
Four kinds of flowers are raised on the balcony and blossoms in explosive pots are constantly changing.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The balcony is a small world for many families to raise flowers and grass. Several kinds of flowers are raised on the balcony. When they bloom, they are colorful, very good-looking, and attract eyeballs. This flower wants to choose right, want to choose to raise the flower that is easy to burst pot, below introduce 4 kinds of flowers.

Balcony is a lot of families raise flowers and grass small world, in the balcony raise several kinds of flowers, flowering, colorful, very good-looking, eye-catching. This flower should be chosen correctly, to choose a good flower that is easy to burst pot, the following is to introduce 4 kinds of flowers for everyone, raise them on the balcony, bloom constantly let the balcony change into a sea of flowers!


Beautiful hydrangea flowers, rich in color, colorful, raised at home, a beautiful home environment at the same time, people's mood will be very good.

Hydrangea is a shade-loving plant, the cultivation process needs appropriate light, time can not be too long, but also in the strong light to do a good shade measures. At the same time need fertile moist, good drainage and rich humus loam, improve the good growth environment, can let hydrangea bloom constantly.


Margaret flowering long, colorful, burst pot into a ball of flowers look very nice.

Margaret asked for humus-rich, loose, fertile, well-drained soil. In dry seasons, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves frequently to increase air humidity.


Bougainvillea flowering long, flowers and United States, very popular with people like. Bougainvillea can bloom from April and continue to bloom during November, with full bloom from November to December.

After the triangular plum blossom, it needs to be pruned to prepare for flowering in the coming year. Reasonable pruning can make the plant bloom more. Generally, the delicate branches, excessive length and cross branches are cut off.


Pelargonium is also called hydrangea, flowers are very beautiful, ornamental strong, welcomed by the majority of the population and love.

When geraniums are grown indoors, they are placed in the sun to provide plenty of light. To meet the loose fertile, good drainage soil environment, in the growth period needs adequate water and fertilizer management, so as to ensure that the flowering gorgeous.