avoid alkaline soil. When planting, we should choose half-yin and half-yang, deep topsoil and moist soil. In order to avoid direct sunlight, and can be exposed to sunlight in winter, the method of mixed planting with deciduous trees and shrubs is often used. Transplantation can be carried out in both spring and autumn, but it is suitable to be transplanted in spring flowering or Meiyu period. Adult trees are not resistant to transplant, so you must bring as much lodging soil as possible and re-cut it.

-florescence regulation-

Phnom Penh Daphne trees beautiful, round crown, thick soft leaves, whirling branches, flowers fragrance, meaning auspicious, ornamental in early spring and February flowering period is the best. If it is necessary to blossom ahead of time, the watering water temperature should be increased one month before flowering. It can blossom half a month in advance, and the flowering period can be prolonged by withholding water during the full flowering period.


Cartland, also known as Gardliara, is one of the most famous orchids in the world, originating from Brazil, with colors such as white, yellow, green, red and purple. Cartland flowers are large, elegant and gorgeous, delicate and colorful, fragrant flowers, internationally known as "king of orchids", "queen of orchids", is the national flower of Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and other countries.

-maintenance methods-

Cartland likes warm, humid and sufficient light. The overwintering temperature is about 15 ℃ at night and 20-25 ℃ during the day. It is very important to maintain a large temperature difference between day and night, let alone higher than the day temperature. In a semi-overcast environment, 50% and 60% of the light should be covered in spring, summer and autumn. Potted plants such as fern roots, moss and bark are usually used. High air humidity, proper fertilization and ventilation are needed during the growth period.

-the Spring Festival blossoms-

If Cartland blossoms during the Spring Festival, the easiest way is to choose varieties with different flowering periods, such as winter flowers and early spring varieties, such as' big eyes', 'foreign port', 'red rose' and so on, which can blossom from January to March.


The daffodils are stationed in Fangxin for more than a month, and the characters are green. The ancients often compared daffodils to fairies, and daffodils have been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years. After thousands of years of breeding, daffodils have become one of the best daffodils in the world and one of the top ten traditional flowers in China. At the same time, orchids, chrysanthemums and calamus are called Siya.

-the habits of daffodils-

Daffodils like plenty of sunshine, tenacious vitality, can withstand semi-shade, not cold-resistant. It grows in autumn and winter, blossoms in early spring and dormancy in summer. Narcissus like light, water, fertilizer, suitable for warm, humid climatic conditions, like fertile sandy soil. It likes cool in the early stage of growth, slightly hardy in the middle stage and warm in the later stage. Therefore, it requires a climate environment with no severe cold in winter, no heat in summer and rainy in spring and autumn.

-hydroponics of daffodils-

Families seldom use soil culture, and the simplest way to preserve daffodils is hydroponic culture. Put the germinated daffodils upright in a shallow basin, and 1/3 of the bulbs should be flooded with water. The bulbs in the basin are fixed with quartz sand, pebbles and so on.

When maintaining, you should give enough light, put it in a sunny place during the day, and put it under the light at night, so as to prevent the stems and leaves of daffodils from growing, so that the leaves of daffodils are short, wide and strong, with thick green leaves and fragrant flowers.

Water to raise daffodils, generally do not need fertilization, only water can be used. If there are conditions, if you apply some available phosphate fertilizer during flowering, the flowers can bloom better.

-florescence control of daffodils-

If you want to postpone flowering, you can take the method of lowering the water temperature, or pour out the basin water in the evening and add clean water the next day. If you want to promote flowers, you can warm the water, the water temperature should be close to the body temperature.

-post-anthesis care of daffodils-

After the daffodils fade, the daffodils can be buried in the sunny sand, and the leaves can be preserved naturally. About a month later, the leaves begin to wither and dormancy, the bulbs can be dug up, the whisker roots can be cut off, the withered and yellow leaves can be cut off, and then the bulbs will be buried in the soft soil at a depth of about 10 centimeters.

Wait until the early winter, and then dig out the bulbs buried in the soil, the old bulbs will rot and become empty, but at this time some new bulbs will grow. Pick out those bulbs with large buds, wash the soil above, and after carbendazim is easy to soak, you can carve it into water. The smaller bulbs can be grown in the soil for another year, and then dug out for aquaculture after they are strong in the following year.


Cyclamen, also known as radish and begonia, a crown, rabbit ear flower, etc., belongs to Primulaceae cyclamen perennial herbaceous bulbous flowers. Cyclamen plant shape, moderate height, long florescence, generally blooming from October to May of the following year, the flower shape is unique, some have sweet fragrance, very popular.

-cyclamen to maintain-

Cyclamen is warm and afraid of heat and grows best in a cool environment and in a fertile sandy loam rich in humus. More cold-resistant, can withstand 0 ℃ of low temperature will not be frozen. The growth season is from autumn to spring in the second year. The growth temperature is semi-dormant in summer, and the suitable growth temperature in winter is between 12-16 ℃. The promotion of flowering should not exceed 18-22 ℃. Plants above 0 ℃ will enter dormancy. Plants above 35 ℃ are easy to rot and die, and can tolerate low temperature in winter, but grow slowly below 5 ℃, with dim flower color and few flowering. Carbon dioxide supplementation in winter can promote growth and flowering. During the growing period, an environment with moist air and plenty of sunshine is required.

-post-anthesis care-

After the cyclamen flowers fade, the aboveground parts will gradually wither with the increase of temperature and enter the state of summer dormancy. Summer dormancy period, even flowerpot put cool, ventilated north balcony or room, as usual management, watering, still want to water thoroughly, keep the bulb hard. No fertilizer is applied during dormancy. When the weather turns cooler and autumn comes, it will sprout again and enter the next round of growing season.


Camellia, also known as Camellia, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Theaceae. Originated in China, it is one of the famous traditional flowers in China. Camellia is cherished by the horticultural world and loved by many flower friends because of its beautiful plants, bright green leaves and colorful flowers.

Camellia blossoms for a long time, blooming from October to May of the following year, and the blooming period is usually from January to March.

-Camellia conservation-

Camellia fear the wind and enjoy the sun, high terrain, good ventilation, warm and moist, good drainage, loose and fertile sandy loam, loess or humus. PH5.5-6.5is the best. The optimum temperature is between 20-32 ℃, stop growing when the temperature is above 29 ℃, and the leaves will be anxious at 35 ℃, which requires a certain temperature difference. The environmental humidity is more than 70%, and most varieties can withstand the low temperature of-8 ℃ (natural overwintering, Yuncha is slightly less resistant to cold). In the south of Huaihe River, it can generally survive the winter and like acid soil, and requires good air permeability.

-multiple flowering methods-

Camellia flower buds are formed on the branches of the same year, and the residual flowers should be removed in time when the leaf buds germinate from March to April. The mature rarefied liquid fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, was applied every 7 days or so, for a total of 3 times.

After May, the new branches began to differentiate into flower buds and gradually formed buds. Applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer every 10 days or so for 3-4 times is beneficial to the formation of flower buds. There is no need to apply nitrogen fertilizer at this time, otherwise it will draw out new branches and cause buds to fall.

Longevity flower

Longevity flower, also known as longevity flower, dwarf cabbage, Christmas cabbage, is perennial evergreen succulent and succulent flowers of crassulaceae. Longevity flowers usually begin to bloom in late December and last until early May of the following year, hence the name longevity flowers. Longevity is rich in flowers and colors, and the ornamental effect is excellent, which can not only beautify the environment, but also add to the winter festival atmosphere.

-longevity flower conservation-

Longevity flowers prefer a warm, moist and sunny environment. It is not cold-resistant, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃. If the high temperature exceeds 30 ℃ in summer, the growth will be blocked. The indoor temperature in winter should be 12-15 ℃. Less than 5 ℃, the leaves became red and the florescence was delayed. Drought resistance, lax requirements on the soil, fertile sandy loam is better. Longevity flowers are short-day plants and are sensitive to photoperiod. When the plants with good growth and development were treated with short-day light (8-9 hours per day) for 3-4 weeks, the buds could blossom.

-the reason for not blooming-

Longevity flowers like light, long-term lack of light will inhibit plant growth, flowering will also be affected. Can let longevity flowers receive a certain amount of light every day, usually can also be turned, so that plants receive light evenly, flowering is also uniform.

Longevity flowers prefer fertilizer, and nitrogen fertilizer should be used in the growing period to promote the growth of stems and leaves. Pre-flowering can be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote flowering. After flowering, nitrogenous liquid fertilizer can be applied to promote its rejuvenation. If there is no fertilization for a long time, the flower is small, the florescence is short, or even does not blossom.

boat orchids

Cymbidium is a variety group bred by apophytic species, vertical species and some ground orchids of the genus Cymbidium after more than 100 years of artificial hybridization. Cymbidium has long green leaves, rough flower posture, bold and magnificent, with the delicate and elegant fragrance of the national orchid, but also the rich and colorful of the orchid, deeply loved by flower lovers.

-maintenance methods-

Cymbidium likes slightly acidic water, is sensitive to calcium and magnesium ions in water, and has high requirements for water quality, and Rain Water irrigation is the most ideal. Higher air humidity is needed during the growing period. For example, the humidity is too low, the plant growth is poor, the root growth is slow and small, the leaf becomes thick and narrow, and the leaf color is yellow. Generally speaking, Cymbidium is afraid of dry but not wet.

Cymbidium bogey direct sunlight, need sufficient scattered light, summer strong light need to shade about 50%. Autumn sunshine can be a little more, which is conducive to flower bud formation and overwintering, and can be placed in greenhouse light in winter.

The suitable growth temperature is 25 ℃ in daytime and 10 ℃ at night. If the temperature is higher than 20 ℃ at night, it will wither the bud or affect flowering. The winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, but it should not be higher than 15 °C, otherwise the flower bud will suddenly elongate.

Cymbidium prefers fertilizer, and can apply 0.1-0.2% nitrogen-based compound fertilizer or rotten thin cake fertilizer once a week during the growing period. In the bud stage, the available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in advance.

-florescence management-

The optimum temperature during flowering was 8 ℃ to 15 ℃, which could not be placed next to the high temperature and dry radiator. The low temperature flowers with a long time of 2 ℃ to 3 ℃ were watered once every 3 days. The bud turned yellow and could not open. If the room temperature is too high, higher than 18 ℃, the bud is easy to yellowing and falling off, and the whole flowering period is shortened. When 70% of the flowers wither, the flowers should be cut off from the base as soon as possible to reduce the unnecessary nutrient consumption in the plant.


Kumquat in the Spring Festival is mainly to watch the fruit, tangerine for good luck, gold for wealth, kumquat also has the meaning of auspicious wealth. The golden orange tree can be placed at home or as a gift. Putting some kumquats in the fruit basket for New year greetings is a good way of blessing. It should be noted that when choosing and buying potted oranges, you must choose full fruit, because the fruit is sparse with "bad luck", the fruit color should be ruddy, and the branches and leaves should be green without yellow leaves.

Kumquat is slightly tolerant to shade, likes warm and humid climate, and is not resistant to cold. Freezing injury occurs when the temperature is below-7 ℃. It is suitable for growing in deep and fertile neutral to slightly acidic sandy loam. Potted oranges like bright and ventilated environment, like sunny places, such an environment is conducive to the healthy growth of oranges, high flowering rate, full fruit, strong luster.

-Management after the year-

Years later, remember to change the tangerine soil, remove half of the old soil, remove part of the surrounding fine roots, remember not to hurt the main root, add some new soil, and apply multi-element chemical fertilizer around the basin to compact the soil. Get rid of all the fruit, prune part of the branches and leaves, cut off about 1/3 of the height, cut off the withered branches and leaves, leaving strong branches and leaves to grow new buds.


Phalaenopsis is a perennial evergreen epiphytic herbaceous flower of Phalaenopsis in Orchidaceae. Because its flowers are shaped like butterflies and have butterfly-like beauty, they are named Phalaenopsis. There are many varieties of Phalaenopsis, the flower shape and color are varied, the flower posture is very beautiful, and it is deeply loved by people.

The thick white air roots of Phalaenopsis are exposed around the leaves, which not only absorb nutrients in the air, but also grow and photosynthesis. During the Spring Festival, Phalaenopsis plants draw long pedicels from their leaf axils and blossom like butterflies, which are favored by flower fans and are known as the "queen of foreign orchids".

Phalaenopsis likes high temperature, high humidity, ventilation and semi-overcast environment. The overwintering temperature is not less than 15 degrees. Because Phalaenopsis was born in the tropical rain forest, it likes to be warm and afraid of cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-30 ℃, and it will stop growing below 15 C in winter, and it is easy to die below 10 ℃.

-florescence management-

During flowering, the temperature should be kept at 10: 15 ℃, watering should be carried out at 10:00, and the water temperature should be controlled at 18: 20 ℃. To avoid sprinkling water on the flowers, drip irrigation or injection can be used. Pay attention to ventilation after watering, so that the residual moisture can be dispersed as soon as possible. Pay attention to replenish air humidity and apply a small amount of fertilizer.

-Post-anthesis management-

The withered flowers should be cut off as soon as possible after the flowers are withered. For the more robust orchid plants, they can be cut off from the base of 4-5 nodes and blossom again after 2-3 months. However, the nutrient consumption of the plant is too high, which is not conducive to the growth of the coming year. If you want to bloom again in the coming year, you'd better cut off the base of the flower diameter.

The prices of these flowers have skyrocketed in the Spring Festival.

Why don't we raise a pot now!

Show it to the flower friends who need it.