
When Grandpa died, he took countless beautiful photos of the sea of flowers for his grandmother. Don't let the regrets of the rest of your life replace the companionship of this life.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Recently, the annual moments photography competition has begun, and April has also been painted by various beautiful photos: sunshine and beach, ancient town, Disneyland. Three or five friends met on the road with a big smile. It was found in April that young people prefer to be with friends.

Recently, the annual moments photography competition has begun, and April has also been painted by various beautiful photos: sunshine and beach, ancient town, Disneyland. Three or five friends met on the road with a big smile.

In April, it was found that young people prefer to travel with friends, but few people are willing to accompany their parents. When we were young, our families and loved ones were our dependence; when we grew up, we flew to the wider world, but forgot that there was a follow behind us.

Not long ago, my colleague Xiaocheng Jun in April wrote an article about several stories about companionship. I was moved to tears in April. I will share it with you today. If you are cute, you should remember to send greetings to your family.

Papa Was a Rodeo

I Already Love You

Sara Lov


{Shaoyao girl Vol.898}


The best companionship

One day, those who love us will leave us.

If we don't spend time with them or even remember to take a picture of them, will we regret it when the day of parting really comes?

Like most people, YASUTO never thought about it until he stripped off the first bitter sugar in his life.

A cool breeze blew, and Grandma's gray hair was blown up by the wind. He felt sad and said, "Grandma, when I come back from this business trip, I must take a picture of you under the tree full of cherry blossoms."

Grandma's long gloomy face suddenly burst into a smile, and her reply was full of expectation. So I had the first picture of cherry blossoms taken for Grandma in the YASUTO camera.

"Grandma, you can just sit under the tree and touch Ah Fu like that."

Grandma was a little hard of hearing and didn't seem to hear clearly. YASUTO ran over and whispered it in Grandma's ear. When he came back and picked up the camera, Grandma was gently smiling and touching Ah Fu.

With a click, YASUTO finally had the first picture of Grandma in her camera.

Ah Fu is the firewood dog next to Grandma.

Of course one is not enough.

In spring, the beauty of Yu opened all over the mountains.

YASUTO took the camera and yelled at Grandma in the flowers:

"Grandma, turn around!"


A look back photo of his favorite grandmother was born.

In May, hydrangea blossoms

Made all the girls go to take photos.

YASUTO estimated that the hydrangeas in Okayama Prefecture are the most beautiful.

In total with my brother.

Take grandma and go out.

While Grandma was tired of walking and had a rest.

Click, another one.

Wait until the summer

Hiroshima sunflowers are the best.

Can't wait to pull Grandma.

Under the lens of YASUTO

Sunflowers all over the ground have become a foil.

The smiling faces of Grandma and Ah Fu became the most beautiful picture.

From last year to this year

YASUTO took nearly a hundred such beautiful pictures of Grandma.

He uploaded these photos to ins.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly attracted likes from 10W + strangers.

Many people praise their grandma for her beauty under these photos. Together with Ah Fu, the firewood dog, she looks very warm and happy.

Some people think of their relatives, "want to cry, my grandmother died, but I did not take a picture of her, even, I seldom accompany her."

YASUTO stared at the sentence on the screen for a long time, and tears ran down unconsciously in the darkness.

He understood the feeling of regret.

As a photographer, a portrait photographer who has been taking pictures for 15 years, he has never taken a picture of his grandfather. Even, Grandpa's portrait was taken by Grandpa himself on a tripod.

At that moment, he knew what it was like to regret.

When YASUTO's grandfather died three years ago, he was stunned when he heard the news while he was on a business trip.

In my memory, the grandfather who always smiled and watched him play football with his grandmother, the grandfather who made him a Trojan horse, and the grandfather who took him by the hand to the store to buy snacks.

The grandfather, who always reassured him and told him to pay attention to his health, left him, but he didn't accompany him well because he was busy, and he didn't even see him for the last time.

We always say that we are busy, so busy that we ignore the joys and sorrows of the most important people around us, and let gray hair and wrinkles slip into the few years they have left.

They were so busy that their straight backs were bent by the years, but we didn't find it.

Do you still remember the CCTV A4 paper that became popular some time ago?

If you calculate according to the average age of 75, life is only 900 months, draw a 30X30 table, a piece of A4 paper is enough.

If you paint it out in a grid every month, your whole life will be on this piece of paper.

If you are 20 years old, your paper is like this.

What impressed me most was the time I spent with my parents.

After being quantified, it seems so little.

Even pitifully few.

If you can only see your parents once a year

There is only a small grid for the rest of the time!

Even if the parents are like this, the older grandparents, grandparents, they will only leave us less time. We always think that there is a lot of time in the future, but the truth of life is extremely cruel.

If you don't do some things now, it will be too late.

When YASUTO realized this, Grandpa had passed away, and all his regrets could only be turned into thoughts of him for the rest of his life.

And what worries YASUTO most is Grandma.

After Grandpa died, YASUTO's grandmother was once immersed in pain. She often sat alone in the chair she liked to sit in front of her, and she didn't feel hungry when it was time to eat.

This has been going on for a long time.

Until he picked up the camera and began to take pictures of his grandmother.

The picture under the cherry blossom tree was the first picture he took of his grandmother.

When the shutter is pressed, YASUTO sees in the camera

When the 85-year-old grandma smiled gently

He made up his mind secretly

Be sure to stay with Grandma.

Take a lot of beautiful pictures for Grandma.

You can't leave grandpa's regrets.

He knew he didn't have much time left for himself.

So as long as you see the beautiful scenery,

He took Grandma with him.

Cherry tree, Yu beauty, sunflower

By the way, and grandma's favorite wisteria.

In autumn, the maple leaves are red.

There will be a picture of Grandma and Maple Leaf.

Grandma smiles more and more.

Every time before going out to take a picture

Will also carefully match their own clothes.

Although the old people's clothes are very simple and simple.

Grandma can always match the colors very well.

No worse than the girls.

Sometimes I design some movements by myself.

For example, in the blooming Ziyang flowers.

Smell the fragrance of the flowers.

When I was at home

YASUTO will also secretly take pictures of Grandma's daily routine.

For example, Grandma is restless.

I'm using a sewing machine to make things for my family.

This sewing machine is the dowry of Grandma when she married Grandpa.

Grandma was 22 at that time.

This sewing machine has been used for more than 60 years.

YASUTO remembers a lot of clothes when he was a child.

Grandma used this sewing machine to knit for herself.

Not just grandma.

YASUTO began to focus his camera on everyone in the family.

He found that his family was laughing more and more.


Grandma is with Mom.

I laughed so much that my eyes were stitched together.

I haven't taken a picture with Grandma for a long time.

Come on, one.

But what's wrong with such a big sun?

And the home of the grocery store

Dad, mom, and brother.

I never thought about taking pictures of my family before.

Everyone in the family is getting happier.

It's not just because YASUTO takes pictures of everyone.

Instead, he spent more time on companionship.

Make your family feel cared for and loved

Or be needed.

Old people really don't have much time.

If you don't do some things, it will be too late.

Fu Xuewei, a 25-year-old girl from Chengdu

When I was a child, because my parents got divorced.

Just grew up with Grandpa.

It's a baby held in the palm of your hand.

Cute daily photos of Fu Xuewei and her grandfather

Grandpa braided her hair.

Buy her something delicious.

The girl has a fever in winter

Grandpa took her to see a doctor on a broken bike in the snow.

Then the girl's fever went down.

Grandpa fell ill.

These warm love are Xuewei's memories of her grandfather.

Two years ago, Grandpa was diagnosed with a cerebral infarction.

Looking at Grandpa's gray hair.

Holding water is a trembling hand.

Xuewei realized for the first time:

My grandfather is old.

While busy, she spends little time with her grandfather.

Time suddenly became a luxury.

Every moment with Grandpa

In Xuewei's opinion, they are all extremely precious.

She began to try not to work overtime and rushed home as soon as she got off work to have dinner with her grandparents and tell them what happened during the day.

As soon as I have a holiday, I take the old man out to Hong Kong, Macao, Beijing. Grandpa had trouble with her legs and feet, so Xuewei pushed a wheelchair to accompany her grandfather through the entire Imperial Palace.

Xuewei thought that in this way, she could make Grandpa grow old a little slower, a little slower, and spend a little longer time together.

But in September last year, she received a notice from the hospital, her grandfather was confirmed to be ill again, the doctor began to kindly remind her: after all, the old man is old.

Grandpa's greatest wish is to watch Xuewei wear a wedding dress, so Xuewei has no plans to get married.

Watching the passage of time, Grandpa is getting older, Xuewei dare not bet on tomorrow: "if Grandpa did not see my wedding photo, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

With the fastest speed to contact the wedding hall, pick out the most beautiful wedding dress, and under the pretext of going to the hospital for examination, Xuewei took her grandfather to the filming place without telling relatives and friends.

In church,

Grandpa in a plaid suit and bow tie

Gently took the hand of the granddaughter in the white wedding dress.

Wobbly down the aisle.

The old grandfather's feet and legs have long been inconvenient.

For others, a few meters of red carpet

Grandpa and grandson seem to have been walking for centuries.

The moment the camera elder brother raised the camera

Grandpa couldn't help saying:

"my granddaughter looks great in her wedding dress."

At first,

The camera boss is also worried that the wedding photos of my father and grandson are not easy to take.

But Xuewei is framed with Grandpa.

Feelings that belong to relatives naturally flow around them.

Xuewei is still like when she was a child.

Lean gently against Grandpa

There seems to be something that will never end.

She couldn't help picking up the camera.

Said he wanted to record every moment of Grandpa.

The unsmiling grandfather was so amused that he couldn't help laughing.

When Xuewei posted the wedding photos of herself and her grandfather on the Internet, a lot of praise poured in, many people were moved by the feelings of the two grandchildren, but more people began to miss their elders.

Because it is too late, many people have left their regrets for their elders.

And Xuewei is lucky, but also brave, from the love for her grandfather, let her take this group of wedding photos, leaving a happy moment belonging to the two grandchildren.

Others just thought about it, but she really did it.

Xuewei always thinks of a moment later.

When the "Wedding March" sounded

Grandpa standing on the red carpet

It seems to me that I really

Accompanied his beloved granddaughter down the aisle of marriage.

Holding the hand of my granddaughter trembled slightly.

She gave her grandfather a gentle hug

The camera records how the two grandchildren love each other at the moment.

"maybe I'll have love in the future.

There are marriages, even grand weddings.

But I will always remember Grandpa holding my hand.

The moment when I walked down the aisle. "

Also to keep the precious time with Grandpa.

A granddaughter named Shi Mengyao

Never learned to take pictures.

But took 200 pictures with Grandpa in 7 years.

Shi Mengyao and her grandfather

All she recorded were ordinary moments.

The first shot

It's like two people going out together.

Only this time, she held him instead.

Occasionally, Grandpa is full of childlike innocence.

Pick a beautiful wild flower for your granddaughter

She leaned on Grandpa's shoulder

Familiar with sense of security, just like when I was a child.

People are old and their hands are shaking badly.

The granddaughter cleans her grandfather's ears regularly.

He lay in her arms, much like a girl in her swaddling clothes

It's just that now she's grown up like an adult.

He is too old to hold her.

In these photos, I saw Shi Mengyao and her grandfather, but I seemed to see the time I spent with my grandfather.

It's just that a lot of people ignore the time they're supposed to be with.

After a series of photos of YASUTO's grandmother were forwarded by some media, he was selected for the Tokyo Photography Club Photo Club Exhibition, which he never thought of.

As a senior photographer, he always thinks that beautiful girls and magnificent scenery are attractive and have a chance to participate in the competition. looking back, what can touch people's hearts is the most touching affection that usually looks like.

But it doesn't matter to him either. It's enough for him to spend the rest of his time with the most important people in his life and do something that makes them happy.

Finally, I also hope that this National Day

Everyone can be with their families.

if possible,

Take more pictures of your family.

These will be the most precious memories in the future.

Because, companionship is the best love.

Spend too little time with your family?

Let's go and see the vast autumn colors of the desert!

Pay attention to Shaoyao Girl Dunhuang study Station

"Dunhuang savage growth" is being recruited

Sign up in blue!


The pictures in this article are from YASUTO's ins account.