
Knowledge of the maintenance of water guanyin

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Dishui Guanyin is a plant that likes warm, humid and slightly shaded environments, but requires sufficient sunlight during its flowering period, otherwise its spathe will take on green color, thus affecting its quality. For Dishui Guanyin, 3-5 hours of light must be guaranteed every day.

Dishui Guanyin is a plant that likes a warm, humid and slightly shaded environment, but it is required to ensure adequate sunlight during its flowering period, otherwise his bud will be green, thus affecting its quality. For dripping Guanyin, it is necessary to ensure 5 hours of light every day, otherwise its petiole will elongate and affect its ornamental value. Dishui Guanyin is not very cold-resistant, and it is moved to the greenhouse in mid-October every year. In summer, under the condition of shade, it is often sprayed with water to cool and moisturize. Dishui Guanyin is naturally fond of moist and fertile soil, which is what farmers often call "big fat and big water", so it has to be watered a small number of times during its growth.

Dishui Guanyin is a very common domesticated green potted plant at present, because it is a tropical plant, so it generally does not bloom in the north. But if the temperature and humidity at home are suitable, it may blossom. Although the requirement of dripping Guanyin on soil is not high, it is the most ideal planting method if it grows best in sandy loam or humus loam with good drainage and organic matter. More > >

When raising Guanyin, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Temperature. ≥ 18 ℃ is a critical point for the growth of Dishui Guanyin, because if the room temperature is lower than 18 ℃, it will make Dishui Guanyin go into dormancy and stop growing. More > >

Matters needing attention

Dripping Guanyin is a better place to put in the living room, but it must be noted that the stem of dripping Guanyin is poisonous. Do not break it. Once you are stained with venom, remember to rinse it with water immediately. In addition, families with children at home had better not raise them. > > more

Maintenance knowledge of Dishui Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin is also known as sea taro, trace taro, Araceae, sea taro genus.

Origin and habits: originated in South China, Southwest China and Taiwan, Southeast Asia is also distributed. Sex likes high temperature, humid and semi-overcast environment, cold tolerance, fear of drought, avoid sun exposure, fear of salinity and acidity, and it is suitable to cultivate loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam soil.

Morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen herbs. The root is slightly fleshy. Stem long, slender and smooth, climbing. Leafy branches slender, numerous, 6-12 fascicled, horizontally arranged, stems stout. The leaf is big, broad arrow shape, Buddha flame bracts yellowish green, summer flowering, fleshy spike inflorescence, like root rod-shaped. Rhizome fleshy, cylindrical, large up to 30cm, thick up to 10cm, skin tea-brown.

Conservation: the requirement of soil is not strict. Pot culture soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, river sand and a small amount of retting cake fertilizer. Change the basin once a year, the time can be arranged in early spring or late autumn. Due to watering for a long time, it is easy to lead to the consolidation of the basin soil, which can loosen the soil once a month and keep the basin soil in a good permeable state. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 to 30 degrees, to keep the soil moist, often spray water, shade. Shade tolerance, from mid-spring to mid-autumn, always give shade to cover the shade to avoid large area burns of the plant. Like to be wet, spray water on the leaves from time to time, otherwise it will cause withered edges of the leaves. Prefer fertilizer, especially increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizer.

Ornamental value: dripping Guanyin has the effect of removing dust from the air. It is a kind of warm, wet and sufficient sunshine. Generally, small and medium-sized pots can be arranged in living room, study, bedroom, conference room and so on, which can be watched for a long time. If you watch it continuously for 1-2 months in a darker room, you can still maintain a good viewing state.

Key points of maintenance of Dishui Guanyin in winter

In the cold winter, many flower lovers will worry about whether their plants can survive the winter safely. Many plants are not cold-resistant, so they need to do a good job of keeping warm in winter. Will our more common dripping Guanyin freeze to death in winter? The editor will introduce to you the relevant knowledge about whether Dishui Guanyin will freeze to death in winter.

Dishui Guanyin (details)

Will Dishui Guanyin die in winter?

In the place of origin, Dishui Guanyin is a perennial evergreen plant. In southern China, Dishui Guanyin will not die in winter and will remain green, but in the north of the Yangtze River, if it is still evergreen indoors (with heating), if there is no heating, the leaves will gradually wither and yellow. if the temperature is not too low, the leaves will be frozen, withered and yellow, and will grow again in the coming year.

Will Dishui Guanyin freeze to death?

It will freeze to death, and it will certainly freeze to death if it is planted in the northeast, but if it is in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, where the winter temperature is not very cold, although the leaves will be frostbitten, as long as the roots are well protected, the temperature rises in the first spring of the next year. Green leaves can still sprout and grow.

3. Guanyin leaves turn yellow in winter

Dishui Guanyin is a tropical plant, and it is inevitable that the leaves will turn yellow when the temperature decreases in winter. As mentioned above, as long as the roots are well protected, they can still sprout and grow in the coming year.

Dishui Guanyin is a tropical plant, so we must pay attention to the temperature when we maintain it. Temperature is very important.