
High-yield planting method of lettuce

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield planting method of lettuce

Lettuce is a very common dish, lettuce is also known as lettuce, but there are still a lot of friends think that they are not the same plant, then you have to remember, no more jokes. Lettuce contains a lot of vitamins, and lettuce leaves are also a very delicious vegetable, so what we need to learn today is how to grow lettuce to make it high yield. let's take a look at the methods brought to us by the pro-farming network.

1. Select improved varieties

After years of planting, there are more and more varieties of lettuce, and different resistant varieties have been developed according to different regions and different climates and planting environments, so we should pay attention to the selection of seeds. If you plant in spring, choose early-maturing varieties, such as red lettuce and white lettuce, but if you plant in summer and autumn, you need to choose heat-resistant varieties, such as heat-resistant two-white lettuce. There is to choose the right variety according to the local climate, because the quality of the variety is the basis of its high or low yield.

2. Land selection and preparation

The choice of planting site is the basic condition for the growth of lettuce. The soil for growing lettuce can not choose clay and relatively thick soil, because the absorption of lettuce is relatively poor, and it is impossible to grow in this kind of soil. so we'd better choose a soil with good permeability, such as sand or loam. The second is that the nursery bed should be selected in the area with higher terrain and better drainage. The soil should be deeply turned over and leveled, the soil should be fine, and a good ditch should be set up in the field to facilitate drainage.

3. Sowing seeds at the right time

The planting time of lettuce varies in different regions, and the four seasons change greatly in different regions of our country, so the best sowing season is in March and April in spring and September in autumn. Because the temperature in these periods is basically stable at about 25 degrees, and the growth cycle of lettuce is about 40 to 45 days. It can be harvested just before the high temperature and frost, so the yield and quality will not be affected. We spread the seeds evenly on the seedbed, then cover the seeds with soil, cover it with a layer of livestock manure or rotten fertilizer, and finally cover it with a plastic film, which can promote the seed germination. when the seedlings grow two leaves, they need to uncover the film, or it will burn out.

4. Reasonable close planting

When the lettuce seedlings grow about six leaves, we can transplant, usually on a cloudy morning or after rain, so that the survival rate of transplanting will be guaranteed. We plant according to the distance of 30 cm per plant and 40 cm per row, reasonable density can increase the yield of lettuce, and it is convenient to manage in the later stage.

5. Scientific management

The most important thing in field management is fertilization, weeding and watering. The growth of lettuce is mainly to make its stem grow, which usually requires three times of topdressing. The first time is about ten days after planting, mainly using fecal and urine water for irrigation, while a little urea can be mixed in the middle. Secondly, it is necessary to wait until the lettuce seedlings grow to about 25 cm for the second topdressing, mainly urea. The last time is when the stem of lettuce is swollen, we still give priority to urea and spray an appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer, because if we do not apply fertilizer, the meat quality of lettuce will be harder, affecting the quality of lettuce. In addition, each fertilization needs to be combined with watering and weeding, so that lettuce can fully absorb nutrients and promote the growth of lettuce.