
Raise rich trees and green pineapple with this water every month without yellow leaves for 10 years

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fortune tree and green pineapple are common foliage plants in home life, especially green pineapple, known as lazy plant, which is one of the necessary potted plants for every family. recently, many flower friends have left messages that their own wealth trees and green turnips have been raised quickly.

Fortune tree and green pineapple are common foliage plants in home life, especially green pineapple, known as lazy plant, which is one of the necessary potted plants for every family. Recently, many flower friends have left messages that their wealth tree and green radish have been raised for almost a year. How can I not see the long man and return the yellow leaves? On the third day of the National Day, Qiu Ma shared with you how to raise green pineapple and rich trees to make them green and not yellow!

The key to raising green pineapple and rich trees:

1, reasonable watering, especially rich trees, drought resistance, must be basin soil dry and then watered, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots, yellow leaves, green apple is also the same truth, too much watering is the most likely to cause rotten roots, green radish pot planting is relatively small, take care of the pot soil before watering, when you feel that the potted soil becomes lighter and then water.

Note: many flower friends like to leave a little water in the pot to avoid lack of water, personally do not recommend this method, it is easy to cause pot roots to absorb water for a long time, but more likely to rot roots.

2, fertilization, some flower friends, may raise plants for several years, have never considered fertilization, when the lack of nutrients, it is easy to cause plant malnutrition and cause yellow leaves.

3. Change the pot. Generally speaking, when the plant grows for about 1-2 years, the nutrients of the original pot soil are basically consumed. In addition, the pot grows up, the root system is full, and the soil is lost. Therefore, it is recommended to change the pot soil every 1-2 years, after pruning the plant roots, and then replace it with new soil.

One of the above three points is indispensable. If you want to raise plants well, you can't be too lazy. Today, we will focus on sharing the fertilization methods for green pineapple and rich trees. The finished fertilizer sold on the market will not be recommended. Today, I would like to recommend a kind of homemade fertilizer.

Rich tree, green pineapple are foliage plants, like nitrogen fertilizer, suggest flower friends to use soybeans to make some good fertilizer, it is OK.

Soybean nitrogen fertilizer production method: soak the right amount of soybeans and put them in a pot to boil and cool.

How to use it:

1. After poking a hole in the edge of the flowerpot, add 2-3 grains of soybeans and cover them with soil. Each time you water the plant, the nutrients of the soybeans will slowly decompose to the roots of the plant.

2. Fill the boiled soybeans with water in a bottle and add some orange peel to a warm and ventilated place to ferment for about 40 days. when in use, dilute it with water at 1:10 and use it to water green apples and rich trees.

But note that using this method, soybean water is a little smelly when fermenting, and flower friends who mind using it with caution.

Apply thin fertilizer frequently and use it once a month in general.

The above two methods, the first kind of effect will be slower, more than a month can take effect, the second kind of quick effect, basically 20 days or so can see the wealth tree, green apple as long as the better, flower friends according to their own needs to choose their own on it.

Finally, we need to remind you that with the advent of autumn and winter, green pineapple and rich trees are a little afraid of freezing, so it is best to enter the house for maintenance to avoid frostbite.